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FOOTBALL ROMANCE: SECRET BABY ROMANCE: Going Pro (Bad Boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Sports Romance)

Page 12

by Vanessa La Porte

  “What can I get you, gentlemen?” I asked, knowing my way around a bar. The summer before my 21st birthday party, I asked my friends to teach me all about alcohol, so I wouldn’t be embarrassed when I could legally drink. They spent a weekend teaching me what they liked to drink and how to make it. I could make a few things.

  “Scotch on the rocks.”


  “Coming right up,” I said, bending over to get what I needed from the small refrigerator.

  The men turned something sports related onto the television, and I delivered their drinks then sat between them once I had a glass of red wine. Once seated, they both turned to me.

  “So Ms. V, you must tell us what you’ve been up to,” Brett said.

  “Well, you know, college. Double major in psychology and sociology.”

  “Oh really? Have you chosen a focus?” Lawrence asked.

  “Yea, I’m really into behavioral psychology,” I said smiling.

  “What’s that?” Brett asked.

  “Basically knowing behaviors and the conditioning that causes them.”

  “Sounds interesting.”

  “Know what you plan to do with all that?” Lawrence asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t. Not yet, anyways. For now, I’m just focused on finishing.”

  Lawrence nodded before downing his drink. “I can understand that. Nothing wrong with waiting to make decisions.” He stood with his empty glass, “would you like a refill?”

  I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was. I handed him my cup as an offering. “Yes please.”

  It was nice, relaxing, not having any obligations or worries. I rarely did that anymore. Brett scooted closer and put his hand on my bare thigh. My robe had ridden up, and his hand warmed my skin.

  “You have bloomed into a beautiful young woman Vanessa.” I smiled at his compliment.

  “Are you saying I was ugly before?” I joked, noting the intensity of his gaze.

  “Not at all,” he said, shaking his head no, “merely a child.”

  “I second that,” Lawrence said, setting our drinks down on the end table, and I noted his use of coasters. He scooted closer and caressed my cheek. “You’re as lovely as a rose.”

  “I’ve had a few years to grow up. In that time, I learned a few things.”

  “Did you now?” Brett said scooting closer to play with the drying ends of my wet and wavy hair. “Like what?” He asked, slipping his hands into my hair. If there was one thing I loved, it was a head massage.

  I felt my head fall forward, making room for his hand.

  “Like how to put on makeup and eat better. You can’t live on take out menus, you know?”

  They both murmured in agreement.

  “I learned how to make all the boys want me and how to make them beg,” I moaned out the last part. I had been joking, but it came out as a seductive whisper. “That feels amazing,” I whimpered.

  “I would like to make you feel better,” Lawrence whispered in my ear, and I could feel his hard flesh pressing into my hip.

  The wine was slowing my reactions but heating my inhibitions. I fantasized about these men for years as a teen. I wasn’t going to say no now that I had my chance.

  “Let me make you feel like a woman,” he said and I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning. As soon as I nodded, his hands slipped through the small gap of my robe to pinch my hard nipple.

  Brett stood, and I felt the pressure release on the couch cushions. His hands never left my scalp as he walked behind the couch to stand behind me. One hand in my hair, the other reached down to untie my robe. I was exposed and vulnerable before both men and delirious with excitement. Brett massaged the breast Lawrence wasn’t teasing.

  “Stand up,” Lawrence whispered and I obeyed. He pulled the robe from my arms and turned me around.

  I may not have time for a relationship, but that did not mean I wasn’t having sex. I enjoyed the casual fling, and since I never knew when I would have time for it, my pussy stayed bald. Hair could be such a nuisance, but I made time for my monthly wax.

  “You’re beautiful.” Lawrence said.

  “Do you know what I see?” Brett said, untying his tie.

  I shook my head no, trembling slightly at both men’s intense stares.

  “Silk hair, soft, creamy skin, round natural breasts, perky pink nipples, a smooth stomach and a pussy worth eating.” I felt myself grow moist at his words. “Let me see if it tastes as good as it looks,” he said, dropping to his knees.

  My eyes couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Mr. Martin, Brett, the man that let me paint his nails when he babysat me was on his knees with his face in the crevice of my thighs worshiping my body. I opened my legs, and he dove in. Brett moaned like he was getting head while Lawrence undressed. I didn’t know where to look. Down at the men on his knees or up at the man unbuttoning his pants. Lawrence took off his black shirt and let his pants fall quickly. He was a boxer’s man. I wondered which one Brett was. I didn’t have time to wonder because of the electricity seizing my brain. Brett knew how to use his tongue. The years of experience worked in my favor as I held onto his bald head. My head was thrown back as I tried to breathe deeply. I whimpered and when he stuck his pinkie in my ass, I came undone. Lawrence was behind me to catch me.

  He sat on the couch and pulled me onto his lap while Brett undressed. He kissed up my left arm and down my cleavage leaving my sensitive skin tingling. Then he lifted my heavy breasts to his mouth, and I hissed on contact while he bit softly on the hardened buds. Brett was chiseled underneath his suit. His chest was colored with light hair along his pecs and dark hair creased the inside of his abs and lined his belly button down to his briefs. I could already see evidence of his erection and licked my lips in anticipation.

  Since Lawrence was already seated, I stood and bent over to kiss the head of his penis. Just before I swallowed him, I looked over my shoulder to catch Brett’s eyes.

  “Don’t keep me waiting,” I said and then bounced my little ass in the air as an invitation. I never had a threesome before, but I didn’t want Brett to feel left out. My walls were clenched with need. Brett had started something I needed him to finish. Both men groaned at the same time. I took Lawrence in as far as he could go, gagging on his length and then stroked him firmly.

  “Do you like this?” I asked, wanting to please him.

  He nodded, and I pushed his legs further apart so I could cup his balls while I relaxed my gag reflect. He stroked my cheek with his thumb. Brett slid into me with no warning, and I gasped as his large cock filled me completely, stretching my walls to the limit. I whimpered on Lawrence’s dick as the sensation of Brett ricocheted through my body. It was almost more than I could take. Almost. I sucked Lawrence to the tempo Brett set, focused on making Lawrence come. When I massaged his balls and swirled my tongue as I increased pressure, he pleaded, “Harder” and lifted his hips to meet my face. His fingers twitched in my hair, and I could tell he struggled to keep control. I used leverage from the back of the couch to throw it back to Brett as hard as possible. I wanted it hard and fast.

  “Oh, fuck me,” Brett hissed, grabbing my waist tightly.

  I felt the beads of pre-cum in my mouth and wanted more. I used my hands, pumping his base and my mouth struggled to hold on to his head. His hands fisted my hair, and he slammed me down on his dick twice, gagging me and pleasuring me at the same time before he erupted down my throat. I eagerly swallowed it all, thankful for the opportunity. My eagerness did not stop at swallowing, and I used the relief in my mouth to strengthen my own thrusts. Brett came apart and combusted with long hard thrusts. Thankfully, I was on the pill. I could only breathe to the rhythm of the pleasure. It felt good. Nothing else mattered but the pleasure inside me, over me, around me, and under me. All our breaths mingled together hard, shallow and fast. We collapsed on the couch.

  “That. Was. Unbelievable.” I panted.

  Both men were sweaty and unable to speak. When we were
able to pick ourselves up, we dressed in comforted silence. I felt no reason to be ashamed, and it seemed that we were all comfortable with what occurred.

  “I don’t have to mention that daddy better not hear about this. Right?” I asked, clinging to my robe.

  “Hell no.” “Absolutely not.” They said together.

  “Good, then neither of you will mind if we do that again before I finish my break. Right?” I asked.

  Brett tilted his head back, looking at the ceiling, “there is a God.” He was so dramatic, and Lawrence and I laughed at his antics. They both lived nearby.

  “Just name the time and the place,” Lawrence said, always mysterious and intense. Both men lived alone. Brett was divorced with a daughter who was married and had kids of her own. Lawrence had never married and always lived alone.

  “As soon as possible,” I smirked at their responses. “That was fun.”

  They nodded, fully dressed and walked up the stairs. “I’ll tell Daddy you’ll see him tomorrow night for poker and then the day after that I’ll meet you both at Brett’s. If I remember correctly, he lives closer and has the bigger bed.”

  Chapter 3

  I woke up deliciously sore and stretched with a smile. I had always been excited to go to my dad’s friends’ houses. They always gave me candy and let me stay up past my bedtime. Now I could look forward to them giving me something else even better. I just had to get through today. I showered and had every intention of going to the mall. Lingerie was a must. They already saw me naked but that didn’t mean I couldn’t give them something to appreciate the next time. I made breakfast for my dad, and we ate together in silence.

  “You know, ever since your mom died from cancer, I’ve been trying to be better about my health.”

  “Really dad? I didn’t know. You rarely go the gym. You eat out every time I’m home. How do you plan to be healthier?

  He laughed at my criticism. “I don’t eat this way all the time sweetheart.”

  “Oh really, then who cooks when I’m not around.”

  I could tell this was a setup by the way his face looked. “Well, that’s what I wanted to tell you. I’ve been dating someone.”

  His words lingered in the air between us, and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to respond. On one hand, I was happy for my dad. I did worry about him being alone, and I knew I wouldn’t always be around to help him. On the other hand, I didn’t know how to feel about him hiding women from me.

  “That’s great dad. How long have you been dating?”

  “It’s still new, and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but now that it’s been a few months, I wanted to get your opinion.”

  “I think, anything that makes my favorite guy happy gets my approval.”

  He smiled and attacked me with a hug.

  “You’ll always be my favorite girl Pumpkin.”

  I sniffed, knowing this woman must really mean something to him. “I better be.”

  We separated, and I cleaned the dishes.

  “I’m off to the mall; I’ll be back late.”

  “But the boys are coming for poker.”

  “I know. You don’t need me to have fun. Tell them I say hey and you just have fun.”

  “They were really looking forward to seeing you honey.”

  “We saw each other last night when I told them you were too tired to play. They won’t miss me at all once you start playing.”

  “Alright,” he said pacified.

  Little did he know, they would be seeing me again very soon.


  The mall was worth the drive and the hectic parking. I wanted an outfit that showed just how grown I really was. Victoria’s Secret was the only place I trusted would have what I needed.

  “Hi. Can I help you find anything today?” A petite woman with a pink pixie cut asked.

  “I want something that screams sex and I need a bra fitting.”

  The woman yielded a tape measure and deemed me a 32D before bringing several outfits to my dressing room. After, several tries, I found the perfect ensemble. It was pale pink lacy corset with a matching thong and black outlines. It was pretty and it added up to two cup sizes. Wearing this, I would look like a 2DDD. It had a wide plunging front, was see through and had an easy hook in the back. The first rule of thumb for lingerie, make it easy to take off. I paid for my purchases and left in pursuit of matching heels.

  I rarely wore heels. I preferred flats and tennis shoes while I trekked through campus. At home, I rarely had a chance to dress up. I entered a shoe heaven and overwhelmed by the many options decided I needed to make my purchase in the next ten minutes. Once I found what I needed, I rushed to buy a black pair of Christian Louboutin and leave before I spent more money than I should. Tomorrow night was going to be fun.

  Chapter 4

  I told the men to expect me around 5. I ate dinner with Daddy and told him I would be out with some friends.

  “Expect me home late,” I said. Hint: don’t wait up.

  The drive to Brett’s house was less than ten minutes. He lived in the next neighborhood, and I knew the way by heart. His house looked similar to my own but reeked of male presence. The walls were dark blue, and most of his furniture was either glass or black.

  “I’m so glad you came,” he said when he opened the door.

  “You didn’t think I would?” I asked while I took off my coat.

  He shrugged, looking vulnerable. “To be honest, Lawrence and I thought that maybe it was the wine talking for you last time.”

  Lawrence appeared from the kitchen shirtless and in jeans. “No, Brett thought that. I thought that you were confident enough to say what you really want.”

  I smirked, taking them in. They both were in loose jeans and shirtless. The differences in their body and muscles were beautiful. I traced my index nail down Brett’s chest.

  “You shouldn’t have doubted me.”

  His muscles constricted under my touch and before he could grab me, I walked out of his reach and up the stairs. They watched my ascent, probably trying to figure out how all this would go without liquid courage. They would soon find out I had a lot of tricks in my bag.

  “Are you coming?”

  They both moved suddenly, running up the stairs to join me and I laughed at their energy. I knew where Brett’s room was. I saw inside of it once too. It appeared unchanged despite the years. There was a bed, two chairs and a desk in the far corner, a big closet, and an even bigger bathroom.

  “Shall I make myself comfortable?” I asked seductively.

  “Absolutely,” Brett said.

  I pulled lube from my purse and put it on the nightstand. I tossed my purse on the floor and asked, “Who wants to undress me?”

  They both had no reservations, and soon I was standing in only my lingerie and heels.

  “Jesus, look how you’ve grown.” This was the first thing Lawrence said since we came to the bedroom.

  “I want to do something tonight. Something that I’ve never done before.” I talked as I climbed onto the bed on my hands and knees. I was careful not to snag the covers with my heels. “It’s a fantasy and,” I paused to look back. They both were staring at my body, still as statues. “I want you to fulfill it.”

  “Tell us what to do,” Brett said pulling at his tight crotch.

  “Get naked.” They unbuttoned their jeans and were naked in seconds. They both skipped underwear.

  I choose Brett to lay down because he was the stronger one and had the wider chest.

  “Lay here Brett.” I pointed to the space in front of me. He complied. He laid on the edge of the bed so his feet could still touch the floor. The idea of having my fantasy in real life was making me wet just thinking about it.

  “Now Lawrence,” I said smiling mischievously. “You get the pleasure of popping my anal cherry.”

  Lawrence was already hard, but his dick twitched as he thought about it. “Can you be gentle?” I asked. He nodded. “I need to hear it
. Tell me you’ll be nice to my ass.”

  “I’ll be nice to your ass.”

  “Will you make love to it?”


  “Do you mind touching a little bit of Brett to do it?”


  “Good,” I said happy to be getting my way. “But first, I want you to fuck my pretty pussy.”

  I didn’t have to talk him into anything anymore. Lawrence bent me over so fast and held me by the neck my head instinctively went to Brett’s member. First, he slapped my opening with his head. Then he slid his head in just an inch and smeared my wetness around my opening.

  I groaned in anticipation. “Please, Lawrence?”

  He slid in again and was gone just as fast. “I’ll decide when you get this dick.”

  I squirted a little as I begged, “Lawrence please?”

  Then he slid into me, grabbing my hips in a familiar way and pumping me slowly. I let Lawrence set the pace while I set the pressure and wrapped my tongue around Brett’s head. I swirled my tongue around while gliding up his dick at the same time; I squeezed internally on Lawrence’s. I routinely did Kegels while I studied and knew he felt it. They both cried out in response. There were hands on my hips and hands on my head. Oh my fucking god, it was amazing.

  I could feel the electricity traveling up from my toes to my clit, and I clenched around Lawrence, sucking my orgasm and his closer.

  “Don’t stop Lawrence. Please?” I begged. I had to stop playing with Brett to play with myself. This orgasm was building and Brett, undeterred that I stopped, reached forward and bit my nipple. It was what I needed, and I pitched forward, screaming into Brett’s chest. It felt like a water balloon went off into me. I was wetter and hotter and ready for double penetration. Everything was sensitive.


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