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Dauntless (The Agency Dark Affairs Duet Book 2)

Page 7

by Amélie S. Duncan

  He greeted me with a breakfast bagel and a Thermos with a ribbon around it, like a gift.

  I smiled and asked, “What’s this?”

  “Elliott wanted me to tell you it’s better than coffee,” he attempted but failed to keep a straight face.

  I scrunched up my face. “Nothing is better than coffee.” He laughed with me. After a few more sips of Elliott’s special tea and bites of my bagel, I cleared it away and gave Tove Astrid’s address in Sammamish once we reached the car. Her front porch was always unlocked, and I had an open invitation to go in, though I rarely used it. I did today and smiled as I heard Astrid’s voice yelling at Tim to get Jacob, who was screaming. I called out her name and walked further in.

  “Is that you, Sonya?” Tim called out. His voice strained. “Could you give me a hand with Jacob?”

  “No, it’s Gia,” I called back.

  Astrid came running down the staircase. She was still dressed in her nightgown and robe, though she had styled her hair. “What are you doing here so early? Did you want to commute today together or did something happen??”

  I nodded. She waved me to follow her into the kitchen.

  Tim gave me a curt nod, before whisking Jacob up the stairs leaving us to talk alone.

  “I didn’t think you received the statement that’s coming out today,” I sputtered before I lost my nerve. “But let me cut to the chase. I need you to take over as CEO of Perfetto, and before you say no, you’re already doing the work. You can promote or hire a few others to fill the gap. Whatever you need to help you.”

  She gave me an incredulous look. “What are you going to do if I agree to take your job away from you?”

  “Step down,” I said resolutely. “I have to.”

  No matter how much I wanted to return to my old routine, it wasn’t to be so. The clock had started for me the moment I opened that envelope last night or maybe even before then. Honestly, it was only a matter of time before they learned that I had reported their delivery to the police. My unwillingness to take their settlement and go away quietly was an act of defiance. They would respond soon. The only thing I could hope for now was to act first.

  Her brows furrowed as I explained what happened. My hands fumbled as I took out a print-out of a preliminary contract for her. “Stuart can go over it with you later today.”

  She sat down her eyes tearing up. “This is bullshit. They can’t do this to you. You can’t give up. I mean nothing has come out yet. Maybe nothing will. They might have been trying to scare you. Why not wait until something happens?” She was flustered, and I understood, but I had already gone through the scenarios. This was what I believe I needed to do and sought to explain.

  “By then the damage would already be done. I’m not selling the company. I’m still a part of Perfetto, but the brand needs to be preserved, and jobs need to be saved,” I took a deep breath. “I’m not gone yet even with the announcement. I’ll still help with the transition. Just please tell me you’ll take the job because I already drafted a statement to release today that says you’re taking it.”

  Astrid shook her head and laughed. “Oh, you did, did you? Of course, I will.” She got up and hugged me tight and rubbed my back as I shook against her. “This is so fucking unfair.”

  I stepped back and put on a smile. “Who says life is fair?”

  She tutted. “You don’t need to make me feel better. I hate them. The second this blows over you come back.” I didn’t answer, just hugged her.

  When we let go, I straightened up. “Thank you. Now, I’m heading in to the office early. See you there in a few hours.”

  The ride to downtown Seattle was slow due to the rain mixed with snow on the road. The radio announcer read the forecast and said the sun would come out later today, and also provided a few other generic stories that made good background noise to keep my negative thoughts away, though with every mile more nervous energy rose inside me at returning to my company and what I had to do today. However, before I knew it, we arrived and went up the back elevators from the garage. It was odd to have Tove as a shadow, but he was the quiet type, and once I turned on my laptop, I became lost in my work.

  When the office opened, I’d taken time to go to each cubicle and office to thank all my employees. I’d been greeted enthusiastically, with hugs and well wishes on my recovery, which I returned. Some of their gazes lingered. Looking for physical evidence of bruising I supposed, but most were covered. Today everything was as it had been before I went to The Agency. Astrid arrived, and we went through a typical marathon of meetings on the summer cosmetic campaign. I made sure to defer to her in most of the discussion and listened to the planning, production, and marketing reports by our team heads. It wasn’t until after our catered lunch that Stuart appeared behind the conference room’s tempered glass. As soon as I saw his frozen expression, and my assistant’s aversion to eye contact, I knew something had happened, and I’d run out of time. The Agency had responded. They had released something.

  I excused myself from the room, then Tove and I followed Stuart and my assistant over to my office. Once we arrived, I informed my assistant to send out all the staff meeting email I had drafted that morning.

  After closing the door behind Stuart, he told me what I’d just guessed: “There is a video out of you,” he said candidly. “It has circulated on social media. Most prominent sites have been blocking and taking it down, but the story has grown and will probably go viral. I have also received a communication from The Agency concerning their settlement offer. The amount has been reduced to two million dollars, minus lawyer fees.”

  I teetered on my feet and sat down. My stomach twisted in knots and it took me a few tries to collect my breath. I had expected it, but it didn’t erase the magnitude of the impact. The settlement money didn’t bother me. My seemingly active involvement would create the doubt they needed. What hurt most was knowing that millions of people were seeing my naked body, squirming on Dane’s lap as he stroked me between my legs.

  Tears threatened my eyes, but I held them back. Compartmentalize. I warned myself. I couldn’t fall apart now. I repeated over and over in my head until the despair passed. Stuart waited patiently while I gathered myself, crossing the room to take a seat behind my desk. When he settled down across from me, I said, “Astrid signed the papers, and the statement of the turn over came out.”

  “Yes, this morning, but the timing gives the impression you were forced out,” Stuart said not hiding the displeasure in his tone. “I listened to your plan and respect your decision, but I really think leaving the company plays against you.”

  “It may,” I admitted. “And it may not. I’m not willing to gamble with Perfetto. I’m still the owner. It just means I won’t be the face of the company.”

  He opened his briefcase, and I tilted my head down. Stuart didn’t call me out on the lie we both know I just told him. I loved Perfetto and loved being out there promoting the company. It hurt like hell to have to step back after the blood and sweat I invested in building it.

  “How do you plan to handle this video?” he asked and glanced over at Tove, who had returned to the chair he had been sitting in during the morning,

  I waved my hand to and explained Tove’s presence to Stuart and once he was satisfied, he said, “You need to watch the video to make sure your statement is accurate. I can step out of the room to give you some privacy.”

  “No. I will later, before I send the statement,” I replied. I didn’t want to appear defeated and weak before my staff meeting. “Decline The Agency’s offer. I’ll draft a statement for you to issue before the end of the day for the video leak. When I’m finished being a witness, should I be called on to testify for the criminal case, we’ll pursue a civil case.”

  Stuart cleared his throat. “Okay…something else came through: new filings from Patrick’s lawyers.” He slid a stapled stack of papers over to me.

  I pursed my lips. “What does he want?” I asked picking them up and
leafing through them.

  “Fifteen million, twenty thousand dollars a month in alimony, and a public statement that says your marriage had ended a couple of years prior, though you lived together and only recently divorced—in other words, lie for him about the length of your separation,” Stuart replied with abhorrence. “He also wants you to include that the events in the video were of your own personal interests, and never a part of your marriage.”

  “I’ll definitely include the last part of his request,” I scribbled down on a pad. “I’ll include it in my statement but excuse me while I call him about the rest.”

  Stuart gave the go ahead, and I placed a call to Patrick’s private cell, which he always carried with him.

  “It’s about time you called,” His tone was smug when he answered. “You have the lawsuit I see. It’s clear in the divorce. You agreed not to be in a public relationship for six months, and you wouldn’t embarrass me. You’ve done both with bravado. You’ve messed up my chances of re-election and will leave me unemployed. I’ll be expecting your signed agreement to my terms no later than 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. We don’t need to speak, so if you don’t mind—”

  “Not so fast,” I said abruptly cutting him off. “I’m not agreeing to anything. I’m countersuing for breach of contract.”

  “What breach?” he growled. “I never breached our divorce agreement, you did.”

  “That’s not true. You agreed to sell Perfetto to me, but you sold your shares out from under me,” I said sharply. “That makes our agreement null and void. You haven’t lost your bid for re-election, so you can’t blame me for something that hasn’t happened. Was that me or did someone else say in an interview before Christmas that your campaign assistant Hannah was ‘someone new and special in my life.’ You weren’t supposed to go public with a relationship for a year. Don’t even bother denying it. I have a copy of the article in my email.”

  “You’re spying on me?” he grumbled.

  I snorted. “Spying on an interview you gave to the media? Hardly. Actually, the only reason I found out about the interview was because I haven’t removed my Google Alerts for your Governor press page,” I reminded him.

  “That remark was taken out of context. It was more the exaggeration of the reporter. I wasn’t at fault,” he said working his angle through as he spoke. “It’s nothing compared with your pornographic video. I show that in court and I’ll win my case.”

  “Go on and sue,” I goaded. “I’ll tie you up in the courts for the next ten years. By then, you and Hannah won’t have a dime left of her trust fund.”

  “You’re done,” he hissed. “No one will have anything to do with you. You debase yourself like that before all those men. I always thought you were a strong, respectable woman. Who knew you were a sleazy whore? No one with respect would want you now. Where were your morals?”

  “You’re going after me on morals?” I laughed. “I know about your meeting with the members of The Agency. You’re not clean, and if you try anything against me, I’ll start digging, and this time I won’t remember how much I cared for you. I wanted you to continue as governor instead of telling everyone about your affair with Hannah and how you made a fool of me.”

  “That’s nothing,” he said his voice raising. “There is pornographic footage of you. I’ve got a good case against you.”

  “I’ll bottom line this for you, so you understand,” I seethed. “I will have a countersuit submitted today. My next stop will be a social tour pouring my heart out about your affair, and my lack of love. The world will shift to my side. Then I’ll hire a Private Investigator to dig up all your dealings and leak them to the press. One move by you, and I will make good on all this. I have nothing left to lose now. I expect you to withdraw that lawsuit by 7 tonight.”

  “When did you become so cruel?” he said bitterly.

  “It came after spending eight years of my life lovingly devoted to you. After you betrayed my love with an affair and sold off my hard-built business. It came after I was blackmailed and filmed without my knowledge. Kidnapped and assaulted.”

  The lack of care and even a semblance of concern crowded the line that went quiet. So, had been my life.

  “Congratulations on your pending marriage. Make it work and don’t ever contact me again.” I hung up on him.

  “I would clap, but it’s Patrick,” Stuart said and smirked. “He never knows when to stop.”

  I shrugged. “He’s been warned.”

  Stuart laughed. “You are so much your father’s daughter. He’d be proud of the way you’re handling everything.”

  I swallowed hard. “I wish I would, but with the video…. Anyway, what’s next. Have we recorded any progress on the Dalton theft?”

  “It’s still moving forward,” he said. “I understand you have hired Ian Starling and his team from New York to handle it. He sent me a message this morning.”

  “Good,” I nodded.

  “Oh, and Mr. Westbrook has countersigned on the new bank loans for you to keep Perfetto going while the investigation continues,” Stuart added.

  I shook my head and smiled. “He shouldn’t have.” Dane was too much, but that wasn’t going to be the end of it. I would pay him back.

  “Mr. Westbrook also sent over something to say he’s not taking over Perfetto even with the loan,” Stuart added grinning. “It’s good you have a friend like that on your side.”

  I grinned too. “He overreached, but I’ll talk about that with him later. So, are we done for now?” I asked.

  He stood up, and we shook hands. “We are. I’m serious about what I said. Your dad would worry about the video, but he wouldn’t have let anyone put you down, ever. He is always proud of you.”

  My throat closed. I needed to hear that. Not being able to discuss my situation with my dad because he is losing his memory was hard, so having his best friend, Stuart, to work with was a godsend.

  “I’m sorry this happened to you,” Stuart added.

  Astrid appeared at my door when we opened it, her face blotchy. “I came to walk over with you to the announcement.” She put her hand on my back., but I waved her away. “I’ll be all right,” I tried to assure her.

  She nodded then greeted Tove, who I apologetically forgot was there. We all walked out to the center of the department—the venue was chosen for the meet since the conference room wouldn’t hold all the staff.

  I straightened my shoulders and walked over to the podium they had set. A look around the room, and I could see some worried faces. I sucked in air and smiled like I had done so many times on the campaign trail.

  “I’m here to announce that Astrid Marin will take over as the CEO of Perfetto Cosmetics effective immediately. There is no one better and more capable of leading Perfetto. I’m grateful to have her, and I know Perfetto will continue to grow and succeed under her leadership. While I won’t be able to see you all every day, know that I’m still here for you and that I appreciate all that you do. I…I love you all. Thank you for being my family. Keep up the amazing work.”

  A flash of all the good times we had over the years came up, and I faltered but kept myself together. The tears I had would come when I was far away from those that needed strength. It was the last thing I could offer.

  My speech went on, and I stayed focused and positive turning it over to Astrid who made a joke before talking about how thrilled she would be in leading Perfetto forward.

  Afterward, I shook the hands of a few staff members that came forward. Others stayed back, staring at me. It was as if I became a stranger in the space of a few hours. Then there were others offering sympathetic support. But what I sensed was relief. I felt it too, knowing my company would keep going.

  My assistant and I did a walkthrough of my office tagging things I wanted to be sent home and then, I packed a bag and left with Tove. We found the press in the car garage, and once they spotted me, they moved in with video cameras and microphones. I lifted my chin and kept walking with Tove blockin
g anyone that tried to get too close.

  Mrs. Walsh, was that you in the mask on the porn video?

  Are you dropping charges against The Agency matchmaking service?

  I stopped by the door and announced as calm as I could, “A statement has been released and another will be available on the Perfetto company website soon. Thank you.”

  Tove helped me in the car where I sat waiting behind the tinted windows while he, with the garage security, cleared off the press before driving out of the garage.

  Once we were on the road, I took out my phone. The screen flashed with a new message. It was from Liz, and it had an attachment. I read her message first.

  Liz:I received this video, and I thought I should forward it to you, just in case you haven’t seen it yet. Sorry.

  I could see from the attachment’s thumbnail that it was the video from the boat party on the cruise. Had The Agency told her to send it to me?

  It wasn’t enough to release it but to include Liz in harming me was just too much. I was going to delete it, but I pressed play. What I noticed first was that the men in the video had their faces blurred. The camera panned around to the room to show the tables of others there, before zeroing in on me, the only one whose face wasn’t blurred, and there it remained.

  It then showed blurred Dane, removing my clothing. It zoomed in on him stroking between my legs. Then, panned out once more to show Vincent and Elliot’s blurred faces across. The sound increased to a woman moaning loudly. It wasn’t me.

  The video next switched to a photo of me in my underwear lying unmasked with my eyes closed on Marco’s bed. I didn’t look drugged, I looked asleep. I looked, and I couldn’t stop looking. Social media, local news channels, were agog with the leak. Questions as to why I’d made up such an elaborate fabrication when there was proof that I had been unabashed and wanton in my “performance” on camera followed. Then there were the endless, faceless comments on my body, on how humiliating I was. My email alerts blew up with pings of new messages, more likely with questions I couldn’t answer.


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