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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 7)

Page 131

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Easy,” he urged and she saw his thighs tighten.

  With shaking fingers, she tore open the condom packet. Looking at the rubber, it seemed impossibly small. She rolled it over the head of his cock, struggling to ease it on. She rolled it the length of him, using both hands. The hair at the base of his cock was golden, catching the light when he moved.

  When the condom was in position, she reached for his balls. He groaned when she felt them, weighing them in her hands. They were already high against the underside of his cock. Her inner flesh trembled at the thought of the release.

  He knocked her away with one hand, pushing her back onto the bed. “Lie down, on your back.”

  Rolling back, her knees automatically drew up towards her chest, her body inviting him in.

  He shook his head as he looked down at her. “What a sight.” He ducked down, his hands on the base of his cock as he dipped in to take a taste of her, running his tongue into her hole, then lapping at her clit.

  Once again he took her by surprise. She flung her arms back over her head, her sensitive sex folds in a frenzied torment. “Oh, you’re good, big man.”

  “I’ve got to be inside you,” he said gruffly, as he moved between her thighs and guided his cock into her.

  “Mmm, yes please.”

  He nudged inside her, the head of his cock stretching her, even though she was open and ready.

  “You’re so big,” she gasped. The sensitized entrance of her sex clenched on to him.

  “Watch the mouth. Compliments can undermine a man’s stamina.” He winked.

  She laughed softly. She could see the honesty of his words reflected in his eyes.

  “Yeah, good,” he whispered, with a quick grin as her legs locked around his hips. Their eyes locked as he drove himself slowly into her, inch by inch, filling her up. When the head of his cock nudged up against her cervix, a strangled cry escaped her. Suddenly full, she felt dizzy.

  He lifted up on his arms, his hands planted on either side of her chest. He began to move, slowly at first then with more urgency. The music seemed to drive him on, and he pounded into her. The singer had a deep, gravelly voice that touched her inside, as surely as Tommy was doing.

  Kelly could only ride it out. Her body was on fire, and although she wanted to fight and equal him, she was too weak with pleasure. He had sensitized her so thoroughly she was like a rag doll on the bed. Lyrics from the stereo reached her, “just let it happen,” the singer encouraged, his voice rising in the chorus. The words skittered over her consciousness, drawing on her. Heat was gathering as high as her rib cage, darts of stimulation racing through her breasts and into her nipples with each thrust of her body across the bed. Her eyes held his, one hand clutching feebly at his shoulder. “I’ve never been so well and truly fucked,” she cried out, her body humming.

  He groaned and pulled out. His hand went to the base of his cock, where he applied pressure. “I warned you,” he rasped. “Say something like that and it’s likely to result in a sudden explosion.”

  “I’m hoping to be victim of a sudden explosion at some point,” she retorted, with a low laugh.

  He gave her a quick grin, and then grabbed her hip with his free hand, rolling her over. Before she had a chance to respond, both his hands were on her hips and he’d pulled her into a kneeling position. The movement against the bed made her buttocks twinge, his hands on their raw surface sending an after-shock through her. Before she had time to breathe, his cock was back inside her.

  A slower but more powerful track had started up, one with a distinctly strip-joint rhythm to the guitars. The song opened out and a powerful flash of guitar music led the singer, his voice delivering a compelling chant. Her hips moved in time, unable to resist the rhythm.

  Tommy gave a low laugh and his hands slapped onto her waist, stinging her as he held on to her swaying body.

  The sensation shot through her and she stretched her neck, her chin jutting forward and her eyes closing. Her body had never been so thoroughly wired, her dark side so thrilled.

  He pushed her thighs together with his knees, locking her onto him, and he was thrusting so vigorously that she felt each movement riding up through her center, into her throat, where it left a burning sensation. Her core melted, clenched. She was coming, again. Her mouth went dry as her sex filled with bolt after bolt of release, a rolling orgasm hitting her. Her fingers clutched uselessly at the bedcovers, her head hanging down.

  “Yes, Kelly,” he whispered, and then she felt his hands hold her in against him where he rolled his hips, never breaking the contact, the head of his cock pushing her cervix high.

  She was barely recovering when she felt his fingers moving around his cock as he plunged in and out, then one reached higher, smoothing over her anus. She shivered, involuntarily.

  He eased his finger inside her anus.

  She was full in every way, her sex stretched by his cock, her anus open and being massaged by his hard finger, the knuckle nudging her ring, sending hot flares up her spine with each small movement.

  His cock stroked faster. He was taking more shallow thrusts, lifting against the spot his finger invaded for friction. She heard him panting, felt his body taut and jerking as if he couldn’t keep the rhythm. He was close.

  His finger moved, pushing deeper, and pure fire sped up her spine. His cock jerked and lifted, he pulled his finger out, but his climax had brought her back to her peak again, her entire lower body suffused with pleasure as she tripped into a higher plateau, multiple climaxes hitting her.

  Moments passed. His hand on her back, stroking her, leveled her off, and she struggled for breath, her body trembling. “Easy girl,” he murmured.

  It was then that she realized it was a good job he was holding her, because her hands had slipped from under her, her breasts crushed on the bed. His hands anchoring her hips against his was the only thing keeping her from collapsing in a heap.

  He pulled his cock free, and she lifted onto her hands. His arms went around her waist and he drew her up against him. Kissing her shoulder, he pushed her hair away from her ear and kissed her there too.

  “Good…for openers?”

  Smiling, she reached one hand back and around his head, embracing him. “Good,” she conceded.

  She had the strangest blue eyes, Tommy noticed. In the lamplight, they were almost opaque. She was looking at him with intense curiosity now, while they took a break. They’d collapsed together, hot and exhausted. He’d got up and found a glass, opened the champagne, and selected something more relaxing on the iPod.

  After a while, she climbed over him, lying on top of his body and wedging her chin up on one hand, her elbow resting on his shoulder. “Mind if I warm myself on you?”

  “Not at all.”

  Her toes wriggled and she smiled down at him. “My very own heated, personal bed slave.”

  A soft laugh escaped him. “I’m no slave.”

  “I could take that as a challenge.”

  “You take everything as a challenge, I assume?”

  She nodded happily, stroking his neck under his ear.

  He swore, swatting her hand off. He had a dangerous erogenous zone there that he guarded with his life. She seemed to be drawn to it like a homing pigeon.


  “Tickles,” he said, gruffly.

  “I’ll have to remember that, purely for torture purposes.”

  Apparently her playful streak never let up.

  He moved his hands to her buttocks, holding her. She flinched and gave out the deepest, most pleasured sigh. He massaged her gently there, where he’d marked her, claiming her gorgeous arse. He was getting hard again. It wouldn’t be long until he was ready to have her all over again.

  But, he reminded himself, there was the small matter of discussing whatever it was that she’d seen in Clayton’s dressing room. He reached for the glass of champagne and lifted it to her lips. She sipped slowly, never breaking eye contact. Her eyes twinkled. She had a
wild nature, and a confrontational attitude that hooked his curiosity.

  “It seems a crime to drink such good champagne from a glass made for a toothbrush,” she commented, her tongue darting out to lick a spill from her lips.

  He set the glass down and kissed the place she had licked, tasting the champagne on her skin.

  “Do you always get champagne after a gig?”

  He shook his head. “It’s been Clayton’s biggest tour to date. I traveled all over Europe with him. The room and the champagne are like a bonus.” The question brought Clayton back to mind again, the party, and the fact that this little rogue groupie was probably just about to pump him for information.

  “You were behind the clothes rail, weren’t you?” He touched the tip of her nose. “When I saw you run out of there, I figured it was the only place you could have been. Was I right?”

  She nodded. “You were looking straight at me.” Her eyes twinkled. “I thought you were going to come over and haul me out.”

  “That might have been fun.”

  “You had your fun.”

  And he wanted more. At the back of his mind, though, a sense of duty and loyalty reminded him that he should be asking her what she’d seen. “How did you know that Clayton and Jay were…together?”

  She lifted her chin as she gave a soft, breathy laugh. “Because they got rather intimate while I was in there.”

  “Right, I see.” That was bad news. He didn’t see anything mercenary in her expression, though. “Are you going to use the information in any way?”

  She stared at him a moment, as if his comment hadn’t quite sunk in, and then she pulled back, looking a bit horror-struck. “No way. Everyone is entitled to their privacy.” She gave a slight frown, looking sheepish. “I know, I intruded on their privacy, but really I didn’t know I was intruding on anything of that nature did I?”

  Tommy pushed away the thought that she might have been willing to step into Jay’s shoes and get intimate with Clayton herself, had Jay not already been in there doing the job. “Clayton is a friend, as well as an employer. I’m concerned that this information will get out.”

  She shook her head. “I know you don’t know me and you don’t know if you can trust me, but believe me, you can. That’s not my thing at all.” She locked eyes with him as she ran her fingers into his hair.

  He tried to get the measure of her. His gut instinct said to trust her. But, beyond driving the message home, there was little else he could do, in reality.

  “You’re a good pal.”

  “Yes, but I never let a client down. It’s my first duty to ensure he’s able to do his thing without too much personal hassle.”

  “Never let a client down, hmm?” She reached for his hips, stroking him.

  “That’s me.” His dick was stirring. “The party will be in full swing. Would you like to go?” She was interested in more sex, he could tell, but he wanted to know what her answer would be.

  “And spoil this moment? No way.” She reached forward and gave his jaw line a gentle bite. It was the oddest little quirk, as if she were marking her territory. “If you need to go,” she said, drawing back, looking apologetic, “don’t worry, I understand.”

  “No, I’m happy here.” He tried not to be too pleased about the fact that she didn’t want to go to the party. It didn’t mean anything. “You don’t have to get home?”

  “No, I’m a big girl, and I can take care of myself.”

  “I can see that.” He laughed softly, enjoying the weight of her body on his, even more since she had chosen him over the party.

  She lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Like I said, life is short.” She got that intense serious expression on her face again. It was almost wistful. He felt her pulling back, and it made him curious.

  “That’s a very hedonistic attitude you’ve got there.”

  She gave a dismissive nod, which surprised him.

  “Yes, and when something good comes by, you know, you just have to go with the flow…enjoy the moment for what it’s worth.”

  “The moment?” He could feel her backing away all the time, and yet at the very same time her fingers began to clutch at him, her eyes growing dark as she looked at his arms, stroking the muscles there.

  “The night.” She rose up and moved down to stroke his torso with her hands.

  It’s a one-night stand. He’d been getting hard anyway, but reference to the temporal situation had his dick up and needy for more, before it was gone. Before she was gone.

  “Oh that’s good,” she said, when she felt his erection against her bottom. Her legs splayed to either side of him.

  She put out her hand and he passed her the condom.

  She rolled it on quickly, eager, and mounted him, easing him inside and slowly lowering down onto him, her eyes closing in appreciation.

  He grabbed her wrists, holding them down, pinning her to the bed. “Do your best to move. I want to see you struggle.”

  “Are you challenging me?”

  “Yes, because you love it.”

  “How do you know that already?”

  “I’m observant.”

  At first she struggled in his grip, and that was good. His dick was totally enclosed by her warm, damp cunt, each move she made causing minute friction so intense that he felt his whole body driving up into her.

  Then she fell still. She didn’t move, but, oh, she did! Her inner muscles took over, gripping his rigid dick with regular contractions, her hips rocking back and forth imperceptibly. She gave him a dark stare, her expression filled with challenge. “Can’t stop me doing that, can you?”

  He gritted his teeth when he felt those deep, rhythmic contractions. He was about to come. He gripped her wrists tighter still, pulling her body down hard and still onto the spurting head of his dick. She cried out in pleasure, her body rippling as she matched him, her cunt seizing, getting tighter still as she came, the inside of her thighs flooding wet.

  He pulled her down to his chest, stroking her hair as they surfaced. “You’re a crazy lady, Kelly.”

  “Yeah,” she breathed, onto his chest, “and you like that.”

  She wasn’t wrong there.

  Chapter Three

  Tommy squinted into the light that poured through the open curtains. It took him a few moments to work out where he was, then the soft, warm weight of a woman against his shoulder and chest reminded him. He smiled and glanced down at her. Her breathing was deep and even, her hair a mess on his upper arm.

  What a night.

  He hadn’t even noticed the curtains in the room were open when they got there. They had been far too interested in each other. A chuckle rumbled through his chest and he quelled it in case it woke her, but it didn’t seem to disturb her. She was sleeping deeply and he rolled her onto the other pillow.

  She drew her knees up towards her chest as she settled into position. The curve of her back was quite beautiful. It brought about a sense of yearning in him, to wake with a woman every morning.

  Not this one.

  No, she’d made that quite clear. But a woman like her. He hadn’t thought about it in a while. He didn’t have time for much social life, what with the security work on top of developing the business he part owned with his sister and brother-in-law. Kelly made him think about it again, though.

  Why? Because she is a wild woman out of control. He laughed at himself. Yes, that was his fantasy type. Not exactly the type of woman you can plan a secure future with. And yet she looked tranquil, sleeping, her body soft and gentle, unlike the wild clamoring thing of the night before. He smiled, remembering. Her bottom looked so good, no longer pink from his spanking. She’d liked that, a lot, though. The feeling of his hands on her—she’d said it brought her pleasure and pain, heating her up for his dick. He loved the way she told him exactly what it had done to her. He was getting hard at the memory of it.

  It made him feel possessive and he reached out and stroked her buttock gently with one hand, remembering
how it had felt when she’d wrapped her legs around his hips in the corridor backstage. Just holding her bottom in his hands, while she’d ground her crotch against him, had sent him crazy. There had been no turning back from that point on. That’s all she had wanted though, one night. Regretfully, he faced the fact.

  She murmured in her sleep and clutched at the covers. He moved away, wondering if she was cold. Reaching down to the end of the bed, he pulled the comforter over her. She snuggled into the pillow and her breathing fell into a regular pattern again.

  He stood and stretched, glancing out the window. It looked out onto an alleyway. He couldn’t get over the fact that they hadn’t even noticed the curtains were open. The idea made him feel good. It had been a hot night, raunchy as hell. Shame she only wanted the one night.

  What about the fact that you said you’d never sleep with a groupie?

  There it was. His conscience had woken up and was bugging him with the question he’d managed to push aside for the whole of the night before. It wasn’t so easy to ignore it now, in the morning light.

  She’d been after Clayton, the star. She was probably gutted Clayton was gay, and he’d been a convenient lay—second choice—since she couldn’t get her hands on the star himself. It had been a mistake. It happened a lot in the business, many of the backstage crew took one-nighters with groupies wherever they could, but not him.

  Until now?

  He’d sworn he would never go for that. But she’d seemed so interested in him, turned on from the moment he captured her. She’d loved the sex games—playing up to his punishment performance like it was the best sex she’d ever had.

  You broke your vow, his conscience nagged on.

  He picked up his phone from the bedside table to check the time and noticed that he’d received a text message in the early hours.

  U r an uncle! Queen Elizabeth’s hospital. Carol & baby doing fine. Jim.

  Tommy stared at the screen in surprise. His little sister had delivered six weeks early. An unexpected bolt of pride hit him. Reaching for his abandoned jeans, he pulled them on quickly, hopping about on one foot, wondering if it was a girl or a boy. A boy, he hoped. He liked the idea of having a nephew. His clothes and shoes were scattered everywhere. He strode about, collecting them, and wondered whether he should wake Kelly.


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