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Faire Eve

Page 19

by Catherine Stovall

  Panting heavily and moaning in pain, Eve did not release Jayno until the last of the ice melted in a shimmering pool of liquid around the two of them. The Ki’Lin male took a shuddering breath and Eve collapsed into the muddy earth. Eldon and the others rushed forward only to stagger backwards again when Jayno raised his head and shook it in disbelief.

  Only a second of shock held them before they rushed to their fallen queen. Lifting her in his powerful arms, Eldon held her to his chest as the others followed. He was cautious not to crush her delicate new appendages while he carried her. Knowing how easily damaged newly birthed wings could be, Eldon treated her whole person as if she might break.

  Elsie barked orders to the men to clear a place for Eve and for Bibesia and Edesia to gather blankets or clothes to form a bed. Faya ran for supplies with Vandel as her escort. He hated Faya, but going was better than staying near Eve. A hurricane of good and evil seemed to be spinning outwardly from her and it made him sick.

  Eldon made his way through the ramshackle dining room. He stepped over debris and through broken glass as he carried Eve to the small apartment. Bibesia and Edesia covered a couch with thick blankets of fur and wool. His concern was so great; Eldon nearly fell into hysterics as he stared at the bright pink satin pillow they supplied for Eve to lay her head on. Instead, he concentrated on placing her gently on the makeshift bed so that her wings would not be pinned beneath her.

  Bibesia and Edesia began to bluster about like mother hens. They ushered the others into the kitchen area, which thankfully, remained untouched by the battle. Supplying the group with coffee, tea, and soup was their way of offering a distraction. Despite the offer of food and drink, Yath stared at the door with a look of pure terror on his face. Eve’s most fearless protector chaffed when shut out of the haphazard sick room.

  Eldon cupped Eve’s face in his hands. She seemed small and fragile, much more human than a Sidhe queen should. Her eyes remained closed and her skin was cold and pale. Only the shallow breaths escaping her slightly parted lips gave any sign that she still lived. Eldon felt something tear inside his heart. The fear that he would lose her filled his every thought.

  Elsie’s sandpapery voice interrupted the moment. “She is still deep within the Krásny Večný. She was not able to come back to us before the mare’s fear and grief drew her outward. Performing the Pohiri drained both her soul and body. Only her heart keeps her here with us. Her mind wanders the land of dreams.”

  “What did she do? How did she bring Jayno back?” Eldon never witnessed anything like the rite Eve had performed to save the Ki’Lin from the dragon’s cold fire.

  “The ancient ritual comes from neither Evalon nor Upper World. Eve’s knowledge of it is a gift given to her by her ancestors from the Pou-na-MU. I have only heard whispers about it in the witch covens of Tara. This queen, this child, will be the strongest we have ever seen.”

  “Is she good, Elsie? Tell me no darkness lies within her, please.” Eldon’s eyes pleaded with the old woman in silent fear.

  “Eldon, my child, we are all dark and light. The balance of the world, the circle, is inside everyone. Within us all, we have capabilities to be both good and evil. None of us are purely one or the other.”

  “Elsie, please, you know I don’t mean can she be wicked. I mean, will she. Is the darkness inside her any greater than within you or me? Why else would the dragon be so drawn to her?”

  “Why is anything dark drawn to light or anything light drawn to dark. Again, it is the circle. Only time will tell which one she chooses.”

  Elsie laid a gnarled and age spotted hand on Eldon’s arm. Cocking her head to the side, as if listening to something no one else could hear, she mumbled to herself and began to clean the blood and melted skin from Eve’s hand. The strange crone knew something else, but she would not tell her secrets.

  Moments later, Faya rushed in looking flustered and frightened. She carried a black bag full of potions, salves, and other mysterious mixes. Elsie pushed Eldon from the room and he joined Yath to sulk in the corner of the kitchen. After a while, he motioned to the boy to join him and they left to find Bai. Knowing Caleb or one of the others would send word if there was any change in Eve, he found himself too restless to wait in the small room full of people.

  Walking side by side with Yath, the age difference between him and the boy became painfully obvious. He remembered only in the quiet times, Yath was not yet a man, even by O’daine standards. The boy possessed his grandfather’s wisdom and quiet bravery, lending him an ageless quality.

  Once the two of them were far from the other’s earshot, Eldon asked the young boy, “Do you worry for our Faire Eve, Yath?”

  The boy thought for a moment, his eyebrows scrunching together to form deep lines in his plum colored flesh. He answered in a solemn voice. “I worry our Faire Eve is not aware of who she is. Her strength is great but her heart is not strong yet.”

  Eldon nodded his head as he spoke, “You are a wise lad. I worry about her as well. She has seen many trials since coming to Evalon and our journey forward will no doubt be more difficult.”

  Yath stopped walking and turned his young face to the sun. When his gaze found Eldon’s again, his eyes were mournful and his small mouth turned down in a grimace.

  “When you take her to Upper World, I will not be able to join you. I understand it will be a hardship to hide the nature of the others and it would be impossible to conceal my own. Promise me, warrior. Promise me you will care for her. I know you love her, but so do I. Your love for her frightens me.”

  The child’s words perplexed Eldon. He had just begun to admit to himself that he felt strongly for Eve. He wondered how a mere boy could know so surely that his feelings were love. “Why would my love for her scare you?”

  The boy sighed. “My mother loved my father so much that she placed herself in front of a spear meant for him. He loved her in the same way and died while attempting to slay every male in the attacking tribe. I have neither mother nor father because of love.”

  They both fell silent until they reached the clearing where the Ki’Lin gathered. Bai approached them with questions blazing in his eyes. The Ki’Lin had felt the power of the Pohiri more deeply than anyone else. Their link with Evalon’s magic was stronger because of their animal nature and the way they lived in harmony with the land.

  Eldon gave the Ki’Lin leader the answers he sought without being asked, “She is not well, Bai. Elsie and Faya are working to heal her body but her mind remains in the mist. I am unsure whether they will be able to wake her.”

  Bai offered them comfort, “Rest easy, both of you. Our Faire Eve is strong beyond our own imaginings. I can still feel her magic and so long as it stirs within her, there is hope. Tell me; is it true that she has gotten her wings?”

  Before either Yath or Eldon could answer, they heard Caleb’s voice calling them.

  Eldon turned on his heels and ran. His heart beat hard against his chest. He could not forgive himself if she woke from her sleep and he was not there. He would gladly die if she passed into the Nádcha Večný, the cold sleep, and would never wake.

  For Eldon, the fear that Eve may never come back from the Krásny Večný was like swallowing a sharp sword. The pain began in his throat and slid down into his chest until his heart felt as if it may explode. As he ran toward the lights of the diner, he could feel needles of pain in his lungs and the unfamiliar sting of tears in his eyes. He could hear the thundering of Bai’s hooves behind him but he could not worry about the others. His only thought was of Eve.

  Bursting into the kitchen, he saw the pale white faces of his comrades and his heart sank. He allowed no one to speak to him and if any dared stand in his way, he would cut them down with his sword. The door to the apartment stood open and beyond it, only the flickering of candles lit the shadowy gloom. He almost faltered but the same tugging force, which always propelled him towards Eve, took hold. He found himself stumbling blindly into the room.

p; He heard the sound of weeping and he cursed his eyes for the mere seconds it took them to adjust to the light. He feared what lay beyond the entryway but he stepped forward to face what he must. The room seemed empty and dark.

  Elsie was the first to step forward from the shadows. She moved silently and swiftly, despite her age. Her entrance caused Eldon to start violently. Cursing under his breath, he turned to the old woman with questions in his eyes.

  Elsie’s voice was barely a whisper, “She is alive and will stay alive, but there is something greatly wounded within her. Her magic is strong and her wings survived with no damage but her heart and soul are weak. We have done all we can do for her. Take her home to Trig Na nOg.”

  Stepping to the side, Eldon finally saw Eve. She was sitting on a chaise lounge with her knees drawn up to her chin and her thin, pale arms wrapped protectively around her legs. She wore an old-fashioned white nightgown covering everything except the very tips of her toes. Faya sat nearby while maintaining a wary distance with a strained look on her face.

  Eve did not look up. She sat with her chin resting on her knees and her eyes straight ahead. He could hear a mournful weeping coming from her small frame and his heart broke anew. The candlelight gleamed off the tears peeking through the curtain of hair hanging in tangles beside her face. Her shoulders shook in periodic tremors as if she were still afraid.

  Eldon wanted to grab Eve up and hold her to him. She looked fragile and vulnerable with her brunette tresses contrasting against the pale white of the nightgown’s lace trimmed hem. A fierce desire to protect her from everyone, including the women who helped save her, filled him. He stepped forward, intending to pull her into the circle of his arms but Bibesia’s hand on his chest stayed him.

  Bibesia’s eyes were sad and she lowered her voice so only he would hear her, “Tread carefully, warrior.”

  As always, Edesia was there to finish the rest. “She has returned to us physically but part of her still drifts.”

  Eldon sucked in his breath and let it shudder back out of him. “I must get her to Trig Na nOg. Can she travel? Can we leave today?”

  Elsie studied Eve’s fragile form for a moment, “We don’t have a choice. Trig Na nOg will heal her. I feel it in my bones.”

  Edesia and Bibesia nodded silently in perfect unison.

  “We will prepare her the best we can. Faya will go as well. You will need her to help care for our Faire Eve.”

  No one questioned Elsie’s choice and Faya didn’t look surprised at all. She simply stood up and began to pack her things, placing them in the enormous black carpetbag.

  Eldon slowly approached Eve. He knelt beside her, careful not to touch her in anyway. His voice was quiet and shaky as he whispered, “Eve, we must go to Trig Na nOg. We must take you there so you can come back to us. I promise I will take care of you.”

  Eve did not move to look at him. He felt disappointed when she did not turn her eyes to his. He knew she heard him but she would not, or could not, respond. She sat with tears streaming down her lovely face as she stared at nothing. Seeing the life drawn from her made him sick to his stomach.

  “I have to go but I will be back soon. Hang on, Eve. Hang in there.” Tears were threatening to spill from Eldon’s deep blue eyes as he strode out of the room.

  The crush of bodies made him feel claustrophobic as the group surrounded him, awaiting news. He struggled for a second to clear his head and the large lump blocking his airway. When he felt like doing nothing but weeping from the helplessness, he allowed his years of military training to take over.

  “We leave immediately for the next territory. Our queen needs us more than she ever has. Faire Eve is drifting half inside the Krásny Večný and half way in this world. We must get her to Trig Na nOg in order to save her. Yath, stay with her. Keep her safe. Vandel go tell the Ki’Lin. Let them know we move within the hour. The rest of you gather supplies and gear. Heron talk with the women and find out what she will need for the journey.”

  While the others prepared for the expedition, Eldon contacted Corrigan. Peering at her smoky image in the communicator made him long for Trig Na nOg. His mind carried him away, back to his childhood. He could hear his father’s voice in his mind saying, “Son, Trig Na nOg is the heart of Evalon. She will always welcome you with open arms.”

  Corrigan’s worried face haunted him as he told her of the dragon’s attacks and the other hurdles that they had experienced. He finally let the tears come freely as he told her of how he had almost failed to keep Eve alive. The shame and disgrace he felt as a warrior, did not compare to the failure he felt as the man who loved the girl.

  Corrigan gasped when she heard the great feats of magic that Eve had performed but her face turned almost cold when he told her that Eve had gained her wings before she could face the trials of the throne. Such things were unheard of in the history of Evalon. No heir to the Sidhe queen had ever developed wings before passing the test of the throne. Even non-Sidhe fairies undertook a similar coming of age passage before they could release their wings.

  Corrigan told him what he had expected her to. She told him to travel the way of the light and do all he could to protect Eve. “Bring her home to Trig Na nOg, Eldon. The city itself will heal her. She is stronger than any among us.”

  The plan was set and everyone was ready to move within the hour. They planned to go west through Haven and continue northwest through Fidel and Zeal. Once at the top most part of Zeal, they would travel via a gateway to Upper World. The gate would lead them into Salt Lake City, Utah where they would head to Danger Cave before sundown. Shadows and darkness were their enemy’s territory.

  The journey would be taxing and terrible. Eldon decided Faya, Caleb, Vandel, and himself would escort Eve through Upper World. They would have to pass through each gateway minutes before the twilight hour in order to stay ahead of the dragon. They would have to time the trip to Upper World perfectly. They would need to enter in the daytime and travel to the cave before the sun set.

  When Eldon returned to the diner to collect Eve, he went mad when they told him she was not there.

  His voice echoed throughout the ruins of the place, “What do you mean she is not here? Where has she gone? Who let her go? She is ill! She shouldn’t be alone! Where the hell is she?”

  He raved vigorously at the women and when they did not cower at his manly rant, he raked his hand through his dark hair and grimaced at them, waiting for an answer. Elsie braved his wrath.

  “She has gone to the Ki’Lin. She is with Yath and Bai. No one really understands what happened. Rai showed up and said Eve had sent for him. I protested but Eve walked out the door and mounted the young stallion. No one but Yath dared to follow and she did not seem to care.”

  Cursing the stubbornness of the girl and amazed that she could still summon such will in her broken state, Eldon set off for the Ki’Lin camp. Bai met him at the edge of the woods and he seemed to be much more at ease than before.

  “Eldon, she is with Jayno. She sent a message to me using her mind. I am older than many and I have experienced strong magic before. Nothing as tragically beautiful as hearing her inner voice has ever touched me. She felt she had to see him before she left.”

  Another miraculous talent for Eve, telepathy was more common among witches and other magical non-fey. Eldon wondered what more the girl would surprise them with before the journey would end and a creeping feeling stole over him like a black cloud hovering before the sun. He couldn’t help but fear the darkness he knew was battling against the light within her. Somehow, he knew true evil lurked near her. He was nearly positive that he was not the only one to recognize the taint. He saw the fear in Vandel’s eyes each time the boy looked at Eve.

  Coming back out of his own mind, Eldon asked, “Has she spoken? Out loud, that is?”

  Bai shook his head and glanced back. Eldon could see Eve sitting with one hand stroking Jayno absently. She seemed even smaller and more fragile next to the large male unicorn at h
er side. She looked like nothing but a small human child. He forced himself to remember that she had braved death and the Krásny Vinci.

  Eldon’s feelings warred inside him. He felt betrayed because she did not choose to share her inner voice with him. He felt relieved that she had found the strength within her to accomplish the little excursion. His worries, fears, jealousy, and fierce need to protect her were like a cyclone inside him.

  Taking a deep breath and trying to center himself, Eldon remembered the haste in which they needed to move. He quickly gathered the Ki’Lin and they prepared to meet the others. They decided Jayno would remain in the meadow until he was healthy enough to return to his home. His mate, Kellan, would continue on to Zeal with the rest of the party. The mare chose to leave her companion as a token of gratitude and loyalty to Eve. Kellan knew she could never return the miracle that had saved Jayno’s life, but she would try.

  The two unicorns said a tender goodbye, which lent Eldon an opening to reach Eve without Kellan’s ever-watchful eyes. He fought the desire to touch her and kept his voice gentle.

  “Eve it is time for us to go. I’m going to lift you onto Bai’s back and Yath will ride behind you. I know it is difficult for you to talk to me but please let me know if you are uncomfortable.”

  Tender emotion filled Eldon’s voice but Eve did not respond. As gently as he could, Eldon reached down and lifted her into his arms. She felt as light as a feather and he held her close to him for a second longer than necessary. It felt good to have her in his arms again. The pull he felt toward her grew stronger and the electric sensation he felt when his skin met hers intensified.

  Before Eldon could place the girl onto the Ki’Lin’s back, Jayno began to struggle to stand. His mate tried to prevent him from rising by placing her strong neck over his. Jayno’s wounded cry caused Kellan to trot backward. An unspoken plea shined in Jayno’s large brown eyes. Kellan lowered her head and gently helped the wounded male upright.


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