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Faithfully Devoted: Rage Ryders Templeton

Page 3

by Liberty Parker

  Before this day, you would have never heard those words leave my lips, but knowing that my future of bedding the Babes is behind me, I feel as if a chip has been pulled off of me and it doesn’t seem so bad now to have only one woman for the rest of my life.


  I feel like I’m living in a fairytale, who would’ve thought that the man of my dreams would’ve been thrown at me, an unwilling bride-to-be. I’m his wife, I’m a wife! I’m suddenly anxious to find out how compatible we are with each other, there is an instant connection that I can’t wait to explore with him. I feel sparks when his lips touch mine and my heart skips a beat every time he smiles at me. I know this is crazy, before today we didn’t even know each other, but it feels like we were meant to be.

  I know his life is dangerous, but I know—I can feel, how he’ll protect me from everything that could harm me in any way. Am I imagining this? Does he really feel the way I think he does? Only time will tell, but for now I think he does and I’m going with it. When we leave the dance floor and sit at the table, I hear a glass being clinked…I guess it’s time for the best man speech, I hope I learn something about my husband other than he’s an amazing kisser. I know I don’t have anything to compare it too, but I’m honestly grateful that he will be my first everything. I see his best man…Ghost, his vest thing says stand up and smile over at us. I can’t help but return his smile, he’s a good-looking guy, but the woman attached to him is drop dead gorgeous. I’m guessing this is his woman, they make a great looking couple.

  “I met Justice in boot camp, I’d never met him before so imagine my surprise to find out we grew up in the same town. We became fast friends, we had each other’s backs even then, and there isn’t anyone else I’d rather have mine than him. He’s loyal, trustworthy, truthful in all things, but better than that, he’s never not been there when I’ve needed him the most. He’s the first person to enter my life that I knew would never betray me or leave when things got tough. He’s always stood by me in the best of times and the worst. He’s like a brother to me, club aside of course. Blood isn’t always what makes a family, it’s honesty, courage, and respect. Things my man, Justice here has in spades, I know that he will cherish, be devoted to and respect Lizzie and do everything in his power to never let her down.” I can’t help but admire the passion these two have for each other. It isn’t every day I see that type of bond between two men. He continues on, “Lizzie, I know we don’t know each other yet, but I look forward to welcoming you into our family, we are a close bunch of people and are excited to welcome you into the fold.” He raises his beer bottle in the air, “to Justice and Lizzie.” And all of his club brothers repeat the mantra, I can’t hold back the tears as they fall down my cheeks, just like that they’ve welcomed me into their lives.

  Then Genny stands up as my matron of honor, she will be the one delivering their speech on my behalf. “The day my baby sister was born, the heavens opened up and rained sunshine down on our family. Rosa and I were so excited to have a baby to play with and help take care of. She’s spunky, ambitious and her heart is so full of tenderness, you can’t help but to care for her back. She’s so precious to us, and we are looking forward to watching her grow and expand her family, we would like to welcome Justice with open arms and I just have to say, I hope you know what a prize you’ve been gifted with. Take care of her, hold her dear and respect her and what you will get in return will be worth the struggles you two will face while starting your life together. We love you so much, sissy, enjoy your new path and let it guide you to the happiness you deserve.” Both she and Rosa wipe tears from their faces, I stand up and walk into their open arms, I’m going to miss seeing them daily.

  “Thank you,” I divulge to them.



  The wedding is over and as we go to leave, I am caught off guard when my father grabs me and pulls me to the side. Justice is watching us as I’m escorted away from him, and he doesn’t look happy by the event.

  “Don’t disappoint me, Lizzie, this joining is important to your family. We need this partnership with them, so do as you’re told and watch your mouth young lady.” Why doesn’t it surprise me that he didn’t pull me away to give me his well wishes? It’s never about his family or his daughters’ happiness, it’s about what our unions mean for him.

  “I’ll behave, Father.”

  “Damn right you will, you’re still my daughter and I can punish you for your misbehavior, I don’t care what your new husband says.”

  “You won’t ever lay a hand on my wife! If you do you won’t enjoy the consequences of those actions.” I jump hearing Justice behind me, I never heard him join us and for him to hear my father’s words embarrass me.

  “Watch it, boy, this is my daughter and I can and will still punish her for her disobedience.”

  “I’m not your boy, and over my dead body will anyone ever lay a hand on my wife and Ol’ lady. I’m not playing around, do it and see what I do.” I look behind me to gauge the look on his face and notice his brothers are standing behind him. My mother is off to the side and I see a smile on her face. I guess she’s happy that someone has the balls to stand up to Father.

  “Are you threatening me?” Father asks Justice.

  “He may not be, but we are,” Wasp, the President says. “She’s our family now, and no one touches what’s ours, we protect our dearest ones at all costs. You can deal with your family as you see fit, but that doesn’t include Lizzie any longer. If you wish to keep that relationship with us, I suggest you leave her be.” I’m stunned by their protectiveness over me, I’ve never had that, and I am suddenly glowing with admiration for this group of men. I catch Wasp’s eye and silently tell him ‘thank you,’ to which I get a head nod in acknowledgement.

  “I feel like you’re threatening me, I don’t do well with threats, Wasp.”

  “No threats being made here, just stating facts.”

  “Fine, let’s go,” he says to my mother and sisters. He looks over at me with a sneer on his face and points his finger at me. Message received loud and clear, Father, we’ll be discussing this at a later date and time, a conversation I’m definitely not looking forward to. I turn around and give Justice a wavering smile in thanks for him standing up for me.

  “He will never lay his hands on you…ever, understand?”

  “I do, and thank you, no one has ever stood up to him for me before. You have no idea what that means to me, I feel safe with you—which is crazy since I don’t even really know you,” I speak out before I realize the words have left my mouth.

  “You will always be safe with me, I will protect you with my life as will my brothers. You have nothing to fear, ever again.” I lean up and plant a kiss on his cheek in thanks.

  “I can’t wait to get to know you, Justice, you are an enigma to me.”

  “Same here, Lizzie, now let’s get out of here so we can start doing just that.”

  Getting on the back of his bike in a wedding dress isn’t as easy as it would seem. After he teaches me how to mount his bike, where to put my feet and where I need to watch my leg placement so I don’t get burned, isn’t exactly the first lesson in biker chick 101 I was looking forward to, but it is what it is. I get positioned to where I’m not flashing anyone, and as I think I’m in the right position, he grabs my legs and pulls me closer to him. There is no space in between our bodies, I can feel the hard ridges of his stomach with my hands and I’m looking forward to feeling them up close and personal with no clothing in the way. My helmet is tight, and the chin strap is uncomfortable, but I’m glad he got me my own, so it fits me like a glove.

  His thoughtfulness brings a tear to my eye which I hold back, I’m not the sentimental type of girl, but his actions mean more to me than words can say. We drive for a couple of hours before we stop at a bed and breakfast. It’s cute in a Victorian home kind of way, I’ve never been to one and am looking forward to seeing the inside. I know I sound like a spoiled brat,
but when you’ve had no type of adventure in your life, and are only used to the thing’s money can buy, it’s really nice to be a part of the quainter things. I adore all of the beautiful, colorful flowers that outline the walkway, it’s fresh and clean looking on the outside. The house itself is yellow in color with white shutters outlining the windows, it’s beautiful and something I could picture myself living in permanently. I would be keen to have something small and tasteful to reside in and raise children in.

  I don’t even know if Justice wants children, but I pray that he does because I desperately want to be a mother. I can picture a little girl with braids on either side of her head, I imagine her features, she’d have blonde hair color and piercing blue eyes, or a little boy who is the spitting image of his father. It’s a dream that I hope one day will come to fruition, I picture us all out in a backyard tossing around a ball or playing in a sandbox. Snap out of it girl, you haven’t even had your wedding night and you’re already dreaming of future children!

  “What are you thinking so hard about back there, Lizzie? I’ve called out your name several times trying to get you to dismount the bike.” I hide my head on his shoulders from embarrassment.

  “Just thinking about our future and daydreaming a bit. Something you’ll come to know about me in the future. I hope you’re ready for all of my hopes and dreams, Justice.”

  “Let’s get checked in and you can tell me all about them.”


  It doesn’t take long to get checked in to the honeymoon suite and shown to our room, it’s absolutely breathtaking. Before I have a chance to completely admire the room I’m pushed in front of the door with Justice’s front to my front, he looks into my eyes and lowers his mouth to mine for a beautifully sweet kiss. That sweetness builds a fire within us and we become ravenous with each other, we can’t get seem to get enough. His hand moves behind my head where he grabs ahold of my hair, not to the point of pain but enough to control my movement, and he pulls me closer to him. I’m not sure how either of us are breathing right now since my senses are in overload and all I can think about is that my panties may combust at any time now. He pulls away and looks into my eyes again, his chest is heaving, and I can tell he’s trying to gain control of himself.

  “Wow,” is all I can manage to say.

  “I really want to take the time to get to know you, Lizzie, but I need you with everything I am. I need to know though, please be honest and don’t be embarrassed, have you ever been with anyone before?” I can tell with his eyes that he really doesn’t care either way, but I have a feeling if I haven’t he wants to make this special for me.

  “No, um…you see, we—meaning my sisters and me, we weren’t allowed to be around boys.” This is really embarrassing, and I can’t look at him when I tell him this, he’s not having it though and takes his finger and tilts my head up so I have no choice but to look at him.

  “What did I say before, Lizzie? This isn’t something to be embarrassed or ashamed of, I’m pleased that I will be the first, and last man, to ever make his way between your luscious thighs. It turns me on more than you’ll ever know that I will be the only one, in every way to show you the pleasure our bodies can give us.” He leans down and captures my lips in a smoldering kiss, next thing I know I’m being laid down on the bed, how we got here without me realizing it has me astonished. Is it possible to swoon outside of a romantic novel? I know this isn’t technically a moment most would find worthy, but to me what he said means everything.

  “I can’t wait to start learning about my body from the touch of your hands, mouth and….um penis.”

  “Babe, I don’t have a penis, only boys have those, I have a cock or a dick. Here feel,” he says as he directs my hand over his rock-hard dick. Why is it I can say cock or dick in my head, but can’t verbally say those words?

  “You’re so big, I don’t think this will work. I’m not sure something so huge is meant to go down there,” I state, and I mean every word, if he is this big behind clothing, I’m scared to see what size he is unrestrained. I gulp with that thought and must have been loud about it because he throws his head back in laughter. My spell is broken, and I look up at him wide-eyed, asking, “will it really fit?” I need to know—my fear is outweighing my desires.

  “Yes baby, I will fit, you were made to take me. I’m not gonna lie to you, the first time will hurt, but I’ll do everything in my power to make it enjoyable to where the pain is forgotten. I plan on getting you worked up to where your body craves mine.”

  “Well then, what are you waiting for?” I ask him, his words already have me needing to feel his body close to mine. He hovers over me and starts pulling down the top of my dress, it’s so tight on my top that he has a hard time, so I raise up and allow him to unzip the back. He slowly, but methodically lowers the zipper and the wait and anticipation is killing me. “Hurry,” I beg him.

  “No,” one word, but it tells so much. Once he has my dress lowered and it’s sitting at my waist, he then kisses my neck down my collar bone and stopping at the top of my breast. He moves his hands behind my back and removes my strapless bra, it falls into my lap, but I lose my train of thought when he takes one of my nipples into his mouth. This is the first time anyone has touched me that wasn’t myself.

  “So beautiful,” he utters with sincerity in his voice, I was nervous about being bared to him in all my naked glory, but right now I want it all removed. I climb up on my knees causing him to lose his purchase and he grumbles a little about it until he sees what it is I’m doing. “Take it all off,” I tell him. He pushes my dress down until it’s pooled at my knees, he then pushes me back and rips the dress down my legs and tosses it to the floor in his excitement. I feel myself getting more aroused by his actions than I ever believed to be possible.

  He starts removing his clothing and I’m watching him like he’s unveiling my most prized gift. Once his shirt and cut as I learned it’s called are removed he unzips his pants but instead of removing the offending object he leans back over me and gives me a kiss that stops the world from spinning. I groan in protest when his lips move from mine, he trails his lips between my breasts and works his way down my slightly rounded stomach. I go to cover myself and he grabs my hand uttering out the word ‘no’ and continues his quest of making me his.


  I catch her hands as she goes to hide her stomach from me, I want nothing interfering with my pursuit to her pussy so I tell her no and hold her hands in mine. I push them to her sides and put pressure on her wrists letting her know in no certain terms I don’t want her to move them from that spot. I need complete control right now, if I lose it I’m not sure of how gentle I can be to her for her first time. Once I’m sure she’s going to be compliant I travel down to her pubic bone and inhale her scent, it’s calling to me and I need to eat that pussy now, it’s not something I’ve got a lot of experience in, but I want to make her fly.

  I grab one side of her white lacey thong in my mouth and pull it down, she raises her hips and I move to the other side and repeat the action until I have them past her ass and hips. Then I grab the crotch area with my teeth and pull them down her legs, all the while I’m looking into her eyes. I want her to see what she’s doing to me, I’ve never had this type of attraction to another woman and I can’t wait to feel her for the first time.

  As I make it past her feet I put her panties in my jeans pocket to keep them as my own personal souvenir. One I will treasure until the day I draw my last breath, the day I finally meet my maker. I’ve had some close calls, but that bastard hasn’t gotten me yet, and I plan to live a full life with Lizzie at my side. I don’t want an open-ended marriage like I thought I would, no I want her and only her till my dying day.

  This almost snaps me out of my sex-induced fog, but I quickly find myself drawn back in by her whimper of anticipation. I slowly kiss up one leg then repeat the process with her other one. I do this until I make it to her center, I lay a kiss on her clit a
nd she responds by raising her hips up to try and get more. Next, I take my tongue and run it from bottom to top and grab her engorged clit with my lips and suck it into my mouth causing the most erotic of sounds to leave her lips.

  Those sounds drive me on and I begin to make a full course meal out of her. I lick, suck and kiss her bringing her to unadulterated lust, I insert my tongue inside of my delicious treat until she comes, and I eagerly swallow every bit of her essence. Once I’ve drowned my taste buds with her sweet release, I climb my way up her body all the while removing my jeans and placing tiny kisses on her body. My body is full of sexual tension and is in need of a release, but I’m trying to be patient and force it upon myself.

  All I want to do is slam inside of her, but I know that isn’t what is appropriate for a lady’s first time. I want to give her so much pleasure that the pain is an afterthought. Once my jeans are removed I lay my body over hers and caress her breasts. They are the perfect size and fit my hands just right, nothing overflowing and not too small. She was made to fit me, all of me, I just have to show her now how right our bodies are for each other.

  Knowing I need to make sure she’s truly ready for me and my size, I move my hand down and find her and I insert first one finger then two. I find her g-spot and make slow circular motions on it which causes her to detonate rather quickly. I can’t put it off another minute, but fearing for her pain I ask her, “Slow and easy or quick and fast?” as I line myself up with her opening.


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