Good Girls Gone Bad
Page 4
And then proceeded to feast on her sex.
“That feels amazing,” Alicia moaned as Naomi manipulated her with her tongue and lips, sometimes using her fingers to spread her labia and expose her clit, only to capture it with her mouth and flick it with her tongue, or suck on it like it was a tiny little penis.
It was the sucking that drove Alicia insane.
Her breathing became ragged, uneven, and her nipples were so hard they ached. Naomi reached up, almost as if she read her mind, and massaged her breasts as she sucked on her clitoris. Alicia lost her mind, and the sounds she was making, the way her body was writhing and undulating, was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.
Naomi removed her hands from Alicia’s breasts and placed one of her fingers fully inside Alicia while she sucked hard on her clitoris, and Alicia, in response, cried out in pleasure.
And then came all over the younger girl’s face.
Naomi smiled, but did not quit sucking.
She did, however, place another finger into her and began rapidly pistoning them.
Within moments, Alicia came again.
And again.
And again…
I hear beeping. And voices. All around me...
“I’m sorry, ma’am, I really am. I know you drove a long time to get here, but this just happened a few hours ago. The entire unit’s on lockdown - a massive fight broke out between two rival gangs. A lot of people were hurt and killed. We can’t allow visitors right now. You gotta understand.”
Alicia widened her eyes so much she felt as if they would fall out her head. “Was my husband involved? Was he hurt? Is he OK?”
The officer shook his head. “Ma’am, we don’t know much right now. Like I said, this just happened a few hours ago. It’ll take days to sort through all this mess. When we know, you’ll know.”
“Who’s your husband?” Another officer asked as he walked in carrying a clipboard. “Frank, you can go for lunch. I'll cover for you.”
“Thanks, man. Ma’am, I’m sorry. I really am.”
Alicia watched the man go, then flicked her eyes back to the new officer. “His name is Link Zaveri. His ID number is-”
The officer held his hand up. “No need for that. I know exactly who you’re talking about. So, you’re his wife Alicia, right? He told me a lot about you. He was one of the better guys here. Real solid.”
Alicia nodded. That was definitely her Link. “Wait. Was? Is he OK?”
The officer scratched his neck and shifted his feet. Alicia could feel her heart slamming against her chest like a jackhammer.
“No, he’s not,” the man finally said, sighing and sitting down, pretending to look down at his clipboard. “He was stabbed in the neck. From what I heard, he was trying to protect one of the smaller guys that were getting beat real bad. He, ah, pulled some dudes off the little dude and…”
Alicia couldn’t breathe.
“Little dude must have been frantic because he stabbed Link in the neck. In the worst place, too. He bled out before everything was calmed down. I was one of the ones assigned to his area at the time. I saw his body myself.”
Alicia began shaking.
“Ma’am, I know this is fucked up. I wish there were something I could say. He loved you so much. You have to know that.”
Alicia passed out.
I'm cold. I try to move, but I can't. Why can't I move?
“You have no idea how much this means to me, Alicia. Unless this is something you normally do with your assistants. Is it? I mean, if it is, it would still mean a lot to me, but-”
Alicia rolled her eyes good-naturedly at Naomi, at the same time reaching down and clasping her hand in hers. “No, I have never taken any of my assistants to Child Protective Services to visit my daughter. In fact, I have never slept with any of my other assistants. As a matter of fact,” Alicia stopped walking and faced the younger girl, “I have never slept with anyone other than my husband since I’ve been married. Except for you. Just so you know.”
Naomi’s face flickered through several different facial expressions as Alicia half-smirked and continued leading her the rest of the way to the CPS building. She really did remind her of herself when she was younger. They were almost exactly alike, and not just physically. It was creepy.
“I bet they’re going to think we’re sisters. Is that what I should tell them? That we’re sisters? Or cousins or something?”
Alicia smiled. She had anticipated this question. “No. We will tell them the truth. You are my assistant. And my girlfriend.”
The silence that followed caused Alicia to look sideways at her younger doppelganger. She was surprised to find her staring back at her, wide-eyed and expressionless. It was an odd mixture, especially from the ordinarily overly-expressive Naomi.
“I’m your girlfriend?”
Alicia stopped walking. “Well, we could tell them you’re my fuck-buddy if you like, but I never really saw you that way. Well, maybe a little at first, but I’m not the kind of girl to sleep around. In fact, you’re only the third person I’ve had sex with. My ex-girlfriend Amy, my husband Link, and you would be the third.”
“I don’t really count,” Naomi said cryptically before yanking her hand. “Come on! I’m really anxious to meet your daughter!”
Alicia wanted to ask her what she meant but now wasn’t the time. She couldn’t be late for this appointment. She had never been late before; she was not about to start now. It would severely impact her chances of getting her daughter back.
The only thing she was dreading is when she started asking where daddy was. How do you tell a five-year-old her daddy was killed in a prison riot?
“Everything’s going to be OK, you know. Everything. You survived. You made it. It’s all going to be alright,” Naomi said as she squeezed Alicia’s hand.
Something didn’t feel right about this conversation. Alicia looked down at Naomi. It was like staring in the mirror. Yes, they looked alike, it was something several of her acquaintances had commented on, but her face now was different. It looked exactly like hers.
And then it didn’t. One by one all the small changes that differentiated them seemed to pop back into place.
“Alicia, I’m so glad you could come,” Ms. Whitfield, her CPS caseworker, said warmly as she walked out the door. “And you brought a friend. That’s a first. Who might you be?”
Naomi smiled. “Claaii's cbonuisscou. Ton htat hes nkosw ttha, gthouh. To ehr, I'm Oianm. I can't atiw to eemt her ugahdter Culia. Ew need to hrrut fbreoe Lciaai wsaek up.”
Alicia looked down at Naomi. Why was she speaking, jibberish?
Ms. Whitfield nodded and smiled. “I ees. Ti's icne to eetm yuo. I iaminge tish ahs eben a vrey seignnertti exerpeince orf oyu. How olng od ew ahve ferboe she anaewsk?”
“What the fuck are you two saying?” Alicia snapped, looking back and forth between the two. “Is that some other language or something?”
They seemed to ignore her. “Tno nolg, lyrtunatofnue. We aevh ot yruhr. I awnt ot see who Liiaca nviiseons ehr adutgher. Can we og onw?”
“Of course,” Ms. Whitfield replied, reaching out and grabbing Alicia’s hand. “Dear, are you OK? You look flushed. What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
“Are you OK baby?” Naomi asked, concern etched on her face.
Alicia shook her head. She was losing her mind. “Yeah. I’m fine. Can we see Lucia now?”
“Of course! That’s why you’re here, right? Right this way.”
Alicia stared at her daughter for a full minute in the visitation room’s doorway before she could say anything. She had grown so much since she had last seen her. Of course, she had been visiting her every other week, and she thought the same thing every time, but still. Was she really growing that fast, or was it all in her mind?
Lucia was completely oblivious to her presence, her attention taken by a pair of dolls she was playing with. Alicia watched as her daughter made one of the toys kiss the
Both dolls were female.
“Hey baby,” she finally said, entering the room. Moments later Ms. Whitfield followed.
Lucia was in her arms in seconds, hugging her with all the ferociousness her five-year-old muscles could muster.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone. If you need me, just press the button on the intercom over there, and I’ll be right in.”
Alicia nodded, then froze. Two? She looked around for Naomi, but couldn’t find her.
“Uh, Ms. Whitfield. Where did Naomi go? That girl that came in with me?”
Ms. Whitfield frowned. “Honey, you came here by yourself. Are you sure you’re feeling OK?”
The world quickly jilted for a moment, then refocused.
Alicia nodded her head, unable to speak.
“Mommy, come see my dolls. Ms. Whitfield gave them to me. One looks just like you.”
Alicia’s mind felt numb, but she allowed her daughter to lead her towards the center of the room to the play area, then sat down when her daughter plopped to the floor and picked up the dolls. One of the dolls had long black hair and was wearing fashionable clothes, just like Alicia. The other doll had short blonde hair, which immediately reminded her of-
“It’s auntie Amy, see? It looks just like her,” Lucia announced proudly.
Alicia nodded. In truth, the doll looked nothing like Amy. Yes, it had blonde hair, but it also had purple eyes and dressed like an athlete - something Amy was definitely not. She wasn’t about to contradict her daughter in the little time they had together, however, so she merely smiled and nodded, watching Lucia as she made the dolls kiss again.
“Why are you making them kiss?”
“Because they love each other. They were the first dolls Ms. Whitfield gave me. They’re girlfriends. They belong together.”
Alicia had never told her daughter anything about her and Amy’s previous relationship. Why would she say something like that?
“I have other dolls, too. Ms. Whitfield gave me this one last week,” she said, proudly holding up a male doll that looked something like Link. “It’s daddy,” she announced gleefully, then made it kiss Alicia’s figure.
Alicia nodded, her mind feeling numb. What was going on here? Why was she feeling this way?
“I have another doll, but it’s broken,” Lucia said sadly, holding up an Asian-looking doll. Its head was bent sideways at an unnatural angle.
Alicia screamed.
“Alicia, please wake up.”
“Baby, can you hear me?”
Alicia opened her eyes, or at least tried to. The sudden rush of light stung, and she quickly closed them.
“Link, turn the light off,” the voice snapped, “it’s too bright for her.”
Alicia snapped her eyes open and tried to sit up but found herself bound to the bed. She turned her head and fought against the stinging of the light, trying to force her eyes to focus. The lights flicking off seconds later made it easier.
Amy was by her side, holding her hand, and Link rushed to her from across the room and leaned over, hugging her intensely. He then unfastened the Velcro straps that bound her arms to the bed.
For several long minutes, no one said a word.
Amy squeezed her hand to get her attention. “My sister Amber was here for a while too, but she had to leave for some sort of book tour. She left this for you though.”
Amy picked a piece of folded paper up from the table and held it up for Alicia to see. Alicia looked at the paper, then at Link, then grabbed him and pulled him towards her, kissing him hard. She then let him go and kissed Amy, who seemed shocked. Alicia broke the kiss after several seconds and snatched the paper from her hand and unfolded it.
If you’re reading this, it means you have successfully fought your way out of your coma. Congratulations. I had faith that you would, which is why you are reading the letter you have in your hands now.
I was by your side for a good portion of your coma, but my reasons were at least partly selfish - I wanted to make sure that you were OK, yes, but I also needed someone to act as a sort of sounding board for an upcoming book of mine. I plan on calling it Amore, unless something else strikes my fancy. I continually sent your little clique out to run errands for me just so I could read its rough draft to you.
I am not sorry.
Especially since the story is about you.
I am not sure how much you remember of it, but I can probably sum it up by calling it a psychological lesbian erotic tale with a touch of romance and horror. More than that, it is a love story, but not a typical lesbian love story. It’s a story of self-love. Naomi, your lover in the story, was a metaphor for you.
Bet you didn’t see that one coming.
I’ve known you since you were a little girl, Alicia. When your father went to prison for…being inappropriate with you…I watched you grow into an angry, angsty, confused jumble of woman. Which is entirely understandable, considering how your mom blamed you for everything. What you became as a result of all your hardships is something uniquely beautiful, a chaotic mixture of femininity that ultimately caused my sister to fall madly in love with you. Your darkness entrapped her light.
If you were older, I would be in her shoes too.
Your situation is inimitable, however, because more than just my sister is in love with you. Aiya also has feelings for you, and Link…well, Link is flat-out enamored with you, and I sense the feelings are reciprocated.
It has to be an exhausting juggling act…
Before I publish Amore I plan on changing the names, of course, but I wanted you to hear it how I intended.
You are strong. You are beautiful. And your past is behind you.
Leave it there.
And breathe.
Until next time.
Alicia wiped some errant tears from her eyes and looked up from the letter to stare at Link and Amy. How much of her visions were a memory and how much was the story Amber was telling her while she was under? The car wreck, Aiya’s death, that part had to be-
The door opened.
Aiya froze in the doorway, half of a sandwich hanging out her mouth and her eyes quickly widening. She looked like an anime character come to life.
Alicia chuckled to herself, then braced herself as Aiya broke into a dead run across the room, sandwich falling from her mouth, and practically launched herself at Alicia.
“But the car wreck…Lucia…” Alicia laughed, hugging the small Asian back but utterly confused and disoriented.
“Car wreck? And who is Lucia?” Link asked, his voice practically dripping concern.
“Lucia. Our daughter?”
Link’s face screwed up in confusion. “Uh, babe, we don’t have a kid, unless there’s something you’re not telling me.”
Alicia shook her head and closed her eyes. “How did I get into a coma to begin with?”
“You don’t remember?” Amy asked.
“Well, if I remembered, I wouldn’t be asking, now would I?” Alicia snapped, her eyes glaring at her lover.
Amy laughed. “Yep, she’s back! Girl, I’m so glad you’re awake again. Tonight, we are so getting white girl wasted!”
Alicia leveled a severe glare at Amy. “I’ve told you before, Amy, I’m not white. I prefer the term Saltine American.”
Amy laughed and hugged Alicia fiercely, then whispered in her ear. “It really is good to have you back, babe. I know the doctors said everything was going to be OK, but I was worried anyway. I couldn’t live if I lost you. I kept whispering that in your ear. Did you hear me?”
Alicia shivered. Yes, she heard her. Several times…
Link smiled and pried Aiya off Alicia’s body. “We were unpacking everything into our new house, and you just fell over. The doctors said you had a brain tumor, and they operated and removed it.”
Amy nodded. “Yeah, they said there shouldn’t be any more pro
blems, that it was only a matter of time before you woke up again.”
Alicia laid back down and exhaled a large breath she didn’t know she was holding. “How long was I in a coma?”
Aiya pulled on her sleeve and began rapidly signing.
“Aiya, slow down. I can’t read sign language that fast.”
Aiya signed again, this time marginally slower.
Alicia nodded. Two weeks. She was under about two weeks.
So, all of it was Amber’s story then. Gradually her memories returned, the tiny details of her life that Amber’s vivid, realistic tale temporarily overlapped. They had all gone in on buying a new house and were in the process of moving in together. Her and Link were together, but they also had a strange relationship with Aiya and Amy.
The story had seemed so real though. Amber was a wicked storyteller. She had to remember to pay her back for the honor of being her sounding board while she was under…
Alicia pulled Link, Amy, and Aiya into the bed with her, and somehow, they all fit. For now, all that mattered was she had everyone she loved here, now, with her.
She would never take them for granted again...
Four lives. Innumerable secrets. A tragedy that binds them all…
Sara: A survivor of longtime sexual abuse, she is a girl with a shattered past who has been forced since childhood to fight for her life. Literally.
Tanya: The most invisible girl in school, she cuts to ease the pain of her life. And things are only getting worse.
Antonio: A man with a heart just as massive as his libido, he is trapped in a relationship built on unrequited love; a fact that is slowly breaking his heart and driving him insane.
Fatima: A girl hellbent on revenge. Though popular and social, she is slowly decaying over the secrets that she holds.