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The Rage Against God

Page 19

by Peter Hitchens

  Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 167-68, 170-71, 172, 173, 174-75, 188, 197

  Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge), 22

  Weyden, Rogier van der, 102-3, 104, 105, 109

  Women of Glory, 65

  Wonder Book of the Navy, 34

  Woolf, Virginia, 23-24, 111

  Yaroslavski, Emelian, 177

  “Yevseksiy,” 198


  I am neither a theologian nor even a Bible scholar. Nor am I a philosopher, nor a “public intellectual,” whatever that may be. I don’t think I am even an intellectual in private, just a jobbing newspaper scribbler who has spent more than thirty years in the University of Fleet Street.

  I never had any illusions about the blunt purpose of this book. My only qualification for writing it is that I am me, a former atheist with some skill at words who has returned to the Church and whose brother is in the vanguard of the current attack on religion. I took some convincing that this was enough. So I must above all record my thanks to Sandra Vander Zicht, associate publisher and executive editor at Zondervan, who doggedly persuaded me to take on the task, endured my repeated attacks of doubt and pessimism, and then with skill and patience helped to shape my arguments and recollections into a coherent whole.

  Particular thanks should also go to my elder son, Daniel, without whom I don’t think this work would have been finished, and whose encouragement and advice were invaluable. Anthony McCarthy also gave me vital advice and assistance at many stages. My wife, Eve, provided, as she always has, indispensable companionship, support, and comfort.

  If there is any credit, they should share in it. If there is any blame, it rests with me.



  January 2010

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