The Captain's Conquest

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The Captain's Conquest Page 19

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  Michael shrugged. “He wasn’t dead the first time, as I had thought. Still, Katrina had wounded him severely enough. He shouldn’t have survived his injuries.”

  “So how?”

  “The Bible talks about entertaining angels unawares. If angels can appear, why couldn’t demons? The Bible also says we are at war against spiritual forces.”

  Lucy stopped sobbing. Jared dug into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. She blew her nose and wiped her now red and swollen eyes.

  “You ready to tell us what happened?” Jared asked softly.

  Michael sat on the nearest chair.

  Lucy let out a shuddering sigh. “My father was here.”

  Jared glanced at Michael. “When?” Jared asked.

  “While you were talking in private.”

  “What did he have to say?” Michael asked.

  “Only that he was misunderstood and wanted to be my father in truth.” She looked at Michael. “He said he was not a traitor and he needed my help to prove his innocence.”

  “He most certainly is a traitor, sprite,” Jared responded. “I wish I had ended this when he caused Theo and Valeria all that trouble last year.”

  “You couldn’t have. Doing so would have put you on the gibbet for murder, regardless of his crimes. One simply does not murder a peer of the realm.”

  “One banishes him to have him turn up again only to plague us.”

  “If you had died, I would never have met and married you,” Lucy said.

  “If I had killed your father there would never have been a need for you to be brought to London. You would have been able to live out your days in your beloved Scotland, overlooking the Loch Ness.”

  “I’m glad to have had this adventure by your side, Jared.” She kissed his cheek.

  “So, what do we do now?” Michael inquired.

  “Read the letter he left?” Jared suggested.

  “What’s with the black rose?” Lucy pointed to the flower abandoned on the floor.

  Michael crinkled his nose. He bent to pick up the rose and tossed it in the fireplace. The flames leapt to enfold it in their orange and yellow fingers, pulling it down into the wood and ashes.

  “There’s been another letter?” Lucy asked. She slipped off Jared’s lap to sit by his side, her hands folded neatly in her lap, still holding the kerchief.

  “Yes, another letter, delivered probably after your father left you,” Jared answered.

  Michael pulled the letter out of an interior coat pocket and tapped it against his hand. “I’m almost afraid to open it.”

  “He’s taunting us, baiting us, while he gets ready to spring the trap.”

  “Open the letter,” Lucy insisted.

  Jared nodded to Michael who opened it. He perused the contents silently, swallowed hard, and looked up at Jared with stark fear in his eyes.

  Jared held out his hands for the letter, which Michael handed off. He walked away to face the fire, leaning his arm on the mantel and his head on his arm, staring into the flames.

  Jared started to read, fully aware that his wife was reading over his shoulder.

  Sir Michael Tidley and Captain Jared Allendale,

  I do not feel obligated to warn you, but my conscience could not be clear if I had not notified you that your families are in grave danger unless you cease and desist your pursuit of me. You will make it known that I am not a traitor and ensure I am welcomed back into the beau monde with all the honor and glory due my exalted personage.

  Failure to do so will result in unfortunate circumstances that are beyond my control.

  Start with returning my daughter to me.

  Lord Diamonte

  Jared waited for his friend to turn around.

  Minutes later the spy turned with steel in his gaze. “If he dares try to hurt Katrina again…Jared, we need to head to Rose Hill.”

  “We need a plan. I can’t go rushing home. They may already have…we need to connect with Phillip and Theo too. They can help. If they see me leave town though, they will know I’m not championing his cause.”

  “We need to go to Whitehall with this.”

  “He’ll be even more convinced I’m a traitor,” Jared moaned.

  “There’s no way you can win this. You have to go. Every choice you make ends in your destruction. Even doing nothing risks everything for you.”

  “So, I will do what is right and trust God for the consequences.” Jared sighed.

  “Remember when Marcus had to face society with his alleged scandal?”

  “He did that at my insistence and it broke his heart when Josie believed the gossips.”

  “And God vindicated him.”

  “That was the start of all this. Sir Bastion and Lord Widmore were the tip of the iceberg we’ve been chipping away at ever since. They went after my sister and Lord Percy first, but at least he was already aware of the dangers, having worked covertly for the War Office.”

  “I must come with you,” Lucy said. “I will not be left here without you both beside me. It is too dangerous.”

  Michael nodded. “She needs to come and share what the Black Diamond has asked of her.”

  Jared rose to his feet. He went to the door and called for a maid to fetch Lucy’s pelisse, reticule, and gun.


  “I want you armed at all times, sprite. It has become too dangerous even here and I do not know when or where we will be safe until he is dead.” Jared watched the color drain from her face. “I’m sorry to speak so plainly.”

  “You don’t know what it’s like to grow up without a father. He’s offered me…”

  Michael stepped forward. “I was denied his name or wealth. He’s offered me power and prestige if I convert to his side. Don’t be tempted by the lure of family. With him there is only death and destruction. I’ve seen it firsthand. Katrina has experienced it. Both Jared and I would spare you that if we could.”

  Lucy nodded. Jared helped her with her pelisse and she settled her gun in a hidden pocket in her dress.

  Soon, they were off to Whitehall.


  Lord Winter snickered. “You have them on the run now, Diamond.”

  Lord Diamonte nodded and gave a tight-lipped smile. The enemy was strong, and it would take all the powers at his disposal to defeat them. The battle looked secure and sure, but he had a niggling doubt that he quite possibly could be in over his head.

  A footman came into the room. “A missive has arrived, my lord.”

  He lifted the paper from the silver platter and dismissed the servant. He eyed the missive and cracked the seal. He sighed. More demands from the Emperor. He wanted more money. But the Duke had no access to his funds at the moment until his name was cleared. And when it was? Now he grinned broadly. Then all hell would break loose.


  The carriage bounced and jostled as it sped out of London. Lucy patted her chip bonnet down and secured the ties under her neck as they had come loose. Jared and Michael were riding with a contingent of military in plain clothes but all armed. She gritted her teeth at recalling the meeting with Lord Hughes.

  He had been dismissive of their concerns and complaints. He warned that banished or not, the Duke was still protected by his exalted status and could not be murdered with impunity.

  Michael and Jared hoped that brainstorming with their friends would help provide answers.

  Jared was eager for her to have a real wedding which he said his brother and wife were preparing for them for shortly after their arrival.

  A wedding. She was already married. She had the man she wanted. She didn’t need any public display. It was important to Jared, however, and she would give him what he wanted since that was the case. It was a small thing in the scheme of all the intrigue that swirled around them.

  When she set it all aside it was just her, a small Highlander girl, in love with a British soldier. The rest of the world didn’t matter in the light of their love and friendship. Yet they would neve
r know peace until this crisis with the Black Diamond was resolved once and for all.

  They arrived at Rose Hill late in the day.

  Jared opened the carriage door to help her alight. She touched the pavement with her half-boot and was immediately surrounded by a mass of people she didn’t know.

  “Calm down, everyone. Maybe we could go inside and freshen up and then I will introduce you all to my lovely bride,” Jared said.

  A dark-haired woman came forward with a big smile. “Welcome to Rose Hill. I’m Lady Remington. Let me escort you to your chamber where you can freshen up.”

  “Thank you.” Lucy allowed herself to be led up the stairs and down a hallway to a suite of rooms that was sumptuous in its teal furnishings. She removed her bonnet and Moose helped her to change into a clean gown before descending the stairs where she found Jared awaiting her. He must have freshened up too. Did they have separate chambers or were they connected? She didn’t want to sleep without him by her side.

  “Lucy. How are you holding up? It has been a long day and we could do this tomorrow if you desire.”

  “No, but thank you. I am eager to meet these people who mean so much to you.”

  Jared beamed. He took her hand, placed it on his arm, and escorted her into the drawing room.

  The room was crowded with people. Every head turned to look at her. She reminded herself that this was not as bad as a ball, where gossips waited for any sign of weakness to tear someone’s reputation to shreds. No. These were all friendly faces. People Jared loved and admired. All people who at some time had an interaction with her father, the Black Diamond.

  Jared took her first to a man about his same height, but with dark wavy hair and warm brown eyes. He was standing next to the woman she had met earlier.

  “Lucy, this is my brother, Marcus and his wife Josie.”

  “I’m glad to meet you both.” Lucy did a curtsy.

  “No need to stand on formalities with us,” Marcus said. “You’re family now and it is a pleasure to meet the woman who finally won Jared’s heart.”

  Josie smiled at her. “Welcome to the family and Rose Hill. We were thrilled when Jared wrote the news and we look forward to hearing about your adventures.”

  Jared raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think we had an adventure?”

  Josie smiled and said nothing more.

  Lucy met Lord Phillip Westcombe and Beth. Phillip was tall and blond and his lovely wife had the most beautiful red hair.

  “We are glad to see Jared finally settling down,” Phillip spoke. “He’s the last of our group to do so. Never imagined he’d go to the Highlands of Scotland to find you.”

  “I never knew I needed to be found until he arrived,” Lucy said.

  Michael brought her to meet his wife, Katrina, a petite woman with brown hair, dark eyes, and a welcoming smile.

  “Finally, someone I don’t have to crane my neck to look up to,” Katrina joked. “Welcome to the family. Michael tells me you are his half-sister.” She whispered, “You have my condolences, but we can’t pick our relatives, can we?” She winked.

  “Hey!” Michael faked being indignant as he goosed his wife, making her elicit the tiniest squeal.

  “I’m glad to see my brother has more than met his match in you,” Lucy riposted with a grin.

  Jared turned her to the last couple in the room. “This is Lord Theodore Harrow and his wife, Valeria.”

  “C’est un plaisir, you look nothing like anyone else in the Diamonte family.” Valeria spoke with a soft, accented voice.

  Theo spoke, “Then that is our boon, isn’t it?” His genial demeanor was more like that of a soft, stuffed animal. While not overweight, he was more solid than the other men and his face spoke of great gentleness.

  “You are too kind, my lord. I take after my mother in my appearance. Or so I have been told.”

  “Having seen her portrait, I would agree,” Valeria said.

  “Valeria was once married to your brother, Damon, who died a few years back. You will get to meet your nephew, Dartanian, later,” Theo piped in again.

  Marcus spoke up, “Why don’t we go in for a late supper and reconvene in the morning to discuss all that has occurred?”

  “You will not exclude us, will you?” Josie asked with narrowed eyes.

  “We know too well the consequences of that, don’t we, gentlemen?” The men all murmured agreement. “We will all be present to hear them tell their story and figure out where we go from here.”

  Jared led Lucy to the door. “I, for one, am starved. Come, my pixie bride, let me escort you to the dining room.”

  Lucy allowed herself to be led and listened to the repartee of these four couples, all somehow linked to her and Jared and the situation with her father. After years of isolation in the wilderness, with no siblings, and the last two years without her mother, the whole evening was mutually overwhelming and comforting.

  She belonged. These people were prepared to offer her friendship and maybe even love. She’d never had friends before Jared and Michael. She barely tasted any of the food although it all smelled divine. She sipped her wine and the muscles in her neck and shoulders relaxed. Jared was by her side. She was safe—for now.

  She rose with the ladies after the repast to await the men, but pleaded exhaustion and was released to go to her room and prepare for bed. She made quick work and hoped Jared would not dally too long downstairs.


  Jared watched his wife leave the room and missed her already.

  “Love struck hard, didn’t it?” Theo looked at him wide-eyed.

  “Yes. I probably needed it to in order to get through my thick skull,” Jared joked.

  “Did you tell them how it came about?” Michael asked.

  Jared rolled his eyes. “I hadn’t necessarily planned on sharing that, but now you make it almost impossible after baiting me.”

  Michael raised his glass. “What are brothers-in-law for if not to embarrass you?”

  “Come on, Jared. Last we had heard, you were going on your last mission. Next thing you’re married and somehow the Duke of Diamonte is on your tail.” Marcus leaned back in his chair.

  “I was bringing her back to London and in order to save her reputation we said we were husband and wife when we checked into an inn.” Jared put up his hand. “And no, Marcus, I did not besmirch her honor, but did need to guard her. She was my mission.”

  “So why the marriage?” Theo asked.

  “Oh, some law in Scotland that says if you declare you are husband and wife, you, in fact, are.”

  Phillip grinned. “Only you would accidentally get married.”

  “I got married and didn’t even know it!” Michael claimed.

  “You had amnesia as your excuse,” Theo responded.

  “Annulment?” Marcus asked.

  “I’m surprised you would support that.”

  “She is kin to the Black Diamond. A dangerous liaison there.”

  “You surprise me, Marcus. Since when did safety come before honor? Don’t you think I realized that? Fact is, I fell in love with her and she resented any implication that the marriage should not be real.” Jared sipped his port.

  “She seduced you?” Phillip asked.

  Michael piped in, “I don’t think he was too resistant, men. And I encouraged her.”

  Jared jerked his head up. His face and ears were hot. “You what?”

  Michael shrugged. “My sister wanted you for a husband. She wanted a real marriage. She loved you. I encouraged her to pursue you. After all, it was not a sin. You were married!”

  Jared closed his eyes and shook his head before opening them again. “Conspired against by my wife and my friend.”

  “Well done, Michael.” Phillip lifted his glass before taking a sip.

  “Someone needed to do it. Marcus, were you aware your brother has a strong stubborn streak?”

  Marcus chuckled. “Really? I would have never guessed.”

  Jared end
ured the ribbing and was encouraged to leave and not let his wife linger alone any longer. He rose and left the men. He took the stairs two at a time and strode down the hallway with all due haste.

  He opened the door to the suite and saw the fire banked and his lovely bride resting in the bed. In spite of his honorable intentions to protect her from his own blackness, God had overridden him and joined him together with this lovely sprite. He did not regret it for a moment. He stripped and was soon in bed, reminding his wife of how much he loved her.


  The next morning Lucy enjoyed breakfast in their room. Just her and Jared. Peaceful and quiet. No place to go.

  “You do realize that you’ve not had any nightmares on any night we have slept together.”

  Jared lifted her hand and kissed it, his eyes never leaving hers. “I knew there was a good reason to marry you.”

  She slapped his hand away. “You realized no such thing. If you had, you would have been agreeable to the marriage much sooner.”

  “True. I am grateful for this beneficial side effect.” He gave her a sly smile and her heart did a little dance.

  “We need to meet with everyone this morning and figure out how to proceed.”

  “Do we need to? I hate involving these sweet people in our nightmare.”

  “They are involved. The last letter we got was a threat to them too. And some have had to deal with the Duke. Valeria, especially. She is Theo’s wife. She lived under your father’s roof while married to his son. She doesn’t like to talk about those days.”

  “Fine. We will meet and talk.”

  “And plan our wedding. Would two days from now be sufficient time?”

  “Two days to plan a wedding?”

  “No. The wedding has been planned. I wanted to give you a few days rest before we did the ceremony. I would be happy enough to do it today.”

  “Two days are sufficient.” Her husband brimmed with life and energy. The weight of the past few weeks was lifted now that he was here in his childhood home.

  They left their suite to go downstairs where the rest of the family were gathered, visiting in various groups until the moment Lucy and Jared entered the room. All eyes turned to them and Lucy wasn’t so sure about proceeding further.


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