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Good Girls Gone Bad

Page 10

by Alexa Nichols

  Tanya whined, enjoying the tastes of Antonio’s precum and not wanting to give it up. She heard Sara giggle and place her hands gingerly on her shoulders, slowly pulling her back. Reluctantly she moved her mouth off of his cock, giving it one final lick before it was out of range.

  She loved his taste.

  So much.

  She wanted more of it. All of it.

  She allowed herself to be laid back, and spread her legs as Sara had instructed.

  Sara grabbed Antonio, positioning him in between them, and moved around the bed so she was on her knees behind him, his rock-hard cock grasped firmly in her hand. She began stroking him slowly, methodically.

  “Fuck, man,” Fatima muttered as she watched. “You have an enormous cock. I want to taste it…that cool with you big guy?”

  Antonio couldn’t have responded even if he wanted to.

  Sara smirked and raised Antonio’s cock, continuing her stroking motions, and nodded to Fatima. That was all the encouragement the young Latina needed.

  Fatima homed in on his impressive erection and placed half of it within her mouth while Sara stroked it, and she tasted the enormous amount of precum Antonio was releasing. Precum was something she had tasted many times before, but this time it was different.

  For some reason, it tasted sweeter. Better.

  She increased the vigor of her sucking, wanting to drain him of all his fluids, using her tongue and lips to encourage him. It was too much for Antonio, who after about a minute of this arched his back and made a low grunting sound, then proceeded to fill the young Latina’s mouth with his hot, thick cum.

  Fatima was shocked, but not repulsed. She sucked harder, pressed her lips to his cock firmer, and drained him of all his salty emissions while Sara kissed his neck and slowed her stroking, milking him, encouraging him.

  When he was finally finished Fatima swallowed, then carefully retracted. She didn’t mean to make him come, but she was not in the least bit sorry. She licked her lips and smiled at the big man, watching him as he slowly recovered. She bent over again, taking him in her mouth once more and latching her mouth on to his cock, suckling him, encouraging him, to become erect once again.

  After all, he still had a young girl’s virginity to take…

  “Look at her pussy, Antonio. Look at it,” Sara instructed as Fatima revitalized his manhood.

  Tanya’s eyes widened as he did precisely that, and she fought against the urge to close her legs, strangely ashamed at being completely exposed to him.

  “No man has ever been inside her before. She’s a virgin. You’ll be the first. How does this make you feel?” Sara asked him as she gradually increased her stroking, seemingly angering his cock further, making it visibly swell within Fatima’s mouth. Sara gently reached down and gently pushed Fatima’s head away, smiling at the audible pop sound that resulted when his cock finally left her vacuum-like mouth.

  Tanya watched all this with undisguised disbelief, balking at the size of his angry looking member. How was that thing going to ever fit inside her? It would tear her in half!

  Antonio placed his massive hands on Tanya’s legs and gently squeezed them.

  And then froze.

  “Tanya. Your arms. And legs. They have cuts all over them. What happened?”

  Tanya shook her head. She couldn’t speak, and even if she could now was definitely not the time to talk about this.

  “She’ll tell you when the time is right, Antonio,” Sara said as she expertly used his precum to lubricate his cock.

  Antonio looked Tanya in the eyes with a serious, intense expression. “Are you sure about this?”

  “I…I didn’t even know we were going to do this…I’m not…god…Yes. God yes. Please yes. I am sure about this, Antonio. I want you inside me. Now. Please.”

  Sara sighed and nudged Antonio forward, causing him to hunch forward on all fours. She then took his erection and positioned it so it was at Tanya’s virginal entrance, continuing her stroking, using his precum to lubricate his shaft, then moved it up and down so that Tanya’s slit was oiled too.

  “You’re about to get fucked, you know that, right?” Fatima whispered in Tanya’s ear. “He’s about to put that thing all the way inside you. He’s gonna fill you up. You OK with that, chica? Are you ready to fuck his dick off?”

  In response, Tanya reached up and wrapped her arms around the big man’s neck as he eased himself into her. She felt the sharp tearing of her hymen and cried out, gripping him tightly as he pressed himself just a little more into her, then stilled and allowed her to adjust to him. She doubted she would ever adapt to him though. His fleshy invasion hurt like hell. He was too thick, too long, and too swollen. How could Sara, who was much smaller and more petite than Tanya, take all of him within her? She was almost sure they had sex, most likely had been having sex for a long time now. How could she have gotten used to this?!

  Antonio bent down and kissed her, which made her relax some, and Antonio took advantage of this and eased himself into her another inch.

  Tanya’s breathing quickened. Fuck this hurt. She had never even used a tampon, and here she was getting impaled by something easily three times as thick and over twice as long.

  Antonio raised back up, still within her, and pushed himself into her another inch, fighting the urge to fully embed himself.

  “Don’t fuck her, Antonio. Make love to her,” Sara whispered in his ear as she pressed her chest against his back and reached down to his testicles, gently rolling them around in her hand as he struggled to slowly and gently sheathe more of himself into Tanya.

  Sara kissed his shoulder, the side of his face, and eventually his lips. Emotions swirled around chaotically inside her, and she had to fight to not tell him things that would ruin everything. Things like she loved him. That she wanted to be with him, in all the ways a girl could be with a man. Things she knew he wanted to hear, even now, with his cock halfway embedded in another woman. She couldn’t tell him these things, however. She wasn’t going to be around long enough for them to mean anything.

  Tanya’s squirming and whimpering paired with Antonio’s sudden stillness told her that he had finally managed to fully insert himself.

  Sara broke her kiss with Antonio off and started firmly massaging his back, alternating between kissing it and rubbing it as he slowly began making love to Tanya. Fatima slid her petite body behind and underneath Tanya, spreading her legs and letting Tanya rest her head against her sex, and played with Tanya’s breasts as Antonio stroked himself within her. Tanya wrapped her arms around Fatima’s as they fondled her, her body not knowing how to respond to all the different types of sensations assaulting it.

  It took very little time for the pair to become completely enamored with each other, for his pistoning to quicken, and for both Sara and Fatima to be completely forgotten about.

  Sara leaned back and watched the couple, then caught Fatima’s eye. There was something different in her former enemy’s gaze, something soft, inviting. She found herself smiling, a smile that she genuinely felt, despite the thick, stinging tears rolling down her cheek…


  Seven Years Later


  Hey sexy. I hope this letter finds you well. You were probably shocked to see an actual, handwritten letter in your mailbox during this day and age, but you know how I hate electronics. And I still don’t have an email address. Or a smartphone. I’m practically Amish, I know, but I like life simpler than it seems to be for others. I have little time for the drama those devices seem to bring.

  Despite being technologically retarded, I’ve been keeping tabs on you. I was amused at your participation in the Phi Beta Pie fundraisers, especially considering how uptight and prude you used to be. Apparently, Antonio was/is a good thing for you. That you two are still together tells me I made the right decision in giving him to you. You deserved him far more than I, and he needed someone in his life that could love him just as much as he loved them.

nbsp; I was not that person. I could never be that person. Not for him. Not for any guy. My trust in men was simply too shattered by the things that were repeatedly done to me by…them. Even though that isn’t fair for Antonio, it’s something I couldn’t help. Men are always going to be the enemy to me.

  Most people are, actually.

  Well, except for you. I have always loved you since we were children and I first saw you playing by yourself in the sandbox in our apartment complex. You were so pretty even then, and my heart entirely melted. Yes, in case you haven’t deduced by now, I am bisexual - and you, dear Tanya, were my first bonafide girl crush.

  Not that it matters anymore, or even mattered then. You’re expecting your first child now; you’re starting a family. And I, well, I’m not exactly the family type. You apparently are, and Antonio has always been. I’ve known that from the start.

  Speaking of Antonio.

  There were some things about us, about me, that you didn’t know, that I didn’t tell you because, at the time, things were completely chaotic and awkward.

  I feel like now’s the time.

  Because of my past, genuinely falling for a guy wasn’t in the cards for me. I just didn’t trust them. I couldn’t. But something about Antonio was different. He was special. Kind, sincere, honest, protective…it was hard not to just immediately fall for him. I didn’t ever intend to, but it ended up happening anyway. In a big way. In the beginning, I only got his number to hook you two up, but slowly I began falling for him myself, and things became much more complicated. I hid the relationship from you - and yes, it was a relationship, no matter what I said at the time - because I didn’t want to hurt you. I also didn’t want to speak it into existence. If that makes any sense.

  I know you asked me why I posted those pictures on Facebook, and I never really answered. I exposed our relationship because I started seeing how other girls were noticing him, flocking to him, and I knew it was just a matter of time before one of them snatched him up.

  I wanted to make sure no other girl got him before you. I always knew Antonio and I weren’t going to be a permanent thing (although I did get his name tattooed behind my left ear in a moment of weakness), and I ultimately wanted you two together more than anything. I had been planning a threesome between us for a while, although I had no idea Fatima would be involved and it would instead become a foursome, but whatever. I wanted to let everyone know that he was taken. I figured that was the best way to keep other girls away from him until I could make our little threesome happen. It was like Raid for bitches. During the threesome, I planned on nudging you two together, which I did, and I knew once that happened the rest would be history.

  Admit it. I was right.

  That’s why I left shortly after; if I would have stayed, he would never be able to get over me, and your relationship would never have blossomed. It looks like I was correct. Your relationship blossomed like a motherfucker.

  On that note, I have some news.

  I’ve been in a long-term relationship myself, with someone you might know: Fatima.

  I can see your mouth dropping open in my mind’s eye. And I’m laughing. I don’t blame you.

  See, after the Girl Fight organization fell, all of us girls (including Fatima, who was a reluctant member herself) found ourselves without a purpose, or a family to go home to. See, when the founding members went down, the police dug even further and discovered that most of our parents were involved in one way or another. We all found ourselves too old for an orphanage, and too young to know how to make it in the real world by ourselves.

  So, we clung together and used our combined talents to survive. For some reason Fatima and I clicked exceptionally well, becoming a sort of parental unit for the other girls, and as it turns out, we ended up doing pretty well for ourselves. We started an all-girl fighting league, a sort of MMA for chicks, called Girl Fight, and were recently purchased by the UFC while retaining full creative control. It’s a sweet deal, and ended up making all of us founding members rich.

  I’m still a fighter, of course, as are most of the girls. It’s all we know, and turns out we’re pretty good at it. I am thinking about retiring at the end of next year, but before that happens, I want you to come see me fight. So far, I’ve only been defeated once, and that was by - you’ve probably guessed it - Fatima.

  Apparently, she refuses to let that time I whipped her back in grade school go.

  Some people just hold a grudge I guess.

  Speaking of Fatima, she said to tell you “hi,” and to give you a bit of advice: enjoy your time on this world, because even though life isn’t long, it is undeniably wide. Whatever the hell that means. I love the girl, but I swear I don’t understand half the things she says. But she’s great in bed though, so there’s that.

  Anyway, I’ll let you go for now. Hopefully, I’ll see you soon.

  I love you. I always have. I always will.


  They will find you. They will kill you. And they are lolis.

  Kaito has always been withdrawn and plagued by low self-confidence. Throw in a lifelong addiction to anime, virginity, and a boring day job at a bakery and his misery isn’t overly hard to understand.

  And then the unthinkable happens: a handful of anime characters suddenly appear in his bedroom at an awkward, embarrassing moment, and his life is turned completely upside down.

  What happens when the world of anime, erotica, romance, and reality collide?

  You’re about to find out…

  (on The Word Loli)

  Some think, and not without reason, that the word loli means sexual gratification over young/prepubescent children. Perhaps this is because the word loli is contracted from "ロリータ", which originated from the novel entitled Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.

  That is definitely not what this story is about. As my disclaimer states, all characters depicted in acts of a sexual nature are 18 years of age or older, so when I use the word loli I mean a female with a youthful appearance, which describes the Morituri perfectly due to their land of origin.

  Make no mistakes, however: they are all women…as you will soon find out…

  Ayame Kosaka

  Power: Healing

  Age: 18

  Birthday: March 8 (Pisces)

  Blood Type: A

  Height: 157cm

  Three Sizes: B 90, W 60, H 82

  Favorite Food: Yakiniku

  Disliked Food: Mikan

  Hana Koizumi

  Power: Talks to animals

  Age: 18

  Birthday: June 9th (Gemini)

  Blood Type: A

  Height: 150cm

  Three Sizes: B 32, W 50, H 70

  Favorite Food: Garlic

  Disliked Food: Fish

  Keiko Sonoda

  Power: Future sight

  Age: 19

  Birthday: January 17th (Capricorn)

  Blood Type: B

  Height: 159cm

  Three Sizes: B 74, W 57, H 79

  Favorite Food: White Rice

  Disliked Food: None

  Kira Tojo

  Power: Dark magic

  Age: 19

  Birthday: July 22nd (Cancer)

  Blood Type: A

  Height: 157cm

  Three Sizes: B 75, W 59, H 80

  Favorite Food: Chocolate

  Disliked Food: Tomatoes

  Saya Yazawa

  Power: Superhuman speed and strength

  Age: 18

  Birthday: April 19th (Aries)

  Blood Type: AB

  Height: 161cm

  Three Sizes: B 82, W 60, H 83

  Favorite Food: Ramen

  Disliked Food: Carbonated Beverages

  Kaito Fujiwara

  Age: 19

  Birthday: November 1st (Cancer)

  Blood Type: A

  Height: 178cm

  Favorite Food: Spicy Food

  Disliked Food: Sweets

  Toshiro Kusuda

  Age: 18.2

  Birthday: September 12th (Virgo)

  Blood Type: O

  Height: 167cm

  Favorite Food: Cheesecake

  Disliked Food: Strawberries


  It was raining obnoxiously outside, and she couldn’t sleep. She hated the rain, especially at night. Something about the way the rain sounded when it hit her large, dark, and relatively unoccupied house just unsettled her. The sound brought images of tiny monsters tapping against the walls, the windows, and running nimbly down the hallways.

  So most nights when it rained she would simply lay awake, eyes wide and unblinking, staring at her ceiling while the rain conjured all sorts of creatures and monstrosities in her mind. She had an over-active imagination her father told her regularly, and he wasn’t often wrong.

  Tonight, however, she wasn’t laying in her bed and staring at the ceiling: she was sneaking down the hallway. It was late, and she was supposed to be asleep, but she was determined to see why her father and his friends kept holding these late-night meetings every few weeks. Her mother, had she still been alive, would have spanked her enthusiastically for still being up at this hour, rain or not, but she wasn’t a child anymore - she was almost 10 - and she had a right to know the things that were going on in her very own house.

  She listened carefully as she skulked, discerning their location like a bat, and crept towards the room with the stealth and invisibility of a prowling housecat.

  “She is abnormally powerful for a Morituri” she heard an unfamiliar voice say when she was only a few feet away from the room, “and should be mentored in the ways of the Negori. If you wait too long, she will surely-”

  She heard her father’s voice lash out like a whip; it was a tone she knew well. It was his no-nonsense, you-know-you-just-messed-up-and-I-caught-you-red-handed tone. “I know full well the risks of delaying her teachings, Lesari, you do not need to remind me. I promised her mother I would let her choose, that I would not, despite my personal feelings, force or coerce her into our amalgamation. As you all know, I am a man of my word. It is a promise I aim to keep.”


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