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Seduced by the Billionaire: The Complete Collection

Page 14

by Lee, Nadia

  “What happened at the game?”

  “I don’t remember. Don’t look at me like that, Natalie, it’s the truth. But the next day, an old Chinese amah delivered you to me with a note telling me I’d won and that Chang had to honor his debt. I was never able to find him again. He had disappeared.

  “I’m ashamed to say I considered leaving you behind. But our maid told me you would most likely end up dead or sold into a brothel. There were no adoption families; China’s one-child policy made it impossible. Even those families without children wouldn’t have wanted a girl.” Brian shrugged. “Knowing what would happen to you, I couldn’t leave you.”

  Natalie stood stock-still. There was just too much to process. It was as though she was on a movie set that she had thought was real, and someone had suddenly started moving the false walls away, revealing an entirely different world. It took all her concentration to listen as Brian went on.

  “I returned to America immediately with you.” He was looking at her directly now, searching for something in her face. “I couldn’t tell Louise what had really happened. Just the gambling would have been enough to… Well, I’d never have heard the end of it. I needed some time to think, and so I took you to Emily. She found a poor family that was willing to look after you for several months. Eventually, through intermediaries, I got you back and brought you home. I told Louise I’d found you in DC. The lie was so egregious that it was believable, at least to her. If I tell her the truth now… I don’t know.” He sighed, and his shoulders seemed to get a bit narrower.

  Natalie felt sick. “You should’ve told me.”

  “Why? What could it possibly accomplish? We raised you as our own.”

  Was that what he really believed? Was he truly blind to how Louise and Belle treated her?

  Brian had been the only one Natalie had really liked in her family. But now she couldn’t bear to look at him. She spun around and strode out of his study, only to come face-to-face with a deathly pale Belle.


  Natalie felt herself go cold, as if someone had poured chilled oil down her spine. There was nothing to say between them.

  She pushed past her and went outside. The evening breeze was crisp against her skin. When she finally unclenched her hand from around the car keys, they were slick with blood.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Natalie, wait!”

  Natalie stiffened at Belle’s voice. Her sister—could she still be considered a “sister” after what Brian had just revealed?—approached fast in the dark.

  “Just stop for a second!” The streetlights cast an eerie orange glow to Belle’s face. “My god… I didn’t overhear what I think I heard, right?” When Natalie didn’t answer, Belle said, “Right?”

  “Did you know?”

  Belle’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Did you know how I ended up in your family?”

  “Of course not. I had no idea.”

  “Well then. Good for you.” Natalie started to open her car door. She had to get out of there.

  Belle glanced down and gasped. “You’re bleeding. At least get that bandaged before you go.”

  “Why should you care? You hate my guts. Or do you suddenly feel sorry for me because your daddy won me?”


  Suddenly twin headlights swept across the lawn, blinding Natalie. She grimaced as her eyes slowly recovered and she recognized Louise’s Mercedes. Just the person to make this nightmarish day even more memorable.

  Louise parked behind Natalie’s car and stepped out. As usual she was dressed to be seen. But then this was an election year. “What on earth are you two doing out here?” she demanded.

  “Mom…” Belle bit her lower lip, while Natalie merely stared at the older woman dispassionately. Louise—not her mother, now…just an unkind nobody.

  “Did you know too?” Natalie asked.

  “Know what?” Louise said.

  “That your husband won me on a bet in China.”

  Louise jerked as though she’d been backhanded. “He what?”

  “I guess not. I can’t decide if it’s better or worse that neither of you knew.”

  “What are you talking about?” Louise turned to Belle. “What happened here?”

  Belle glanced around and said, “We should talk about it inside.”

  “Ah yes, it’s an election year,” Natalie said bitterly. “We have to do everything in our power to project the right image. We have to be perfect.”

  “Just stop there.” Louise’s hand rose, palm out. “I don’t know what happened, but I am still your mother.”

  Natalie stepped in close. “No. You’re not.”

  Something shifted in Louise’s face. Probably worried about what this might do to Brian’s campaign, Natalie thought cynically. “Come inside the house and we’ll sort this out,” Louise said.

  “‘Sort out’? There’s nothing you can say to undo this.”

  Belle put a hand on her mother’s arm. “Mom…it’s true. I heard Dad say it.”

  Louise looked from one woman to the other. “Natalie… No.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t go around and tell everyone. That’s what you’re really after, isn’t it?”

  “That’s not… I’m not—”

  “Don’t say anything you don’t mean, Louise,” Natalie said. “The family’s secrets are safe with me so long as you leave me alone. Oh, and don’t expect me to join the campaign. I can fake being happy, but I can’t fake” —she flung her bloody hand out, making a semi-circle that included Louise, Belle and the Hall residence— “this.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “You’re a mess.”

  Alex jerked his head up. Ethan walked into the office and closed the door behind him.

  It had been a week and three days since Alex had stormed into Natalie’s condo, a week and two days since she’d returned the ruby choker and silk robe to him via FedEx. His staff had packed her personal belongings and mailed them to her; she’d kept very few items at DDE. It was as if she’d known that she wasn’t going to be working there much longer. Another sign of her guilt? Had he missed it because he’d been so dazzled by her?

  “Thank you for your input,” Alex said dryly. God he felt like shit, and he didn’t even know why. He was so close to getting what he wanted. Why did he still care about Natalie?

  “Not a problem. I think you should get to the gym more often too.” Ethan leaned into one of the plush office chairs. “And not drink so much.”

  “Keep it up.” Alex’s heart wasn’t in the banter. He looked pointedly at the pile of documents in front of him. “Did you want something? I’m kind of busy.”

  “Yeah, you looked real busy with your head on the desk there.”

  There was a knock on the door, and Eleanor walked in. “Sorry to interrupt, but have you signed off on those merger documents yet? I need to get them out today if we’re going to make the deadline.”

  “Thank you. I was just telling Ethan here how busy I am today.”

  “Fine, I know when I’m not wanted.” Ethan heaved himself up and started out, giving Eleanor a smile as he did so. “It’s like this sixth sense I’ve got.”

  “He didn’t have to go,” Eleanor said when the door was closed.

  “Yes, he did.” Alex rooted around until he came up with the documents. “Here they are. Is there anything else?”

  “Jennifer Beringer called about the new project figures for London. The last one I remember is five million USD. Is that still the case?”

  “It is, but the scope has changed. I’ll need to brief them on that as soon as possible, so set up a conference call. And I’m probably going to have to go out there myself next month. See what everyone’s availability is.”

  Eleanor nodded. One of her best qualities as a secretary was that she had a superb memory. Alex had never seen her take notes, other than occasionally in meetings, and she never forgot anything.

  He gave her instructions
on other business, and she reminded him of an upcoming appointment. Then she left, and he concentrated on reducing the pile of paperwork in front of him.

  Half an hour later, he suddenly raised his head. He sat frowning at the wall for a few moments, then got up and opened the door.

  “Eleanor, how did you know what the figure was for London? Did Ethan tell you?”

  She turned on her chair and gave him a puzzled look. “No, I saw it on your computer. When I was in last week. Remember, you asked me to make sure—”

  He nodded, but he wasn’t listening anymore. “Thanks.” He started to go back into his office, then stuck his head out again. “Have I mentioned what a wonderful admin you are lately? Tell HR that I approved a pay raise for you. Ten percent, starting next month.”

  Eleanor’s eyebrows climbed out from behind the round glasses she wore.

  “And get Murchison on the line. He’s in Security.” He pointed at the phone. “Now. Please.”

  Alex shut the door while Eleanor was just starting to move. Back in his office, he paced, index and middle fingers on his temples. Up until today, he had felt like he’d been playing with half the board hidden from his sight. But now things were beginning to fit. Still, it was a bit too soon to do anything. He needed to have everything lined up before he made his move. And Murchison could help him do that.

  And maybe…just maybe…Natalie wasn’t guilty after all. Alex closed his eyes and prayed with everything he had that he’d be proven wrong.

  * * *

  When Ethan entered his office exactly one week later, Alex smiled and stood. “Thanks for coming.”

  “No problem.” Ethan frowned. “You look…happy.”

  “I am.” When Ethan made a move to sit, Alex waved a hand. “No, no, stop. You’re going to stand right there by the wall. If you want, you can lean against it. Cross your arms. Right, just like that.”

  The frown deepened, but Ethan did as he was told.

  “Perfect. Now, hold that pose and try to look grim.” Alex turned to the intercom. “Eleanor, could you get Danielle to come in?”

  A few minutes later, the door opened and Danielle entered the office. “Um…I heard from your assistant… I mean, Eleanor said you wanted to see me?”

  “Please come in,” Alex said with a smile. “Have a seat.” He offered her the chair Ethan had wanted.

  “Thank you.” She practically tiptoed inside and seated herself as though there were paper on the chair and she was trying not to wrinkle it. But then, she seemed timid all the time. Her eyes darted between Alex and Ethan. Both men were standing, wearing black suits. Alex thought maybe it was too theatrical, but the effect on her would be worth it. “So…what can I do for you?” she said, her fingertips on her knees.

  Alex rested a hip on the edge of his desk. He wanted to be close to her as he talked, without the bulk of the desk between them. “I’m thinking about taking Ethan out to a nice steak house for a special project well done. Do you know any decent restaurants in this area? Normally, I would ask Eleanor, but she’s not from around here.”

  She looked perplexed. “Oh. Well, uh…The Palm’s nice. You know, the one by the Ritz? Or, um…Morton’s is also close by…near Tysons, and they always have wonderful steaks.”

  Alex nodded. “Morton’s, huh? What do you think about the one in Reston?”

  “Uh…it’s very good. You’ll never be disappointed at Morton’s. There’s one in Arlington too, if that’s, you know, more convenient.”

  “But Reston is the one you know best, isn’t it?”

  Danielle looked between the two men. “I’m not… Why would you say that?”

  “I hope Rodale paid for the meal. That Cheval Blanc alone—1998 vintage, wasn’t it?—was close to three hundred bucks. Unless, of course, you treated him out of the money the Rodales have given you.”

  She licked her lower lip. Alex made sure his face betrayed nothing.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said. “I don’t… I haven’t been to Reston since last Christmas.”

  Alex shook his head. “Your best bet at this point is to cooperate fully with us.” He picked up a few photos from his desk and handed them to her. “Looks remarkably like you, don’t you agree? They were taken this Thursday.”

  Her fingers began shaking as she looked at the pictures. “I don’t…I don’t…. He said you wouldn’t find out.”

  “Uh-huh. Because Natalie would take the fall.”

  “How could you?” Ethan’s sudden question surprised Alex. “She’s been a fair boss to you, trying to bring you up as she moved along the chain of command.” Ethan hadn’t moved from where he was, and he hadn’t raised his voice, but Danielle flinched when she saw the expression on his face. Grim didn’t begin to describe it.

  “It’s not like that. I didn’t want to do it, not the NSA job.” Her gaze dropped. One fat tear started rolling down the curve of her cheek. “But he said she would be okay. Her father’s a U.S. senator. I mean, her whole family’s ambassadors, senators, governors… She’d land on her feet.”

  “So you framed her,” Alex said.

  Danielle’s head snapped up. “No!”

  “You let her take the fall.”

  “Nobody was supposed to be hurt! But if it had to be someone, Natalie’s the one who can afford it.” She wrung her hands. “I don’t… I’m in love with Charlie.”

  Alex looked at the homely girl, only now realizing that she had been taking more care with her appearance recently. Her nails were done, and she was actually wearing earrings. Still, she was never going to be a beauty. Rodale must have seemed like a dream come true when he expressed interest in her. Alex felt a stab of pity, but one thought of Natalie made it vanish.

  “How did you get the data?” Ethan demanded. “Only Natalie and I had access to it.”

  “She saw it on Natalie’s computer,” Alex said. “Didn’t you? You’re always in and out of her office, and she trusts you. It wasn’t that difficult, was it?”

  “I think I want a lawyer,” Danielle said slowly.

  “You can call one if you like,” Alex said. “But here’s what’s going to happen if you do. I will use every resource at my disposal—every resource—to make your life miserable. I’ll tie you up in court until you’re ready for a retirement home. Every cent of the money Rodale is paying you will be spent on legal fees. You will have to sell your clothes, your jewelry, your car, and your house simply to stay afloat, and it still won’t be enough. There is no place on this planet you can go to where I will not be able to find you.” He gave it a moment to sink in. “Or, you can come clean with me right here, right now. Tell us what happened, and why, and I won’t press charges. You’ll have to leave DDE, of course, but I won’t hinder you in a search for a new job. It will be over.” He leaned toward her, bringing all the force of his personality to bear. “This is a one-time offer, and it’s good for the next sixty seconds. Decide.”

  Danielle looked from one man to the other, her eyes wide. Alex looked back at her steadily. Ethan’s face seemed carved from stone. Finally she sagged. “It was like you said,” she said in a small voice. “I knew when she was going to be working on the NSA bid, and I just created excuses to be in her office. Once or twice she would put something else up on the screen, but usually she just left whatever was on there to begin with. I’d get her to sign something, or ask her to help me with something.” She shrugged. “It wasn’t that hard.”

  Ethan swore. Alex experienced a brief soaring elation. Vindicated!

  “You are hereby terminated, effective immediately,” he began. “Empty your desk within the next fifteen minutes, and security will escort you out. If I see you anywhere near DDE again, I’ll have you up on charges for corporate espionage. There is an eyewitness here and the intercom has been on this whole time, so my secretary also heard what you’ve said. Stay away, and we’re done. Come back, and I’ll make sure you’ll never get a job higher than assistant burger flipper again. Am I making my
self clear?”

  She swallowed and nodded, her lower lip trembling slightly.

  Alex stared at her. “You now have fourteen minutes.”

  “Damn, I screwed up,” Ethan said when Danielle was gone. He stood up a little straighter. “About my resignation. I’ll—”

  “Forget it. I’m the one who screwed up. I’ve been unbelievably faithless.” He recalled Natalie’s stricken expression—the way he’d tossed out the truth about her adoption—and closed his eyes briefly. God, he’d been a bastard. Was it too late?

  “Eleanor,” he said to the air, “I’m canceling all my appointments for the day. I don’t care who calls, I’m not available.”

  He needed to see Natalie. Now.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The convertible gleamed under the sun as it flew over the country roads. The wind tousled her newly cut hair and dragged at her silk top. Natalie felt chilled and exhilarated at the same time. And she was loving every second of the crazy fast drive.

  She’d taken extra care to look her best this morning. Moping time was over—she was starting fresh. Away from the Halls, the Rodales, Alex, and everything else. Ethan, Louise and Belle had tried to get in touch with her again, but she’d ignored them. There was nothing to talk about.

  She’d seen a lawyer earlier in the week to change her last name to Chang, thinking it was sufficiently Chinese-sounding and might suit her better. Besides, it was all she had of her real ancestry. She didn’t want to be called Hall anymore. And two days ago, she’d contacted a real estate agent to put her condo up for sale. She didn’t know where she wanted to go yet. Maybe back to Goldreich in Hong Kong, just like Kerri begged her to every time they talked. Maybe somewhere completely new.

  When something wet trailed down her cheek, she brushed it away impatiently. This was her way of purging it all, reminding herself that she was strong enough to overcome her current difficulties and continue on her own.

  A new life, like the open road in front of her, with the past forever left behind.


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