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Faithfully Devoted: Rage Ryders Templeton

Page 12

by Liberty Parker

  We arrive all too soon and my nerves are jumping, and my hands are clammy. Did I make the wrong decision agreeing to do this? It’s too late now to change my mind I suppose, unless I feign illness. For some reason, I don’t think that would fly with the guys nor my family. There has to be a reason that Justice’s brothers are here. I just hope my father isn’t too much involved in whatever it is. I trust him as much as a catfish should trust a worm on a hook—not one bit.

  The front door opens as Justice assists me off the back of his bike. I see my sisters standing in the doorway with grins spread across their faces. They are pushing each other aside as they begin to charge my way walking briskly because we were trained that women don’t run or rush anywhere. It’s funny how they make a swift walk look so elegant and choreographed.

  “Izzy,” Genny hollers in excitement. She’s always been the more exuberant one. Rosa is more quiet and reserved, but I can tell that she’s just as happy as our sister is to see me. I’m wrapped in a huddle of hugs and am filled with their tenderness. They’ve always been able to do this for me whenever I’ve been filled to the brim with anxiety. “Father’s in his office, take a deep breath, baby sister.” I do just that and pull back looking at my sisters. They both look just as happy and bubbly with life as I feel.

  “Marriage looks good on you,” Rosa tells me.

  “That’s because I have the best husband in the world,” I say, sticking my hand out for Justice to grab.

  “It’s because she’s easy to love,” he replies taking my outstretched hand in his. I gasp, because it’s the first time he’s used the ‘L’ word in front of anyone…especially his brothers, at least none that stands out. He’s shown me in so many ways that this is how he’s felt, but I never thought he’d voice those thoughts out loud. My heart is rapidly beating in my chest, only this time it’s for a completely different reason than it was on the ride here.

  My sisters’ faces light up at his declaration and I know we’re going to be having a womanly conversation about my relationship. I can’t wait to share everything with them. I trust no one more than I do them…but that’s quickly changing.


  I’m led into Cardozo’s office by his butler. It feels as if I’ve entered the world of some sitcom. Who the fuck is so lazy that they need someone to answer their god damned door? I bet they have a maid and cook too. This errand boy knocks on the door and informs him that his visitors have arrived. I could’ve done that shit, I don’t need someone to announce my arrival. My voice and hand works perfectly fine.

  “Come in, gentlemen,” he states, standing up from his chair. The desk he has between us is massive in size and I don’t understand why someone needs something so ginormous. Is he trying to compensate for something that’s small? Just an observation, I’m sure his wife is unsatisfied if he has to have bigger things surrounding him.

  “Cardozo,” Kid says, sticking his hand out. He reciprocates the gesture and shakes his hand. “It’s good to see you again,” now I know he’s lying out his teeth because he loathes him.

  “Same, please sit.” He directs us to some chairs in front of his desk which he sits down at once again. I watch as he pulls up his slacks and crosses one leg over the other one. “What can I do for you this evening?” he casually asks, plucking the end off of, then lighting up a cigar. I’d bet you dollars to donuts it’s an expensive Cuban he’s fixing to be puffing on.

  Kid and Ryder take the seats, but I lean on the door. I casually cross my ankles and my arms across my chest. I’m hoping this meeting will be quick and dinner even faster. “We need to know what you may know about a group of misfits that have moved into our territory. They call themselves the Ozzie’s, but their true name is…”

  “I know who they are,” he interrupts Kid. I notice that his shoulders stiffen and I’m waiting for him to teach this motherfucking father-in-law of mine some manners. “What information is it you’re in need of?”

  Kid clears his throat and continues, “We have intel that they have several financial backers. Would you happen to know about any of these groups or corporations?” He pulls the file out of his cut and slides it across the desk.

  He opens it up and a chuckle escapes him. “Marsalis organization wouldn’t be happy to hear about the fact that they are being played by this group of ‘misfits’ as you call them. Neither would the Jiménez’s or the Arcola’s. You may do well putting a bug in their ears if you get my meaning.”

  “Would you happen to know someone who could get the word out to them?” Ryder inquires.

  “I have several who wouldn’t mind seeing their displeasure,” he opens a drawer and grabs a phone out of it. He places it on the table then says, “it’s you’re call, would you like me to get the ball rolling in your court for you?”

  “We would appreciate that,” Kid acknowledges.

  “I’ll need proof, may I make copies of these?” he asks, holding the folder up for us to see.

  “That is a copy, you can keep those. What about these others?”

  “These others, I could start a war and end these miscreants without you having to lift a finger. They’d squash them like the annoying pest that they are.” I look at Kid hoping he won’t agree to this, I would personally like to put my hands on several of these jackasses, especially the ones who knew and agreed to the shootout that involved me and my men.

  “We would be willing to have the assistance from them if they’re willing to speak with us personally, we’ll set somethin’ up with them.”

  “They do not work well underneath others, but I’ll see what I can do to help out my daughter’s new family. Anything else I can aid with?”

  “If you could pass along this number,” Ryder says, passing the club’s business card across to him, “we’d be grateful.”

  “Your club willing to give me a marker for sticking my neck out like this?”

  “We would, unless it’s somethin’ that will blow back on our club or get one of our Ol’ ladies hurt.”

  “This now includes your daughter.” This is the first interjection into the conversation I’ve made.

  “I would never do anything to harm my daughter. It would devastate her mother,” I didn’t hear anything about how he’d feel in that declaration. I’m not sure how to take that, it also makes me want to have a one-on-one conversation with him. I’m not sure how productive that would be, but I’d like to use him as my personal punching bag. “Dinner should be ready any moment now, you boys are welcome to join us if it would please you,” he indicates Kid and Ryder’s way.

  “Thank you for the offer, but my wife and children are waitin’ for me at home,” Kid politely declines his offer.

  “Some other time then?” I can’t tell if he’s for real or living in some fantasy land, there’s no way in hell either Kid or Ryder would sit down at a meal with him.

  “Well see,” Kid says as I move away from the front of the door and open it. I let them out first, but don’t show the same for Cardozo. I walk behind Kid and Ryder having their backs and placing Lizzie’s father at mine. Yes, it’s a sign of disrespect, but he has a long way to go to earn any from me.

  After my brothers leave, I’m shown to the fanciest living room I’ve ever seen or stepped foot in. I can’t believe people actually purchase gold statues and shitty ass artwork. Give me some dogs playing poker and I’m a happy man. I could splash some paint on a canvas and sell it for a million more than what I spend on supplies. And, it’d look ten times better than this sore spot my eyes are currently trained on. It’s like a mack truck, you know it’s coming, but you can’t seem to get the fuck outta the way of its path.

  “Justice,” Lizzie whispers catching my attention.

  “What?” I question her.

  “What are you lost in thought about?”

  “That,” I point at the picture, “is god awful, why the fuck would someone pay for that? I could do the same thing for half the price…fuck that, a quarter of the price.”

  “Don’t let my mother hear you, that’s her pride and joy. She went all the way to Paris to an art gallery to purchase that particular piece. She even stayed with it all the way home to make sure the transporters didn’t trade it for a fake or not treat it like a piece of glass as it was moved from one plane to another.”

  “Lizzie, please tell me you will not put something so atrocious in our home.”

  “Nope, I don’t really care for it personally. Plus, I see you as more of a dog playing poker type of man than that.”

  “Thank you! I was thinkin’ the same thing not too long ago. Those dogs make me laugh, who wants staleness in their house instead of it filled with fun. I want someplace I can come home and relax in, not somethin’ I have to avoid to preserve it and keep in pristine condition.”

  “Like the clubhouse?” I hope she’s kidding, but I can’t tell.

  “Well,” I say, scratching the back of my neck. “Not exactly, something relaxed like it maybe, but more homey.”


  “Can we have this conversation later when your entire family isn’t staring at me like I’m some sorta science experiment?”

  “They are not looking at you in any such way.”

  “Really? Cause I sure do feel like a bug under a microscope right about now.”

  “Dinner is served,” some woman comes in and announces.

  “Thank God,” I blow a breath out of my nose. “Let’s get this done and over with,” I say, grabbing her hand and following the woman’s lead.

  When we get to the ‘formal dining area’ I’m more nervous to sit at the table than I was to sit my ass on their fancy couch. “You have got to be kidding me,” I utter.


  “Are we even allowed to sit on those chairs without puttin’ down a deposit?”

  “Don’t be silly, Justice. Here, sit next to me,” she says pointing at a chair. I watch as her father pulls out her mother’s seat and decide I can at least be that much of a gentleman, so I copy his moves.

  “Thank you,” Lizzie says as I pull out her chair, wait for her to sit and push it in. Only, I do it with a little more force than necessary and I see her head bob from the impact.

  “Sorry,” I tell her as I take my seat next to her. She grabs my hand under the table and laces our fingers together.

  “No worries, Justice. Remember what you promised me? Just be yourself.”

  Myself. Right, I can do that.



  I can’t do this! I’m going to leap over this table and punch that motherfucker right in the jaw if he has one more jab to make towards my Ol’ lady. So far, her clothes are inappropriate for dinner, she’s gained weight and her teeth aren’t as white as they used to be. I was waiting for him to state before she married me, but it never left his big fat trap.

  Swear to God, I’m tasting blood in my mouth from how hard I’ve bitten my tongue. Lizzie pats my knee which calms me a little, but not much.

  And then the bashing continues, “Why is your face so made-up? You look like an overzealous clown. Ladies do not wear so much,” she waves her hands around in my Ol’ ladies’ direction, “junk, and still be expected to be perceived as a lady,” her mother states.

  “That’s it, I’ve had it! There is nothin’ wrong with her clothes, makeup, weight or anything else you are tryin’ to find fault in. Not a God damned thing! She’s beautiful, intelligent and so full of life that she brings that to others surrounding her. People gravitate towards her, they appreciate everything about her as do I. I will not sit here and let you demean and belittle her. She’s mine, from now on if you have any problems where it concerns her, you come to me!” I holler, pointing at my own chest. “I can’t and won’t in good conscience allow you to make her feel like there’s anything wrong with her, because to me she is perfection.”

  I look at my Ol’ lady and see tears rolling down her cheeks and it angers me even further. “See what the fuck you assholes did? No one makes my wife cry. Not one motherfuckin’ person, not even me.”

  “I’m not crying because of their cruel words, Justice…I’m used to them. I’ve heard the same song and dance all of my life. The reason behind these tears is because of your beautiful words and declaration. No one has ever stuck up for me when it comes to my parents,” she sniffles.

  Her mom has a smile hidden behind her glass as she has it at her lips pretending to take a drink. Her sisters, Genny and Rosa, aren’t hiding their smiles, however, and their husbands are shifting uncomfortably in their seats. Cardoza on the other hand is studiously inspecting me. I scowl back at him and stare him down letting him know in my own way that he doesn’t faze me in the least and I can give back to him as well as he can give to me.

  “Shall we go ahead and finish our dinner in peace and leave Lizzie alone?” he finally states with a sneer across his face. Lizzie’s mother nods her head in acceptance and everyone’s eyes go directly to their plates. The men continue eating, while the girls spread their food around on their plates while still smirking at their father being put in his place, at least that’s what I’m assuming it is from.

  As I eat, I continuously keep my eyes on everyone else to make sure they understand and comprehend that I’m keeping an eagle eye on them. One wrong move, one wrong word, and my hands will be firmly wrapped around their necks. End of story.

  “Well, that was…fun,” Lizzie says as we crawl into bed later that night.

  “Fun isn’t the word I’d use for it.”

  “Keep on growling, Justice. You know what that does to me,” she states, rubbing her hand across her breasts.

  “Oh yeah,” I purposely growl out again…just to see how far she’s willing to go. She moves her hand down over her night shirt and slips it beneath her panties.

  “Again,” she begs. What the ever-loving fuck! This shit is a wet dream come true. One of her hands is furiously moving beneath the fabric of her panties while the other one comes up and starts plucking her nipples over the t-shirt…my shirt that I insist on her wearing to bed. I don’t usually like her wearing panties, if I want her or need her in the middle of the night, my pussy needs to be accessible for my dick to plunge into.

  “Strip, Lizzie…show me what’s mine. I wanna see my pussy and my tits.”

  She stops her ministrations, and looks up at me like I’ve grown horns on the top of my scalp. She methodically gets up on her knees and slowly removes her top. She takes her fingers and circles her buds. I lick my lips and rub my dick over my jeans which are growing tighter by the second. My cock is feeling strangled and I swear I can feel every tooth on my zipper. She hooks her fingers in the sides of her panties but doesn’t move. She sits there staring at me. Challenge accepted…wife.

  “You wanna play this game? I’m in,” I state as I prowl towards my prey and lean over her, causing her to rear back and her back bends to make room for me to invade her space. “I hope you don’t like this particular pair too much.” I take my knife out of my pocket and use the space between her fingers and skin and tear my blade through the fabric, first the right side then the left. She gasps, but I know it’s not in fear as her chest begins to heave and her breathing becomes erratic.

  “That’s so sexy,” she purrs. Well, if she liked that, she’s going to enjoy this even more. I put my hands on her shoulders and push her to where she loses her balance and lands on her back on the bed. After a few bounces, she stills, and I admire the view in front of me. Her hair is fanned out over the mattress and pillow. Her head is nestled in the crook of where they meet. As she begins to rub her legs together, I remove my clothing.

  “Spread your legs wide Lizzie and play with that beautiful pink pussy of mine.” When we first got together, if I gave her these commands her face would turn beet red in embarrassment. The more sexually active we’ve become, the more adventurous she’s gotten.

  When her finger hits her clit, she moans out my name, “Justice.” This spurs me into action, my dick is re
ady to plunge inside of her wet, tight sheath. “Please, I need you buried inside of me. I’m aching all over,” she slurs.

  “I’ll get you there. Patience, beautiful.” I crawl over the bed, placing my thighs between her spread legs. My eyes laser onto her fingers as they circle, invade, and exuberantly play with her sweet pussy. Having had enough, I pull her fingers away and see the glistening that layers her lips. I pull them to mine and place them in my mouth. I suck all of her juices off and moan in delight at her tangy flavor as my buds explode from the essence.

  “Fuck,” she groans. My head goes between her shoulder and neck as I breath in her scent. She has this unique fragrance about her, it’s vanilla and strawberries combined. No one else displays the same aroma as she does, and it makes me feel like I’m home. I’ve never been attached to a certain smell, but something about her’s draws me in like a moth to the flame. She puts her hand between us and grabs my hard as fuck dick. She strokes it several times as my hips shift in her hand and slide between her fist. She lines me up to her entrance and lines my cock head to her opening. I thrust forward until my balls slap her ass.

  “Fuck, Lizzie. You’re so tight, it’s like I’m taking your virginity over and over again every time I enter you. Fuck you feel so damn good,” I utter into the crook of her neck.

  “It’s because you’re so big,” she pants out. “Move, Justice, please. I need to feel the force of the combination that is you and me. Take me—hard, let me feel every inch of you.” Her mixed words between proper and sexual frustration are my ultimate undoing. I pull out and slam back inside. “Yes!” I begin to pound in and out of her.

  “Fucking hell,” I pant out as I try to breath between her squeezing the life out of my dick and the effort it takes to get back inside. Her channel is already clamping down on me with every forward thrust. “Not yet, baby. Don’t come yet, we’ve just gotten started.”


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