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FOOTBALL ROMANCE: SECRET BABY ROMANCE: Going Pro (Bad Boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Sports Romance)

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by Vanessa La Porte

  “Look,” she said, “is all you’re here for really a date?”

  “Yes!” Simon exclaimed, bouncing on his toes like a puppy. He cleared his throat then and visibly tried to gather himself. “I play for the Bengals. You might have noticed my jacket, seeing as how you’re a designer. And stuff like that.”

  Smooth, she thought sarcastically. “Yes, I noticed your jacket. I hated it.”

  He leaned in and whispered as though sharing a secret. “Me too.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest, fit to leap out her throat. Just sex, and then I can get him out of here for good.

  She knew where he kept his wallet.

  Simon watched, his breath growing ragged and excited as she took two dainty steps right into his arms and lifted her face to his. “Let’s skip the date,” she whispered, and reached around behind him to lay her hands on his firm butt. The bulge of his wallet pressed against her palm, and she stroked her hand up an inch or two to reach in with her finger.

  “Let’s just assume that I liked you for some reason.”

  Teasing her finger down to touch his wallet, she snatched it up and out in one quick movement and then slapped the now-empty pocket lightly. He yelped with surprise, but she grabbed him with both hands again, having tossed his wallet to the floor to disguise the thump with the sound of his own making.

  “Let’s assume I wanted anything to do with you after I found out what a big, dull lug you are.”

  His eyes flashed with only the smallest amount of hurt, which let her knew he wasn’t listening quite as intently as he should have. His eyes were glazing over even as she watched, to the point here she knew he saw nothing anymore. Sliding her hands around to his front, she teased the bulge pressing the front of his jeans into an impressive tent with one hand. With the other, she deftly undid his belt and had it snaking away from the loops and dropping into a coil on the floor before he knew what was happening. He didn’t seem to notice when she unsnapped his jeans, leaning forward to his neck to brush her lips on his skin while speaking.

  “Let’s skip over all that stuff and just get right down to it, okay?” Her tongue flicked out, tracing a wet path up the hollow of his throat. In the time it took for him to gasp, she yanked down his zipper. He still hadn’t noticed what she was doing.

  “O-okay,” he panted. “But…what about…those other people?” His hips arched off the wall behind him, pressing for her attention.

  “They know not to bother me when I’m busy,” she whispered, but it turned into a growl. Her own excitement rose to a tremulous crest as she slid her hand deep inside his jeans and grabbed his hard length and pulled it free.

  Only then did he notice, and looked down at himself throbbing in her hand. “Oh,” he groaned, and his eyes snapped shut with pleasure. His member twitched in her hand. Her grip tightened around him.

  I don’t know how you found me but I’ll make it worth my while.

  Her mouth opened, teeth pressing against the delicate softness of his neck. Simon whimpered and shook in her grasp, putty in her hand as she began to stroke up and down his length with even pressure. “Don’t stop,” he whimpered. “Keep going. More. I’m so glad we went on that date.”

  His wit surprised her and she laughed, breath hot on his skin. Want throbbed between her legs, pure desire for the shape of him and how their bodies would meld together. He was a professional athlete and now that she was committed to this, she was just beginning to realize exactly what that meant for this act they were about to perform together.

  She undid her pants and shoved them down out of the way while stroking him still. His broad, rough hands reached out and pulled at the front of her shirt, ripping the buttons open so he could slip his fingers up under her bra. Her nipples peaked under his rubbing fingertips, sending a trail of electric sparks all the way down to her very inner core.

  A tickle of wetness ran down her inner thigh, soaking the soft patch of panties between her legs, and then she yanked those out of the way, too.

  Simon’s nostrils flared as he caught her musky scent of readiness, and he ripped his hands away from her breasts and grabbed her around the waist. Kristina barely managed to muffle her shout of surprise as he lifted her up and spun her around to press her back against the wall. Her legs rose to wrap around him, surrendering to the power of his will, and as be began to press her against the wall and sink himself towards her, she held his rigidness and helped guide it deep within her.

  Her head tilted back against the wall, ruining the hair she slaved over for half an hour that morning. Pure delight at the slick rubbing of him deep inside her made her mouth fall open. He sank his lips down on hers and kissed her roughly, a hungry predator devouring her, the prey.

  Never before had she felt so captured, and the reversal of the role from which she knew so well thrilled her with an equal mixture of trepidation and wonder. Too far in over her head now to stop, and unwilling to do such a thing anyway, Kristina wrapped her arms around his neck and manage to pull back just enough to speak breathily against his lips. “Pounce on me, tiger,” she said.

  His eyes flashed. His nails dug into her hips, and he pressed her against the wall. Kristina held onto him as best as she could, and braced herself to take him as he reared back and then plunged deep inside again. Sinking up to his hilt, he immediately pulled out again and then began to thrust in earnest.

  The motion of his body rocked hers with him, and she gave herself up to it. Only in the back of her mind did she remember she must still be quiet, but his mouth on hers swallowed their whimpers anyway. He throbbed and pulsed inside her. Wetness covered her inner thighs. Already her body began to buck and writhe against the wall, her naked butt thumping back in steady rhythm with him.

  Yes, yes, yes, she thought. Her mouth opened beneath his, a soundless scream of pleasure which he took with his tongue.

  “Yes,” he growled to her. “Come on.”

  “Make me,” she snapped back, and he was only too quick to oblige. Hefting her higher up on his body, Simon lifted her slowly all the way off himself and then let her drop back down abruptly.

  Pierced straight through to the core of her womanhood by his shaft, Kristina just barely managed to strangle her cry into a tangled whimper against his mouth. His hard body against hers shuddered for a long time, and it seemed like forever until her feet were finally allowed to touch the ground.

  Silence fell between them. Kristina knocked his hands away from her and then retreated a little, sliding down the wall to start trying to adjust herself back into the proper orientation befitting a smart, sharp businesswoman. After just having had the best orgasm in her life, it was easier said than done.

  Simon coughed awkwardly. “I really enjoyed our date.”

  “Best part of the evening,” Kristina replied coolly, hating herself a little for being unable to keep the tremor from her voice. Now that he was coming down from her sexual high, she really just wanted him gone again. What just happened between them had been good –fantastic, really- but this needed to be over and done with now.

  “Can I….uh, see you again?” Simon asked hopefully, ruffling his hair with one hand. Though he had tucked himself back into his pants and straightened his clothes a little, Kristina found herself admiring the sexy, disheveled look he wore and had to admit it brought a little warmth to her sensitive sheath again. If only he had been wearing the right style, she might have let him jump on her again.

  No, no. It was good. Now it’s done. That’s final.

  However, when she shook her head, she deliberately avoided looking at him. “I’m really sorry, Simon. I just don’t have time for that kind of stuff right now.”

  He sighed and looked down at the floor beneath his shoes. “Can I at least know your name?”

  For a long moment, Kristina hesitated. Revealing that would be giving out a lot more information than she felt comfortable with, but now she felt bad. She stole from strangers for a living, a career criminal living a double life, but s
he didn’t use people.

  “Just this once,” she said aloud, knowing he would have no idea what she meant. “My name is Kristina, Simon.”

  “Kristina,” he said huskily, and started for the exit with his head down and his hands shoved in his pockets. “Maybe I’ll see you around sometime.”

  Not if I have anything to do with it this time, Kristina thought after him. Neither Harry nor Veronica came back to bother her, for which she was grateful. The Alterations room smelled of sex.

  Only when she was sure he was gone and not coming back did she stoop to pick up his wallet from the floor.

  Chapter 4

  Even though he managed to keep himself firmly occupied for the rest of the week, Simon found himself walking through downtown Cincinnati again on the weekend. This time, he politely brushed away the attention of everyone who recognized his face or the orange of his jacket.

  I just want to be alone today he told himself, but he knew it wasn’t true. He lived his life on a grassy, cleat-ripped stage. Attention and admiration were energy for him. What he really meant was he only wanted to be with one person right now. The very sound of her voice in his memories pulled him along through the days, igniting his passion hotter and brighter than it had been since his very first tryout.

  “What has she done to me?” he said aloud, wonderingly. Kristina moved like witchcraft. He hadn’t even known what she was doing until the last second! She made him feel intoxicated, like she’d put him under some sort of spell. Was he drunk? Had he gone mad?

  Or did he simply love this enchanting stranger?

  Only now, as he turned down the Beauty District, did he admit to himself that he wasn’t just wandering for the sake of it. There was a purpose to this and he knew it.

  I have to see her again, just one more time.

  However, she wasn’t even in the shop. Instead, the pretty man with greying hair stepped out from around the counter and approached with a slender hand out. Simon was surprised by his grip, and the calluses on his fingertips.

  “Hi there,” the man said softly. “My name is Harry and I am Amenable Design’s, well, designer.” Harry smiled so infectiously that Simon couldn’t help but to smile back. “Was there anything I could help you with today, sir? Or would you just be needing something adjusted? That jacket…”

  Simon laughed inwardly, but at least that part of the puzzle was solved. Sewing all day must have given this man such strong fingers. And they all have the same taste in jackets. I must really be offending people. “No, I was in here the other day but not for anything…clothes-related.”

  “Oh!” Simon witnessed the first lightbulb realization moment of his entire life, watching understanding brighten Harry’s eyes. “You were that gentleman caller whom Ms. Holden saw personally. About a week ago. I thought I recognized the jacket. Ugh.”

  Kristina Holden. Such a beautiful name.

  “Is she here right now?”

  “Unfortunately not. Did you have another meeting scheduled with her?”

  I bet he knows exactly what’s going on

  “I guess not,” Simon said, shrugging one shoulder as though it didn’t really matter. Two could play at this game of talking around corners. “I was just stopping by and thought we could talk.”

  “Well, she’s hardly ever in anymore. It must be an awful burden to own a business.” Harry looked sympathetic but vague. “I never had any ambitions for that but Ms. Holden is very dedicated, as I’m sure you know.”

  “Sure. So, any idea when I can expect her back?”

  “I’m afraid not. She comes and goes as she pleases. That’s fine for Veronica and me, but rather inconvenient for her personal clients, I suppose. Shall I leave her a message?”

  God, no. “No. That’s uh, that’s okay. I guess I’ll be going, then.”

  “Well, at least allow me to tell her you stopped by so she can know how much of an inconvenience she is.”

  Simon waved his hands and started to back away towards the door. “No, that’s fine. I’ll be by again soon. It was nice talking to you, Henry.”

  “It’s Harry!”

  Simon barely heard. The rejection stung even though he’d really only just come at a bad time. All the same, he needed to see her so badly his chest ached. By the time he had gone a block, the pain solidified into determination.

  The next week, he came by again. Harry appeared to be alone again, but he smiled when he saw who it was. “Sir, you’re back! And in luck. She’s just in her office, there. Shall I get her for you?”

  Her office was beyond a small black door he hadn’t noticed before, tucked away behind a wall of mannequins so only a person with a slimmer build would be able to navigate through easily. The thought of whom that slim build belonged to made his heart pound. His knees felt weak, like they had done all that dreadful three months where he decided he wanted to be a kicker –and eventually gave it up. No, he couldn’t let someone else do this for him. Kristina would refuse to see him altogether.

  At least this way he could see her one last time.

  He headed for the office door. Scuffling movement came from behind him. “Wait!” Harry said, reaching for his arm. “You can’t just go in there unannounced!”

  Simon juked to the side, dodging as he was trained to do without a second thought. Sidestepping through the line of mannequins, he grabbed the door and ripped it wide open.

  Kristina sat huddled over a small desk in a tiny room barely large enough to contain her. The room was otherwise bare but for a dead plant and calendar on the wall. Spread out before her on the desk were a number of dollars in large denominations, a smattering of change, folded receipts, and IDs.

  She looked up sharply. “What the hell?” she said, eyes flying wide open. Her arm swept out, knocking everything to the floor, but it was too late. Simon had already seen his own face looking up at him from several laminated cards. His loves truck heart went frozen cold. Ice broken beneath his feet, he plunged into the cold depths without warning.

  His lost wallet. Though he had replacements for everything important, he mourned its disappearance but he had never even thought he would find a trace of it again. Even if it wasn’t stolen, he reasoned someone in a low place would take all the money anyway. Now he knew better.

  “Ms. Holden?” Harry said tentatively, trying to look over Simon’s shoulder. “Should I…do something?”

  He can’t see what’s going on. How much does he know?

  For a moment, Kristina didn’t move. Then, her shoulders slumped. “No, it’s okay. Thank you, Harry. Just close the door behind you. Come in, Simon.”

  Simon shut the door himself, then turned and locked it. When he turned around again, his wallet sat on the desk once again with everything tucked neatly in place once more. Kristina raised her chin defiantly.

  He walked over and put his hand on his wallet, making a cage with his fingers; looking right into her piercing eyes, he tried to remember who here was larger and more physically intimidating. “Explain to me.”

  Kristina shrugged. “What is there to explain? I stole from you. I’m a thief. I’m a career criminal and this is my cover-up. No one has caught me yet. Just you.”

  “When I thought you grabbed my butt?”

  “Bad timing. You weren’t supposed to feel me getting your wallet.”

  “So,” he said, “you got it then?”

  “No. I failed that. I got it later, before we had sex.”

  “You had sex with me just to steal my wallet?” Simon was incredulous, not even angry. He was too bewildered to feel angry over this yet. All he wanted was to understand.

  “No.” Kristina shook her head, spreading her hands. “I may not want anything personal but I do believe in hot sex. I was going to count you as a loss but then you showed up again somehow and how was I to resist?”

  “By being a normal person!” he burst out. “This is ridiculous.”

  “So call the police,” she said shortly. “But leave my employees out of it. Th
ey don’t know anything.”

  “Then why was Henry…”


  “Why was Harry acting like he knew what you were doing, if he doesn’t?”

  “Harry isn’t an idiot, and he assumed you were here for sex. Isn’t that what you were here for? Newsflash big shot: you aren’t the first guy I’ve had in here.”

  Simon shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. If she did this for a living and the shop was just a cover, that meant she had probably started years ago and hit who knew how many people since then. He shouldn’t get involved in this, just turn around and leave, but something held him back from doing it. This woman, this criminal; labels didn’t matter, because she still had his heart.

  “You could go on a second date with me.”

  Kristina put her hands on her hips. “Are you extorting me?”

  “No,” Simon sighed, his mind made up for him. “No matter what, I’m not going to the police. And I’m not telling you what to do. I’m not that kind of guy. No, I’m just asking. I enjoyed our first time, I found out a little more about you, and I’d say a second date is in order.”

  Her hands were down to her belt in a second, rapidly unbuckling. This time there was no give and take between them, no teasing banter between gasps. He followed suit, sliding his jeans down to his hips and yanking his underwear out of the way of his member. He was still soft, his body not quite caught up to his mind, but when her slacks drifted to the floor and he saw the polite expanse of soft white cotton covering her womanhood, he immediately began to stiffen in his hand. She was a dangerous type of person but for her to be wearing something so innocent and sweet tweaked at his feelings powerfully.

  She’s literally stealing my heart!

  Her panties slid down her thighs. There was nothing innocent about the smooth slit between her legs. His mouth went dry, but there was moisture there waiting for him and suddenly he felt very thirsty.

  Simon grabbed her wrists and pushed her against her desk while sliding down her body. She sat and her legs spread apart wide, forced apart even further by his hands as he held on to help keep her from shaking away. Taking in her scent, he pressed rough little kisses all over her inner thighs until her muscles trembled and her butt began to squirm with pleasure. Wetness overflowed from deep within her and he lapped at the entrance to her most feminine well with long, agonizing strokes.


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