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The Assassins Guild II: Defending the Colonies

Page 13

by Saxon Andrew


  “She would have destroyed my career in the Navy, Sir. She’s done it numerous times in the past and it was clear she would do it with me if I persisted.”

  Rachael was sitting at attention in her command chair with her eyes staring straight ahead. Tal turned his eyes back to her and was silent…for a few moments…before saying, “Let me summarize what’s happened here. Captain Meadows, Admiral Montana gave you the manuals on the Alpha Class Warship. I’m reasonably certain he originally planned to put you in command of an Alpha but was overruled by the Chancellor. It was politically necessary to get you out into the fight to prove to the colonies that Earth was working with them in this effort. Captain Ward told you he had the manuals for your new ship and you turned them down. He sent them anyway and I suspect you haven’t even opened them, right Captain?”

  Rachael replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  “You didn’t even fully read the manuals Admiral Montana gave you or you would have quickly seen that they were the wrong manuals for the operation of your ship, right, Captain?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Captain, what is the maximum range of the Major Alien Warship’s weapons?”

  “Thirty miles, Sir.”

  Tal grunted, “Well, at least you got that right.” Tal stared at her for what felt like a very long time before saying, “Is this the way you prepare yourself for a new assignment, Captain?”

  Rachael’s face turned even redder, “No, Sir.”

  “I suspect it is, Captain. That would explain why you were moved from commanding a fleet to being on the Colonies Headquarters Staff. Your arrogance, shoddy preparation, and overall lack of discipline would endanger any fleet you commanded. I also suspect that you were ordered to Earth to get you out of their hair. You’d become Earth’s problem and they’d refuse to take you back if we offered. This tells me a great deal about the Colonies’ military.”

  Rachael thought about her colony commander ordering her to go to Earth as a Military Liaison and remembered she wasn’t being given an option. She lowered her eyes slightly and expected the worst.

  “That really ticks me off, Captain!”

  Rachael’s eyes came up, “What is that, Sir.”

  “That they would send me a high-ranking officer they knew was incompetent and a coward to boot. I hate what I’m about to do but I can’t totally blame you for all of this.” Rachael’s eyes narrowed, as Tal continued, “You were rushed to Earth and thrown into commanding a ship on the front line. You didn’t have the time Greg had to prepare your crew and you simply rushed through the preparation like you’ve always done in the past.”

  Rachael lowered her eyes and Tal leaned forward in his chair and saw her defeated expression, “I’m going to give you two options, Captain.” Rachael looked up. “Option One; You will give me a request to have you sent back to Earth stating that you aren’t up to commanding an Epy Class Starship.”

  “And the second option, Sir?” Rachael asked softly.

  “I’m busting you back to Lieutenant and will make you the kind of officer you should be. I personally hope you pick door number-one.”

  Rachael lowered her head and thought furiously about what to do. She decided, and looked up, “I’d like to try option two, Sir.”

  “Are you sure about that, Lieutenant?”

  Rachael flinched at the rank but forced herself to sit up straight and look Tal directly at the Admiral, “Yes, Sir.”

  Tal sat up straight, “So be it! Lt. Meadows, put on a space suit and go to the landing bay. You will move to the ShaKa and will take command of my weapons panel.” He turned to Jeremy, “Captain Stevens, you will put on a spacesuit and transfer to the Americas. You will take command of the ship and teach Lt. Smythe how to operate his weapons system”

  Jeremy glanced at Jan before saying, “Sir! I really prefer to…”


  Jeremy’s expression showed his consternation, but he answered, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Now, just to be sure everyone knows how we’re going to handle this, neither vessel will allow itself to be placed in a dangerous situation. All future attacks will be done outside the range of the alien’s weapons, they will happen quickly, and escaping will be done the moment after the pulse cannons are fired.” Tal ordered. He looked around and asked, “Does everyone understand?!” All five members of the two crews answered strongly, “Yes, Sir!” Tal turned to Jeremy, “You’ve watched all of our attacks and I know you will keep the Americas out of trouble. Get moving!”

  Jeremy stood up and left the bridge. Tal ended the contact and began moving the ShaKa next to the Americas to make the transfer. Jan watched him and spoke up after he finished moving into position, “Sir, is there a reason you chose Jeremy instead of me to command their ship?”

  “Yes, there is. Perhaps you’ll tell me why you think I chose him?”

  “You didn’t want me on the same ship as Dorman!”

  “You still haven’t gotten your emotions under control, Jan. Try again and use your mind this time instead of your anger.” Jan glared at Tal and he added, “Consider that Lt. Smythe wasn’t on that ship, who would you send if you were in my place?”

  Jan continued to glare at him but then her eyes widened. Tal had a small smile when she responded, “Lt. Higginson knows how to operate his systems; Lt. Smythe does not. I’d send the one to train him properly…and that would be Jee.”

  “Now you’re using your head! However, I did consider your feelings about Smythe for a split second when I thought about it. However, Meadows doesn’t know how to operate a weapons console and Jee would have still had to go if I brought Smythe to our ship. It was the most logical decision I could make.”

  “But Jee won’t be here to train Lt. Meadows.”

  “Do you still have the document Jeremy wrote to send to Captain Ward to teach his weapons officer how to use their panel?” Jan nodded. “Send a copy of it to Jeremy’s panel on the ShaKa and a duplicate to Smythe’s and Jeremy’s consoles on the Americas.” Jan turned to her panel and began searching for the document in her files.

  • • •

  Lt. Meadows entered the bridge of the ShaKa and Tal pointed to Jeremy’s console, “Lieutenant, there is a document on the weapons panel and you will start memorizing it immediately. When you can repeat it word-for-word, we’re going to put you to work.”

  “Yes, Sir!” Rachael responded and went to the weapons console.

  Tal turned to Jan, “Connect me with, Jeremy and tell him to put on his helmet.” Jeremy appeared on the monitor wearing his helmet and Tal smiled, “I wasn’t kidding about not taking risks, Captain. Get in, take a shot, and get out fast. Get Lt. Smythe up to date and make sure Lt. Higginson is keeping a close eye on his scanner. If alien ships are moving in, just get out!”

  Jeremy nodded quickly, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Jeremy, I need you to make sure Smythe can operate his board proficiently, can you do that?”

  Jeremy stood up and walked away from his console before responding, “Yes, Sir. I won’t allow personal feelings to interfere with his training.”

  “Let me know when he’s ready. You might want to make a few attacks to help him get up to speed.” Jeremy nodded agreement, and Tal ended the contact.”

  “What now, Sir?” Jan asked.

  “Set a course for Captain Ward’s ship. Let him know we’re on our way.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rachael spoke up, “Sir.” Tal looked her way. “I’ve memorized the report.”

  Tal’s eyes widened, “What? You’ve only just looked at it!”

  “I have it memorized.”

  “What’s on the fourth page?”

  Rachael began reciting and Tal glanced at Jan. She was reading the report and after Rachael stopped speaking she looked up and at Tal, “She recited it word-for-word, Sir.”

  “How are you able to do that, Lieutenant?”

  “It’s a gift, Sir. It’s w
hat got me noticed early in my career.”

  “Then it makes no sense that you didn’t read those manuals and see you had the wrong ones?”

  Rachel took a deep breath before responding, “I was lazy. I figured I had all I needed by reading the data sheets on the weapons. It also helps that my first position as a new officer was working a weapons panel.” Racheal paused, “I do have one suggestion, Sir.”

  “What is that, Lieutenant?”

  “If the missiles can be programmed to use a proximity detector to fire on the alien’s phase fields, they should be able to hit the alien warship as it comes out of the field. Just program them to fire the moment the missile’s phase field contacts the warship’s field.”

  Tal turned to Jan, “Send that issue to Captain Stevens on the Americas to determine if that’s possible.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rachael spoke up again, “I also believe that if an alien warship is chasing us, we should be able to just eject a missile and it will fire on the alien’s phase field as it approaches dropping it into normal space where the missile can then attack the hull.”

  “I think you may have missed your calling, Lt. Meadows. You seem to have an affinity for understanding weapons. If you think of anything else, let me know.”

  “I will, Sir.”

  Tal turned the ShaKa and accelerated away from the Americas at maximum speed. He glanced at Jan, “Captain Ward is awaiting our arrival.

  “Good! “Jan, get Admiral Montana on the channel and only have me on his monitor.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tal kept the thrusters pushed fully forward and, an hour later, Duncan appeared on his consoles small display, “Good to see you, Duncan. Do you have a few minutes?”

  “I’ll make time, Tal. How’s it going?”

  “We’re having success, but I’m concerned that we are going to run short on missiles soon.”

  “I’ve been worried about that as well. I’ve modified a freighter and have moved enough missiles on board to resupply your three ships. It’s going to be hard to scan the freighter but not as hard as an Epy Warship. I need to move it a long distance from the LMC and Earth.”

  “What about where we placed the receiver?”

  Duncan sat back in his chair considering the proposal, “I can send it there, Tal. However, I’m not sending it until you call for it.”

  “That’s fine. Send me the ship’s frequency and I’ll make the contact.” Duncan nodded. “There’s one more thing, Duncan.”

  “What is that?”

  “The Epy Warships are fully capable of taking out the alien’s largest warships. You might want to consider building them and delay the modifications on the Alphas.”

  “Nine-Epy-Warships will be completed in four weeks and I can have them meet you at the Freighter.” Duncan saw Tal’s surprise and smiled, “You know how great minds think alike, or something like that.”

  “What about the crews?” Tal quickly asked.

  “I’m short four commanders but we’re working on that as we speak.”

  “Only send one commander, an additional communications officer, and two weapons officers.”

  “What do you have in mind, Tal.”

  “The Stevens Twins will take command of two of the new Epys and assume command of two of the four-ship-units.”

  “There are several Epy Commanders that have more seniority than the twins, Tal.”

  “Then you need to resolve that issue!”

  Duncan stared at Tal in silence and then sighed, “I’ll sign the paperwork promoting them to Rear-Admirals. Are you sure they’re ready for this responsibility, Tal?”

  “They’re as good as I am, Duncan.”

  “I hope you’re right. What about your promise to Ka?”

  Tal immediately lowered his eyes, “Let me think about that for a bit. I’ll let you know.”

  “Don’t wait too long, Tal.” Tal nodded as he ended the contact

  Jan listened to him and said, “What promise is he talking about?”

  “I promised Ka I would keep you and Jeremy safe.” Jan’s eyes narrowed, and Tal held up his hand before she could speak, “I also promised that I would keep you with me at all times.” Jan stared at Tal and he stood up, “I’m going to my quarters and think this through. You have the bridge Captain Stevens.” Jan nodded as she watched him walk off the bridge.

  Jan transferred her console to the pilot’s chair and contacted Jeremy. Jeremy appeared on the monitor standing over Dorman issuing instructions. Jeremy looked up at the monitor, “What’s up?”

  Jan told him about the conversation Tal had with Duncan as Jeremy went to his chair and sat down. “What do you think about this, Sis?”

  “I think I should stay on the ShaKa with Tal.” Rachael turned from her console and snorted. Jan cocked her head to the side, “Is there a problem, Lt. Meadows.”

  “I see that you’re too frightened to get involved in the fighting, Sir. You’re demonstrating cowardice in the face of the enemy.”

  Suddenly, everyone heard Dorman sneer, “You need to shut your mouth, Rachael!”

  Rachael turned back to the monitor and her anger was clear, “Do you know who you’re talking to!”

  “Better than you know, Rachael. I’ve watched you berate, belittle, and demean too many people to remember and none of them deserved it! Captain Stevens and our crew destroyed or damaged more than forty-five alien warships and your ship, under your command, didn’t even fire at one of them! You’re calling her a coward when you’ve demonstrated too many times to count that you have no courage. I’ve sat by in silence over the years listening to you destroy the careers of hundreds of sailors and she doesn’t deserve your venom. She’s twice the officer you are, and I will no longer sit in silence and watch you be an ass to someone better than you could ever be!”


  Dorman grimaced, “We were over years ago, Rachael, I just didn’t have the courage to stand up to you and tell you because I loved being in the Navy. I don’t care if you destroy my career!!”

  Dorman glared at Rachael and everyone listening in was shocked into silence by the exchange…everyone but Jan, “Excuse me, but what career is she capable of destroying, Lt. Smythe? You are no longer in the Colony Navy and I believe she doesn’t have the influence to destroy a bug on a lamp in Earth’s Navy.” Dorman stared at Jan and then lowered his head.

  Tal suddenly walked back on the bridge and smiled, “I needed to see what just happened.” He locked in on Rachael’s face, “I was considering giving your rank back but after your demonstration of how you treat others with total disregard, I see that you are unfit to command anyone.”

  “But…” Rachael started.

  “Shut up and pretend you’re listening Lt. Meadows,” Tal retorted. Rachael’s mouth closed, and Tal moved next to her and glared into her face, “When you came on board, did I belittle you for your atrocious behavior while in command of the Americas? Did I raise my voice to you? Did I accuse you of cowardice in refusing to attack the aliens?”

  Rachael lowered her head, “No, Sir.”

  “Lt. Smythe is right about you; you have a mean streak in you that you are incapable of controlling. I do believe you will make a good weapons officer, but you will not be allowed to command anyone.”

  Tal continued to glare into Rachael’s eyes and she lowered her head again, “Yes, Sir.” She turned to face Jan, “I apologize for my behavior, Captain. You really didn’t deserve it. I find my jealously of you difficult to control.”

  Jan kept her eyes on Rachael for a long moment, and then replied, “I accept your apology. Be the best weapons operator you can be.”

  “I will, Sir.”

  Tal backed away from her and looked at Jan, “Let me know when we’re close to Captain Ward.”

  Yes, Sir.”

  Tal left the bridge and after an hour of uncomfortable silence, Rachael said, “I really am sorry for what I said, Captain.”
  “Is what Smythe said about you true.” Rachael took a long, deep breath, sighed, and nodded. “Why?”

  “I wish I could tell you. I honestly don’t know. I guess I felt threatened by the ones I destroyed and even though I hated myself for doing it, I just couldn’t stop myself. The Admiral is right; I have something inside me that’s evil.”

  Jan shook her head slightly “I’m sorry about you and Lt. Smythe.”

  “Don’t be. I picked him out and threatened to ruin his career in the Navy if he ever thought about crossing me. I knew he didn’t really care about me.”


  Rachael’s eyes were moist as she interrupted, “Captain, he was more than I ever deserved, and I did everything I could to make sure he wouldn’t leave. I knew deep inside that he wouldn’t stay with me. He’s a good person and he hated the way I treated those around me. I guess I finally went over the line with you.”

  “You’re going to have to get control of those demons that possess you, Rachael.”

  “I truly wish I could, Captain.”

  “Call me, Jan. It’s a good time for you to start over and make something better of your personal life. I’ll try to help you do it.”

  “Thank you.” Rachael turned back to her panel and Jan realized Jee was right, she had been Dorman’s escape from Rachael.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jeremy went back over to Dorman, “Let’s go over the speed of the pulse cannon’s mounts.” Dorman nodded and turned to the page with the data on the pulse cannons. Dorman looked at the page, hesitated, and then turned to Jeremy, “Please tell Jan I’m sorry.”

  “You need to do that yourself, Dorman. What you did today took some courage and I think it will allow Jan closure. Thank you for that…however, personal issues are not something that we’ll discuss in our roles on this ship, understand?”

  “I do, Sir, however, what I did wasn’t brave,” Dorman responded. “Dan telling the Admiral why he didn’t push revealing the manuals took more courage than what I did. The swivel mounts can turn a complete rotation in less than a second.”

  “Very good, Lieutenant. How many pulses can be fired during that rotation?”


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