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Chasing Logan

Page 21

by Tracy Lorraine

  I don’t get to respond to him because his lips come back to mine as his body presses me farther back into the door.

  “Hey, lover boys,” being shouted through the door eventually gets us to break apart. There had been a few knocks previously that we’d ignored in the hope they wouldn’t think we were here but apparently Pip can’t be fooled.

  “Chase, Cole, we know you’re in there. Come on, we’ve got ten minutes before we’re needed on stage, you’re gonna need to get yourselves ready.

  “We’re ready,” Logan says back but it’s clear from his husky, deep voice that he’s anything but ready to get up on stage in front of thousands of people. His jeans are not baggy enough to cover what I can feel against my leg.

  “Hey,” Logan pouts when I go to push him off me.

  “Pip has a point. Neither of us can go on stage like this,” I say gesturing down to our tented trousers.

  Logan huffs out a breath but doesn’t argue anymore.

  The show is off the charts, the energy everyone has after the number one announcement is unbelievable. Logan is on fire, it’s clear to see that he feels lighter after coming out earlier. It’s like he’s on cloud nine up there smiling away as he sings. He’s even more enthralling to watch than usual.

  Unfortunately Bella isn’t nearly as excited as everyone else, although she did make sure she told me how happy she was for me before we came on stage. I just wish she could pull herself out of her doom to celebrate with the rest of us.

  As Logan belts out the last line of his penultimate song I prepare to head off the stage so he can do his final song alone. Singing his new number one to end the show is going to take the roof off this place I’m sure. I can’t wait to witness it.

  “Hang on before you guys go,” Logan says into his mic, making me and the other dancers stop and look. “I want to introduce you guys to someone,” he says beaming at me.

  Oh fuck!

  “Cole, come here.” He holds his hand out to me and I hesitantly step towards him. “Now, you guys know Cole,” Logan begins. “His face has been in the press a lot lately for all the wrong reasons but I’m about to give you all something new to gossip about.”

  “Logan, you don’t need to do this,” I whisper to him when I reach the front of the stage. I look out at all the people looking back at us and my stomach turns over. I know I’m used to being on stage, but I’m just something in the background, I’m never anyone’s main focus. I’m not sure I like it.

  He shakes his head at me as if I’m crazy before continuing. “So you all know Cole as my dancer. Well, it’s time for me to tell you that he’s actually a lot more than that because…” Logan pauses and it works a charm building the tension. Everyone is silent as they wait for his next words. My heart is pounding so much I can feel it in my eyeballs.

  The wait seems to go on forever before he suddenly announces proudly, “Cole is my boyfriend…And,” he adds on quickly before anyone makes a noise. “I want you guys to hear it from me, not some trashy magazine that I’m in love with him.” With that said the entire arena erupts in a roar of cheers as Logan turns to me and slams his lips down on mine. I don’t respond, I can’t, I’m in shock. Not only has he just come out in the most public way possible but he’s just told me he loves me. Well I take back any concern I had about Logan not being brave enough to come out because he’s got bigger balls that I ever gave him credit for.

  Once the crowd start to quieten down a little Logan moves over to the piano with me in tow and signals to the band to start the final song. At hearing the first note of the song, the crowd go crazy once again.

  I try to pull my hand out of Logan’s but he grips tighter and refuses to let me go until the last minute so I have to awkwardly sit on the piano stool with him as he sings his heart out.

  When I usually hear him sing this song it tears me up inside because I know how real the pain is but the way he sings it tonight is different. I’m sure no one else will notice the lightness to it. I smile like a loon through the whole thing because he’s done it. He’s done the one thing he was most scared of. He’s told the world who Logan Chase really is.


  I am totally buzzing as Logan and I walk off stage hand in hand. Any fear he had that his fans wouldn’t accept him when they found out he was gay, has just been shattered to smithereens because the applause he just received was unbelievable.

  We join Pip and Bella as we step down from the stage and after they congratulate Logan on an awesome show we head towards the bar for a much needed drink. The second we turn the corner Bella, Logan and I stop instantly in our tracks. Pip, who is totally unaware, crashes into the back of Logan.

  “What’s going on?” he asks but we all ignore his question

  “What they hell are they doing here?” I ask out loud but I don’t expect an answer.

  Looking back at us and standing with Logan’s parents are Drew and Aiden.

  “Fuck,” Bella mutters as she makes eye contact with a sheepish looking Drew.

  “He’s got to be fucking kidding me,” Logan says before he starts marching in Aiden’s direction.

  Logan doesn’t get a chance to say anything because Aiden beats him to it. “Congratulations, Logan. I truly never thought you’d do it. It obviously just took the right man,” he says glancing at me. “Before you say anything, I’m sorry, okay. I’ve not been in a good place and I was desperate, hell I was more than desperate. I shouldn’t have treated you like that, and I want you to know that I never would have done it if the situation was different.”

  I see Logan’s mouth open as if he’s going to say something but no noise comes out. Instead I hear someone call Aiden’s name before Pip appears at his side, grasps his shoulder and offers to buy him a drink.

  I turn towards Logan but Bella catches my eye. She’s looking up at Drew and discretely wiping a tear from her cheek as he hands something to her. I really want to say they’re sorting it all out, but from the look on her face I’d say there’s more to it than that.

  “Hey, you okay?” Logan asks.

  “Yes, I’m bloody awesome. I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “I know, me either. It felt fucking awesome though. I meant what I said. I love you, Henry Colman.” The look in his eyes when he says those three little words literally melts my heart.

  “I love you, too, Logan Chase.”

  The End

  Keep reading for the prologue of Claiming Bella

  Claiming Bella


  Beautiful Bella,

  Words are usually my thing but that’s not helping me right now. I have so much that I want to say to you but I have no idea where to even start.

  The last few months have been the hardest of my life. I never could have imagined things would have turned out this way, but there we go. I never expected that my life with Annie would be cut so short and that it would only be a chapter in my life. Fate, God, or whoever apparently had different ideas and here I am at a point in my life I never thought I’d be, especially not at thirty-two.

  I never expected to meet you. I couldn’t have imagined that while I was in the pits of my grief and sorrow that I would find someone who would make me smile the way you have. You have shown me that it’s okay to laugh and it’s okay to think about my future, because hopefully I’ve got a lot of years on this earth yet.

  I didn’t think I could feel something for anyone again but I looked up that day and there you were, like a red headed angel. Your beauty took my breath away, and then I realised you are just as beautiful inside.

  My feelings for you have caused me too many sleepless nights to count. I’ve just lost my wife and here you are stirring things inside me I thought were going to be dead forever. I promised Annie time and time again that I would move on, love again, be happy. I never thought it would happen though, and I definitely didn’t think I would find someone so soon.

  You’ve messed with my head, beautiful Bella.

I’m sorry to have pulled you into my disaster of a life, I should have left you alone, but I couldn’t. I still don’t want to but it’s the right thing to do.

  Mia has got to me by priority now. To the outside world she might look like she’s coping with all of this but I’m worried her front is going to crumble and she’s going to fall apart. I owe it to her to be here one hundred per cent for her.

  I also need to find myself. Find who I am without Annie, because I have no idea who he is and it wouldn’t be fair to you to keep you around while I do that.

  You deserve someone to make you their priority, to love you like you are their whole world, and I can’t give you that. I don’t know what I can give you, other than someone who is lost.

  You are the most amazing woman, beautiful Bella. I won’t hold you back from your life. I want to be selfish and ask you to wait for me, but I won’t. You deserve so much more than that.

  If one day in the future our paths cross again then I hope the situation is different and that I could be the man you deserve, if you haven’t already found someone to treat you like their queen.

  Until then, my beautiful Bella.


  I’ve never believed in love at first sight but that was before I met him.

  Drew Wilson.

  About the Author

  Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy has just turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, baby girl and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.

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  Also by Tracy Lorraine

  Angel Series

  Molly - part one (#1)

  Molly - part two (#1)

  Abbi (#1.5)

  Emma (#2)

  Connie (#2.5)




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