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Dauntless (The Agency Dark Affairs Duet Book 2)

Page 17

by Amélie S. Duncan


  I rushed over to Liz to help her stand. Despite what Liz had done, I didn’t like to see her or anyone beaten.

  She pushed me back and unsteadily climbed to her feet. “I don’t need your help.”

  “And I don’t need you here anymore,” Dimitri said to her. “You’re a horrible woman and worse friend. You served your purpose. Now get out of my sight.”

  I didn’t understand his response and apparently, neither did Liz. Her smug smile evaporated and as gaped at him.

  “Don’t make me ask again,” Dimitri gritted.

  Liz lowered her head and walked over to my front door. There, she paused and turned my way but didn’t meet my gaze that was hard on her. “If you had listened to me, none of this would have happened—”

  “Don’t,” I hissed, cutting her off. “You’re the one that pitched me The Agency at the start and tried to sell it to me again during the ride to Vincent’s house. You’re nothing but a liar. There is nothing you can ever say that would make me trust you again.”

  She walked out and closed the door behind her.

  Dimitri shook his head and smirked. “Glad she’s gone. You’re smart, but terrible at picking people in your life, but we’ll have plenty of time to talk about that later. Let’s get you ready to go. You can pack a few comforts with you to use after your initial training. On our ride to your new temporary home, I’ll fill you in on the rules.”

  I took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves. He spoke as if we were old friends going on a journey, and I didn’t know how to respond to him. However, after seeing how viciously he handled Liz, it was clear that his charm and kindness were a part of his game. Besides the fact that he’s taking me against my will. I had to figure out how to play it, and the only way I knew was to try to talk with him. So I cleared my throat and said, “All I want to know is why you’re here now. The case is going forward against The Agency. They don’t need my testimony to prosecute, especially after the video. There is no reason for you to take me.”

  He tsked. “How sad. You still think this is all about putting a few men away. The Agency doesn’t care about what happens to Vincent and Marco. They already tainted public opinion on you. You’re right, that’s done… Let’s go upstairs and pack.” He gestured his hand formally for me to lead the way, but I remained where I stood.

  “Then you don’t have to do this,” I pleaded. “Whatever or whoever is involved with you coming here for me, I’ll double your payment.”

  “I personally never work for women,” he answered, his voice lowering. “Especially one that’s part of a client arrangement. Let me warn you, my generosity and kindness expire when they’re not accepted immediately. You should take me up on my offer to take some of your things. Where we’re going, you won’t find some of the products you like.”

  “Who is your client? Where are we going?” I asked taking a step toward the stairs.

  His eyes narrowed. “You’ll find out soon enough. Now I told you to go upstairs. Shame on me. I’d thought you were smart, I spoke too soon. It never works well if I must make good on my threats or hurt you in the beginning. That wasn’t part of your arrangement. It hasn’t sunk in enough, let me, as I heard you put it to my client, ‘bottom line’ this for you. If you delay too long, poor Kevin will wake up, and I’ll kill him. You don’t want his blood on your hands, do you?”

  I quickly climbed the stairs. I was relieved Kevin was alive and wanted him to remain that way. Still, Dimitri hitting Liz was more of a show for me. I decided I’d follow his orders and pack while thinking up a plan.

  I went to the closet and took out my carrier bag, and a thought came to me: Dmitri must have driven. If Kevin is knocked out, I’d only need to keep myself here long enough for him to wake up and call the police. All I needed to do right now was delay Dimitri leaving the house. I started with questions. “You said an arrangement was made for me, can I at least know who your client is?”

  “Patrick,” Dimitri said and sat down on the edge of my bed. “He tried to end your contract because he was worried about the police and feds around you, but once a contract is set, I do it. Besides, now that he has Hannah’s father against their marriage, he’ll be happy that he hired me.”

  My eyes widened, and I shook my head. “You’re lying. There is no way Patrick would risk his career on me. I know he is trying to take my business, but I don’t think he would be willing to risk his livelihood. He wasn’t a member of your Agency, and Dane told me that Patrick only went to The Agency for help with selling my company’s shares. He ended up buying Patrick’s shares from him and returned them to me. The Agency members took it upon themselves to follow me.”

  “That’s a good story,” Dimitri said proudly. “I should know I made it up for Patrick to plant it. At the time I had imagined Dane would need to show his loyalty for the rest of the members to keep on track for his game. I didn’t see any harm in using him for Patrick’s revenge game. But you’ll be a fool if you think Patrick came to The Agency just for your little business. He came there like all the rest of the elite group members did. He wanted a game of revenge against the women that had wronged him, and that’s what he’s getting.”

  I covered my face with my hands. I was surprised to hear about the length Patrick was willing to go just to steal from me. He must have been profoundly angry. I wondered if he ever loved me at all. I had been blindsided from the beginning. It was all about my family’s power, wealth, and position. It was never about me. “Was this how all these games are played? Walter—”

  “—Walter wanted revenge on his son because he rejected his love,” Dimitri answered. “So, he made the arrangement with me to ruin the love of his son’s life, Angel.”

  Dane had been right about Walter being a liar. He purposely set out to harm her.

  Bile rose in my throat. “But Walter claimed he was being blackmailed.”

  “Oh, Walter was,” Dimitri replied elatedly. “Another group of bankrupted clients wanted revenge against Walter. They hired me to do a revenge game on him. The outcome was to destroy his life and make him pay for his crimes. And now he’s going to jail for being involved in kidnapping Angel. I’ve recently planted enough sloppy evidence that would implicate him. He’ll go to jail this time.”

  My stomach lurched. So Dimitri double-crossed Walter? He wasn’t loyal. He’d hurt anyone, which makes him dangerous.

  What was I going to do?

  I shuddered and looked around my room and over to the door.

  He quickly removed his gun from its holster and pointed it at me. “I’m surprised you’re not asking more questions about your game,” he said standing up and moving closer to me. “You can take a few more things before we go.”

  I shakily moved into the bathroom with my bag, and he followed me. “You filed for divorce, but it didn’t go through fast enough for you. Or did it? No,” Dimitri said then leaned against half of the double sink. Opening the cabinet next to him and threw a few things inside my bag. Apparently, he wanted to continue to show off what he’d done. I still had time, and maybe Kevin is getting help right now. I thought, trying to comfort myself.

  “Patrick delayed,” I replied coolly. “He wanted both my trust and my company.”

  “—And now he’ll have it after you give it to him. After you’re fixed,” Dimitri answered.

  I scowled. “There’s no fix for me. Patrick doesn’t want me. Not after you sent Marco and Vincent to ruin my reputation.”

  “I didn’t,” he answered. “You put yourself in Dane’s revenge game and ended up at Angel’s trade show. Her game was almost over, but you being there made Dane misbehave with Vincent and Marco and ruined the final act.”

  I grimaced. “And what was that?”

  “Seeing his Angel used up, feeble, and weak,” he said grinning broadly. “Dane would have seen her daughter and learned he wasn’t the father right then, but thanks to you and rent-a-cop Elliott, it didn’t go as planned. It wor
ked out though. Vincent and Marco were our sacrifices, though they tried to mess with you with the video. Still, you were going to come with me ultimately.”

  “And what were you going to do with me?” I dared to ask.

  “My job,” Dimitri said matter of factually, re-holstering his gun. “I’ll admit Patrick didn’t like the video, but once he sees my work in honing the perfect, compliable partner, he’ll be back on board.”

  “Why would he be?” I asked.

  “Because I’m the best,” he answered smugly. “You’ll become the partner Patrick always wanted, a satisfied, dutiful humble wife. You will, like Loren, find religion. He gets the good accolades of devotion by taking you back. You’ll remarry and happily let him take over your financial trust. His old donors will be lining up again to work with him.”

  I paused and frowned. “And what about me?”

  “Your memory will be a little fuzzy,” he replied in a casual tone. “But you’ll keep a nice home with friends. I’m guessing it will take a six months’ timeframe, but that’ll depend on you. Longer if you’re stubborn. I’ll let the police find you with Patrick’s help. Game over.”

  My hands shook so hard I dropped my bag. “Master Trainer? Memory fuzzy?” I shrieked. “Is that what you call what you did to Angel? You ruined her mind, and that’s fine with you as long as you’re paid?”

  “That was unfortunate but necessary,” he said and shrugged. “Her game was tailored for Walter’s revenge. Angel was a wild whore. I made her easy to manage. In fact, Dane should thank me.”

  His glory in ruining Angel’s mind was the sign of a complete sociopath. There was no reasoning with him, and I could feel despair taking me. He wasn’t leaving me alone, and I was running out of time. I needed to do something. As I reached back into the cabinet again, I saw my cosmetics bag. Using one of my brow pencils, I quickly scrawled “TOV + LOR” on the wood at the back of the cabinet before pulling out to put it in my large tote. It was the only thing that popped into my head. It was a crude, cryptic message. However, I was sure Elliott would decipher it. He’d ask Tove, and he’d remember he’d taken me to Loren’s.

  “What are you doing?” Dimitri scolded. He stepped closer, and I fumbled, spilling the contents of the cosmetic’s bag on the floor and looked down, one of the lipstick marked the tip of his polished shoe.

  He swore, then grabbed ahold of the back of my neck, and squeezed. “Next time you’ll clean that off with your tongue. You don’t comply, you’ll be punished. Last warning. I agreed with Patrick not to maim you, but there are many ways to break you.”

  I bit my lip hard not to make a sound, and he tightened his grip.

  “You answer, ‘Yes Simon,’” Dmitri barked his instruction harshly.

  The loud sound of a car peeling out had Dimitri running to the row of windows in the bedroom. He cursed.

  Did Kevin wake up and go for help or had Loren?

  This was my chance. I yelled and ran through my bedroom door to escape, but he grabbed my arms and bent them backward, and I cried out.

  “Change of plans.” He hissed. His light, chatty mood was over. He hauled me out the room and down the stairs not stopping or caring what I scrapped or wounded in his plight. No more Mr. Nice Guy act. This was the real Dimitri.

  He dragged me with his hand over my mouth. He chose the back door instead of the front. There was nothing but fields and trees behind the fenced in yard. This could be my only chance. I had to break free. I couldn’t let him take me.

  I chose the second we were outside to bite as hard as I could on his hand and scream. My voice came out hoarse, but loud before his hands tightened on my neck. Was it enough for my neighbors to hear? Was Kevin still here?

  “You stupid, bitch,” he hissed. He shoved his fingers in my mouth and down my throat. I gagged instead of biting. My fingers dug into his hands as I frantically tried to breath. I choked. My wavered focus was all he needed. It gave him enough time to fix his grip on me.

  “You seem to have forgotten: I still have people with your friends and family,” he growled. “One more scream and they’ll die along with you.”

  The pain in my head and throat intensified as the pressure grew. My vision blurred, and my pulse went wild as fear took over. Would he kill me?

  He hauled me on, controlling my breath. We were across the backyard when he loosened his hold on my neck for me to take in air.

  I greedily gulped in as much as I could to fill my lungs before he closed off my breathing again. His large muscular arms went around my neck in a choke-hold.

  I hit at him, scratched and stomped on his feet, but he had his bearings. He was now as moveable as stone. Still, I tried clawing at his hands again, but then a sharp pain exploded in my shoulder. I started to fade. It was done. I was leaving with him.

  He walked on, and I slowly disappeared along with my hope.


  My head was down on her lap. Her hand smoothing my head soothingly like a mother would a child as she softly hummed Amazing Grace. I wasn’t religious, but I recognized the song. I stirred. Loren.

  “She made noises. Is she awake?” Dimitri called back from behind the driver’s seat.

  My heartbeat jumped in my throat as I awaited her answer.

  Loren’s hand closed over my mouth for me to remain quiet, as she calmly continued to pat my hair. “No, Simon. She’s still asleep… I think she’s dreaming.”

  I stiffened on her lap. Why was she lying to Dimitri?

  “Okay,” Dimitri replied. “But remember you were brought along because you’re good and honest. Now if she’s awake we need to give her more drugs so she can stay calm and quiet.”

  “Yes, Simon,” she replied. “But she’s still asleep... drugs are dangerous.”

  “Yes, drugs are, baby girl, and you would know,” he answered in a pacifying voice. “But as I explained to you before, chosen women need motivation to obey. It’ll be her choice how much motivation she needs. It won’t be my fault or yours if she becomes an addict. But if she does, you can help show her the way, like you have done for the others.”

  “Yes, Simon,” she answered softly.

  Loren went back to humming, and I tried not to move or make a sound.

  I reminded myself that Angel had made the mistake of trusting her. Though she had shown some remorse at the house and now. That could work in my favor.

  Even though she helped me, I was angry with Loren, but in a way, I understood why she helped betray me. She, like all the kept-women in The Agency, was a pawn to be used whenever they needed. Angel had, in her mixed-up way, tried to warn me that my game was still in play. My game had deviated to become a part of her own by my being with Dane, but it wasn’t over. As Dimitri put it, the original plan was back in place, thanks to Patrick. He’d been behind my involvement all along. I just hadn’t known the extent until now. I had reveled in his loss of my resources and contacts with the divorce, but I had underestimated the lengths he’d go to protect himself and his power. I’d never do that to anyone again. I’d act, and he’d pay. I just needed to find my way out. If there still was one.

  My only solace was Dimitri was upset by something that happened at my house. Part of his plan had gone wrong, and whatever it was could make more things unravel. Surely by now, Elliott must have realized he didn’t have the real Dimitri. He would have called to check on me, and my not answering would be signal enough that something was wrong. However, what he didn’t know was that he had a traitor working with him. Someone willing to hurt him if Dimitri instructed him or her to. On the other hand, Dimitri and Walter must have told Angel that everyone was against her, and out to get her, but that wasn’t true. Still, just like her, I wasn’t willing to take that risk.

  I admonished myself and my choices and what had befallen me. Again. I had to find hope. I may have been abducted, but just like before, I wasn’t alone. Knowing Elliott, he wouldn’t stop until he found me. And when he did, I made a promise not to let myself get in the way. I wou
ld tell him how I feel and how much I wanted us to be together. That was if I could remember. Would I be so altered after Dimitri was done with me, such that I would only remember the love I once had for Patrick?

  My thoughts were interrupted as the car moved up a ramp, and a burst of excitement shot through me. There was a chance we were on the Mukilteo Ferry heading on to Whidbey Island. If Elliott finds my message in the cabinet, would he put it together and go back to Loren? Then again, it hadn’t worked before for Dane, even me for that matter, when he went to her. Still, it gave me hope I’d be rescued soon.

  “Stay where you are, Gia,” Dimitri said. “I know you’re now awake. You were only given a mild sedative. You’re probably thinking of getting away. You can, but then my contacts expect to hear from me every hour. If I don’t check in, they are instructed to kill Elliott first. Patrick wanted your father to die first, but that would be his end game. I don’t play for him.”

  I dug my hand into my neck to stop the sob that rose in my throat. My father is vulnerable, helpless and at the mercy of those that I trusted. Thinking someone would harm him was enough to win my silence. I would never risk his life or anyone else’s.

  A beeping sounded, and my nerves jolted, though I feared his answer if I question, then he said, “You may as well know more about me since we’ll be together for a while.” The car slowed to park. “That’s the alarm for my heart’s medication. I’m dying.” There hadn’t appeared to be anything visibly wrong with him at the house, but Angel had suggested as much. He could also be lying, but I didn’t dare say so.

  “Then why spend your final days doing other people’s bidding?” I asked. “Please, let me go and disappear.”

  Loren whimpered.

  “It’s too late for that now,” he replied and cleared his throat. “I’ve got my game to play too, which you’ll learn about in time. Now quiet so I can make sure your loved ones stay living.”

  I moved to sit up, but Loren pushed my head down. “Obey, or you’ll be drugged and put in the trunk,” she said loud enough for Dimitri to hear.


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