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Your Guardian Angel Uncut (The Guardian Angel Series Book 1.5)

Page 9

by Skyla Madi

  Mila stepped into the doorway, exposing her beautiful light pink summer dress. She flicked her long blonde hair over her shoulder, waiting for us to say something.

  “Mila,” Eli began, shaking his head. “I think we should give Ruby some time to adapt to everything.”

  “No, it sounds great.” I blurted, surprising myself. “I want to go outside.”

  Eli’s green eyes shifted to my face and his lips straightened into an impassive line. He wasn’t happy with my decision, but I didn’t care. I wanted to feel the sun seep into my pores. I wanted to feel its warmth on my skin.

  “Are you sure?” He asked and I nodded.

  His eyes searched mine, looking for something—anything that told him I wasn’t ready to go outside. After a few moments, he exhaled and stood up. “Okay, we’ll leave when you’re ready.”

  He left the bathroom, taking Mila with him and I was alone again. I sighed. I didn't really want to go out but I needed a distraction. I wanted to forget about what happened to me for the time being.


  The shower was a godsend. The hot water rolled down the back of my neck and trailed down my spine. The cool air clung to my body when I opened the shower door and stepped out onto the mat. It was strange feeling all these new sensations that weren’t actually new. All these new feelings reminded me that I was alive, that I was me again.

  “Oh no!”

  Slight panic washed over me as I realized I hadn’t brought in any fresh clothes.

  “Thank God.” I exhaled when I saw a new shelf had been attached to the wall.

  It had different kinds of clothing all folded nicely, waiting to be worn. Amongst the underwear and jeans that were stacked on the shelf, there was a very pretty white summer dress, perfect for a picnic and catching some sun.

  When I was a vampire, I would apply make-up so I could look more ‘alive’ and less, well, dead. Today, I didn't have to put any make-up on. My dark lashes and once again full pink lips had already given me that natural beauty look. In front of the mirror I unclasped the necklace I got from Aunt Jen and Camilla and hung it from my index finger in front of me. I pressed my lips against the ruby and sat it down on the basin. I didn’t want to ruin it. I wanted to keep it safe. To replace it, I pulled Eli’s whistled over my damp hair and let it drape over my chest. The chain was long and I tucked it into my shirt leaving the whistle to drape in between my breasts. I grasped the handle of the bathroom door and drew in a big breath before walking into a room full of people. Whatever the discussions in the room were, it went silent as soon as I entered. All eyes fell onto me. Gwydion, Mr Aleksandrov, Tay, and my teacher Lillian stared wide-eyed and pleased. I dragged my eyes over all of them, gauging their reactions. Eventually and involuntarily, my gaze rested on Eli. I seemed to always find his face when I needed reassurance and it helped me—a lot. Eli’s eyes glazed over with such astonishment and awe as his they dragged up my body. I hoped no one else noticed the heat that flared through my cheeks. When his eyes met my face and he realized my eyes were on him, he cleared his throat and his hard gaze returned. I looked at Gwydion and fought the urge to smile as I approached him. I threw my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. His chubby, soft body pressed against mine briefly before he pulled away.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He simply nodded at me and smiled.

  “And thank you, Mr Aleksandrov.” I said, turning my attention to him. “I’m finally me again and it’s all because of you.”

  “You’re more than welcome, Ruby. You’ll be a great asset for the school, I just know it.”

  My smile faltered. I’d completely forgotten I’d be attending SS as an actual student.

  “We must leave.” Said Gwydion. “We need to attend to that issue, Ivan.”

  “Yes, very well.” Mr Aleksandrov rose from his chair. “We’ll see you shortly.”

  Lillian passed me on her way to the door. “You look beautiful.” She smiled and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on my cheek. Lillian squeezed my hand and then disappeared out the door with the wizards. Weird. Last week, who’d have thought I’d be hanging out with wizards?

  “Time for that picnic.” Mila called. “Eli, can you help me carry the basket?”

  Eli and Mila left the cabin, leaving Tay and me alone. Tay rose from the arm of the lounge he was sitting on and stepped closer to me. I watched him cautiously. He still had a frustrated gleam in his eye when he looked at me, but it wasn’t nearly as strong as before. I also noticed he was wearing the same clothing as Eli—a tight black t-shirt and baggy, black pants with too many pockets and towards the base of his legs, the pants were tucked into big black boots. It was some kind of uniform...

  “I’m sorry for all the mean shit I did to you.” He told me, running his fingers through his hair. “And since you’re no longer a child of Satan, I have no reason to kill you.”

  Was this his version of an apology? He didn’t like me, I knew that, but now he had to put up with me.

  I smiled at him anyway. “Thanks…I guess.”

  “Are you two ready?” Mila’s high voice carried through the open door.

  “Yep.” Tay said as he clapped his hands once, making me jump at the sudden, loud slap.

  When he departed from the cabin, I slipped into a pair of white flats and took a few controlled breaths—in through my nose and out through my mouth. I repeated the technique at least six times before exiting the cabin.

  “Good, let’s go!” Mila called cheerfully when she saw me step onto the concrete path.

  Tay grabbed the basket from Eli and followed closely behind Mila while Eli dragged back, waiting for me to catch up. I froze as I walked into a patch of sunlight that’d managed to break through a gap in the canopy. The sun’s warmth kissed my skin, relaxing me completely. Eli was at my side in an instant.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, placing a hand on my back.

  I was fine. I smiled. For the first time in a long time, I was fine and I nodded at Eli. “I can feel the sun.”

  His face relaxed and he smiled back as he removed his hand from me.

  “Are you coming?” Mila called, peering around the base of a tree.

  “Yeah, we’ll be right there.” Eli replied.

  Mila disappeared and I’d managed to start walking again. I didn’t want to. I wanted to stand in the sun forever.

  “Who is that girl?” I asked Eli as we proceeded to walk, feeling instantly cold out of the sun’s warm rays.

  “Mila is Mr Aleksandrov’s niece. She’s a good girl and a great friend for you to have.”

  Mr Aleksandrov seemed a little old to be an uncle. A great, great, great uncle maybe.

  “Why was she there at my...thing?”

  Eli pushed a thin, leafless branch out of the way for me and I crouched under it.

  “She gave her blood. Without goddess blood, you could never be transformed back. She’s the only student at the school who knows what you were… it should make things easier for you when you make the transition.”

  I frowned. Did they honestly expect me to just go to a new school and continue on with my life, forgetting about my family in Bridgewater? Being a goddess was something I wanted, but after everything that has happened, I just wanted to be alone and take a moment to get used to everything.

  We sauntered through natural avenues of trees and it was shady and cool against my skin. I couldn’t help but gape at the beauty of the world. Everything seemed brighter, more alive.

  Moments later, we reached a clearing. It was beautiful. Lush grass covered the floor of the open space and a narrow lake had carved its way through the middle of the forest. As we stepped out into the sun, the air grew warmer, the sounds of insects became too loud and the sun bounced off the deep blue-green surface of the lake. I spotted, not too far away, a waterfall cascading down through a medium pile of boulders in the lake. Words like trickle or small came to mind when I looked at it. Still, it was beautiful, peaceful, and it streamed effortlessly
between the mossy rocks.

  Mila and Tay already had the blanket laid down and were setting out the picnic basket.

  “Oh gosh!” Mila announced, placing her hands on her head like it was some big emergency. “I forgot the knives and forks.”

  “I can go back and get them.” I offered.

  I’d love some time to myself out in the fresh air.

  “We.” Eli corrected me.

  I rolled my eyes. Of course, a young goddess couldn’t possibly walk three minutes back to the cabin to get some cutlery alone. Having a guardian angel was going to be so much fun—not.

  “No, no don't be silly, you relax. I'll go, Tay you’re going to have to come, uncle's rule and all.” she said.

  “Uncle's rule?” I asked.

  “When my uncle isn't here, Tay has to follow me everywhere. It’s annoying but—”

  “Necessary.” Tay interrupted.

  I noticed Tay was fond of Mila. Around her he had this ‘big brother’ vibe going on. They set off towards the cabin and I strolled over to the water edge as they disappeared behind the dense shrubbery. I kicked my shoes off and sat down, dangling my feet over the side and into the cold water. The sun’s warmth radiated across my skin, making me happy, less stressed. I could smell it all, flowers, bark, moss and even the grass. As a vampire, you can smell a lot of things, but you never appreciate the beauty of it. The only smells I cared about were blood and sweat—things that shouldn’t matter.

  A plopping stole my attention as a fish broke the surface of the water and splashed back down, causing ripples to widen out. Following that, I heard pebbles crunch and the grass move under heavy feet.

  “Now that I'm a goddess again, can I control this water?” I asked as Eli sat down next to me.

  He got as close to the edge as I did and crossed his legs. A gorgeous green and blue dragonfly caught my attention, landing on a cattail nearby.

  “I…I don't know.” He muttered, spotting the dragonfly as well. “You can try.”

  I wanted to try—I wanted to be able to move the water with my magic more than anything, but I was afraid. I didn’t want to be disappointed. What if all of this was for nothing and my magic was damaged or worse…gone?

  “If I can’t use my elemental magic, what happens then?”

  “Nothing. Even without your powers you still have goddess blood coursing through your veins.”

  “How would I protect myself? Would they teach me basic self defense? Would they teach me how to fight?”

  He shook his head. “Goddesses aren’t meant to fight.”

  “Goddesses aren't meant to be vampires, either.” I countered.

  “No, but you didn’t have a choice in that.”

  With a sigh, I plucked a small yellow flower from the ground and crushed it between in the palm of my hand. If I wasn’t going to learn how to take care of myself, then I had to have powers. I was given a second chance and I wouldn’t be caught off guard again.

  “My mother told me that when a goddess’s body recognizes the magic, her insides feel warm.” I explained to Eli.

  I opened my palm and let the flower roll down into the middle of it. I closed my eyes and thought of my mother—nothing happened. I focused harder on the earth and all living things that inhabit it—the trees, animals, insects and humans. I thought about different textures and smells—and all of the beaches and forests I’d seen in my short lifetime. Then it began—a warm sensation—starting in my chest, sending tingling vibrations through my hand. I opened my eyes and the flower had healed. Not one wrinkle damaged the delicate petals. I looked at Eli. He was watching me with the same awe and affection I’d seen earlier. I extended my hand, wanting to give him the flower. His gaze fell to the flower as he contemplated taking it. After a few seconds, he decided to take it and I met his alluring green eyes as he slowly leaned toward me. For the first time in a very long time, I felt my cheeks flush with self-consciousness. My breathing quickened the closer he got to me and soon our faces were only inches apart. He raised his hand slowly—uncertainly—and the tip of his finger grazed my cheekbone, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. He tucked my hair behind my ear and slid the flower amongst it.

  We were gazing into each other’s eyes with such passion and understanding, and I felt as though he could make everything better. At this very moment he was filling whatever hole I had in my heart and whatever piece was missing from my soul. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel his full lips on mine. His eyes locked on my lips and I wondered if he was thinking the same thing. I leaned closer to him. In this moment, I felt brave and I felt bold... Mr Aleksandrov’s words rang through my mind. It is forbidden. I paused, frowning and Eli seemed to have sobered up when I stopped. He licked his lips agitatedly and shot to his feet.

  I ruined the moment, God damn it!


  He turned his back to me, quickly running his fingers through his hair and without a word, he stormed away.

  “Where are you going?”I called after him, rising to my feet. “Eli?”

  He didn’t reply. He didn’t even look over his shoulder. He just kept on walking, disappearing into the forest and leaving me staring after him wondering what the hell just happened between us.


  Daydreaming by a lake wasn’t how I imagined spending my first day as a goddess, but I wasn’t going to complain, either. It could be worse.

  “How are you?” Mila asked as she kicked off her shoes and sat down next to me, pulling me from my own thoughts. I was so distracted, I didn’t hear her approach.

  “I'’m good.” I tell her, swirling my legs around in the water.

  I sounded stuck up, like I didn’t want to talk to her. I didn’t mean to, I just had so much going on inside my brain. More recently—Eli—what was that all about?

  “You must be nervous?”


  She shrugged and smiled. “School in two days.”

  Perhaps I didn’t hear her correctly. “Two days?”

  Mila’s innocent smile faded. “No one told you?”

  “Two Days!” I snapped, making Mila jump. “Are you kidding me?”

  I pulled my feet from the water, forgetting my shoes and stormed over to Eli, who was engaged in a conversation with Tay. I thought about yelling at him and Tay, but I was so mad, I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, so instead, I stormed right past them.

  “Ruby?” Tay called, curiously.

  I picked up my pace, hoping to make it back to the house before everyone else had time to gather up the stuff and come after me. I didn’t make it very far before I heard sticks and dry leaves crunching behind me. I knew it was Eli. Tay can’t leave Mila’s sight when her uncle wasn’t there. I turned abruptly.

  “School! In two days? Really?” I demanded, crossing my arms. “When were you going to tell me?”

  I wasn’t angry, was I? Yes. No—yes—my emotions were all over the place, I couldn’t tell what was what. How could Mr Aleksandrov and the rest of them be so insensitive to my changes, to my feelings?

  “When I thought you were ready.”

  He was going to wait until I was ready to tell me that I was starting school, but he couldn’t wait for me to be ready to actually start school? Where was the logic in that?

  “I can’t do this. Please don’t make me.” I pleaded.

  “You were against all odds, Ruby. You were a vampire. Starting at a new school is nothing. You can do it. You can do anything.”

  How? How was I meant to do it? I didn’t belong in a school like this. I belonged in a human school with my family. I belonged with Camilla and Aunt Jen... not here. I dropped my eyes and fiddled with my fingers nervously. “I don’t think I can.”

  Eli took a step toward me and his fingers brushed along my jaw line and under my chin, tilting my face towards him and forcing me to look into his eyes. I tried not to gasp at the electricity that tickled my skin.

  “Trust me, you can.”

  Tay and Mi
la emerged from the bushes behind Eli and he brought his hand back to his side, taking a step away from me and I frowned. Had contact that minimal also been inappropriate?

  “Ruby, I’m sorry I didn’t know—”

  “It’s okay. It’s not your fault,” I interrupted Mila.

  “So…no picnic?” Judging by her tone, she already knew the answer.

  I shook my head. “I just want to rest.”


  On the short walk back to the cabin I ate an apple and I was enjoying it way too much. The apple was delicious. It was so fruity and fresh. I loved the way it crunched between my teeth and oozed a tasty liquid. It was strange having to eat actual food. I kept forgetting I actually needed to chew it and sometimes I’d choke.

  When we arrived home, I climbed into bed. Being outside in the sun and all the other drama that went on was physically draining and I passed out immediately. When I awoke, I was feeling refreshed and happy. It was the first time in a long time I’d fallen to sleep voluntarily, if at all. I suppose that was another thing I had to get used to, sleeping.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked Eli, who was sitting on the couch reading a magazine.

  I sat up and noticed the sun was disappearing behind the trees. For a year I’d watch the rise and set but it seemed so much more beautiful this time.

  “Tay took Mila back to her home. Then he has a few errands to run.” He explained, not looking up from his magazine.

  I got a bit too excited that it was just going to be Eli and I alone tonight. It would’ve been ideal if he wasn't six years older than me or my guardian angel. It would have been ideal if he wasn't an angel at all, considering it was forbidden—not that I was going to do anything anyway, but Eli was hands down the most attractive man I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help but to crush on him after everything he’d done for me—and after this afternoon when we’d almost kissed. I saw him as my hero and I hated myself for sounding so cheesy.


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