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The Assassins Guild II: Defending the Colonies

Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  Suddenly the alien Commander appeared on the monitor, “I just want to tell you that I’ve been ordered back to my galaxy. It appears our leaders are close to wrapping things up.”

  Tal smiled, “Sorry about your delayed retirement.”

  The alien smiled, “Don’t be! I’m now retiring at a Supreme Fleet Commander’s paygrade and it’s more than I can ever spend.”

  Tal laughed, “Well, behind every dark event there are silver linings.”

  “In this case, it’s lined in gold. I do have one favor to ask.”

  “What is that?”

  The Commander smiled, “Once everything clears up, I’d like to bring my family to visit you and introduce you to them.”

  “You’re welcome to come but why would you want to do that?”

  “I want my sons and daughters to meet the being I want them to grow up to be most like.”

  Tal’s eyes moistened, as he nodded, “My name is Adam Talent, ask for me and I’ll arrange it.”

  The Commander smiled just before the monitor went dark. Tal sat down and ordered, “Notify the Task Force we’re going home.” Tal listened to Jan issuing his orders and added, “Tell them not to wait on the ShaKa, we can’t match their speed.” Jan smiled and sent the order.

  They suddenly heard Admiral Ward, “Sir, if you don’t mind, would it be possible for the Epy’s to move into the Brazil, along with the ShaKa and we’ll go home together.”

  Tal smiled, “Yes, Admiral Ward. We’ll meet you there.”

  “Admiral, the Alphas will join you and we’ll all go home together,” Admiral Kohl announced over the wall-speaker.

  Tal agreed, and the celebrations started before the ships entered the freighter.

  • • •

  Soon, Captain Sager began playing transmissions from Earth and the colonies showing millions of citizens celebrating in the streets. They were screaming at the top of their voices and everyone in the cafeteria struggled to understand what they were screaming. They looked at each other and then the sound cleared up and they heard the constant roar of one word being repeated over and over…SHAKA, SHAKA, SHAKA…”

  The crews stood and turned to Tal. They began applauding and Tal could only lower his head and weep. Tal reached inside his collar and took off a chair with his wedding band on it. He held it in his hand as he thought to himself, “This was for you Darling. I miss you so much!” He knew he could let her go now and closed his eyes. He held the ring in his hand as the applause continued until Tal stood and bowed to his warriors. They all sat down as the room continued to reverberate with, SHAKA, SHAKA, SHAKA!


  The Brazil finally made Earth’s orbit and Jan looked up from her console, “Tal, Admiral Montana has ordered you and your Flag Officers to report to his office immediately.”

  “Does he want to congratulate us?”

  Jan’s expression was grave, “No, Sir, I don’t think so. Admiral Montana was upset about something?”

  Tal’s smile disappeared, “Does it have to do with the aliens?”

  I don’t know but if I had to guess, I’d say no. This appears to be something different.” Tal stood up, “Order Jeremy and Admiral Ward to meet us on the ShaKa. We’re going straight to the Orlando Spaceport.”

  Jeremy and Greg ran on to the ShaKa’s bridge, “What’s going on?!”

  Tal turned to Jeremy, “I have no idea. We’ve been ordered to Admiral Montana’s office.”

  The ShaKa left the Brazil at high-speed and arrived at the Orlando Spaceport in twenty minutes. Tal opened the bay door and saw Col. Sato standing outside the door with a high-speed transport. “Admiral, please board immediately.”

  “What’s going on, Colonel?’

  “I don’t know but Admiral Montana is concerned about something.” The transport left the ShaKa at high-speed and they arrived at the steps to the Headquarters building in less than five minutes. Tal led his four admirals out of the transport and the guards waved them into the building. Something was wrong!

  They rushed into the building and Ka met them outside Duncan’s office, “He wants to see you in the control room.” Ka led them to an elevator and it plunged them twenty floors below the main level. Tal asked Ka, “What’s going on?”

  “There’s trouble in the new colonies.”

  The elevator door opened, and they saw Duncan turnaround from the giant monitor at the front of the huge room and wave them forward. Tal led his officers forward and Duncan pointed them to a row of chairs at the front of the room. They sat down, and Duncan began speaking, “A colony warship has been destroyed in the Andromeda Galaxy.”

  “How did that happen?”

  “Tal, are you aware that there were more than fifty-colony-ships launched from Earth in the age of colonization.”

  Tal started shaking his head, “Nooo…History says that there were fifty colony ships that formed the current colonies.”

  “There was a fifty-first colony ship launched and it was the last one to leave Earth. That ship disappeared and was never heard from again.”

  “What does that have to do with the destruction of the Colony Warship, Duncan?”

  “I need to bring you up to speed on who was on that last colony ship. Have you ever heard of One Brotherhood?”

  Tal shook his head. Greg Ward spoke up, “Weren’t they a radical religious group or something.”

  Duncan nodded, “They were extremists that caused a massive number of deaths on Earth before they were surrounded and brought under control. The nations’ armies that finally captured them knew that many members of their religion weren’t present when their religious leader was surrounded, and the governments made a deal with the successor of Denk Solar. They gave him the option of being killed by the forces surrounding his followers or to call every follower on Earth to join him and leave Earth in a colony ship.”

  He agreed to leave Earth, and it appeared he was true to his word. Tens of thousands of his followers made their way to his main temple and boarded the ship with him. The ship was launched and sent toward a habitable planet far from the other colonies; it never arrived.” Duncan paused and then continued, “I believe Solar’s followers subdued the crew and took control of the ship. They turned, headed toward Andromeda, and eventually found a planet to settle.”

  “Why is this important?” Tal asked.

  “The main precept of this religion was that anyone not a member of their religion was created by evil and were in existence to stop them from finding eternal happiness. Denk Solar preached that the pure members should avoid all contact with any one not practicing their religion. His successor took his teachings one step further. He avowed that anyone not part of their religion was evil incarnate and would need to be removed from existence to leave a pure universe. His followers were fanatics and followed his teachings to a level that was unbelievable. The ship that attacked and destroyed the colony warship had the One Brotherhood Marking on its hull.”

  Ka spoke up, “I suspect this brotherhood has a great hatred for those that forced them to leave Earth.”

  Duncan nodded, “I don’t think there is any doubt about that. Their leader was cursing the people of Earth as the ship disappeared.”

  “Then why haven’t they returned to exact vengeance against Earth?” Tal asked.

  “I can answer that!” Everyone turned to Jeremy. “When they took over control of the ship, the navigator did what he had been trained to do. He destroyed every star map in the database along with all the data in the memory banks. Finding Earth without a map in a galaxy as large as the Milky Way is impossible. The odds are more than a trillion to one.”

  Duncan immediately responded, “It’s interesting you say that Admiral Stevens. The Captain of the Colony Warship self-destructed the ship when the hull was breached, and the crew was being killed by intruders. The Captain managed to get out at the last moment that the intruders were human.”

  Tal raised his shoulders, “Well, now you know where the fifty-first
colony is located.”

  Duncan continued, “Tal, that colony has had close to a thousand years to grow and flourish. The Captain got out recordings of the warship attacking his ship and it’s more powerful than any alien warship you faced in the LMC. He also reported that hundreds of phase fields were moving in on his vessel at the end. We have a hundred-new-colonies in Andromeda and this represents a direct and present danger to them. If the Brotherhood is like their ancestors, they will blast the colonies to dust the moment they’re discovered.”

  “Move them back to the colonies!” Jan exclaimed.

  “Won’t happen!” Tal replied.

  “Why not?!” Jan asked.

  “The colonies were given a reprieve by sending those colonies out. If they return, the colonies will fall into civil war. The leaders in the colonies know that and will not try to bring them back. The new colonies are on their own,” Tal answered. He looked at Duncan, “Why does this concern us?”

  “Because when the leaders of the colonies were spreading stories that millions were being killed on the invaded colonies to scare their populations into leaving, we went along with them. We have a role in putting them in this danger.”

  “There’s more than that,” Ka interrupted. “If this brotherhood attacks these new colonies, it’s almost certain that they will find star maps that will show them Earth’s location.”

  Duncan nodded, “That’s the real answer why we have to get involved. We have to find out just how extensive the Brotherhood has grown and if they represent a danger to Earth.”

  “It looks like our vacation won’t last very long,” Tal observed with a heavy sigh.

  “You’re the best one to send, Tal! Will you do it?”

  “I’ll take a new Epy out and go check them out.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Duncan retorted.”

  “Why not!?” Tal replied testily.

  “What happens if your ship is destroyed; we won’t learn anything.”

  Tal settled down, “You make a good point. How do you see this happening, Admiral?”

  “First of all, the newest small warship we’ve built is nothing like the warships you’ve been using in the LMC. They’re twice as big and require a crew of six, seven in your case, Tal, to operate the ship.”

  “Why do I require seven?”

  “Because your days of piloting the ship and commanding a task force is over. The command ship will have a special console for you to operate that will be feeding you everything your ships are doing. You will coordinate their actions and leave the piloting to someone else.” Tal glared at Duncan and his face turned angry, “Admiral Talent, this comes from the Chancellor and he says if you can’t accept your new role, he’ll send someone who will!”

  Tal continued to glare at Duncan and then smiled, “Why didn’t you say so, that clears it up,” Tal said sarcastically.

  Duncan shook his head and continued, “You will have the three-main-positions you had on your Epy; a pilot, a scanner-communication officer, and a master weapons console operator. There will be two-missile-operators and an additional crew member cross trained on missiles and pulse cannons.”

  “Why the extra crew member?”

  “Tal, these weapons require constant attention and the others will have to rest at some point in time.”

  “I need to take a good look at this new ship, Sir.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Tal thought a moment and said, “What about this. We’ll send six of the new ships. They will be organized into three two-ship groups. One of them will fill the role of being the other ship’s wingman.”

  Duncan’s eyes narrowed slightly and then opened, “That sounds like it would work. Who do you want to command the other two groups?”

  Tal looked at his flag officers and said, “Jeremy Stevens will command two ships and Rachael Meadows will command the other two.”

  I can agree to Jeremy taking command, but Admiral Meadows is off the table.”

  Rachael’s head went back, “And why is that?!”

  Duncan smiled, “The Colony Council has voted, and you’ve been selected to take overall command of the Colony Navy. Congratulations, Admiral.”

  “I won’t do it!” Rachael responded.

  Duncan’s face showed his shock and Tal turned to her, “Rachael, you’re being given the command of the colony’s navy. That’s an incredible promotion.”

  Rachael turned to him, “Would you do it.” Tal just stared at her.

  Duncan said, “Admiral, you’ve been recalled to the Colonies.”

  Rachael ignored Duncan and kept he eyes fixed on Tal, “Answer me!! Would…you…do…it!”

  Tal exhaled and shook his head, “No, I wouldn’t.”

  Rachael turned to Duncan, “He won’t do it for the same reason I won’t.”

  “What is that, Admiral?” Duncan asked.

  “Because the officers in the Colony Navy will chew up and spit out anyone attempting to change their culture. They are cowards and will never accept anyone forcing them to become real warriors. Keep the promotion.”

  “The President of the Colonies had ordered you to return, Admiral.”

  “Get him on the monitor!”


  “Admiral Montana, get him on the monitor, Sir. If I’m not mistaken, when you promoted me to Admiral, part of my swearing in papers asked if I renounced any allegiance to any other government. I believe I swore away my citizenship in the colonies when I did that. I refuse to give up my Earth Citizenship. To spare you and the Chancellor the embarrassment of having to tell him, you might prefer I do it instead. Get him on the monitor…Please, Sir!”

  Duncan looked at Tal, “Is she always like this.”

  “You have no idea, Sir. I suggest you get him on the monitor.”

  Duncan looked at Rachael and saw her nasty expression. He turned to his left and nodded to his communications officer, “Get him on the monitor. Tell him Admiral Meadows wishes to speak with him.”

  Ka leaned in and whispered to Tal, “This should be interesting.”

  Tal was shaking his head, “I wish I could leave the room. This could get ugly fast.” Ka’s eyes narrowed, and she turned back to the front of the room.

  The President appeared on the monitor and saw Rachael standing in front of the monitor, “Admiral Meadows. Thank you for your service in defending the colonies and congratulations on your promotion.”

  “Mr. President, I will not be accepting the promotion. And I was defending all of humanity, not just the colonies.”

  The President’s smile disappeared faster than the light from a blown-light-bulb, his brow furrowed as his head went back. He forced his smile to return and said, “Of course you will accept your promotion. We need you to lead our warships.”

  “Mr. President, no one can lead your navy and survive.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How many warships do you currently have in the navy?”

  “About two thousand.”

  “And when twelve alien warships attacked Australia, what did they do?”

  The President hesitated and then answered, “They couldn’t get close enough to attack the alien’s warships.”

  “How many did they lose, Mr. President?”


  You’re going to stand there and tell me that two thousand warships couldn’t attack thirteen warships and not defeat them.”

  “The Admiral insisted it couldn’t be done.”

  “That’s because the Admiral is a coward and so is everyone else serving under him. No one, and I do mean no one, could take command of your navy and survive the effort. I’d fire every flag officer in the navy along with everyone in headquarters. It would be at that point that the Assassins Guild would be given several lucrative contracts to remove me as a problem to the status quo.”

  The President replied forcefully, “The Assassins will not take a contract on anyone in the military!”

  Rachael turned around
and looked at Tal and Ka, “What about it? Have either of you killed a member of the military?”

  The President turned to Tal and Ka and they looked at each other, before Tal answered first, “I’ve killed two or three.”

  Ka shrugged, “I’ve killed about six officers.”

  The revelation clearly stunned the President. Rachael turned around to face him again, “Enough credits will make anything happen, Mr. President.”

  “But I need you to defend the colonies.”

  Rachael glared at him and asked, “Are you aware of what’s happening in Andromeda?” The President glanced at Duncan and saw him nod. “Yes, I am.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to be doing, Mr. President. I am going out to defend the colonists you frightened into leaving and going to a new world to live. Now they are in danger and your navy is worthless to defend them.” Rachael paused and said, “I’ll tell you what, Mr. President, I will accept your promotion if you’ll move those colonists in Andromeda back to the planets they left.” The President stared at Rachael in silence and Rachael added, “They deserve to be defended, Sir.”

  “What do I do about the Navy?”

  Rachael shrugged, “I’d fire everyone above the rank of Lieutenant and have your new officers sent to Earth to be trained.”

  “I’d be forced to ground our ships!” the President exclaimed.

  “You don’t need them, now! The war is over and the officers you get back to lead will be a vast improvement over anything you currently have. Ground them and leave them there until you have the warriors needed to command them!”

  The President looked at Duncan, “Will you train my officers?”

  “We will.”

  “Do you need Admiral Meadows on this mission to Andromeda?”

  Duncan looked at Tal, saw him nod, and answered, “I do.”

  The President looked at Rachael and smiled, slightly, “It’s not often I hear the truth from those around me. Thank you for your honesty, Admiral and good luck on your mission.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President.”

  The monitor went dark and Duncan turned to Tal, “You’re going to need a new weapons officer and pilot.”


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