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Seduced by the Billionaire: The Complete Collection

Page 22

by Lee, Nadia

  “I can do that later,” she said, her gaze on his mouth.

  He swore at the surge of desire he felt in response to her blatantly wanton look. No matter how much she tempted him, he couldn’t relax until she was securely ensconced in the penthouse. She was a wily one. He wouldn’t put it past her to change her mind if he didn’t push now. It’d be much harder for her to back out after having moved in. “I wouldn’t want you to carry all your stuff alone.”

  “I can have it delivered,” she said.

  “I don’t care.”

  “But what about the BMW?”

  “I’ll make arrangements.”

  She nodded and rose, then disappeared into the bedroom.

  He exhaled, long and shuddery. A step closer to his goal. He knew exactly what she was thinking. She’d bolt the second she felt vulnerable or threatened. That was why she kept sneaking out, or refusing to talk about anything private about herself, including her family. They’d spent two nights together, and he still knew nothing about her.

  He had no intention of letting her find another man she’d rather be with. It wasn’t going to be a simple temporary situation that ended whenever she wanted. No, it’d be far more than she expected.

  Chapter Six

  KERRI FROWNED AS Ethan pulled into the familiar complex and led her to his penthouse. Two of her suitcases were in the trunk, with the rest scheduled to be brought up later by the concierge. “Why are we here? What’s going on?”

  “This is your new place.”

  “What?” She stopped short in front of the door. “Wait a minute. You said I got to live in a corporate penthouse owned by The Lloyds Development.”

  “Good memory.”

  “So why are we at your penthouse?”

  “It’s not mine. It’s owned by TLD. Global Strategies leased it so I could use it while I’m in northern Virginia. I was in London until a few months ago, and when I was brought back to the States, we all thought I’d be here temporarily, so there was no reason to get anything more permanent.”

  “I can’t stay here,” she said.

  “Don’t be silly. Of course you can.”

  “But you live here.”

  “Yes, there is that. But the contract didn’t specify you get the entire corporate condo to yourself. I’m pretty certain I never gave that impression either.”

  She narrowed her eyes. Rat bastard…although she did appreciate a man who was on the ball enough to outmaneuver her. “I’ll get an apartment.”

  “What’s the matter, Kerri?” His voice was calm, too damn reasonable. “It’s a big penthouse. There’s no reason not to share. We’re both adults.”

  She fumed, but he had a point. Why should she balk at the arrangements? The fact that it wasn’t his place, just a temporary shelter—albeit a ridiculously swanky one—did kind of change things. Not to mention, she didn’t want to spend the money on rent if she didn’t have to. It was her family that was loaded, not her, and she liked to save every penny she could. Having her own financial resources was the only way to be free of Barron’s clutches. His power and control over everyone in the family came from the fact that he was in charge of the Sterling purse strings. She wasn’t going to play that game.

  “You’re right,” she said finally. “We’re both adults.”

  “Precisely.” He opened the door and gestured inside. “After you.”

  It was one thing to visit Ethan’s—no, scratch that—the corporate penthouse, thinking she would be there one night for dinner, but something else to step inside, knowing she lived there now.

  He gave her a detailed tour of the place, which was easily five times the size of the small apartment she’d had in Hong Kong. The master bedroom suite seemed larger in daylight, the now-familiar giant bed sitting against the teak-colored wall. Her face flushed at the memory of what she’d done with Ethan the night before, and her breasts tingled. They walked into the adjoining bathroom, which housed a Jacuzzi tub big enough for two. A decent-size TV was embedded into the wall, so you could watch shows or movies while soaking. Ethan pointed out the modern double sink with invisible drain and said, “The right one’s yours.”

  Awfully presumptuous of him, but she refrained from commenting. She wanted to tour the entire place before deciding where she would sleep.

  Between the master bedroom and a smaller bedroom suite, the fully furnished study didn’t appear to be much in use. There were some books on the shelves, but Kerri realized that most of them were about golf. “Do you like golf?”

  “Lord, no. I tolerate it for business. The interior decorator knew Jacob liked the game, so she picked those books.”

  “Good. I mean…it’s too bad she didn’t consider your preferences.” Secretly she was relieved the place really didn’t belong to Ethan and didn’t reflect his tastes. It seemed to make it more neutral.

  “It didn’t matter that much. Jacob used the penthouse whenever he was in town to visit the family. TLD is headquartered in Houston, but none of the rest of the family live there.”

  Ethan also showed her the kitchen and where he kept the basics, including a state-of-the-art coffeemaker that made everything from regular coffee to a killer latte.

  “If you need anything, let me know.”

  “Okay.” She gestured at the spare bedroom suite. “Do I take that one?”

  “No. It’s for guests.”


  “Sometimes my family visits.”

  Kerri paused. She hadn’t thought about his family. Or, for that matter, guests of any kind. “Do they visit often?”

  “Not really.” He brushed a fingertip over her nose. “Don’t worry.”

  But she did. Meeting members of his family seemed a bit too…permanent. People didn’t introduce temporary flings to their family.

  “So I’m going to be sharing your bedroom,” Kerri said.

  “No, we are going to be sharing a bedroom.”

  “If you have guests so rarely, I don’t see why I shouldn’t use the empty room.”

  “Kerri, what kind of fling would it be if we aren’t sleeping in the same bed?”

  “The temporary kind.” She smiled the smile she always gave poorly performing analysts and associates who were about to be let go. “The contract doesn’t say I have to share a bedroom with you. Of course, you’re welcome to vacate the master bedroom suite for my use if you feel particularly gallant, but I’ll make do with the spare.”

  He gave her a speculative look. She’d seen the same expression on her clients’ faces when they were presented with a challenging but lucrative deal.

  “And don’t even think about sneaking into my room. I can do karate. Black belt. You never know what kind of damage I might inflict. Due to panic, of course.”

  “Of course,” he said, entirely too agreeable. “Just out of curiosity, why did you take up karate?”

  “Self-defense, why else? No guns allowed in Hong Kong.”

  “Yes, but a woman who looks like you? Why dirty your own hands? Snap your fingers and get the men around you to defend your honor.”

  “Thanks, but I grew up in an environment distinctly lacking in chivalry. I could’ve screamed like a banshee and no one would’ve bothered to glance my way.”

  The sharpness in Ethan’s eyes softened just a tiny fraction.

  Shit. She’d said too much. “So, my work?” She used her best no-nonsense tone that said the bedroom arrangements were resolved.

  “Come on.” He led her back into the study and handed her a thick folder. “Here’s all the information you’ll need to get started, including how to access the financial records and other data from TLD’s intranet.”

  She scanned the first page, then looked up. “You aren’t worried that I might steal your secrets?”

  An odd expression crossed his face. “No. I trust you.” He glanced at his watch. “I hate to leave, but there’s a meeting I really can’t miss.” He put a warm hand on her bare arm and the heat seemed to transfer instantly i
nto her belly, curling there and making her shiver. His effect on her upset her equilibrium. Having him out of the penthouse to give her some time to regain her balance would be just the thing right now.

  “I’ll be fine,” she said. “Go on. Shoo.”

  * * *

  The meeting took an hour, hashing out how Global Strategies was going to deal with new government regulations that would affect Damon Defense Engineering, one of its subsidiaries. Afterwards, Ethan went to his office, put his feet up on his U-shaped mahogany desk and stared out the window, switching gears. He wished he were with Kerri. He could think of better things to do with her than having her unpack suitcases and look at corporate data. There was nothing wrong with The Lloyds Development’s financials. The only pressing matter facing the company was locating its derelict CEO, which Pattington was already working on.

  Once Alex was back in town, Ethan could cut back and spend more time with Kerri. Make sure she wouldn’t have time to find some other man she’d rather be with.

  The possibility galled him.

  No other man would get Kerri. If no one had managed to snare her in all these years, it was their loss, not his. He played to win.

  A man less attuned to his instincts and desires might have resisted her allure, but Ethan didn’t believe in fighting himself. His gut never pointed him in the wrong direction, and he wanted her. Partly, he was honest enough to admit, because she’d eluded him before.

  Women came easily to him. He was usually the one who had to break things off, but Kerri required pursuit. If she truly hadn’t liked him he would’ve let her go. But he could tell she was fighting her own attraction, and his hunter’s instinct reveled in the chase. As well-educated, civilized and modern as he was, he couldn’t deny that aspect of his nature existed.

  And how about her sad eyes? They have nothing to do with your interest?

  Ethan quashed the thought. Kerri had looked a bit blue at the christening party all those years back, but maybe she’d been having a bad day or something. She no longer looked sad—nope, not at all—and Lisa was an old story. He wasn’t into Kerri because of some messed up need for redemption after what had happened with Lisa. It had torn him up and hurt his family greatly. He wasn’t crazy enough to go for a Lisa Number Two, no matter how hot she was.

  He wrote a quick email for his administrative assistant. The second he hit “send,” his cell phone buzzed. With a frown, he picked it up. “Alex, what’s up?”

  “Hey,” his best friend said, sounding tired. “I don’t think we’ll be back in town today.”

  Ethan swung his feet off the desk. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing too bad, but Natalie got food poisoning.”

  “Ah, that sucks. Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s fine. Just in no condition to travel right now.”

  “I can imagine.” With her stomach roiling, the last thing she’d want was a trans-Atlantic flight. “Well, no worries. I can man the fort a little longer.”

  “Sorry. Oh, and we may get delayed a little bit beyond that. I just got off the phone with Rossi, and it looks like I need to take a look at operations in Rome and Paris before heading back.”

  “Okay.” Rossi had sent an email to everyone in upper management, impeccable and professional underneath the dramatic Italian flair, and Ethan had seen it already. “Natalie doesn’t mind the working honeymoon?”

  “It’s just for a little bit. I could deal with the matter from the States, but we’re already here.”

  Nothing beat being someplace in person to close things ASAP. “You’re lucky. Most wives would’ve been pissed.”

  Alex chuckled. “I always get the best. Anyway, let Kerri know that we’ll be delayed, but even with the work issues, we should be back in Virginia in the next two, three weeks. I’ll get my secretary to arrange for something better than a hotel suite. Natalie’s worried because she thinks Kerri might be returning to Hong Kong before we get back. Of course, I guess we could just fly out to Hong Kong to see her if we have to.”

  “Ah, about that.” Ethan cleared his throat. “Tell Natalie to rest easy. Kerri isn’t leaving anytime soon.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Is that so?”

  “For a couple of months at least.”

  “Indeed,” Alex said in that “What have you done, my friend?” tone.

  “Kerri’s working for TLD.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “This morning.”

  A moment of silence. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  “You know she’s Natalie’s ‘bestest’ best friend, right? And Natalie can be a bit overprotective.”


  “Well, then. Good luck.”

  Alex hung up, and Ethan leaned back in his seat. He felt bad for Natalie, but at the same time, he was sort of glad that she wasn’t coming home as scheduled. Otherwise Kerri would’ve used her friend as a shield against him when things got too intense for her own comfort. For the sake of his friendship with Alex, he didn’t want to fight Natalie.

  Ethan tossed his laptop into his bag and left for the weekend. He had a woman waiting.

  * * *

  Alex looked at his wife. “That was a terrible lie.”

  Natalie shrugged with a smile, her face glowing. “Oh, who cares, so long as they bought it.” She tossed herself on the gigantic bed, the silk robe he’d bought for her loose around her legs. “Besides, Rossi does need you.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I think Ethan will be good for Kerri.”


  She pressed her lips together. “No…nothing so drastic. Kerri’s not the marrying type. And I don’t think Ethan is either.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” Alex said. “He just never met the right woman.”

  She grinned. “Whatever, let’s just enjoy a few more weeks of newly-wedded bliss and this fabulous Italian food before we have to go back. It won’t kill Ethan to be in charge of Global Strategies for a little longer. Besides, he owes me.” She made a kissing motion in Alex’s direction. “And you do too.”

  “Oh? What exactly is this debt you speak of?” he said, his eyes already darkening with arousal.

  “Come here” —the robe slid from a pale golden shoulder— “and I’ll whisper it in your ear.”

  * * *

  Ethan found Kerri hunched over her laptop in the study, manila folder open and papers spread around her. She sat on the floor, crossed legs forming a cradle for the computer. A pair of black glasses were perched on her nose, giving her a sort of sexy librarian look. A simple white cotton long-sleeve shirt molded to her torso, accentuating the lines of her body.

  He’d checked the spare bedroom suite on his way in; she hadn’t unpacked, except for a small bottle of lotion in the bathroom.

  He stared at her, hands on his hips. She was supposed to unpack and relax. Grab a glass of wine and soak in the Jacuzzi with her favorite movie on or her favorite music playing. It was a Saturday, for god’s sake.

  “Turn that off,” he said.

  “Hold on,” she said, not looking up from her computer. “I’m almost done with this.”

  He mentally counted to ten.

  “That can’t be right,” she muttered and picked up a print-out.

  He reached down and closed her laptop with a finger.


  “You do not work weekends. Got it?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re one to talk. How was your business meeting?”

  “That’s different. I’m doing extra because Alex is on his honeymoon.”

  “So you never work on weekends?”

  He glared at her. He wasn’t going to lie, but he wasn’t giving her the satisfaction of an honest answer either.

  “Uh-huh.” With a small smirk, Kerri turned to open her laptop.

  He kept his finger on the device, holding it closed. There was no po
int in her working so hard on The Lloyds Development. The company was doing fine, and he needed to be brought up to speed on it, nothing more. Once she was finished with the job, she might decide she needed to vanish again, especially if she thought that the situation was getting even slightly out of her control. He could come up with another job for her, but it wouldn’t be long before he tipped his hand that he was keeping her busy with meaningless work.

  “I’m only working a lot because Alex and Natalie are out of the country,” Ethan repeated.

  She crossed her arms in front of her. “When are they coming back? You know, so I can watch you not work on weekends.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “How can you not be sure? Aren’t you going to pick them up, too?”

  “They have a driver. But they aren’t coming any time soon. Natalie has food poisoning and is in no condition to fly.”

  “What? Is she all right?”

  “Don’t worry. A few days of rest is all the doctor ordered.”

  Kerri nodded, a couple lines marring her forehead. “I see,” she said vaguely.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “It’s not that. It’s just…Natalie has the constitution of a team of Clydesdales. I’m wondering what could’ve possibly brought her down.”

  “Is that a fact?” He sat next to her. “Anyway, seriously. Stop working. We should go out and have fun.”

  “I am already having fun. I’m working.”

  “I know a way to have more fun, but you have to be not working.”

  Her gaze flicked a couple of times from his eyes to his mouth and back. “Is that a fact?”

  Chapter Seven

  KERRI OPENED HER EYES. The unfamiliar bedroom was pitch-dark, but there was a delicious smell of eggs, bacon and sausages drifting in from the kitchen. The clock on the bedside table read 9:35. Her gaze traveled to the windows, and she groaned. Black-out curtains. No wonder she hadn’t woken up earlier.

  Good lord. She never slept this late. On the other hand, she never slept with a man as physical as Ethan. She knew the previous late-night lovemaking hadn’t been a dream. How could he have wanted her so often? He seemed insatiable, and his desire affected her as well. She found herself craving his body nearly all the time.


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