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The Captain's Conquest

Page 24

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  Lucy shook her head. “Oh, not dead yet. They would prefer to torture me as part of a twisted, evil sacrifice that my father believes will gain him the throne of England.”

  The Duke raised his eyebrows. “Interesting. How do you know this?”

  “My father is like a cat playing with a mouse. He enjoys creating terror in his victims before he finally pounces for the kill.”

  The young woman standing before him gazed at him with earnest and guileless blue eyes that reminded him of the waters in the south of Spain that shimmered in the sunlight. How had Jared ever managed to accomplish his task with this beauty beside him?

  “Come and sit, my lady, and you can tell me what is so urgent. And if you can tell me why you are here instead of my top agent, that would be appreciated. Last I heard you were locked in the Tower for treason.”

  Arthur listened with fascination at the tale of her rescue and laughed at the impossible actions of Captain Allendale and Sir Tidley. “For two men bent on retiring, they have dug themselves deep into your battles.”

  Lucy blushed. “I am indebted to both of them, my lord. I would do anything to see them safe. Here is the letter my husband left me.” She handed over the missive.

  Wellesley scanned the script in Jared’s unique scrawl. He looked up at the woman before him. “You have a gift?”

  “Sometimes when I sketch I get images of something that will happen in the future. It was that way with Captain Allendale.” She flipped her sketchbook to drawings of her husband and handed it to him. “I drew these in the weeks before he ever showed up at Loch Ness. When I saw him in the woods, before we were introduced, I already knew him. As if God intended him for me.”

  “From what your husband tells me, you are his perfect match.”

  “I’m glad he understands that. He fought it for some time.”

  “Allendale is stubborn but loyal.”

  “Of that I am well aware.” She blushed.

  “You have drawn something then? Am I to assume you are here because you have a plan?”

  Lucy took the sketch book, flipped to the back, and showed him a page.

  Arthur looked at the images in front of him. He shook his head. “You didn’t show this to Lord Remington or even to Mrs. Tidley?”

  Lucy pursed her lips and shook her head.


  “They would deny me the right to follow through on this.”

  “And you think I would not do the same?”

  “You want our men free as much as I do. You want the Black Diamond’s reign of terror and treason to end.”

  “How do you know that this drawing is the key?”

  Lucy took the sketch book and paged a few sheets back. “These images are only that. Images. With no depth or meaning. It’s a feeling I get, as if the Holy Spirit nudges me and says ‘this one.’ Also, you recognized many of the faces in this drawing.” She flipped back to her plan.

  “Yes. And you have not been in society enough to have met most of these people.” He regarded her as she stared back at him. “This is a dangerous business and I cannot guarantee you will not suffer as a result of this undertaking. There will be little I can do in such a plan to protect or keep you safe.”

  “I suffer now in a strange land, a strange town, and without my husband. He has served faithfully and does not deserve this treatment by his country.”

  “True. He does not. Nor do you.” He released a heavy sigh. “I have little recourse but to agree to your mad scheme and pray that somehow, by God’s grace, you survive. Your husband will have my head if anything bad happens to you.”

  “If I don’t make the attempt, a noose will have my husband’s head and I cannot bear to let that happen if there was some way I might stop it.”

  “You do not doubt he could escape the Tower? It has happened before.”

  “I cannot await that possibility.”

  “Fine. I will come for you at nine this evening. Do you have an appropriate gown? I do have my dignity and will not attend with you wearing those breeches, as lovely as they are.”

  Her face grew pink again.

  “I will be dressed as befits my position in society.” She rose to her feet and bobbed another curtsy to him. “Thank you, my lord.”

  “The pleasure is all mine. Can you make it home safely?”

  She winked at him. “You might be surprised at my talents, but I appreciate your concern.” She spun on her heels and was out the door before he could utter another word.

  Arthur grinned to himself. Today would be interesting indeed. Perhaps he would pay a visit to the ‘ladies’ in the Tower. This was a sight he wanted to see with his own eyes.


  “Psssst!” Michael was looking uglier this morning and their attempts to shave with no mirror had been unfortunate. They both looked as if they had been slugging it out for a crust of bread.

  Jared came to the barred window in the door. He looked out into the stone hallway. “What? I don’t see anything.”

  “Exactly. There should have been a changing of the guards but a bell rang earlier. Maybe someone important has arrived? Anyway, they are gone, and…” Michael pulled on the bar as the door had no handle on this side. The heavy door began to move.

  Jared rushed to help open it and stuck his hand in his dress pocket where he had a gun hidden. Both men looked down the hallway. Michael motioned for them to go left and Jared followed. Through twists and turns and staircases, and a few moments where they had to wait, they soon found themselves out a side door. No hue and cry had arisen yet, but they expected it at any time.

  “Look!” Jared pointed to the street. “Lord Wellington must be near.” The men scooted in an alley and shed their dresses and wigs, grateful they had kept at least a shirt, waistcoat, and trousers underneath. Anyone looking would be searching for women, not men. They crept around until they came to the carriage. Jared caught the groom’s eye and held a finger to his lips. The groom nodded and grinned. Michael and Jared entered the carriage, lowered the blinds, and waited for the Duke to return.

  “I can’t believe we escaped the Tower,” Michael said.

  “I’m glad to be gone, but will be even happier to have our names cleared so we can show our heads without fear.”

  “Until the Black Diamond ceases to walk this earth, it won’t matter.”


  The men waited in silence. After some time passed, the door opened and the Duke of Wellington took a step up and stopped.

  “Well, what have we here? A pleasant surprise although you have denied me the opportunity to see you both dressed as women. I am disappointed, but you will make this up to me tonight.” The Duke sat down, the door closed.

  Jared had a sinking feeling that something was afoot, and that perhaps his wife was at the core of it. Jared opened his mouth to speak.

  The Duke held up his hand. “No, do not speak. I’m sure it will be an entertaining tale, but not here or now.”

  They remained quiet and entered the Duke’s home from the rear to avoid prying eyes from his neighbors. The Duke brought them to his drawing room and offered them each a drink.

  “How was the Tower, men?” He sat down and waited.

  “Are the women safe?” Jared asked.

  The Duke smiled. “Yes. Your ruse was successful, and I believe your wives are grateful and angry all in one.”

  Michael grinned. “Ah, but making up will be the sweeter for it.”

  Jared elbowed him in the ribs.


  “Has Lucy…?”

  The Duke frowned. A lump formed in Jared’s chest. “Your delightful wife visited me this morning. Alone. Wearing trousers. How anyone would ever think she could pass for a man must be blind. Delightful woman.”

  Jared opened his mouth.

  “You are too impatient. Let me enjoy this moment where for once I know more than either of you.” The Duke sipped his wine, closed his eyes, and savored it.

  Jared grew antsy.r />
  The Duke explained all that had happened and the plans for the evening.

  Jared rose to his feet and paced. “We cannot let her engage in this foolishness. It is too dangerous.”

  “Have you had success in stopping your wife from doing what she sets out to do? If you do I want your secret.” The Duke had a smug smile on his face as he watched Jared.

  “You could have told her ‘no,’ couldn’t you?”

  “She would have engaged in the folly with or without me. I’m grateful she sought out my assistance. Now with you two free, you can help.”

  “She didn’t draw us in her drawing, did she?”

  “At first, I didn’t think she had, but when I glanced at it a second time I saw you both. I doubt she even realized she’d drawn you in.” He went on to explain the drawing to Jared and Michael as they planned for the evening.

  Jared’s frustration and fear rose as they sought rooms to bathe, got a proper shave, and dressed for the evening. Once the borrowed valet left, he sank to his knees and bent his head in prayer.

  Lord, I don’t know how You will work this all out and it scares me. I wish I could say that I desire the safety of my country, but more than that I ask You would give me more years to know and love my pixie bride. If this drawing is truly from You, I know You have Your hand in the events that will take place and pray that somehow You will bring about Your perfect plan. You know the desire of my heart. More than anything I want to honor You with my actions tonight. Protect and guide us. Amen.


  The Black Diamond rose from his bed and looked down with disdain at the woman resting there. She suited him for a time, but he had tired of her whining that she didn’t like the games he wanted to play. They were too rough for her, she’d said.

  The Duke smiled. He would show her what rough was really like. Tonight was a full moon and not just any full moon, but a harvest moon, which conveyed special blessings on those who worshipped on this night. His cohorts would have their fun and the sanctimonious lady of the night would find that her greater purpose was to satisfy the demands of the god they both served.

  He chuckled as he walked away to get dressed. His daughter was locked in the Tower and her husband was still at large. He had no worries. Being King of England would be a sweet victory and one he meant to savor. Tonight, would be the beginning of the end of the Georgian empire.

  He rubbed his hands together in glee. He could hardly wait. The only thing that would make it sweeter was if he could have his daughter to complete things tonight. He shrugged. If all else failed, he could retrieve her from the Tower. Hanging was too good for her. She was a traitor to her father and for that, she must be made to suffer.


  Lucy couldn’t eat. Her nerves were strung tight. She would snap if one more person asked her, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  Katrina had not eagerly agreed to the scheme for tonight, but she would be there, as would Marcus, Phillip, and Theo. It didn’t mean they approved or liked it.

  “Jared will have my head if anything happens to you,” Marcus had said to her earlier.

  “Tell him I would do it with or without you.” She handed Marcus a letter for Jared, ‘just in case.’

  She was armed, but more than anything it was the dress she wore that was her most potent weapon should she finally meet Prince George. As Regent, he could free the men and lift the cursed charges that hung over her and Katrina. If it did not work, however, there was much to lose. Her hand went to her throat, currently exposed along with more of her chest than was comfortable. Use all your tools, she told herself.

  Before going down to dinner she sat on the ottoman by the fireplace and gazed into the flames. As they’d flickered and danced, it seemed much like the evil designs of her father seeking to destroy her and the entire nation. So much more was at stake than her neck.

  Lord, rescue Jared and Michael. Keep them safe from harm and free them from the charges against them. Protect the King and Regent from the wiles of the evil that threatens and is only held at bay by Your will. Give me success tonight in the endeavor you have called me to. Guide me by Your Spirit and empower me by the same. For Your glory. Lord, if You decide this is my end, help Jared to cope and find love again. Thank You for these few short weeks as his wife. You have blessed me with adventure and love and I am grateful for these days You have given. I give myself now to Your keeping and trust You with my soul regardless of the outcome. Amen.

  She rose and grabbed her wrap. With one final look in the mirror at her reflection she nodded to give herself courage. She could do this. She would do this. For God, for Jared, and for her country. She squared her shoulders and left the room.

  Dinner started out quiet.

  Katrina slammed her fork down and glared at Lucy. “I am not happy with this plan.”

  “You don’t need to be. I’m not either, but it is what God provided so it is up to me to obey.” Lucy continued to eat.

  Marcus piped in. “Lucy is right. I’m not happy about this plan tonight, but we will all be there. We need to follow through and see what God might do.”

  “It is not a plan. It is a picture and a location. There is no ‘plan’ that you speak of and that is what concerns me. Who are we anticipating? Who will be there? What are the possible dangers?” Katrina scowled, picked up her fork, and resumed eating.

  Theo cleared his throat and took a drink of wine. “We know the starting point and not the middle or end. We’ve had many situations like that but weren’t always prepared for them. We are as prepared as possible. We know our enemy and that’s more than we did in the past.”

  “Do you think he will show?” Phillip asked.

  Lucy shrugged. “I’ll not even try to guess. I anticipate the Regent being there and hope to plead my case with him.”

  “The Regent?” Katrina’s eyes were wide. “Why didn’t you say so earlier? I didn’t see him in the drawing.”

  “You didn’t look close enough. He was surrounded in the crowd.”

  Marcus shook his head. “That makes this mission doubly dangerous. The Regent has his own guards—”

  “—and let us not borrow trouble before it arrives,” Lucy announced. She took a sip of her own wine to help steady her nerves. “You have my letter for Jared?” She looked at Marcus.

  He nodded and patted his inner pocket.

  Phillip chuckled. “You are carrying it with you? Do you expect him to break out and join us tonight for a waltz with his bride?”

  Theo chuckled. “I wouldn’t put it past him. Wouldn’t that make the evening fun?”

  Marcus dug into the roast rabbit on his plate. “You sound just like Michael would at this point. He must have rubbed off on you over the years.”

  Theo shook his head. “No, just imagine the surprise when the two women thought to be in the Tower arrive. Even more so if the men show up separately. That will get the scandalmongers salivating, to be sure.”

  “Let us focus on getting through this.” Katrina set her fork down and pushed the plate away. “I’m too anxious to eat any more.” A footman came to clear her plate and she sipped her wine as she gazed at Lucy. “I’m sorry to give you such a hard time. I am worried about Michael. Could tonight push their execution to the forefront of the public eye?”

  “I won’t worry about that. I know what I have to do and intend to do it. I will not let the fear of all the imagined tragedies that could befall us keep me from what God has asked of me.”

  Katrina nodded. “I’m on your side. Forgive me for challenging you.”

  Lucy looked up to see the entreaty in Katrina’s brown eyes. “Forgiven. I’m sorry I have not been more sensitive to your own loss. You have children who stand to lose a parent. I have no one beyond Jared to be concerned about. I’ve been selfish. I beg your forgiveness.”

  “Done.” Katrina smiled.

  Lucy responded with one of her own. She was anxious, and all the fears that had been expressed only scratched the surfa
ce of what was being tossed around in her mind like a hot coal. Lord, purify me for this task.

  A footman entered. “Lord Wellington awaits Lady Allendale in the drawing room.”

  Lucy rose to her feet and motioned for the men to stay seated. “I will see you all there in a little while.”

  “God go with you,” Marcus said as she exited the room.


  Lucy entered the room where the Duke stood. “My lord, I am ready.”

  He took in her appearance and stepped forward to raise her hand to place a light kiss on the glove. “I feel as if I’m your real father and serving you up to the wolves.”

  “If I had to choose a father, you would be at the top of the list, my lord. Thank you for believing in me and letting me make decisions about my life.”

  “Your husband will be furious with you for this.”

  “If he is, it will mean he is alive. I will be grateful and take full responsibility for tonight.”

  “No, not full. Other players might be in this game and who knows what will happen then. You are ready?”

  She nodded.


  She smiled. “And more than willing to use whatever weapons are at my disposal.”

  “A singular young woman. I can see why Captain Allendale fell in love with you.”

  “You mean other than my badgering him?”

  “I doubt he minded being badgered by you.”

  “You’ll have to ask him sometime. My goal is to have him alive and weel then enough to badger in the future.”

  The Duke held his arm out and she placed her hand on it as he escorted her to his closed carriage.

  Once inside and the door closed, the figure that led men to victory on the battlefield gazed at her intently. “You are determined to see this through?”

  “I am.”

  With a grim set to his mouth he scanned the scenery as it passed by.

  Once at the townhouse ball they were slated to attend, the footman opened the door and let down the stair.

  The Duke exited first and held his hand to assist her. “Ready, my lady?”

  “Mrs. Allendale, if you please.”

  “So it shall be.”


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