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Dauntless (The Agency Dark Affairs Duet Book 2)

Page 14

by Amélie S. Duncan

  My blood pounded hard enough that I could hear it in my ears as I trembled in his hands unsure how to answer, not that I didn’t have one to give. Putting myself in his shoes, I know that if I couldn’t find him and he was in danger, it would’ve been pure agony. “I know you must’ve felt awful…”

  “Awful?” he repeated, his tone sharp. “Awful isn’t a fraction of all I’d feel if something had happened to you. I’m telling you now, from here on out, you don’t go off on your own or try to put yourself in danger again. Are we clear?”

  Every corner of the space of my heart filled up with the raw honesty and strength of his emotions. I had tried hard to keep myself open, but I realized now I’d been closed. I shared myself, but I had kept a part of me back out of fear of losing Elliott or Dane if I was honest about my true feelings. I didn’t want to lose Elliott. I liked and cared for them both, a lot, but there was only one that was I falling for. But was he ready to hear it from me?

  My breath quickened as my heart pounded. Our gazes locked together in a moment that neither one of us were willing to move on our own.

  “Elliott, Gia, we should be going back inside if we are returning to the dinner,” Tove's voice broke the moment apart.

  “Yes,” Elliott said and placed his hand low on my back. “Let’s get you back inside.”

  We had only made it to the entrance when Elliott received a call.

  My missing phone. I needed to find it.

  We stood in the breezeway of the hotel and waited. When he finished the call, he told us, “That was Dane. He asked if I can come by. He said it’s important. I’ll drop you off at the hotel I had planned for us to stay in tonight… I arranged it as a surprise for you.” He gave Tove the address of the Waldorf Astoria.

  A surprise indeed, but there was something else I remembered I needed for him to know. “I overheard Angel speaking with Walter Prescott.”

  His eyes widened, and I quickly related what I thought were the highlights of their conversation in the bathroom.

  “Fuck,” Elliott said when I finished. “We checked Walter out in the beginning and found nothing. He and Dane don’t speak, so it surprises me that Angel was seeing him, but then she loved to go to the extreme. From what we’ve uncovered so far from the passports we found at Vincent’s, Angel lived under different names and have never been in one place for long until recently. We’re still looking for Dimitri, who we believe had Angel last. We believe he was the one to cause the most permanent, physical damage.”

  “Angel said she killed him when I spoke with her in the hospital,” I reminded him.

  “Or he made her think that to avoid capture,” Elliott replied. “I’m not letting any of these assholes get away on a word. I’ll believe it when I see a body. I know Dane doesn’t want you to come over with me right now, but I’d like you to come. I’ll take the heat.”

  “I think I should be there too,” I agreed. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but Dane needed support, and I was going to be there for him whether he wanted me to be or not.


  After returning to the bathroom, I found my phone with a cracked screen. I cursed. Can I ever catch a break? Elliott sympathized with me, but we both agreed fixing my mobile would have to wait for later. We headed directly to Dane’s home on the Upper East Side from Bryant Park in Midtown. The door opened before we could even ring the bell. It was Dane, and he immediately stepped in front of Elliott. “Why did you bring Gia? I specifically asked you not to.” Dane’s tone was harsh, and I would’ve been offended had it not been for the stricken expression on his face.

  I was cautious when I answered him. “I asked to come. I wanted to support you.”

  “I don’t need support,” he jerked his hand through his hair. “I needed to talk to Elliott as an FBI Agent so he could help me with something involving Angel’s kidnapping.” He turned away from me.

  I pulled back slightly. Did he know of Walter’s involvement with Angel? Had Angel told him what I’d overheard in the restroom? Whatever his reason, he didn’t want me here. “I’ll go.”

  “It was my call,” Elliott said placing his hand on my lower back. “You want something official, I’ll call Trish to come over too. Kevin is on his way over to relieve Tove for security of Gia. When he gets here, he’ll take Gia to the hotel—over and done. I can see you’re upset. I brought her because she wanted to help you.”

  “I’m not sure I can be helped,” Dane murmured gravely. “Never mind me, Gia. My father is here and has been talking nonsense. Something serious has come up, and I didn’t want you involved or to see me like this.” He swung the door wide. “Just… come in.”

  “I’ll stay out of the way,” I said warily, and we followed him through the entrance. “You can meet with Elliott privately. I’ll just go upstairs and collect the things I left.”

  I hadn’t brought or left much here, but I didn’t know how welcome I’d be later. If I were to stay in New York longer, I’d have to consider my own place anyway. I needed to tell myself that to soothe the feeling building up inside of me. I felt rejected.

  “Gia, wait,” Dane said, then turned to Elliott. “I’ll be right there.”

  Elliott walked on with his phone out, and Dane followed me up the stairs.

  “This is serious… well, it could be,” Dane tried to explain his voice gravelly. “I don’t want him here, and it takes all my energy to deal with him. I don’t want you to think I’m being rude to you, but I’m unable to divide my attention right now.”

  “You don’t need to,” I replied smoothly. “You just be you. That’s enough.”

  “We both know that’s not true for you,” he said softly.

  “It’s not that simple,” I tried to explain. “I believe we have our own special connection.”

  “I know we do, sexually,” Dane answered thoughtfully. “But I could see things had changed even before you came here with Elliott.”

  I touched my churning stomach. I wouldn’t deny how I felt about Elliott was different, but there was something between Dane and me, something more than sexual chemistry. I was sure we shared a close, special bond. “I haven’t given it much thought. I have feelings for you both.”

  His fingertips traced the length of my face, and I shuddered. “Oh, I wish you did, but we both know when you think about it, you’ll find those feelings you have for me aren’t strong enough to let me have you too.”

  My mouth went dry. I didn’t know what to say. Dane didn’t wait for me to either, instead he strode over to Elliott’s side.

  “Trish is on her way,” Elliott announced to the both of us. Our eyes met briefly before they disappeared into the living room, and I went to pack.

  When I finished, his housekeeper helped put my belongings by the front entrance. Elliott came out of the living room and over to me. “I’m waiting to let Trish in and talk to her before we go in. Even if you won’t be inside, you’re still a support to Dane. He’ll appreciate that.”

  I sighed. “I know.”

  “We’ll find out what Walter knows,” he added. “I’m not expecting much from Walter, but anything that helps is worth checking out, especially now that there is a possibility of finding out what happened to Angel. It could help the case.”

  I nodded. “I hope so.”

  We stood there and quietly waited. When the bell rung, Elliott let Trish in. She was in another power-suit with a briefcase in hand ready for work. She gave me a quick nod, before moving with Elliott away from where I stood, and they shared a quiet conversation before heading into the room. I waited a few moments before moving closer to the opening to the room. Peeking inside the room, I saw Trish and Elliott seated on a couch facing Angel who was on the lounge chair across from them with Dane next to her. Walter was the furthest away, by the fireplace holding a tumbler glass in his hand. I moved back out of sight.

  “If you could bring me up to speed with what is going on and how this might help the case against The Agency?” I heard Trish say.r />
  “It’s like I told Elliott,” Dane told her. “My father says he has something that might help with Angel’s disappearance. If he doesn’t, he can leave.”

  Their voices carried into the hallway. I thought of leaving the area, but I decided it wouldn’t harm to stay and listen. Who knows? Maybe I could help.

  “I came to clear up a few things that Dane, Angel, and I discussed before leaving the event,” Walter spoke out. “My son brings over an audience. Now I didn’t agree to be recorded. She’d better put that recorder away.”

  “He’s right,” I heard Elliott say. “We’ll hear him out for now since we don’t know the extent of his involvement.”

  “That’s right,” Walter concurred. “You don’t.”

  “If you’ve done something against the law, we will pursue charges against you,” Elliott added.

  Walter scoffed. “I’d bet you’d love to be the one to do it.”

  “I’m working on the case of Angel’s disappearance and The Agency’s involvement. That’s why I’m here,” Elliott responded coolly. “My personal feelings have nothing to do with it. Special Agent Trish Walker is here also to listen to whatever you may share that can help. So, if you would start from the beginning…”

  They were silently waiting for Walter to speak. Finally, He hissed out a long sigh. “All right. A few years ago, I agreed to speak with Angelica. She was curious about why Dane and I weren’t getting along. Things progressed from there.” He coughed.

  “You had sex with Angel?” Dane said irritably.

  “I did,” Walter admitted. “She wanted to have sex with me.”

  “I wanted my baby,” Angel spoke out fitfully. “I couldn’t. It wasn’t part of my game.”

  “There is no game with me,” Dane said gently to Angel. “You became pregnant with my child, but you could have come to me. I don’t blame you. You’re not the first woman he went after that I was with.”

  “You date whores,” Walter said heatedly. “They all came on to me. They all thought they could get something from me, but I proved them wrong and showed you what they’re really like.”

  “Don’t bother trying to explain your disgusting behavior to me,” Dane spat. “Just like Mom, I gave up on that years ago.”

  “Do you hate me now?” Angel asked Dane.

  “I don’t,” Dane told her gently. “I could never hate you. My father used you to hurt me. He uses everyone that comes into his life.”

  “I didn’t use her. I love her,” Walter huffed fervently. “I love you too, son and your mother, even if she poisoned you against me.”

  “Love?” Dane snarled, mocking him. “You don’t know what love is. You knew she was pregnant? Why didn’t you tell me or even the police when she went missing?”

  “No, I didn’t know about the pregnancy in the beginning,” Walter answered sharply. “I wasn’t the only man she was having sex with. You’re not even open to hearing my side of the story. I had wanted to help her, but things didn’t go the way they were supposed to.”

  “Walter, what happened to Angel?” Trish asked him.

  He adjusted his collar “I don’t know. I had introduced her to a friend of mine. He took a liking to her and offered his place in Seattle for her to think about what she wanted to do with her pregnancy.”

  “Angel said she wanted her baby,” Dane said. “It doesn’t sound like she needed to think about it.”

  “She needed to,” Walter insisted coarsely. “I only found out later she had disappeared. My friend called and told me he lost her.”

  Elliott was as confused as the rest of us. “I don’t understand why you were involved at all, Walter. Why would you help send Angel away with Dane’s child?”

  “Because Melinda is my child,” Walter said. “Some guy named Simon sent me a DNA result that she’s mine. He then started blackmailing me.”

  “You son of a bitch!” Dane exploded. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any lower. You knew I cared for Angel, I know she told you that I loved her, but that only made you more determined to have her. You got her pregnant and tried to talk her out of having her baby, but she wouldn’t do it. So, you took her away. He’s involved, Elliott. He needs to be arrested and charged.”

  “Are you listening!?” Walter yelled at Dane. “It wasn’t me. I was being blackmailed. I was also working to find her privately on my own, but he kept moving her and asking for more money. He’s taken twenty million from me. Now I know you don’t care,” he droned on, his voice flat. “But I paid because I didn’t want you to hate me, son. I was trying to rebuild our relationship. I didn’t know you wouldn’t give up and move on. I was about to go to the police when he told me he gave her away to a man named Dimitri.”

  “I killed Dimitri,” Angel blurted. “He wanted to laugh at Dane seeing me with… Walter’s baby. I gave him my pills he had me take that I saved. I put them in his drink and when he finished it, he didn’t move. He’s dead. I won.”

  “Dimitri might not be dead,” Elliott said in a gentle tone. “We’re still looking for him. Since Walter seems to have a lot of contacts with those involved in your disappearance, he can tell us all about Dimitri and his whereabouts.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Walter barked. “And I don’t like what you’re inferring. I came here to clear up Melinda’s paternity for Dane, and to share that I’d been blackmailed to keep it all quiet, which I have done. Now it’s getting late. I can provide information about what I know in the morning. I only made the mistake of not coming forward because I was being blackmailed.”

  “You can prove Melinda’s your daughter, Walter?” Trish asked him.

  “Yes,” Walter answered. “I have the proof and will provide the medical reports. I know you’ve done a new test, but they will come back that Dane’s not her father. Melinda’s my child.”

  “You claim to love me, and you did this to Angel and me,” Dane yelled at Walter. “All this time. Two and a half years, you let me search for her, and you knew what happened to her. You knew she was found, and for weeks you knew I thought Melinda was my child!” He got up and threw a lamp against the wall, which shattered. I looked in just as Elliott stood up and blocked the path to Walter who didn’t even flinch.

  “This is all on him,” Dane said to Elliott who moved closer to him. “I’m not going to hurt him, but we both know he doesn’t have any friends left after stealing from them.”

  “I have plenty of friends,” Walter said indignantly.

  “What’s the name of the friend that blackmailed you?” Elliott asked.

  “This isn’t the place to give names,” Walter huffed. “I’ll give the name when my lawyer is present. I don’t have the answers to what happened to Angel. Can’t you see I had to stay quiet because I was being blackmailed?”

  “You keep saying that. We only have your word, and you’re no victim,” Dane retorted. “Even if you are telling the truth, you used Angel and tried to hide her when she became pregnant. You didn’t tell anyone to keep yourself out of jail because you were a member of The Agency. You’re just as guilty as whoever held her.”

  “I’m not a member, I considered joining, but I decided against it. I thought we could discuss this situation like adults, but you’re still a kid, Dane,” Walter growled at him. “I’m leaving.”

  “A couple more questions,” Elliott said quickly. “What do you know about The Agency?”

  “Only what was on the news. I wasn’t a member,” Walter snipped at Elliott. “I love and care a lot about Angel and Melinda. I’m happy that they’re safe. I only told you because the test results were coming, and Angel said she would tell you tonight.”

  I grimaced. He was lying. I pushed opened the door and crossed over to stand between the couches where most of them were sitting. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I overheard Walter say more about his involvement with Angel in the bathroom at the hotel during the event. He talked about sharing her with his friends. He knew where she was and begged her to stop the DNA test
. I planned to tell you, Dane. I’m sorry.”

  They all turned toward me, including Walter, who now glared at me. He next looked questioningly to Angel who nodded.

  “Yes, I saw her when I went to the bathroom,” she admitted. “Gia was in there.”

  “Even if she was there, I said no such thing,” Walter said heatedly. “Gia’s upset because when I ran into her ten days ago at Bryant Park, I told her to stay away from my son.”

  “You most certainly did not,” I snapped. “You were too busy taunting me about the video.”

  “Gia, what is Walter talking about?” Elliott asked, his voice raising a pitch.

  “You saw him?” Dane asked astounded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I did see him at one of the fashion show run-throughs. It was a very brief conversation, mostly insulting me. Sorry, but there was a lot more going on at the time that I hadn’t thought to bring it up, especially since Dane told me how much they didn’t get along,” I answered hastily. “I was wrong, but it doesn’t excuse Walter from what he’s doing now or what he’s done to Angel.”

  “I did nothing to Angel,” Walter said. His voice raised. “I tried to help her and my son.”

  “You’re a lying bastard,” Dane yelled at Walter. “I wouldn’t put it past you to mess up her mind, so she wouldn’t tell anyone, but she found a way. Didn’t you, Angel?”

  “I told you in the hospital, and you didn’t believe me like everyone else. Gia sees, so now you all believe,” Angel said to Dane. “Sorry, but no jail. I’m free now. He loves me too.”

  “Walter doesn’t love you,” Dane said to her sympathetically. “He used you and hurt you. He let you get hurt and wouldn’t tell the police. He needs to go to jail.”

  Angel sobbed. “I don’t want Melinda’s father in jail.”

  “I couldn’t get to Angel,” Walter said. “I tried to save her. I came to tell you so you can help her. I feel awful that she’s ill now.

  I snorted. He waited an awfully long time. Now that Angel’s found, Walter suddenly grows a conscience.

  “We’ll need an official statement down at the station,” Trish said. “I won’t say anything you shared absolves you of any involvement, but we will corroborate your report, and it’s best you cooperate. “She started packing away her notes and stood. They couldn’t leave yet. There was still more that Walter hadn’t told them.


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