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OLDER MAN: First Time With The Movie Star ( Billionaire London Movie Star Celebrity Romance) (Virgin British Celebrity Younger girl Comedy Short Stories)

Page 5

by Alexandra Stone

  “Oh I see,” I said confused.

  “Steeped in what exactly?”

  “In old legends and stories of magic and magical creatures.”

  “Oh!” I said as I laughed. “Isn’t that everywhere in Europe.”

  “Yes, I suppose you are right.”

  I walked out with my coffee and felt very uncomfortable as everyone stared at me. What a strange place, I thought to myself.

  Then we were back on the road. I once again went back to sightseeing out the window with the hot coffee warming my hands. I soon forgot all about what the woman had said.

  An hour later we were still not at our destination. This was the longest car ride, though it was very beautiful. I once again rolled down the partition to talk to the driver.

  “Excuse me sir, how much longer?” I asked him.

  “Only half an hour. We are entering the dark forest now and the village is on the other side,” he said.

  Dark forest? I thought to myself. I knew that the countryside of Europe was full of areas with names that could be out of fairy tales, but Dark forest was a little much.

  “Dark forest? Why is it called that?” I asked him not knowing if I really wanted to know the answer.

  “Because the trees you see are very tall, so very little light gets through. It makes the ground of the forest dark… and other reasons.”

  “Oh,” I said as I looked out the window at the tall pine trees that towered along both sides of the narrow road we drove down. It was true for when I looked between the bases of the trees it was indeed very dark. But what did he mean by “other reasons?” I thought I should leave it alone and not ask. Finally we emerged from the forest and into a wonderful valley with rolling hills on one side, the large snow covered mountains on the other, and of course the Dark forest on the other side. The small twinkling lights of the village glimmered as the sun began to set and the snow on top of the village buildings glowed a soft pink the remaining light of the sun.

  The car entered the village and drove slowly through the town. The narrow streets only fit one car at a time and they were paved with cobblestones. There were adorable buildings lining the road and a large fountain in the town square that was currently frozen. On the fountain was a bear, which I thought was interesting, as I had never seen such a thing before. Only a few people were milling about and they all turned to look at the car. We drove out of the village and onto a driveway that winded through private property along the forest and on top of a hill. When we reached the top of the hill the drive sprawled out into a brick covered area. There were a few other cars parked and the building that sat behind it was massive. My mother called it an estate, but anyone could see that it was an old medieval castle. I swallowed hard as it looked a little creepy with its grey stoned walls and overall lack of cheeriness. If it weren’t for the snow on top of the building it would look very dark indeed.

  Once I was inside my mother came down to greet me. She was already drunk of course.

  “Oh darling Sarah, it is good to see you again,” she said as she hugged me. Then she squeezed my sides with her hands grabbing flesh as she hugged me. “I see you’ve put on a few more pounds.”

  “No, mother I weigh exactly the same as the last time you saw me, but it’s good to see you too.”

  “Very well the maid will show you to your room. Dinner is in an hour,” she said as she walked away.

  I followed the maid up the winding staircase on the far left side of the castle. She led me into my room, which was absolutely stunning. There was a large canopy bed in the middle of the room and a large window that overlooked a meadow that led into the forest. It was an absolutely stunning view and I started to feel like this would be bearable. Then I saw him. There outside my window was a gorgeous man with dark curls down to his jaw line and dark eyes. He had a dark stubble beard on his face and his body was firm and toned in tight jeans and calf high boots. He stopped in the snow as if to breath in the air, actually more like he was sniffing. Then he looked up at the window straight at me. I felt embarrassed that I was staring, but I also thought it was unusual. I stepped away from the window and was left wondering who he was. I soon got my answer at dinner.

  I walked down to the massive dining room hall dressed in a wool red dress that hugged my curves. I knew my mother hated me in baggy clothes and I didn’t want to entice any embarrassing comments. There was a large table set with silver dinnerware and a large roaring fire in the corner of the room.

  “There she is,” my mother said. “Sarah, meet your new stepfather Erich Von Stratten.”

  He bowed very elegantly but remained silent. He was a man of few words. Then he sat down again.

  “Nice to meet you sir,” I said as I took my seat.

  I looked at the fine china and the silverware and knew it was very valuable and old. The silverware had the stamp of a bear on the stem of each piece in sort of a family crest. That was interesting I thought. Then I heard noise as someone else entered and joined us for dinner.

  “Sarah this is Erich’s cousin, Adrian Bernhardt.”

  I turned to see the gorgeous young man that was under my window earlier. He made eye contact with me and it shot shivers down my spine. There was something magical about him, and it wasn’t just his good looks. His eyes were a dark brown and his dark curls fell across his forehead in a wispy way. I fought the urge to not want to push those curls away from his face. I suddenly was delighted that I had come here after all.

  “Hello,” I said weakly.

  Like his cousin, he just nodded and sat. I was nervous through out the entire dinner. Adrian looked at me off an on through every single one of our four courses but said nothing. My mother was the one doing most of the talking and the rest of us only pretended to politely listen to her nonsense. I was feeling flushed the longer I sat across from him. Then my mother made it worse.

  “Adrian, perhaps you could show Sarah around the estate after dinner. No one knows the history of it better than you.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” he responded.

  It was the first time I heard him talk. His accent was very thick in that sexy German sort of way and his voice was low and lusty. I found myself getting turned on by him. I looked at him and he gave me a wicked side smirk that made me melt. I had to avert my gaze to keep from smiling a wide grin that would make me look foolish.

  After dinner Adrian walked me around the castle telling me about the history of the building and how it was built in the 1600s. It was very old and each room had antiques and other furnishings that had been in the castle for a long time.

  “How do you know all of this?” I asked him.

  He stepped closer to me and I stepped back instinctively because he sort of scared me in a sexy way. His voice was low and deep when he said, “I’ve always been around here.”

  Then he walked away and said, “Come.”

  I didn’t know what he meant by he had always been there but it was intriguing. I followed him into the massive library.

  “This is my favorite room. There are lots of answers here,” he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me in.

  My heart raced with his touch. I didn’t know what was happening to me but I felt hypnotized by his presence.

  “Sit here,” he said.

  He sat me down on a plush rug in front of the fire and grabbed a few books from a bookshelf. Then he sat next to me. Being this close to him was making me feel very turned on and the firelight in an old German castle was a very romantic notion. He flipped through the books and said, “There’s a lot about this village in these books.”

  Then he stared at me. I suddenly felt weak as his eyes looked right through me.

  “You have very pretty eyes. I can see myself in them,” he said.

  “Thank you. I…” but I couldn’t finish. He placed his hand softly on my cheek and leaned in and planted a kiss on me with his full lips. They were soft and gentle and he rubbed them against mine so delicately. I let out a whimper into his m
outh as he used his tongue to part my lips and kiss me deeply. Then he pulled away.

  “Is that okay?” he asked.

  “No,” I said. “Because it wasn’t enough. I want more.”

  He smiled and kissed me again embracing me. He rubbed his hands up and down my body and he moaned. I felt desirable and did not think of my weight as an issue when a man that was as attractive as Adrian was moaning while touching me. Clearly he found me attractive. As he kissed me I felt myself getting wet. I wanted him inside of me.

  I rubbed my hands down his chest and then over the lump in his jeans and began to rub him. He groaned under my touch and it was hard not to caress every inch of him.

  “That feels very good,” he moaned.

  I sighed he was so attractive and I longed for him in just this short amount of time of knowing him. There was something drawing me to him. I craved him. I unzipped his jeans and drew out his stiff cock. He moaned under my touch. Then I placed both of my hands on his cock and gripped it. He groaned and growled louder. “Shhh…” I said as we were in the library and I did not want to call attention to us. I tenderly massaged his cock until he was wiggling around under my touch. I liked having him in my hands. I needed to make him cum. I rubbed it up and down gently. I worked the tip in circles. I loved looking at his firm body. He resisted the urge to grab me and yell. His hands were on my legs moving slowly up my thighs. His touch was fire on my skin. “Take your panties off.” he whispered in my ear.

  I reached under and took off my panties. He stood up and pulled me toward him and kissed me aggressively. Then he walked me over to the large heavy oak desk. He bent me over the desk and reached down and opened my legs wider with his hand. “You have to be very quiet,” I whispered.

  “I will try,” he whispered back.

  He placed his long fingers inside of me and massaged my wet pussy. “You’re already so very wet Sarah,” he whispered in my ear.

  I looked back at him and smiled. I was wet because he was so damn hot. He took his stiff cock in his hand and shoved it inside of me. I buried my face in the desk as to not make a sound. He slowly slid his cock in and out of me. He grabbed my ass in both hands and spread me open just a slightly. A groan escaped him as he watched our bodies meeting.

  “Shhh…” I whispered.

  His thrusting movements became faster and faster until our bodies were smacking loudly. I was frightened it would be overheard down the castle. But I couldn’t stop it. It felt too decadent and delicious. Adrian reached around and cupped my breasts in his large hands and fondled my nipples. Then he moved one of his hands up my collarbone and over my mouth gently. He laid two fingers inside my mouth and continued to fuck me hard from behind. It was very animalistic. I bit gently on his fingers as an orgasm ripped through my body. It felt good to finally release. A few seconds later Adrian spilled inside of me and let out an animal growl that was low and guttural. It surprised and confused me.

  When we finally came too, Adrian picked me up cradling me in his arms like baby and carried me to my bedchamber. I was putty in his hands and felt weak and exhausted after the fucking we had done. I was spent. I fell asleep before he even reached my room in the vast castle. It was a strange thing because I was not tired, but the love making session took a lot out of me. I awoke the next morning alone in my bed and with memories of what had happened. We had to keep this a secret for now. My mother would not approve and I had no idea what my new stepfather would say. Adrian was probably promised to marry some rich girl somewhere or something. So it was better to keep it a secret, after all I had only just arrived.

  After that night I felt happier knowing that I had Adrian to play with and keep me company. It was nice knowing that I wasn’t alone in this far off place. Adrian promised to show me around the village during the day and I was very excited about that. I was excited to see the village, but mostly because I wanted to be with him again. I started to think about us sneaking off so that he could ravage me once more. I was to meet him in the garden at noon so that we could walk into the village. I buzzed around my room getting dressed for my next encounter. Adrian was so unlike any man I had ever met. Not only were his looks otherworldly but also he was so mysterious. He talked like he was from another time period with his thick accent and when he touched me I felt like I was being touched by fire. I wanted more and more of him. I got dressed in tight jeans and pulled thick calf high socks over them followed by calf high snow boots. I pulled on a tight sweater that accentuated my full breasts and then layered a coat and scarf over it. I found my white fur hat in my suitcase and pinned it onto my head. There, I was ready for a walk to the village in the snow with Adrian. I looked at my reflection in the mirror with a newfound confidence. I no longer saw the chubby girl my mother spoke of, but a gorgeous hourglass woman with full breasts and full hips. I felt very good about my shape for the first time in a long time. I put on a soft shade of coral pink barely there lipstick and then made my way out to the garden. It was noon exactly. The garden was enchanting with snow covered bushes and flowers encased in last nights frost. It was a lovely wonderland of a garden. I sat on the stone bench and stared out at the forest beyond the castle grounds. It was the very edge of the Dark forest and I wondered what was hiding in there. I wanted to take a walk to the edge to explore. I wondered if Adrian would take me. I would have to ask him when he finally met up with me. I sat for another ten minutes looking around for him. Then another ten minutes passed and another. I was starting to get annoyed. Then that annoyance was shattered with I heard a very loud roar. Chills ran up my back as the noise rang out. It was unlike anything I had ever heard and yet it sounded familiar as though it was the sound of a bear, which I had only heard on television nature programs. Was my mind playing tricks on me? I stood up and looked around. I looked toward the Dark forest. Was it possible there were bears in this area? I guess there could be, as I knew nothing about the wildlife in this area. I started to walk slowly back to the castle with my eyes on the forest edge. Then the roar came again. I panicked as I realized that it was not coming from the forest, it was coming from inside the castle! I froze not knowing what to do. I could go into a different door to hide but what door? I didn’t know what the creature was that was making the noise or where exactly it was in the castle. I just wanted to run to my room and lock myself in. Just then the large heavy wooden door on this side of the castle burst open. A great heavy white bear charged out of the door. I screamed and lost my balance and fell backwards on my back. The bear stopped and seemed startled by my scream. It looked at me. I looked directly into its eyes as I trembled with fear. The bear had a sudden look of sadness and then it darted off across the snow-covered grounds and into the forest. I laid on my back in frozen fear and assumed that at any minute someone would run over to me. Anyone at all, the maid or butler or anyone else in the house like Adrian or my stepfather. However a few seconds passed and not one person came. I was so confused. I could not be the only person that had heard the bear roaring. It was in fact inside the castle and must have caused quite the stir breaking things and roaring definitely other people would have heard that. What the hell was a bear doing in the castle anyway? How did it get in there?

  “Hello! Anyone! Help!” I yelled out as I sat up. No one responded. Then I suddenly felt fear that maybe the bear had mauled everyone inside. I jumped to my feet and ran inside the castle through the same door that the bear had come out of. Evidence that it was indeed there was evident as there was shattered glass and broken furniture in the area.

  “Hello! Anyone!” I yelled. My voice echoed through the halls and no one responded. Mother…I thought to myself. I ran across the halls and onto the other side of the castle and up the stairs. My mother and her husband had an apartment all to themselves that took up a large part of this section. I knocked on the heavy wooden door that led to her sitting room.

  “Mother! Are you in there? It’s me Sarah! Mother!” I yelled. There was no response so I entered. My mother was on a chaise lou
nge asleep with a glass in her hand. I grabbed the glass and shook her awake.

  “Mother, are you okay?”

  She woke up groggy and was obviously drunk.

  “Sarah? What is it? Is it time for dinner?” she asked.

  Clearly she had not heard anything.

  “No, mother there was a white bear inside the castle. Where is Erich? Where is the staff? Something is really wrong here.”

  My mother looked at me in silence and shock for a second and then she erupted into laughter. “Oh Sarah, it’s a little early for you to be drunk too. Wake me when it is time for dinner. I’m going to my bed.”

  I could not believe it. What the hell was going on? I left her room and went to find Adrian or anyone else. I ran the halls and went back to the area with the broken glass. I looked around and saw that the glass was gone. The furniture was fixed. Everything was back to normal. I suddenly felt like I was losing my mind. I ran to Adrian’s rooms and barged in. He was not there. He was nowhere. I ran to my rooms.

  I needed to lie down and sort things out. I ran up to my room and locked the door. I pushed a heavy chest in front of it and lay down on my bed. I could not explain what happened. I wished Adrian were at my side. He did not show up to meet me like he was suppose to and I did not seen him in the castle. I soon fell asleep.


  Hours later I awoke to knocking at the door. It took me a few seconds to process what was happening.

  “Miss Sarah! You are wanted at dinner!” the voice yelled.

  I soon realized it was the butler. I jumped out of bed and pulled the heavy chest from the door and opened it.

  “It is time for dinner. Your mother asked that I fetch you for dinner,” he said as he began to walk away.

  “Wait!” I yelled at him. “Will you escort me to dinner?”

  “As you wish,” he said.

  I closed the door behind me and followed him to the dining hall. I did not bother to freshen up for dinner or change. I was not going to take my chances of being alone in the castle. So I followed the butler instead.


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