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Faithfully Devoted: Rage Ryders Templeton

Page 6

by Liberty Parker

  “Maybe we should have this conversation a little later when nosey there isn’t present,” he expresses, pointing at his daughter.

  “We’ll be having that conversation alright, brother,” Justice glares at Kid. I feel really uncomfortable right now, and it’s the first time I’ve heard that tone come from my husband and it’s got me a little off kilter. My entire body shudders from the thought that this conversation may not be pleasant, it also makes me wonder what everyone truly thinks about me. I hope they’re willing to give me a chance to show them who I am and not who they presume me to be.

  Justice squeezes my hand and it brings me out of my thoughts. “Everything’s going to be fine, relax.” That’s easy for him to say, my friends aren’t sitting around talking shit about him and calling him names.

  “Jake, Jayna, you two go on to your rooms until we call you out for dinner,” Kid instructs them, and they scurry off. Looks like they listen to their dad at least.

  “Lizzie, Riley and I would like to apologize to you on behalf of our daughter. She overheard Ryder and I joking around about our man, Justice here gettin’ himself a bitch. It wasn’t meant to be disrespectful or derogative towards you.”

  “Yes, I apologize on behalf of not only my young child but my big one too,” Riley verbalizes to me, patting Kid on his head. She really does see him as one of her children. I hide my mouth with my hand trying to prevent the giggle that wants to escape.

  “Woman! Stop patting me on the head like I’m your motherfuckin’ pet! I’m not now, or never have been a dog,” Riley starts laughing, and I soon find myself joining her.

  “Lizzie, why don’t you join me in the kitchen, while I finish dinner I’ll make you a big glass of wine. With these two and those heathens of mine, you may need it.”

  “I’ll take that glass of wine. I’d offer to help you out, but I’ve never cooked before. I was actually forbidden to go into the kitchen so I’m afraid I’d be more of a hindrance to you then any help.”

  “I’ll take the company, follow me.” I go to walk behind her, but Justice grabs my wrist and stops me.

  “Don’t leave without giving me those lips,” he declares, and I swear I swoon at his words. He leans down as I go up on my toes and our lips meet in the middle. It isn’t a consuming kiss, but it’s full of passion and fire without the use of our tongues. My face flames when I hear Kid make a whipping sound. I scurry out of the room as quickly as my legs take me.


  “She’s not a bitch,” is the first thing that comes out of my mouth once my woman leaves the room.

  “It wasn’t meant in that manner,” he expresses.

  “I know some of you are having a hard time with the way we were forced into marriage. The thing is, none of you know her story. She’s more of a victim in this scenario than I am. I need you all to give her a chance, she’s a good woman, and she’s now mine, which means she’s one of ours. I need you all to stand behind me and support both of us, not be a deterrent in what happens between us.”

  “You’ve fallen for her, damn man, you didn’t even meet her until your wedding day, and she’s already got you?”

  “There’s things you don’t know, things that are not mine to share. I won’t dignify your question with an answer. It makes me feel like I’m betraying what I’ve already started building with her. But if none of you are willing to put the effort into befriending her, you’ll be the one’s missing out on gettin’ to know a special woman.”

  He runs his hands through his hair before saying, “You are the one we worry about. You’re our family, our brother. We are all a little skeptical about what it means for you, for your future. Give us a break, we always have your back. This is an odd situation, one we’ve never faced before. Give it time. Everyone will warm up to her once they get a chance to speak with her.” I nod my head, because what else can I do. I’m not going to sit around and beat my head into the wall trying to get through to everyone.

  He’s right about one thing, once everyone gives her a chance, she’ll gain their loyalty and trust, the way she has me. She’s a special person. The sooner everyone sees that, the more she’ll feel a part of us and open up more. She’s told me some about her childhood, but I have a feeling we haven’t scraped the bottom of the barrel…yet.

  “Let’s grab a beer, I’m sure dinner will be ready shortly.”

  We grab our drinks and head out to the back porch where Kid catches me up on my brothers, their Ol’ ladies and the kids. I feel like it’s been a lifetime since I’ve seen anyone when in reality it hasn’t been. When he tells me about Jayna and Jake I can see the pride shinning in his eyes. I hope to one day feel the fondness of a father, Lizzie and I haven’t even discussed kids. I wonder if she even wants any? About an hour later we’re called in for dinner, the kids are funny when they talk and before I know it the night is over and we’re heading back to the clubhouse.

  The next morning, I find myself in a meeting, Kid has been given more intel so he’s catching me up and all I wanna do is head back to the room and bury myself inside of my wife. We stayed up half the night exploring each other and fucking like animals. I can’t seem to get enough of her, she’s unlike any woman I’ve ever experienced before. Usually I have no issues dumping them and moving on, but with her, I want her at all times. The way she smiles, how she’s always excited and ready to try new things astounds me, she’s like an addiction that I can’t overcome.

  “Earth to Justice,” Kid calls out, waving his hands in my face.

  “Sorry, zoned out there for a minute,” I answer.

  “Know that feeling well, brother.” And by the smile on his face, I can tell that he does. He and Riley have been together for a long time now, and he still acts like they’re a new couple. I can only hope and pray that Lizzie and I still have that effect on each other when we’ve been together as long and longer than they have.

  I get back into the topic at hand and put Lizzie and our relationship to the back of my mind. An hour later, I find myself tracking down my woman. I finally find her shooting pool with Skylar and Sadie. They’re all laughing, and I can’t help but to stop and watch the smile that graces her beautiful face. She’s more carefree now than what she’s been—even with me.

  “It’s a fuckin’ amazin’ sight isn’t’ it?” Ryder comes up behind me and asks.

  “It’s the best to see those smiles on their faces,” I retort.

  He slaps me on my shoulder, “It just gets better from here.” He walks away and heads over towards his woman and I follow his lead. I walk up behind Lizzie and wrap my arms around her waist.

  “Need a hand? I can show you some tricks to put those balls into the pockets,” I speak softly in her ear and smile from ear to ear when she does a full body shiver. “I can teach you the proper stance and how to hold that stick, beautiful.”

  “I’ve never had anyone teach me the right way to shoot some balls,” she sassily counters.

  “I’d enjoy being able to teach you the art of handling balls,” I joke with her.

  She winks at me and states, “I do need a proper teacher.” Her playful nature gets to me and I nip her earlobe between my teeth and lightly tug at it. She moans, and I go from semi-erect to a full-blown hard on. I push my hips into her ass to show her how she affects me.

  “See what you do to me? No one has the ability to make me as stone hard as you do.”

  “Thank goodness for that, I’d hate to cut a bitch,” she says, causing me to burst out into laughter. “What? Don’t think that I’d be the type of woman to sit back and let that sort of thing roll off my shoulders! That isn’t me, it’s best if you learn that now.”

  “I believe you, baby, and that’s a bigger turn on than watching you bending over this table with that stick gliding in and out of your fingers, looking for that perfect shot.”

  “You just like me bent over with my ass in the air,” she expresses.

  “Damn fuckin’ right I do, it’s such a luscious ass,” I r
un my hands up and down said ass enjoying the way her cheeks fit perfectly in my hands. She was made for me in every way, I’ve never been so compatible with anyone before. Probably one of the reasons I can’t go longer than five minutes without her invading my every thought.


  It didn’t take us long to fall fast asleep last night once we got back from Kid and Riley’s house. Their kids are something else and kept us thoroughly entertained last night, the things that come out of the mouths of kids is something that I’ll have to get used to according to my husband. Apparently, this club is drowning in smaller people. I laughed when he actually referred to them in this manner. He says they aren’t kids, they’re small people who don’t act like any children he’s ever known.

  “Mmmm, morning,” I hear murmured into my ear. He’s wrapped around me as per usual.

  “Morning,” I answer back. “Riley invited me to go shopping with her and the other women today, is that okay or do we have plans?”

  “I have to head out of the clubhouse on some work, so I’ll be gone most of the day. You should go,” he informs me. I roll over and he loosens his arms just enough for me to switch positions. Now that I’m looking into his eyes, I can’t help but think of what a lucky bitch I am to be married to such a good-looking man.

  “Then you’ll have to let me up so I can shower, and get dressed. They plan on leaving early,” I voice, kissing him under his chin.

  “No morning play then,” he says, lifting his eyebrows up and down and I want to laugh at how cute he is being, but for some reason I doubt that would be the right thing to do right now.

  “You can go one morning without,” I tease him.

  “I really, really can’t,” he exclaims.

  “Looks like you’ll have to, just this once or I’ll never be ready in time,” I remind him.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he says, placing a kiss on my lips then releasing the hold he has on me. “You need some money?” I’m shocked as I realize we haven’t had the ‘money’ talk yet. “What’s that look all about?” he asks me.

  “Well, I was just thinking that we haven’t had the ‘money talk’,” I use air quotes to emphasize.

  “Wasn’t aware we needed to have that conversation,” he responds, “I figured you’d share mine, was I wrong?”

  “Well, umm, you see…” I stutter out, “I’m basically loaded, Justice. Neither one of us needs to work, neither do our children, grandchildren, etcetera. I’m sure you are getting the picture.” His jaw drops, he goes to say something a couple of times, but I see he’s speechless.

  “I knew your dad was loaded, but I wasn’t aware you were as well,” he finally manages to utter. “Wow, babe, I don’t know what to say here.”

  “You don’t have to say anything, but just know that you’ll never have to financially support me, I can take care of myself and any children we have.”

  “Fuck, Lizzie, are you trying to unman me here? It’s my job, my pleasure to take care of you and your needs. I want to be able to do that for us. I get that your use to living in a certain manner, and I can’t compete with that…” I shut him up before he has a chance to finish.

  “Justice, I don’t need to live the way my parents do. I just want to be happy, and if I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that money doesn’t make you happy. It buys things, makes life easier, but it doesn’t buy happiness. I’d be happy living in a cardboard box as long as you were there with me. For the first time in my life I feel safe, money didn’t do that for me, you did.”

  “You never felt safe?” he questions me.

  “No, not really. My father was, is a hard man. He doesn’t show affection, he only knows one way to be, and it isn’t niceties. He’s mean, and I never knew from one day to the next what I’d do to set him off. My sisters and I walked around on egg shells. For some reason, I always managed to trip that live wire and always ended up in trouble and being punished.”

  “Explain what you mean by being punished,” he declares and has a hard look upon his face.

  “Let’s table this discussion for another time. We both have things to do today and I’d like to enjoy my time with, and getting to know the ladies, without this conversation weighing on my mind the entire time.”

  “Fine, we’ll table it for now, but Lizzie, we will have this talk. Got it?”

  “Got it,” I reply. As I go into the bathroom to get ready, I can’t help but ponder and worry about how that particular conversation will go. If you’re outside of the family and organization, you have no idea how ruthless my father can truly be.



  As I sit and wait on my informant to meet me and share what information he has for me, I can’t help but think about what Lizzie had said to me earlier this morning. I know her father is an utter and complete asshole, but I had no idea other than verbally abusing her she suffered in other ways at his hands. I need to make sure we have this conversation sooner rather than later, because I’m feeling murderous at the thoughts that are swimming around in my mind.

  Visions of a younger Lizzie appear front and center in my mind. Picturing someone so young and innocent suffering at the hands of someone so much larger than they are makes me want to go to his place and confront him, but I know that it could put the club in a precarious position, and I didn’t sacrifice as much as I have to hurt my brothers now.

  I mean I’m not suffering or anything, I couldn’t be happier in a choice for a wife if I’d hand-picked her for myself. I see a vehicle coming up the dirt road that I’m sitting at and let the thoughts of my wife drift from my mind and get into business mode. My informant is someone I’ve worked with for years and I trust him wholeheartedly.

  “Shaun,” I say in greeting when he gets out of his car and meets me at my bike. He knows I won’t come to him, he needs to come to me especially since I’m the one paying him for the information he’s about to provide.

  “Justice, it’s been awhile,” he replies, sticking his hand out for a shake. In response I grab his hand in mine and squeeze a little while showing respect to him. I have to still show who has the upper hand in this relationship.

  “Whatcha got for me?” I inquire.

  “Right down to business I see,” he nervously chuckles, “the organization you’re looking for is up and coming. They are establishing themselves all over Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. I can’t find out who their backer is, but it’s someone loaded. They have taken up residence in an abandoned warehouse just west of where the clubhouse is.”

  “How far west are we talkin’?” I question.

  “No more than five-minutes,” he enlightens me. Holy fuck! That’s way too close for my comfort. Kid is going to throw a fucking shit fit, and I can’t blame him. We need to take these motherfuckers out and make sure they aren’t a threat to the family. “Tell me more about what you know about these assholes.” For the next hour, we talk about what he’s been able to find out and I give him his money when I’m satisfied I have the information I need in order to take this back to Kid and Ryder. But before I do that, I decide to go and see this hideout—personally.

  For a new group, they are very organized. I pull out my camera and start documenting things I’m seeing, making sure to get photographs of all of the players I’m witnessing moving around. I wonder which ones of them are key players? Those are the ones we need to remove. Without the bigger fish in the picture to fry, it will be easier to remove them from our area. We’ll let our friends in the other states know that they have new players in town, but other than that there’s nothing we can do for them. I don’t mean that we won’t have their backs as they’ve had ours in the past, I just mean that we can’t get rid of our own threat and worry about theirs.

  I head back to the clubhouse five hours after I left, loaded down with information and needing to speak with Kid. I haul ass back as fast as my girl will take me, not worrying about any law stopping me because Kid already has an in with the officers here in Templeton and
they won’t mess with anyone wearing the Rage Ryders’ cut. It only takes me a little over ten minutes to arrive at the clubhouse, cementing the fact that they are a little too close for comfort.

  The first person I spot once I enter the club is Ryder, walking up to him I ask, “Where’s Kid? Need to speak with him as soon as fuckin’ possible.”

  “He’s with the twins since Riley and the girls have gone out shopping. They’ve been gone a long time so I’m sure he’s pullin’ his hair outta his head by now,” he snickers like a fucking teenage girl.

  “This can’t wait, care to ride with me to his place?”

  “Sure thing,” he answers, walking towards the door and taking his keys out of his pocket. I briskly head to my bike, ready to get to Kid so we can form some sort of game plan. We mount our bikes and tear out of the parking lot once the gate opens to let us through. When we arrive, and Kid opens the door, the look on my face lets him know that things aren’t good and the information I have to share will potentially change things for the club and has the ability to force us into going to war, which means the mother charter will have to get involved in this one. It will take all of us to put an end to the dangerous and offensive new group that is thinking they can come into our turf and try to take over our territory and run drugs, something the club is thoroughly against.

  “Fuck!” he says, “come on in, tell me what you’ve learned.” He opens the door wider and Ryder and I follow him inside. I can hear the kids laughing and playing, at least they’re in their room and I don’t have to worry about being discreet with what I say to him. He leads us into his office, saying, “be right back, need to check on the kids and let them know to stay in their rooms until I come and get them.”

  “Sounds good,” I state, sitting down and getting comfortable because this is going to be a long conversation, and not one I’m looking forward to having. Ryder goes over to the mini-fridge and grabs three beers, he hands me one, puts one on Kid’s desk then pops the top off of his own. I open mine up and gulp half of it down in one swallow. By the time I pull the bottle from my lips, Kid heads in and takes a seat grabbing his.


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