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OLDER MAN: First Time With The Movie Star ( Billionaire London Movie Star Celebrity Romance) (Virgin British Celebrity Younger girl Comedy Short Stories)

Page 8

by Alexandra Stone

  The next day I was in a terrific mood. I had never been fucked like that before, especially not by my husband. I felt more desirable and feminine than I ever had in my life. It was a blissful feeling. It was soon to go away however.

  I walked through the massive house when I heard, “Ms. Lisa, there is a phone call for you. Would you like to take it in the library,” the servant said to me.

  “Oh, yes sure. Thank you,” I said as I followed him into the library.

  It was my husband on the other end. He asked me a few simple questions about how I liked it here. Once I told him I loved it. He became angry and jealous. I was due to stay for a whole week and I said I was going to extend my stay. He was very against this and flat out said that I could not. In fact he wanted me on the next train as soon as possible. I sighed a heavy sigh and told him that I would. I hung up the phone feeling heavy hearted. Then I decided, fuck him. I’m a grown woman and I can do what I want. I think this was a bit of Casey’s ideals rubbing off on me. I would stay as long as I wanted. I could let my husband believe that I was on the next train out. I didn’t care.

  I walked outside into the fresh country air feeling freer than I had in a long time. Then Casey caught my attention. I heard the loud rumble of a motorcycle. He was riding straight for me very fast. My eyes widened. I moved aside and new that at that speed he would definitely crash into the wall of the house. Then he recklessly hit the brakes and slid sideways burning rubber as he slid along.

  “Casey!” I yelled in fright. Then he stopped perfectly and stood the bike back up. He had a big grin on his face. It was unbelievable! He was very reckless! He jumped off his bike and walked toward me with a cocky stroll that drove me wild. I could not take my eyes off of him the whole time as he approached. He had that sly cocky smirk on his lips and it irritated and turned me on at the same time. “Lisa, want to go for a ride?”


  “Not if you’re going to ride like that!” I yelled at him. “No of course not, I’ll go slow and we’ll go on the trails here in the woods. I won’t even go on the highway or roads,” he said cocking his head to the side pleading with me with his dark eyes. “Okay,” I said giving in because I wanted to sit near him.

  I sat in front of him and he held onto me tightly. He went straight for the woods slowly on the motorcycle just as he had promised.

  “Did you enjoy yourself last night? Or I should say did you enjoy me?” he asked.

  “Yes, I did. I think you are rubbing off on me. My husband just called me. He wants me to come home right away. I told him I would, but I’m not going too. He can wait,” I said laughing.

  “Look at you doing what you want. I think I am rubbing off on you,” Casey said.

  He rode deeper and deeper into the thick brushy woods of mesquite trees and pecan trees. Once we were all alone he plunged his hand into my pants. His long fingers reached in and nestled in the slit of pussy and moved up and down. I moaned as his fingers and the slow steady movement of vibrations of the motorcylce filled me with delight.

  “You’re so wet already dear Lisa,” he said.

  “I know. It’s being this close to you,” I said.

  He moved his fingers skillfully and pushed against my clitoris. I was on the brink of an explosive orgasm when suddenly we heard the clomping of a horse’s hooves. Casey pulled his hand out of my pants quickly. We looked around, as the sound got closer. Finally my father came into view.

  “Oh there you are. Come back to the house we’re having an impromptu barbeque at the pool. I could use your help Casey.”

  “Yes sir, right away,” Casey said.

  Then we rode back to the house. I was disappointed that I was not able to orgasm. I was so close. I was dripping wet in my jeans and I wanted Casey to fuck me now more than ever.

  We arrived at the house and a few people from the neighboring ranches had arrived. I went upstairs to put on my swimsuit. I stared at myself in the mirror. I didn’t exactly have a swimsuit perfect body, but I made it work. I wore a vintage style swimsuit with a long tropical skirt wrap. However, I knew that Casey found my body sexy and that was all that really mattered at the moment.

  I walked out to the pool and the barbeque was in full swing. Everyone was talking about Casey’s daring rescue of the run away horse and me.

  All I wanted to do was be with Casey or at least be close to him. I looked around the party looking for him but I did not see him. That was until I saw a man emerge from the pool. It was Casey. He was shirtless in tight trunks and he was dripping wet. His dark long hair was wet and stuck against his face. It felt like the entire party stopped to look at him and his perfect form. It was a sight to behold. He grabbed a towel and began to dry himself off. Watching him rub a towel all over him was also very attractive. I didn’t know how I would get through the day. He walked over to me slowly and leaned in close and said, “Are you hungry?”

  I gasped at his words. I looked around to see if anyone else heard. Then he continued, “Let’s get some barbeque. That’s what I meant by hungry.”

  “Okay, yes I am hungry.”

  He smirked, as he knew what he was doing to me. We both walked over to the food table. There was barbequed brisket, potato salad, sausage, beans, and rice. It was a typical California style barbeque.

  We both got heaping plates and ate at one of the many outdoor tables set up. The rest of the day my stepmother introduced me to many people. I never had another moment alone with Casey. However, it was a fun and successful barbeque. I had almost forgot about my miserable married life at home because I was in a different world here, and I liked it. I never wanted to go home.

  I looked forward to getting some alone time with Casey that night, and the next day. However it didn’t happen.

  That night I waited in my room lying in bed waiting for him to come to me. He never showed up and I fell asleep. The next morning I found out why.

  That night he and a few other ranch hands spent the night in the stables because a horse gave birth. It was important to keep a close eye on her.

  “Honey, I have the whole day planned for us. We’re going shopping and getting massages, our hair done, the works,” my stepmother said over breakfast.

  I smiled at her and nodded yes. However I was disappointed to be taken away from Casey. I was on the breaking point of lust. It was very hard to not be with him after I had that taste of him. The way he talked to me in that dirty arrogant way just made me want him more. It was becoming increasingly harder to deal with, and I would have to be leaving in a few days back to my home life. It was like living on a running time clock.

  I ate a hearty California style Mexican breakfast of huevos rancheros, tortillas, and avocado with my stepmother. She rattled on about all the places we were going to. I knew we would be gone the whole day.

  After breakfast I went upstairs to gather my purse and freshen up before I left. I walked into my room and Casey grabbed me by the waist as he closed my bedroom door behind me. I moaned as he caught me off guard.

  “Casey, my stepmother is waiting for me downstairs,” I said between kisses.

  He ran his hands over my full bottom and squeezed. He kissed me deeply and said, “Fuck I need to put my cock inside you. I can’t wait anymore Lisa.”

  “I can’t either, but we have to wait til tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” he asked.

  “I heard her say they were spending all day at the neighboring ranch. So I’ll be here all day with you. We have the whole day,” I said breathlessly as he moved his mouth down my neck. I was so turned on I didn’t think I was going to be able to stop. The thought of having him all to myself the next day did help. I pushed him away and said, “I have to go.” Then I walked downstairs where my stepmother was waiting for me.

  The driver drove the black town car the hour into the city. I really did enjoy spending time with my stepmother and I realized that now that she was with my father, it was the family that I had always wanted. Now I fucked it up with a
loveless marriage.

  When we arrived in the city we went for tea and cakes at an elegant tearoom. It was adorable. We went to the spa after tea and got long massages. Then we went to get our hair and nails done at the salon. I felt like a princess as she took care of everything. Money was no object to her. When we were nice and polished we finally went shopping. I tried on so many clothes and my stepmother insisted on buying me many dresses, but also some good riding wear. This included boots and wrangler jeans. Then we went for a late dinner. By the time we got back to the house it was well after midnight and the house was already asleep. I sat awake in my bed for a bit wondering if Casey was already asleep. I hoped he would come to me, but he didn’t. He had already fallen asleep.

  Then the following day I was excited to not have any plans and there would be no impromptu barbeques, which meant that Casey and I could finally have some alone time together. My stepmother and father were visiting the neighbors at another ranch and they would be gone all day. I had been longing for Casey for so long and the last time we were touching each other was the ride in the woods that was interrupted. Now I was going to make it a point to find him alone or get him to come to my room. However that plan was knocked off my day when something else happened. A dark surprise waited for me.

  I walked downstairs to go to the stables to find Casey and heard, “Hello wife.”


  I gasped and looked up into the eyes of my husband Michael and my stepfather Beau Jax. I was horrified and scared.

  “Michael, what are you two doing here?”

  “We came to get you of course,” my stepfather said.

  “What? Why? I’m coming home in a few days,” I said backing up. The two men frightened me because they seemed very angry.

  “Yes, but I told you to come home days ago,” Michael said.

  “You’re my husband Michael, but you don’t own me.”

  Michael and Beau looked at each other and Beau said, “See I told you.”

  “This is absurd,” I said as I turned and walked away.

  Then I was in the air as the two men picked me up and carried me out the door. I couldn’t believe what was happening. How dare they treat me like property.

  I screamed loudly.

  Before I knew it I was in the back seat of my our SUV being held down by my husband as my stepfather drove away. I screamed and kicked, but it was no use. They were well down the road and no one at the ranch had noticed what was happening. I was once again being forced to do something against my will. I was so angry and scared. However now things had changed. Now I had the experience of real sexual desire and passion with Casey and now I would mourn the loss of it unlike anything else I had ever experienced.

  The entire drive home I cried like a baby. I yelled at the men. I threatened getting a divorce, but nothing seemed to get through to them. Eight hours later I was back at home. I threw myself on my bed and felt complete despair.

  My father called to ask me why I had left. My husband sat staring at me while I was on the phone. I made up a lie that I had to get back home because Michael had hurt his arm and needed me. My father bought it. I wanted to yell at him the truth, but I could not.

  Days passed and I started to forget about what I had experienced with Casey. I forgot about the fun luxurious world of the ranch, as that was no longer my life. I didn’t have a future with Casey anyway because I was married and he was a reckless motorcycle bad boy that jumped from ranch to ranch. I replayed the events over and over in my head. I closed my eyes and thought about the first time I saw him when he rescued me. How he made me feel safe and secure with my body. I thought about the dirty way that he talked to me. I thought about how he touched me. I thought about his cock inside of me, and how it felt when he fucked me. It was a crushing feeling of overwhelming loss. I wanted him and missed him. I was deep in these thoughts when my stepfather Beau walked into my house.

  “What are you doing here? Haven’t you caused me enough pain?” I seethed at him with narrowed eyes.

  “I came to remind you of your place. You married Michael and your place is with him.”

  “He doesn’t own me,” I said.

  “You’re his wife and that pretty much means he does own you. Now you will not pull a stunt like that again or you will be having words with me. I will make you pay for it if you do. You don’t know what I’m capable of. Now you will be a good wife and you will not run off again!” he yelled at me with such force that it shook the windows.

  He continued to yell at me for another ten minutes before he finally stormed out. I felt hopeless scared and sad. I was trapped in a loveless marriage and I was a prisoner. My stepfather scared me and whatever pact he had with my husband was one they were willing to go to great lengths for, even if it meant driving a great distance like they did to steal me.

  That night I woke up in the middle of the night. I hardly slept these days. I went into the kitchen and poured a big glass of wine and took it outside. I sat on the porch looking up at the stars. In the dark of the small town California sky you could see many stars. Then I started to hear a sound. At first it was distant, but it grew louder and more familiar. It was the sound of a motorcycle’s engine. I looked around frightened. Then I saw the figure emerge out of the shadows. As it got closer the outline of the figure was very familiar but I didn’t want to hope for who I thought it was. Then he finally stopped in front of the porch and said, “Lisa, it’s me.”

  It was Casey.

  I gasped and ran to him and he hugged me and kissed me.

  “Shhh… my husband is inside.”

  “Tell me what happened,” he said.

  “Okay, but not here he might wake up.”

  “Come on,” he said.

  We walked under the full moon light to the nearby field where he parked his motorcycle out of eyesight of the house. I was in my silk nightgown with Casey’s strong arms wrapped around me. I turned my face up and we kissed passionately. There was so much longing in that kiss. He ran his hands over my full body over the silk nightgown. I wanted him then and there but we didn’t have much time. What if my husband woke up? I was afraid of what he and my stepfather were capable of. Finally we stopped kissing.

  “Now, tell me what happened. I can’t believe you just left. It jolted me,” he said.

  “It did?” I asked tearfully.

  “Yes, I didn’t realize how much I need you Lisa until you were gone. I need you,” he said.

  Then I told him everything. I told him how they showed up and pretty much kidnapped me, and how I had lied to my father about it when he called. I was being held prisoner in a marriage I didn’t want. I was afraid of my stepfather and had no idea why he was indebt to Michael in such a way that I was auctioned off to marry him. It all came pouring out of me. Casey held me close as I told him everything. Then he kissed me again.

  “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m going to find out and come up with a plan.”

  “Promise?” I said.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Casey sat on his bike straddling it. “Come here,” he said as he helped me onto the bike straddling it facing him. He pushed up my nightgown up to my waist. He pulled his hard cock out of his jeans. Then he picked me up by my waist and placed me on top of him. I placed his cock in my opening and slid down slowly onto his cock. I moaned at the sensation I had longed for and been denied for so long. Casey held onto me tight and balanced us on the motorcycle.

  “Fuck Lisa. I missed this. I love your full body. You’re so hot. I want to put your big tits in my mouth all the time,” he said as he buried his face in my chest.

  I held on tight and grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed myself up and down on him bouncing as much as I could. His long thick cock went deep inside me in this position. I moved my hips in circles giving every sensation I could to him. I wanted to please him. He had come all this way to see me. He had driven for hours and hours along the California coast on his motorcycle to find me. It was th
e second time he would rescue me. I knew now that this was more than just sex. He had to feelings for me the way I was falling in love with him. Otherwise he wouldn’t be here.

  “Oh fuck, I’m going to cum,” he whispered in my ear. I felt my body tense up as I felt the build of orgasm inside my pussy. Sweet pulsation filled me and I pushed my face into his neck as I exploded into orgasm. Then I felt the release of warmth as Casey started to yell out, “Fuck. Fuck, I’m cumming.”

  We both experienced release at the same time while straddling his motorcycle. Minutes later we climbed off and stood there in the lonely field.

  We kissed for a few more minutes and then he walked me back to the house.

  “I’ll come again tomorrow night at midnight. Be on the porch and I’ll flash my headlight from the road. Where clothes. As much as I love this nightgown, wear jeans, boots, and a jacket if you can and bring your purse.”


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