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The Captain's Conquest

Page 21

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “So, what do I do? I fainted.”

  “Are you under some stress? I don’t understand the circumstances of your marriage to Captain Allendale, but marriage, moving to a new home, and meeting so many new people at one time can be overwhelming.”

  She nodded. He understood. “So, that is what it is?”

  “Most likely. Don’t worry. I’m sure the babies will come in time.”

  “I wasn’t worried. I hadn’t thought about that as a possibility yet.”

  The doctor nodded. “I suggest more rest and if you need time alone, take it. Not everyone thrives on being around a lot of people all the time.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Lucy let him out as he said he could find his way to the men.

  Lucy went to her wardrobe to don her new riding habit. She longed to be back on Fiona but regretted she would need to be the proper English lady and ride sidesaddle. She went down the back stairs again, amazed at how easily she had escaped notice once again. She entered the stable where Fiona had been returned to her stall. A stable boy saddled the horse and offered to join Lucy on her journey.

  “I appreciate that, but you have work to do. I’ll take my lamb Scallywag along.”

  The stable boy pointed out a scenic path and Lucy set out to explore. The only thing that would have made it even nicer, would have been Jared by her side. She assumed he would be disappointed right now to learn that there was a possibility that he would not be a father in the immediate future. She didn’t think she could face his disappointment. As startled as she was at the thought of having a baby, she was equally dismayed at the possibility that it would not happen. How fickle could a heart be?

  Until the issue with her father was resolved, she didn’t want to complicate things by adding a baby into the mix. It was one thing to risk her own life, but to risk her child’s?

  She entered a shady wooded area and let her horse canter down the path. It led to a rise and at the top she found a beautiful view of the property. She traveled down the other side and soon found herself at a small lake. She dismounted and sat down by the water. Fiona grazed and the lamb came to drink and rest next to her. While she missed the beauty of the highlands, this area of the country had its own beauty.

  God, what is it You want me to do? I can’t see Jared arrested and tried for treason when he is the most loyal subject in the kingdom. The scars on his body are proof of his sacrifice for the cause of His King. How do I stop this?

  What if it’s not yours to stop?

  The thought came suddenly. God was right. What made her think she needed to be the solution to every problem? Was it her stubborn Scottish upbringing that wanted to prove her worth by fixing this? It was her father who was at the root of the issue. How did she trust God though when the future was so murky with uncertainty and fear?

  She was surprised when Katrina rode up and jumped from her mount. “I hope I’m not intruding?”

  Lucy shrugged.

  “Is this your lamb? I heard mention you picked it up along the way.” Katrina petted the animal, scrunching her hands into the soft wooly coat.

  “His name is Scallywag. We adopted each other. He’s a pretty amazing animal and helped defend me once against an attacker.”

  “That must have been something to see. Michael used to own a smelly ferret. The animal once saved me from being attacked by your father.”

  “What could a ferret do?”

  “He sprayed.”

  Lucy squinted.

  “Ferrets have a horrendous odor when they spray. It took forever to get it out of my skin and hair and my clothes had to be burned. It was worth it to be freed from the kind of assault he’d threatened.”

  “I’m grateful lambs cannot do that.”

  “As much as that animal stank, he became devoted to me as much as he had been to Michael. I was sad when he finally died. Beth had a pet crow, he died saving her life. He ate food that was for her, but had been poisoned. She was heartbroken.”

  Lucy looked down at the little lamb as it napped, contented at her side. “I hope this little guy avoids any such fate. He’s been a sweet companion.”

  “What is bothering you?”

  “Why would anything be bothering me?” Lucy asked.

  “Perhaps because you left us and never returned. The doctor came in and had a chat with Jared in private. When he came back he looked as if someone had taken away the sun.”

  “It is too early to tell if I’m with child.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I hadn’t even planned on one yet.”

  “They don’t go according to plan, Lucy. What about that drawing?”

  “Some of my drawings come to me and I sketch them, but they don’t always carry any emotion or hint that they are imminent.”

  “What about the chapel one?”

  “It terrified me.”

  “Did you realize that chapel is the one you and Jared are to be married in?”

  Lucy gulped. “What?”

  “It is identical to the chapel here at Rose Hill.”

  “I didn’t know. We cannot marry there.” Lucy shook her head. “I don’t understand why it is so important for Jared to have this ceremony.”

  “You accidently found yourself married to him. Am I correct?”

  Lucy nodded. “It did not take me long to decide that if I had a choice I would wed him. He was stuck on being honorable and providing me with a way out.”

  “He talked of an annulment?” Katrina gaped at her.

  “Yes. He thought I could do better. That he wasn’t worthy of me. He probably assumed that my attachment to him was out of necessity as he was my only hope for survival as we traveled.”

  “To hear him tell it, you have saved him many times.”

  Lucy shrugged. “That is unimportant. We are married. We do not need a ceremony to prove it.”

  “Why are you so set against this?”

  Lucy sighed. “I would be wed without my mother. My father cannot be there for obvious reasons, nor would I want him. Jared will be surrounded by friends and family and I have…no one. I’m unused to crowds.”

  Katrina nodded. “You are not alone. We all welcome you into our family with open arms. We want to help you, encourage you, support you, and most of all, celebrate with you.”

  “I do not share your history. My family is intimately linked to a traitor.”

  “Valeria was married to your brother. Her son is the heir and current “official” Duke of Diamonte. They have been more intimately connected with your father than you and suffered for it. Be grateful you were swept away by your mother. From what I have seen of your father’s realm, it is filled with evil you may not have survived.”

  “The chapel is out. What are our other options? I’m not fond of the idea of a wedding, but if it is important to Jared, I would like to make him happy.”

  “You could get married at the local church in Didcot or hold the ceremony in one of the rooms in the house, even the ballroom if you wanted,” Katrina suggested.

  “Whatever Jared desires is fine. Let him make those decisions.”

  “You won’t leave him standing alone at the altar?” Katrina asked.

  “No. I would never do that to him.” Lucy was horrified that Katrina even thought it was possible.

  “Good. Shall we return and select a gown for you?”

  Lucy nodded. The two women rose to their feet and brushed off the grass. Scallywag rose and stretched. “If you would hand him up, I’ll carry him back on my horse.”

  The lamb secured, the two headed back toward the manor. At the top of the hill, Katrina pointed out where she and Michael lived with their family, and in the opposite direction she pointed to the general vicinity of where Jared’s home was, obscured by the trees.


  The horses jumped and thrust forward. Lucy’s hat fell off and a sting hit the top of her head. She had no time to think about the pain as she made every effort to keep her seat and not let the lamb fall as
the horse galloped down the hill and toward the stables.

  The horses were foaming and breathing hard as they skittered to a halt at the door to the stable. Stable hands rushed out and helped the lamb and ladies down from their mounts.

  Katrina turned to Lucy and gasped.

  “What? I lost my hat. I’m sure my hair is a mess.” Lucy ripped off her gloves and reached up to pat at her curls only to meet moisture. Then the pain hit. She brought her hand down and looked at the red stain on her fingers.

  Katrina led her to a bench. “Sit, before you faint. Your hair looks pink.” She turned to call to a stablehand. “Ride to fetch Doctor Miller immediately.”

  “I was shot?” Lucy couldn’t imagine.

  “Perhaps it was a hunter?” Katrina offered.

  Lucy tilted her head. “Don’t placate me.”

  “Good. You have pluck. Just as I thought. Do you think you can walk? I can help you to your room and out of your habit before Jared even realizes you’ve been injured.”

  Lucy groaned. “That will be the end of my solo rides.”

  “You were with me. Remember? The shot might have been intended for me. We have all been threatened.” Katrina had Lucy up on her feet and walking through the garden to the back door. “I think the Duke is a big bully who likes to terrorize people for fun.”

  “You don’t think he’s serious about doing harm?”

  “Deadly serious. Make no mistake, the threats are not vain ones by any means. He likes to play with his victims before he pounces. Much like a cat and mouse. I should know. I’ve been his mouse before.”

  They were at the top of the stairs when Michael came toward them. “I was wondering where my lovely bride and sister…Lucy? What happened?”

  “Help me get her to her room, Michael. Go intercept Bruce at the front door before Jared panics.”

  Michael took Lucy’s other arm and she was grateful for the assistance. Her head was throbbing, and a full-blown megrim was taking over her head. “Please close the curtains,” she said as they entered the room.

  Katrina helped her to her bed.

  Michael closed the drapes and then ran out of the room to meet Dr. Miller.

  Lucy was in her nightrail and resting in bed.

  The doctor cared for the gash in her scalp that had bled through the padding Katrina had been holding to the wound. Lucy kept still with her eyes closed, trying to shut out the pain. She groaned when Jared finally entered the room.

  Everyone else left.

  He knelt by her side and said not one word. He held her hand, kissed it, and bent his head over it.

  Lucy drifted off.


  Jared wept as Lucy slept. What happened? The doctor appeared two times in a day. His wife was pregnant, or possibly not, and now this. Someone shot at her. Her almost white curls were tinged pink.

  With Josie’s maid standing guard, he set himself to rights and joined his friends for dinner.

  The room was somber as he entered. Tonight, as often in the past, he was alone, while his friends had their wives by their sides. The empty seat next to him screamed at him of his need for her in his life. What would he ever do without her?

  Jared ate in silence as the conversation swirled around him. They kept away from what weighed on his heart. He glanced at Marcus and saw compassion and understanding in his eyes. He understood what it was like. Michael knew. Phillip lifted a glass in his direction and then sipped the wine. He too had faced the possibility of losing his bride. And Theo nodded when their eyes met. Every man here knew his pain and respected his need for privacy. They wouldn’t rip open the barely stitched together wound on his soul, and he was grateful for that.

  He skipped tea, went to their suite, and undressed for bed. He wanted to hold her close but was afraid he would make the pain worse. He rolled to his side and watched her breathe until his eyes drifted shut and sleep overcame him.

  “Get up!” Hands gripped his hair and dragged him to his feet. The pain seared through him as weakness overcame him and his limp legs refused to hold him in spite of his mental commands for them to obey.

  A fist met his jaw as another man used him as a punching bag. Another hit his ribcage where more than one rib was already broken. Jared couldn’t breathe.

  “Tell us what you know.”

  A loose tooth wiggled after the next punch and blood flowed from his nose. One eye was swelling shut. The man let go of his hair and he collapsed to the ground. Once again, they did unspeakable things. Shameful things. Oh, God, please help me!

  A soft humming was out of place in this darkness. The melodic “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” broke through the pain he was enduring. A light. A bright light. The men were gone.

  Jared jerked and his eyes shot open. The room was dark with the exception of a fire in the fireplace. He relaxed on a down pillow and a soft mattress. Not a dirt floor and stone walls. He could breathe. Lucy met his gaze with sadness.

  “Did I disturb you?” he whispered.

  “I love you, Jared. Try to rest now.” Her eyes closed and her breathing slowed.

  Jared took her hand and held it as he snuggled a little closer to her. He wondered how his pixie bride managed to infiltrate his nightmare, but he was grateful regardless. The next morning, he sneaked out of bed, dressed, and left a maid to watch over Lucy. He settled at the breakfast table.

  Katrina walked in with Michael.

  “How is Lucy this morning?” Katrina asked.

  “Resting,” Jared answered and sipped his coffee. “Thank you for being there for her yesterday.”

  “She is my sister-in-law and I hope will be a friend. She is in desperate need of those. I could do no less.” Katrina filled her plate and sat down next to Michael. “We talked about the wedding.”

  Jared perked up. “Yes?”

  “She said we could have it here in the house. You get to choose everything you want. She wants you to be happy.” Katrina sipped her coffee, set the cup down, and continued. “She loves you.”

  Jared grinned. “Heaven only knows why.”

  “Heaven and Lucy and the rest of us. You are a loveable man, Jared.” Katrina looked to Michael. “Am I correct?”

  “As always.” Michael considered Jared. “You are not more flawed than the rest of us. Maybe more scarred, but not flawed. Grace and love cover much.”

  “I get that in abundance with her,” Jared confessed.

  “Can we discuss the details after we break our fast?” Katrina asked.

  Jared nodded. “I need something to distract me.”

  Katrina smiled. “Good.”

  The next hour was spent discussing a room, flowers, and food he desired for their wedding.

  “I am selfish. I have given no thought to what Lucy wants.”

  “She has given you all the decisions. She has not expressed any interest in participating in the planning.”

  Jared finished the plans and went back to his suite to sit with Lucy. He dismissed the maid and pulled up a chair close to the bed to watch and pray. The peace was interrupted when his sister-in-law, Josie, swept into the room.

  Josie came to stand by Jared and put her hand on his shoulder. “Were you aware that your brother kept watch over me?”

  “He mentioned his scandalous behavior. I saw the painting you did.”

  “The ‘Virtuous Viscount,’ was a model of propriety even as he broke all the rules.” She squeezed Jared’s shoulder. “Your wife is as blessed in finding a man devoted to her.”

  “I need her, Josie. I need her so much it terrifies me.”

  “I understand. We will continue to pray for her healing and for this entire situation.”

  “Thank you, sis.”

  Josie kissed him on the top of his head. “Glad to help, Jared. We are delighted you found the right woman to wed.” She left.

  The quiet in the room weighed on him. “Hey, sprite,” he whispered. “Remember when we traveled through the mountains of the Highlands and spent hours not saying a word
to each other? I was never so comfortable being quiet as I was with you. Right now, I would rather you talk to me.”

  A soft, raspy voice answered. “What did you want to hear?”

  Jared’s head shot up.

  His wife with the pink hair and blue eyes shining stared at him. “Are you in pain?”

  “My megrim is gone, but I am weak and tired. I think I’ll live to stand beside you on our wedding day. Did you make plans?”

  “Yes. Katrina worked with me this morning.”

  “Good. When will we wed?”

  “As soon as we can wash the pink out of your hair and you can stand on your own.”

  “My hair is pink?” Her eyes grew wide and Jared couldn’t help but smile.

  “It’s a good color on you.”


  Jared nodded. “Anything to help.”


  A few days later, Jared stood in the morning room and awaited his bride. When Lucy came in, wearing a sapphire blue dress, her eyes sparkled like the ring on her finger. A flower wreath rested on her curls and she smiled at him as Michael led her to him. Reverend Martin spoke the vows and each repeated them. Jared’s gaze never left his wife’s face and hers never left his.

  He regretted in that moment that they needed to wait to be alone. When they turned to face their friends, he saw the blush color her cheeks.

  They all removed to the dining room for a feast that had been prepared. They sat and began to visit and enjoy the meal when the butler came to whisper in Lord Remington’s ear.

  Marcus’s gaze darted to Jared and put him on alert.

  “Pardon us. Jared, I think you need to come with me. Michael, I might need you too.”

  Jared rose and followed his brother and friend out of the room. They entered the study to find Nigel Neville there.

  Marcus strode forward and greeted his guest. “Neville, what brings you to Rose Hill?”

  The former Bow Street Runner held his hat in his hand and shifted the brim through his fingers so the headwear spun in a slow circle. “I’ve known you all too long not to warn you. I beg you will not expose me.” His rapid, clipped speech betrayed his nervousness.


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