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The White Tower (The Aldoran Chronicles: Book 1)

Page 64

by Michael Wisehart

  Eliab rode at the end of their small caravan. The old toothless Harbor House keeper had his large double-strung crossbow resting in a holster on the side of his saddle. The old man looked like he was about to fall off his horse, wincing at every bounce.

  “What in the flaming Pits of Aran’gal happened here?” Feoldor bellowed as he slowly swung off his horse with Reloria’s help. The wielder council stared at the battleground of Tallosian savages and enormous spiders. “And where’s that crazy white-haired assassin gotten off to? Every time we turn around, she’s done vanished again.” Feoldor had barely gotten the words out of his mouth when Sheeva suddenly appeared beside him. He stumbled backwards with a small yelp and then griped under his breath as he scratched his side whiskers. “Comes and goes whenever she wants . . . never can keep track of her . . . shifty little witch.”

  “Are you alright?” Breen called up to Fraya. He wanted to help her dismount but was finding it difficult with Ty in his arms.

  “I’m fine.” She managed a firm squeeze on Breen’s arm once she was back on solid ground. She quickly turned her attention to Ty. “What happened?” She ran her fingers across the top of his head. “Look at his hair.”

  Why was everyone so fascinated with his hair? It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen white hair before. He wished he had a mirror so he could see for himself.

  “He was bitten by one of the spiders,” Breen said.

  “And that’s what did that to his hair?”

  “No, that happened before.”

  She looked at the wound and started to place her hand over it, but Breen held her off. “Don’t bother. The wizard said it couldn’t be healed here.”

  “Why not?”

  Breen shrugged. “Don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”

  Once again, Ty found himself floating along, this time in the direction of the others as they gathered around Nyalis.

  “My lord . . . Lady Lyessa.” Veldon bowed and the other members of the council quickly followed when they recognized who it was they were standing in front of. The portmaster rubbed his soiled hankie across the top of his head.

  Barl nodded. “I take it this is the council you were speaking of, Kellen? It appears the witch underestimated them as well.”

  “Well, you picked a perfect day to finally show up,” Feoldor said as he eyed Nyalis. “Could have used your help back in town fighting off five of those retched bulradoer, not to mention their Black Watch dogs.” Ty wondered if anyone else caught the Feoldor’s play on words.

  “As much as I’d like to, I can’t be in all places at all times,” the old man said with a harsh grunt. “I’m a wizard, not the Creator. There are other people and places in need of my assistance—”

  “And who could have possibly been in as much need as us?”

  Nyalis looked irritated by the forwardness of Feoldor’s question. “A band of Ashanti Healers on a pilgrimage to the Forgotten City, if you must know,” he said. “Unlike you, they had no means of protecting themselves. But as soon as I heard the horn, I came straight here.”

  “How did you travel all the way from . . .” Feoldor glanced at the others, and seeing the stern looks on their faces, he folded his arms with a huff. “Oh, never mind.” Unwilling to capitulate, he mumbled the last bit under his breath, “Well, we wouldn’t have lost poor Saleena if you had been a little quicker about it.”

  Kellen turned. “Saleena’s dead?”

  “Aye,” Reloria said. “She gave her life to save Fraya.”

  Tears stained Fraya’s cheeks at the mention of Saleena’s sacrifice.

  “How is everyone here?” Orlyn asked as he glanced around the homestead before noticing the look on Kellen’s face. “Nilla?”

  Kellen shook his head.

  “I’m so sorry, my friend.” The apothecary laid his hand on Kellen’s shoulder.

  Adarra took a step out of the gathering and headed for the house. Ty noticed she was wiping her eyes. “Fraya, we have injured inside who need your help.”

  Fraya moved to catch up. “I can’t promise much. I’ve used more magic today than I’ve ever used before. I can’t take a chance on using too much.” Adarra nodded her understanding as they disappeared inside. Ty wondered how Aiden was doing.

  “That’s quite the staff you have there,” Nyalis said as he eyed the piece of wood in Orlyn’s hand. “How did you come by it?”

  Orlyn glanced at the decorative length of timber and smiled. “It’s been passed down in my family for generations.”

  “Hmmm.” The old wizard nodded, but didn’t say anything more about it. There was something in Nyalis’s eyes, though, that said he knew more.

  “What’s wrong with Ty?” Reloria asked. Some of the others gathered around to take a look.

  “He was bitten by one of the arachnobes.” Ty’s left arm hung from his side. He couldn’t move it enough to raise it back into place. Whatever was happening to him, it was spreading.

  “Does it hurt?” Gilly asked as he tried standing on his tiptoes to look at Ty’s wound. Ty shook his head no.

  Sheeva stepped over and pointed at Ty’s white hair then back at hers and smiled.

  Orlyn started rummaging through the pockets of his robe. “I might have something here. If not, I’m sure Fraya can manage a little help until she gains her strength back.”

  “I’m afraid not.” Nyalis said as he started digging around in his own robes.

  Orlyn stopped his searching and joined the others in staring at the old wizard.

  “Like I was telling them earlier, the poison inside of Ty isn’t natural. It’s been altered by magic, and dark magic at that.” He pulled out a small pellet, stuffed it in Ty’s mouth, and pinched his nose. “Swallow.” Ty didn’t have much of a choice. His eyes watered as he tried sucking the sticky substance down. Whatever it was, it tasted terrible. At least at first, then it tasted like raspberry preserve. He turned his head to look at Miss Reloria. She winked at him.

  “What I just gave you will not heal you. No natural healer can. It’s only a temporary relief meant to slow the poison’s spread.”

  His father picked up Ty’s limp arm and laid it back on his chest. “So he can be healed?”

  “Yes. We’ve caught it in time. A day or two longer and even I could do nothing for him.” Ty flinched. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. If it was so deadly, why were they still just standing there talking? He tried to say something to that effect but found he couldn’t get the words out. His entire body felt completely numb. He wasn’t sure if it was due to the poison or the medicine Nyalis had just given him.

  “Times are changing, my friends,” the wizard said, “and we need to be prepared.” Ty’s eyes were beginning to weigh heavy. He let them slip shut as he listened to the steady voice of the old wizard. “No longer can we hide in the shadows and hope to remain unnoticed. We can no longer remain passive in this conflict. Prophecies are being fulfilled. The Dark Wizard is beginning to stir, and this age is coming to an end. If we’re not ready to meet it, I’m afraid the world we know will not survive.”

  Everyone was quiet. Ty tried to open his eyes to see what was happening but his lids wouldn’t move. Darkness was taking him. He had wanted so badly to know who he was, and now that he did, he wished he’d never been told. He felt the brush of a hand on his forehead and a soft voice lulled him even deeper into the blackness of sleep.

  “Rest now, my little faeling. Your journey has only just begun.”

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  IF YOU WOULD like to know more about Ferrin’s capture and imprisonment, here is the first of the Aldoran Chronicle prequels: SHACKLED

  Born in a world where magic is not only feared, but outlawed, Ferrin’s choice to use his abilities brings the Black Watch to his doorstep. While caged alongside a helpless band of half-starved wielders, he formulates a strategy to escape. Armed with nothing more than his sarcastic wit and a determination to never give in, Ferrin attempts the impossible.

  Your FREE book:

  Author Note

  YOU CAN LEARN more about the World of Aldor on my website. If you haven’t taken the time to peruse, I believe you’ll find it both educational and entertaining. Don’t forget to read the History of Aldor while you’re there. It will give you a better understanding behind the internal struggles and conflicts taking place between those with magic and those without.

  I am also working on adding an all-inclusive glossary which has been a top request from a number of my readers.

  Stop by and see what I’ve been up to:

  My website:

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  I THANK GOD for the doors and windows He’s allowed to open in order for me to reach this point.

  I want to thank my parents Mickey and Julie Wisehart for their unending loyalty, encouragement, and support over the years. None of this would be possible without you—Love you both.

  I want to thank my Author Team, whose endless talent, time, and dedication has made this project possible:


  To my illustrator who has a talent for taking verbose descriptions and turning them into stunning works of art –Jack Adams

  To my editor whose guidance has kept me from making a complete fool of myself on the page –Mia Darien

  To my Beta Team who took precious time out of their busy schedule to suffer through the first, second, and third drafts in order to leave such valuable feedback as to help me make this book worth reading –(alphabetical order) Tom Barone, Kylie Betzner, Toni Betzner, Jeff Boles, Roger Bopp, Mary Bradshaw, Linden Brinks, Melody Brocke, Meredith Burnette, Rachel Rene, Micah Clark, Raymond Clarke, Emily Coda, Bridgett Cox, Lindsay Cyr, Jeff Davis, Karen Furk, Melissa Holmes, Chester Hendrix, Leigh Herring, Sahar Itani, Pamela Johnson, Clement Joly, Katie Kowalski, Breanna Lawrence, Peter Lynch, Amanda Matula, Michael O’steen, Salvitor Patricola, Maegan Penley, Julie Petkovsky, Daniel Pinkoski, Dave Place, Sharon Rhoads, Bill Rueth, Lynnette Short, Danae Smith, Jason Smith, Ethan Starnes, Phil Brown, Alida Van Pelt, Charlotte Walters, Renee Webb, Ali Weber, Peter Wiebe, Jeff Wilson, and Ruth Zellers.

  About The Author

  MICHAEL WISEHART graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business before going back to school for film and starting his own production company. As much as he enjoyed film-work, the call of writing a novel got the better of him, and on April 14, 2014 he started typing the first words of what would be two new epic fantasy series.

  Michael is the author of The Aldoran Chronicles series: The White Tower, and the series prequel, Shackled. He is also working on a new offshoot series, Street Rats. He currently lives and works in South Georgia.


  Adarra [uh-dar-uh] – Ty’s older stepsister. A memoriae (gift of memory).

  Aiden Raycrest [aye-din] – Son of wealthy millworks owner. Lyessa’s fiancé.

  Amarysia: [am-uh-ree-see-uh] – Lady-in-waiting to Queen Ellise.

  Asa [aye-suh] – Overcaptain. Second in command of the Elondrian Lancers under Commander Tolin. Lost an eye in battle.

  Ayrion: [air-ee-un] – Guardian Protector of the High King.

  Azriel de’ Torsa [as-ree-el day-tor-suh] – Seer locked in the White Tower for thirty years.

  Barl [barl] – Overlord of Sidara. Father of Lyessa.

  Barthol Respuel [bar-thol res-pewl] – Captain of the High Guard under Ayrion.

  Bayle [bail] – Elondrian scout. Seafaring accent. Weapon of choice is the battle-axe. Partner to Merrick.

  Belkor [bel-kor] – Ambassador to Cylmar.

  Breen [breen] – Ty’s older stepbrother. Innate ability. Perfect aim.

  Dakaran [duh-kar-un] – Prince of Aldor. High King Rhydan’s only son.

  Darryk [dare-ick] – Sidaran Commander. Lyessa’s arms trainer.

  Ellise [eh-leese] – Queen of Aldor. Married to Rhydan. Mother of Dakaran.

  Ellson [el-son] – Elondrian scout. Partner to Terris.

  Eliab [ee-lie-ub] – Former Sidaran Lancer Commander. Gatekeeper to the Easthaven Harbor House.

  Elior [el-ee-or] – Head of the war runners.

  Feoldor [fay-ol-dor] – Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Vanti (gift with wind). Town glassblower.

  Ferrin [fair-in] – Metallurgist. Ability to control metal ore. Myriah’s twin brother.

  Fraya [fray-uh] – Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Healer. Romantic relationship with Breen.

  Gilly [gil-ee] – Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Voda (gift with water). Dwarf. Keeps to himself.

  Gina [gee-nuh] – Lyessa’s nanny.

  Gyin [guy-in] – Ambassador to Briston.

  Helene [heh-leen] – Angry shopper who turns Orlyn in to the Black Watch as a wielder.

  Kellen [kel-in] – Ty’s adopted father. Innate gift of perfect aim.

  Kerson [ker-son] – Member of the Warren Underground. Challenges Kira for Right of Oktar.

  Kira (Red) [kee-ra] – Clan Chieftain of the Warren Underground. Former childhood friend of Ayrion.

  Lanmiere [lan-meer] – Ambassador to Sidara.

  Lenara [len-ar-uh] – Bulradoer. Frizzy red hair and strawberry eyes with gold flecks.

  Lord Barl [barl] – Overlord of Sidara. Father of Lyessa.

  Lyessa [lee-eh-suh] – Lord Barl’s daughter. Ty’s rival.

  Mangora [man-gor-uh] – Dark witch in Easthaven. Bulradoer.

  Merrick [mare-ick] – Elondrian scout. Weapon of choice is the longbow. Partner to Bayle.

  Nierdon [nee-air-dun] – Ambassador to Keldor.

  Nilla [nee-luh] – Ty’s adopted mother.

  Orlyn [or-lin] – Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Floratide (gift with plants). Easthaven Apothecary.

  Piel [pee-el] – Lord Barl’s chamberlain.

  Po [poe] – Second in command of the Warren Underground under Kira. Former childhood friend of Ayrion.

  Rae [ray-uh] – Healer inside the White Tower looking to escape.

  Reloria [re-lor-ee-uh] – Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Telasero (gift with tastes). Owner of Reloria’s Sweet Shop.

  Rhydan [rye-dun] – High King of Aldor. Reigns from Aramoor, the capital city of Elondria.

  Rowen [roe-en] – Valtor’s apprentice.

  Saleena [sa-lee-nuh] – Mistaken for a wielder because of her ability to find unique forms of healing.

  Sedgewick (Howler) [sedge-wick how-ler] – Amarysia’s younger brother. Head of a street tribe.

  Sheeva [she-vuh] – Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Nightwalker (gift of invisibility). Assassin. White Hair.

  Suri [sir-ee] – Rae’s daughter.

  Sylas [sigh-lus] – AKA Cheeks. Ferrin’s sadistic inquisitor in the White Tower.

  Tameel [tuh-meel] – Peddler that scours the battlefield looking for wares. Part of the Dar Rhivanni: The Traveling People.

  Tate [tate] – Street urchin Valtor uses in dark magical experimentation.
  Terris [tare-is] – Elondrian scout. Weapon of choice is the broadsword. Partner to Ellson.

  Tolin [tol-in] – Commander of the Elondrian Lancers.

  Tolvin [toll-vin] – Bulradoer. Killed fighting Wizard Nyalis.

  Ty [tie] – Bearer of the mark. Half Fae. Adopted son of Kellen and Nilla. Half brother to Breen and Adarra.

  Valtor [val-tor] – Arch Chancellor of the White Tower. Newly promoted advisor to Prince Dakaran.

  Veldon [vel-dun] – Head of Easthaven Wielder Council. Incindi (gift with fire). Easthaven Portmaster.

  Zynora [zen-or-uh] – Tameel’s wife. Peddler. Part of the Dar Rhivanni: The Traveling People.

  For a more in-depth glossary, visit:




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