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Atomic Mage

Page 26

by Garrett Carter

  He quickly switched over to the house supply combining their outputs.

  A breath of relief escaped him as the last of the people, slaves included ceased moving.

  His brow broke out in a sweat as his concentration and abilities were taxed as the denizens of the immobile camp began to fight in his mental grip.

  "Got them all, give me a moment to separate the slaves and paralyze the slavers, girls," Cade said through clenched teeth as began the mind-numbing process.

  Beginning with the largest person in hopes of catching the large female orc off guard, Cade flew through minds looking for violence and depravity in their memories.

  His search ended after exploring thirty of the camp denizens' minds to find the mindscape of Rista spread out before him, her small army of goblins his first clue to his success.

  His second was the bitch herself striding through the milling force of short green individuals.

  As she stopped in front of him Cade was admittedly a little intimidated.

  She looked down on his six-foot-six self from at least a foot, making her close to eight feet tall, and damn was the bitch built, her arms almost as big as his thighs and thighs that could crush diamonds between them.

  He was almost sorry to have to kill the statuesque woman.

  Finishing his foot-to-head inspection he looked into the black pools of her eyes and said simply "hi" before he broke her spinal cord with a thought.

  Her infuriated expression changed to abject terror as her mental double slumped to the ground with a thump.

  A loud guffaw left him as she popped in and out of her mind a few times like she was troubleshooting the problem of her unresponsive limbs by turning herself off and on.

  "Don't try anything or you won't like the results. Maybe you can get these dummies to pull you into a more comfortable position. Ok, I'll be back for you in a few pumpkin." Cade said giddily as he knelt next to the prone woman and patted her forehead.

  With the miraculous success of the first step of his plan to eliminate the mind mage Cade jumped out of Rista's mind and continued his scan of the camp.

  Surfacing moments later in a foul mood, he shook off his rage at the impromptu slave brothel he had found.

  Sating said anger on all of the slavers in the midst of raping the slaves by castrating them had cooled it somewhat.

  He left them alive with their dicks in their asses to let the abused women beat some catharsis out of them later.

  "They are all yours my loves, all you have to do is tap the slaves two times and I will release them if that isn't the best idea then do it three times and I will bring them to the center of the camp. Leave the slavers in the brothel for me, I have plans for them. And Sabine if you could let Rista live long enough for me to torture some information out of her I would swear to anything." He said tersely, his tone softening as he made his request to Sabine.

  "I will try my Cade but I make no promises," Sabine said as her fangs dropped and she flew out of the front door to begin her rampage.

  "It seems a little unfair to kill them while they are defenseless, I wanted to see the desperation in their eyes as I killed them, my love," Mina said sarcastically as she slowly followed Sabine out of the door.

  As she landed lightly on the ground she turned in the opposite direction Sabine had gone to get her own kills.

  "Damn." Was all Cade could say as his sexy panther mate strolled off blades in hands, hips swaying in time with her long tail.

  Shaking himself out of his lustful thoughts he began his own job.

  Finding Rista's prone body exactly where he left it and surprised that she was still breathing, he brought her across the camp to him making sure her head hit every wall, table, door, chair, and rock on the way.

  Chuckling at the woman's plight, Cade pulled his mithril spikes to him as Rista's body came face to face with him ten feet away as she floated above the camp.

  He set the spikes rotating around her head before he began his interrogation.

  "Hello Rista it is great to finally meet you, I'm..." His foul mood worsened as she interrupted his monologuing.

  "Cade, you are Cade I know. Why did you have to kill the boy, he wasn't good for much but I was training him to be my love slave, and it was going so good too. Shouldn't have sent him off, but the little shit wanted to have a little adventure. Now I have to start all over after I kill..." The woman's deep smoky voice cut off as Cade had enough of her winning, and healed her spine a split second before he drove all of the circling spikes into her body and set them stirring up her organs.

  Rista's scream at the pain he was causing her grated on his nerves, so he enveloped her head in a shield bubble.

  Blessed silence followed as he decided to take this discussion to her mind.

  Before he could slip into Rista's mind he felt a spike of fear go through him.

  Dropping into his mind quickly he found a small tunnel next to his mental home, a small goblin standing next to it attempting to set it ablaze with a torch.

  Surrounding the small humanoid in a bubble Cade crushed with a flex of his mind.

  "Let's go down the rabbit hole then."

  Sending out a slim mental thread he followed the hole in his mindscape down into the depths.

  He was caught off guard by a cacophony of sounds and images from his past.

  Latching on to one that caught his interest he watched Vance's birth.

  The replay went off the rails as he watched himself go to cut his infant son's umbilical cord and somehow slip and cut his baby's stomach open.

  Looking away from the horrid sight Cade came to the realization he must be somewhere in his subconscious, the spike of fear that brought him here making more sense.

  Coming out of the hole next to his house Cade watched the hole slowly close with relief.

  "Never going down there again," he said as the adrenaline flowing through his veins dissipated and his shaking hands stilled.

  Slipping back into the orcs mind with a new plan in mind he was overjoyed to find her writhing on the ground in pain.

  "Well pumpkin that was a good try, one I am going to make you pay for," he said as he walked past the now unconscious army of goblins to stand next to the orc woman.

  Slipping a tendril of power into her mind Cade puppeted her body into a kneeling position before him.

  As he looked into her rolling eyes he shifted his dome of mental protection into a bubble, cutting him off from his subconscious in an attempt to prevent any more tunnels from being created by the soon-to-be-dead woman and her army of minions.

  He felt a strange dissociation come over him as his emotions became muted as his focus and willpower sharpened and strengthened.

  Uncomfortable with the change in his emotions he used the increased focus to pepper the lower half of the shield with small holes.

  The rage he felt for the orc came back full force, with only a small decrease in his focus and will.

  Wanting to test his new defenses out he ceased his attack on Rista's physical body.

  She came aware of her surroundings with a grunt, her mental body still under his control and her physical one a hundred feet in the air.

  "I have a proposition for you, try your little subconscious trick again for me. If you succeed I will kill you painlessly, if you fail I will have you begging for me to end you. Sound good pumpkin?" Cade watched as her reply was to mount a full assault on his mental home.

  As every goblin in his sight popped out of existence he felt numerous attacks against his mental shield.

  Rista's eyes widened as every attack failed to pierce his defense.

  "Well that is disappointing, bring them back or the pain begins again," he ordered as the orc woman's eyes began to tear up after her loss.

  "They are back."

  As the goblins popped back into existence behind their leader Cade gave the mind mage a skeptical glance before continuing.

  "Very good pumpkin, now I want you to tell me everything and I d
o mean everything. We have time while my mates erase your camp from the jungle." He said with false cheer as he created a chair from the earth around him to sit while Rista spilled her guts.

  "Very good pumpkin, now let's head back to the real world my mates are calling and one of them is very interested in you," Cade said as Rista finished her explanation of how the slave operation was run.

  He was a little disappointed at her lack of struggle through the whole thing.

  Initially, he feared she had lulled him into a false sense of security as she attacked the minds of his mates or the slaves.

  A quick question with only a little pain had explained that away.

  The range of her power was only about twenty feet, her physical body being close to fifty feet in the air had effectively removed that worry.

  A firm look at her from Cade had her spilling word vomit at him about never hurting his mates and to please not start the spikes again.

  Rolling his eyes he gave her another look that shut her up quickly.

  Rista's gaze aimed at him made him slightly uncomfortable with its pitifulness.

  He was half tempted to let her live after he figured out a way to remove her power.

  That had been a sticking point during her long explanation, the higher-ups of their organization were made up entirely of mind mages.

  Cade found that to be an inventive solution, even if he found the way they used their power appalling, their product was more valuable in one piece when they were sold.

  "Capitalism at its finest," he said as he felt two taps against one of his captives.

  "What is capitalism?" His captive asked in a terrified tone.

  "Don't worry about it, you won't be alive long enough for me to explain it," he said as he returned to his physical body.

  As he took control once again over his physical body he opened his eyes and released the captive he had felt his mate's signal to him.

  Looking at Rista's physical body he slowly turned the spikes embedded in her.

  She came awake suddenly with a groan, looking at him with black eyes pleading for the pain to stop.

  Hitting the figurative snooze button on his improvised alarm, Cade laid out some ground rules.

  "We are going to head down there so you and one of my wives can have a talk. You will answer her questions quickly and to the best of your ability. Speaking of ability yours might as well be gone because you won't be using it again, ever. Any slips will have you feeling this again." He added weight to his statement as he began to rotate the spikes once again, causing Rista to writhe in pain.

  Stopping the spikes he continued.

  "You still with me?"

  Rista's nod was all he needed to finish laying out his expectations.

  "I'm glad we understand one another, if you follow what I have said your death will be painless. Otherwise, I will start those bad boys in you and keep them going until your heart gives out. Sound good? Now let me introduce you to my girls."

  Finished with his captive Cade stepped off onto a small platform he had created during his talk with Rista and drifted down towards the center of the camp with Rista in tow.

  Stepping off the platform into the muddy camp center he was almost bowled over by Sabine as she launched herself at him.

  "Hello my Cade it that for me," she asked as she pointed at a wide-eyed Rista.

  "Yes, all for you Sabine, she will answer anything you ask on pain of... well pain I guess. She's all yours." He finished his explanation with a kiss on Sabine's forehead as most of her face and body were covered by blood and entrails.

  Looking down himself he found that some of the grisly mess had made its way to him during her embrace.

  Shuddering Cade used his scan of himself to remove all the mess from his body.

  Clean as a whistle he decided the soiled clothes weren't worth saving and he decided to burn them at his earliest opportunity.

  Smiling at the sight of Mina coming around the corner of a small building, he felt a spike of recognition as he saw another jaguar woman being lead to a seat by his mate.

  "WHERE IS MY MOTHER YOU BITCH!" Sabine screamed as she took a decade of pain and anger out on Rista.

  Cade walked over to sit by Mina and her friend, the same one she had fought with when Rista captured her village.

  "So who is your friend my love?" He distractedly asked Mina as they both sat down with Mina's friend in between them.

  He shifted his chair away from the two as he felt the jaguar woman flinch away from him.

  "It's ok Sharee, this is my mate, Cade. Cade this is Sharee who you know from our first meeting." Mina said as she soothingly rubbed circles on the back of the distraught jaguar woman.

  "It is nice to meet you, Cade. Mina has spoken a little about you, I thank you for saving us from that woman and her group." Sharee said with a wane grin as she looked at him.

  Cade watched Sharee's claws extend as she looked at Rista who was still frozen by his puppet spell.

  Sabine was starting to work up into a good rant, cursing Rista out with a mixture of broken English curse words and a few that Cade didn't understand, but he assumed were in her native language.

  The three onlookers flinched as Sabine's tail flew at the immobile Rista, its long-bladed tip piercing Rista's chest to the hilt with a wet thunk.

  "FUCK! Don't let her die my Cade, I'm not done with her yet." Sabine exclaimed as she pulled her tail out of the gurgling Rista.

  Cade fixed the damage quickly, giving Sabine a nod to continue.

  Before she returned to her captive she blew a kiss his way, her eyes promising him a wonderful time later.

  A chuckle escaped him at the actions of his sweet but bloodthirsty wife.

  "I think our Sabine is enjoying the memories from your past life," Mina said after her chuckle at the change in Sabine from cold-blooded killer to her usual sweet self.

  "Let her have her fun, she has more than earned a little catharsis. Speaking of catharsis, I'm going to take care of the brothel slavers real quick. If you would join me in our home away from home for a bit to get the ladies there in order my love I would appreciate it."

  At Mina's nod, he shifted his attention to Sabine who was tearing into Rista with her tail, the last six feet of it a blur as Sabine took out her rage on the slaver.

  "Sabine...Sabine...SABINE!" Cade finished his attempt to pull the screaming woman with a shout as Sabine finally heard her name through her bloodlust.

  "Mina and I are gonna take care of the brothel from our mental space. I will keep Rista alive till you are done with her, when you are finished cut her head off or something."

  A nod and a smile were all he got as she got back to her task.

  A sob escaped Rista as Sabine's tail began its work once more.

  Cade's attention was drawn to the truly massive breasts of the orc that were on display.

  "Hmm, green nipps."

  Mina's snort at his comment caused him to look at her slightly smaller assets, then to her amused smirk.


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