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Your Guardian Angel Uncut (The Guardian Angel Series Book 1.5)

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by Skyla Madi

  “You’re more than welcome.” Aunt Jen smiled, pulling her dressing gown tighter around her. Was it cold this morning? I couldn’t tell. “You deserve it after everything...”

  She flicked out her short, brown hair that got trapped between the dressing gown and her shoulders. Aunt Jen extended her arms to me and stepped closer before pulling me into her chest. Her warmth seeped into my skin and I subtly held my breath as the smell of her blood, mixed with her clean sweat filled my nose. I swallow hard, trying to get rid of my excess venom.

  “It’s my first birthday without’s going to be hard.” I mumbled, trying desperately to take my mind of the pulsing artery beneath her flesh.

  Jen didn’t say anything, she didn’t have to. I lost my mother and Aunt Jen lost a sister. After a few moments, she spoke. “You’re doing great, despite your loss and...” she paused, releasing me from her embrace, but keeping a hold on my shoulders. “...Changes.”

  Aunt Jen and Camilla knew what Hank had done to me. She was aware that his bite had left me in somewhat of a vampiric state. I say ‘somewhat’ because the night Hank bit me, something happened...something I can’t exactly explain.

  When his razor sharp teeth pierced my flesh and his venom started seeping into my bloodstream...something very strange started to happen. It began at my core, a burning sensation rising up my body getting hotter and hotter until a sudden beam of light threw Hank and I to opposite sides of the room. I swallow hard, trying to moisten the dryness in my throat. Whatever happened that night—whatever occurred inside me—made me different from Hank and any other vampire. I could go out during the day and still have my normal appearance—except for the two bottomless, cold black eyes—which were passed off as contacts easily enough. I was also weaker than other vampires—a lot weaker. If I ever get into a fight with another vampire it’d be like sending a toddler to fight a lion.

  “It isn’t too late to cancel the party, if you’re not feeling up to it.”

  As good as that sounded (and boy did it sound good) I had to think of Camilla. Although it was my birthday, she was the one that had taken care of everything. I hardly lifted a finger to help and besides, I didn’t plan on lingering at the party for too long anyway.

  “I’m fine.” I assured her, forcing a fake smile I was sure she could see right through.

  She didn’t elaborate on anything, thankfully. These days I tended to avoid emotional conversations given the fact I cried blood tears.

  I cringed as Camilla’s incessant honking pierced through the house. There wasn’t a day that went by she didn’t honk that bloody horn at me. Ironic considering I was always the first one dressed and ready.

  “I’ll see you when I get home.” I told her, stepping away and turning toward the door.

  “Have a good day!” She called from behind me and I waved over my shoulder without looking back.

  When I stepped out of the house and onto the brown welcome mat the sun’s rays illumined my skin. Although I couldn't feel its warmth pierce my ice-cold flesh, it was nice knowing I was the only vampire that could appreciate it—despite the irritation to my eyes. Camilla honked again and my gaze snaps over to her pink Barina. Jesus. Surely there was a better, less embarrassing way for me to get to school. I forced my legs over to the passenger side, opened the door and dropped into the seat, slamming the door shut behind me.

  “Do you want breakfast?” Camilla asked, pulling a bag of A-negative blood from her handbag and handing it to me.

  “I’ve already had breakfast.” I replied, choosing not to remind her that she rudely interrupted my breakfast by barging in to do her hair and makeup. I dropped my stare to the bag of blood in her hands. Any other teenager would be sitting down to a nice, big bowl of cereal right now...not me. I wanted to be normal, like other teenagers, but no matter how much I begged or cried...I’d always be a bloodthirsty monster.

  “So have some more. Surely there’s no limit to how much blood you can ingest.”

  “There is, actually,” I extend my hand to her and she placed the blood in it. “But I am still kind of hungry.”

  I was lucky Aunt Jen was a nurse at Bridgewater Hospital. She knew a guy who would provide her with free blood (no questions asked) and he wouldn’t record it on the system. Unfortunately for her, she had to see a movie with him on the first Friday of every month in return. Aunt Jen didn’t mind though. She figured seeing one movie a month was better than me slaughtering her and Camilla in their sleep. I don't drink human blood directly from the source. I did previously, but chose to stop. One night, I couldn’t stop and I’d drained an old woman of all her wasn’t my proudest moment. Donated blood was a personal choice and the only way I could lessen the burden on my shoulders. Not taking blood unwillingly from a human was my way of protesting against what I had become, I guess.

  I jostled the bag of blood in my hands and the red liquid sloshed around, making me feel nauseous. I didn’t want to drink, but I had to if I was going to be around humans all day. Being stuck in a tight room and having the fan blow around their sweet scent was difficult enough on a full stomach. I squeezed my eyes shut and bared my fangs. They slid through the plastic with ease and glanced sideways at Cam. She was staring at me wide eyed like she always did when she saw me eat.

  She shuddered. “I’ve been watching you do this for a while now and I still find it creepy.”

  I contracted my fangs and opened the glove box, throwing the empty bag inside. I reached up to drop the visor and my hands flew up to wipe a speck of blood off my lips.

  “It could be worse.” I replied after a little while. “You could watch me munching on humans whilst they scream a couple of times a day.”

  Camilla’s lopsided smirk dropped slightly and she swallowed thickly. Shit. I probably shouldn't talk about munching on humans in front of a human.

  “That was a joke.” I muttered, dragging my gaze to the side mirror. A mother walking her small daughter to school passed through the reflection. They held hands and the little girl was speaking up to the mother. Both of them had wide smiles on their faces and I frowned, strangely affected by their affection. Mum used to walk me to school...

  “What does being bitten feel like?” Camilla asked, turning her body toward me.

  “Uh—” I stammered, completely caught off guard by her question. I run my fingers over my forehead, trying not to get completely lost in thoughts of that night. When I did let myself go back to that night... I couldn’t handle it. It usually sent me into some kind of depressed, angry state.

  “I can give you time to think about it, if you want...”

  I didn’t have to think about it. I hadn’t forgotten how it felt to be bitten by a vampire. Instantly, my brain took me back to the night it all happened. Hank’s face—so white and translucent and his eyes... so piercing.

  So dark.

  So cold.

  I remembered him staring into my eyes with such hate before he bared his fangs and sunk them deep into my throat. Excruciating was a weak word to use when it came to describing the pain of his teeth sinking deeper and deeper into my flesh.

  “Ruby?” The sound of her voice immediately snapped me out of my haze.

  Her warm hand had a tight grip my forearm and I reached for a tissue out of the glove box. I almost flinched when I saw the empty blood bag. I dragged a deep inhale through my nose and expelled it slowly. Breathe. You’re not going to cry.

  I shut the glove box and sat back in my chair, controlling my breathing.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to—”

  “It’s okay.” I said, interrupting her apology, knowing very well that it’d send me over the edge. “Let’s just go to school.”

  I dropped my sight to my hands and entwined my fingers. I could feel Camilla’s eyes linger on my face for a little while longer before she finally exhaled and started the car. I wasn’t mad at Camilla, it wasn’t her fault. She just caught me off guard with her question. It came out of nowhere.
r />   ***

  We arrived at school in the nick of time. The bell hadn’t rung yet, thank god, and students were still making their way around campus to their classes.

  “I’ll see you at lunch.” I told Camilla before slipping from the car.

  I shut the door and entered through the gates. I liked Bridgewater High. It was old—no—it was classic, made completely from brick.

  I squeezed and pushed through throngs of students and made my way across the quadrangle. It was the quickest route to the science room (where my first class was). I wasn’t in any mood to hang around.

  “Hey Ruby, you’re looking fine this morning.”

  Instantly, I snapped my head to the side, throwing a sharp glance in the direction of the voice. No surprise there, it was Darren Jolter. He flicked his bushy, dark eyebrows at me and I glowered back at him. Darren was your typical jock who thinks he’s God’s gift of, well, everything. He, strangely, took a shine to me when I enrolled at Bridgewater High. His hooded brown eyes were always watching me, evaluating everything I did. It took a lot of restraint on my part not to rip the beady, brown orbs from his head.

  It wasn’t just Darren that unnerved me regularly a school. Day in and day out boys were slinging obscene sexual comments at me. The kinds of things teenage boys come up with were disturbing... and off putting. Not one single boy at this school or any other school has interested me romantically or physically—ever—which ultimately rendered me a virgin, still. Don't get me wrong, I’ve wanted to have sex, a lot, it's just the boys I'm surrounded by destroyed any sex drive my new body was trying to develop. I thought being a vampire increases your libido, but I guess the boys I knew cancelled that perk out.

  I sighed as I dropped my head to my white sneakers and the grime-darkened concrete beneath my feet. I continued to stroll idly down the sidewalk, stuffing hands deep inside my hoodie pockets.

  “Ruby, wait!” A puffed voice called.

  I didn’t turn around. I wasn’t in the mood to chat this morning and if I was being honest, I wasn’t in the mood to chat any morning.

  “Ruby!” The voice shouted again.

  I sighed with resignation as I pivoted abruptly to silence the annoying name shouting. It was Kyle, the only boy in the school I could tolerate even though he was crushing on me—big time—not that he’d ever admit it. Unlike the others, Kyle hasn’t hit on me. He didn't have the confidence which I was thankful for. I was also thankful because Kyle was a larger guy and not my type. I’d hate to hurt his feelings.

  I tapped my shoe impatiently on the ground until he finally caught up to me.

  "Do you want to walk to science together?" He puffed, wiping the back of his hand across his freckled forehead.

  I glanced around awkwardly, if I said no we would have to walk together anyway. We had the same class which meant we were going to the same place. I frowned.

  “We’re—” I stopped and exhaled. I wasn't in the mood to pick out the floor in his logic. “Sure.” I said with a tight smile.

  Kyle was taller than me and a lot wider. He had dark blonde hair and freckly skin. It matched his shy personality and all around goofiness perfectly.

  “I’m so excited!” He declared, squeezing the straps of his backpack harder.

  I smiled. “Me too, it’ll be good for you.”

  Kyle had never been to a big party with other students. He got picked on a lot for his size. He was the polar opposite of Darren aka Mr Popular. Maybe that’s why I liked Kyle so much.

  “Give up Kyle.” Darren said, interrupting our conversation.

  Kyle and I slowed our walk to a stop as Darren approached us. He ran his fingers through his hair and I fought the urge to scowl. “She’d never sleep with you.” His thin lips curled into a cocky smirk. “Me? It is inevitable, no woman can resist this.” Darren gestured to his body like it we should be honored that he’s standing in front of us.

  Kyle dropped his gaze to the ground, feeling insecure. The blood drains from his knuckles as he gripped his straps even tighter. Tendrils of anger burrowed through my chest and as Darren casually slung an arm around my shoulders like I was his property, my calm demeanour vanished.

  Normally, I could put up with Darren’s strange behaviour, childish antics and sexual harassment, but not today. Today I wanted to rip Darren to pieces. I shrugged him off and shoved him backwards. It wasn’t hard enough to do any damage, but hard enough for him to get the hint.

  The shove was harder than I intended and Darren flew a metre before hitting the ground.


  Darren’s eyes dragged up my body before settling on mine. I felt my brows furrow. Darren was staring at me, his eyes thinned into accusing slits. I expected them to go wide... I expected him to panic or cry, or at the very least call me a freak and run away screaming. But I didn’t get any of that.

  I brushed the front of my hoodie, clearing my throat. “If you ever touch me again I will rip your throat out.”

  I frowned as a smirk spread over his lips, and not just any smirk, one that had satisfaction written all over it. He kept his eyes on me as he stood up and brushed the dirt from the cuts on his hands. The only time he looked away was when he shook the dirt from his mousy brown hair. With one last wide, confident smile Darren turned and walked away from us.

  What was that? He hadn’t been scared in the slightest. Oh god. What the hell did I just do?

  Reluctantly, I looked at Kyle who was staring back at me with fear-filled eyes.

  “Kyle...” I said as soothingly as I could, stepping closer.

  I baulked as he took an abrupt step back. He wasn’t getting away from me, not until I sorted this situation out. I lunged at him, taking both of his chubby cheeks in the palms of my hands and catching him off guard. He tried to pull away from me, but my grasp was too tight and he winced. I kept eye contact with him until his face relaxed and his expression turned dopey.

  “Darren never approached us.” I spoke softly. “In fact, you haven’t seen him at all today.”

  He nodded slowly and I let go of his face. I watched him nervously, hoping that the ‘lure’ I used on him worked and the recent memory was erased from his brain.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him. “You kind of zoned out there for a minute.”

  “Yeah...” mumbled Kyle, still dazed by lure.

  Lure was another perk to being a vampire. It works like hypnotism, in a way. Once I have someone’s full attention I can plant thoughts and memories into their brain, whatever I want. In the beginning I only used it to attract prey. Now (since I don’t trap and eat humans) I use it to get out of assignments and any other situation I don’t want to be in.

  Kyle glanced around confused. Some humans have a stronger will than others and lure takes a little longer to settle in.

  “Who knows, maybe you’ll meet a girl at the party.” I smiled, flicking my eyebrows suggestively. I was hoping he’d catch on and add to the conversation, but he still seemed out of it. Deep down, I began to panic. Had I lured him correctly? Was there even an incorrect way? I stepped closer to him and he flinched, startling me.

  “Kyle?” I whispered, angling my head.

  Kyle’s eyes glazed over.

  “I don’t want to meet a girl...” He blushed, shaking his head. “Not when I have the best standing right next to me.”

  If I wasn’t dead, blood would have rushed to my cheeks. I glanced around awkwardly hoping no one else was near enough to hear what Kyle was saying. What did I do? I wasn’t luring him on purpose, it’s like he was stuck—or something. I wasn’t experienced enough to deal with this.

  “I’m too pale.” I joked, tugging on the yellow sleeve of Kyle’s t-shirt.

  Maybe if I get him to walk, he’d come back to his senses. He snatched his shirt back, staring at me with wide eyes.

  “Are you kidding me?” He demands.

  Jesus Christ. I am so screwed. What the hell am I going to do with him? I don’t know how to get him ‘unstuck’.

  “You’re you even know how beautiful you are?”

  Wow. Awkward. I took a step back. “Uh,” I nervously cleared my throat. “I didn’t intend for the conversation to go down this road.”

  “Any guy would die to have you on his arm.” He continued, completely unfazed by my extreme discomfort. “You look beautiful.”

  I cringed. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

  Kyle’s face crumpled. “Sorry... did I offend you?”

  “No.” But you’re making me uncomfortable. The words fall silently to the back of my mind in fear of upsetting him.

  “And your’s so innocent and your eyes—the strangest eyes I’ve ever’s like I’m staring down a tunnel.”

  He leaned forward like he was going to kiss me and I couldn’t help it. I freaked out. Not only at the thought of kissing Kyle, but because I could have very well ruined my life. What if he didn’t snap out of it? What if he stayed lured forever? I’d have to leave... or kill him. My hand shot up and slapped him hard across the face. His head snapped to the side and a red mark showed up instantly. Slowly, he turned his head back to me, blinking back water from his eyes and breathing deeply through his nose. His eyes were glossy and alive, no longer blank. I almost sagged in relief. Oh thank God!

  “Sorry,” He mumbled. “I shouldn’t have—”

  “No,” I interrupted. I couldn’t let him think it was his fault. I was the one who lured him. “It’s okay. I’ll meet you in class. I need to use the bathroom.”

  I walked away, heading in the direction of the ladies room. When I glanced back over my shoulder Kyle was slowly but surely making his way to class.


  I reached the girls’ toilets and sat on the steps before the entrance, breathing easier now. Venom rapidly trickled into my mouth and I inhaled deeply as I picked up a strange scent—a scent so sweet and delicious, it immediately took me back to when I was a child. Every Saturday, Mum would take me to the bakery on the corner, down the road from our house. The smells of the fresh bread and sweet pastries came rushing back to me. I found myself inhaling deeper, trying to absorb as much of it as I could. It was coming from around the corner of the building. I couldn't resist, I stood up and followed the scent.


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