Believe in Love
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And when I open my eyes, I’m in my bedroom.
And I remember everything.
Chapter 10
My phone dings. I am groggy as hell from staying up too late watching Netflix last night. At least I think it was last night. I remember being alone because for some reason Keanna didn’t want to come over.
I shoot up in bed, my heart racing.
Was it all a dream?
Memories of a dream hit me like an eighteen-wheeler. I had woken up and my life was different. Keanna didn’t exist and I was all alone. My mom wasn’t pregnant and Becca’s baby was never born.
It had all felt so real. But as I check my phone, the date is December 23rd, the day before my birthday. I had dreamed that whole thing. It wasn’t real. It never happened.
My heart pounds against my ribcage, anxiety pouring over me until I feel like I’m suffocating. That was worse than a dream. It was a nightmare. And it felt like it lasted for days.
I throw on some clothes and slip into some flip flops that are by the back door. It’s only nine in the morning, but I don’t care. I have to see her.
Sprinting across the back yard, I ignore the cold air and run up the steps to Keanna’s house. My arms ache to hold her. The door opens right before I knock.
Keanna is standing there in her pajamas, cute purple thermal pants and a long-sleeved shirt with an owl on it.
She looks startled when our eyes meet. “Sorry,” I say, nearly out of breath from running. “I just had to see you.”
Her eyes are wide. She looks down at her hand, then smiles when she sees her promise ring shimmering in the early morning sun. “You okay?” I say.
She shakes her head, looking a little dazed. And then tears fill her eyes. “I had the worst dream,” she says, throwing her arms around me.
I hold onto her, inhaling her green apple shampoo. She hugs me tightly and I hug her right back, feeling like it’s been ages since we last felt this close.
“I’m so sorry about making you mad yesterday,” I whisper into her hair. “I never meant to badger you. I hope your exams went okay.”
“I don’t care about the exams,” she says, her voice cracking. “I just need you.”
I pull away a little and cup her chin in my hands. She’s full on crying now, and shivering in the cold. I hold her close, rubbing my hands up and down her arms to warm her up. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
She shakes her head. “I love you, Jett. I love you so much. I’m so sorry about the things I said, I didn’t mean any of them. You’re my family, and so are my parents and your parents and Elijah.” She buries her face in my chest as the tears begin to fall. “I love you all so much.”
I rest my head on top of hers and breathe in deeply. “It’s okay baby,” I murmur as I rub her back. “You were just having a bad day.”
“But then I had the worst dream,” she says, looking up at me through teary eyes. “I dreamed I was my old self again, that I’d never met you.”
Chills rise across my arms. “I had a bad dream, too,” I say, my voice a whisper. Is it possible we dreamed the same thing?
She swallows and throws her arms around my neck. “I’m so happy I have you in my life, Jett.”
I kiss her head and then her cheek, and then her lips. “I’m happy you have me, too,” I say, flashing her a grin.
She smiles. “Let’s never fight again, okay?”
I run my hand down her soft cheek, brushing away the tear that lingers there.
“Never,” I say, leaning down to kiss her.
“I love you,” she says again.
“I love you more,” I say against her lips, and then I kiss her like today is the start of the rest of our lives. Because that’s exactly what it is.
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About the Author
Amy Sparling is the author of The Summer Unplugged Series, Ella’s Twisted Senior Year, Deadbeat & other awesome books for younger teens. She lives in Houston, Texas with her family and a super spoiled rotten puppy.
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