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No Way Out

Page 20

by Susan Sleeman

  “Love you, too.” The words slipped out so quietly Cole wasn’t certain he’d heard them.

  “Get up,” he yelled at the chief and drew his weapon.

  The chief struggled to his feet.

  “March,” Cole barked and jabbed his weapon in the chief’s back. He pressed hard, forcing him to move faster than he wanted.

  In the light of the parking lot, Cole could see Alyssa’s eyes were closed, her face pale and her lips blue. Stifling a curse, he found the chief’s keys and locked his cuffs around a spoke in the wheel. He opened the passenger door and sat down, cradling Alyssa on his lap. He started the car, and cranked up the heat. Holding her shivering body close to his, he called for an ambulance and lifted his head in prayer to plead for her life.

  * * *

  Alyssa opened her eyes, but bright lights forced them closed again. Her body tingled and burned, the ache as reassuring as it was painful. She’d survived the water. The cold. Thanks to Cole. He’d protected her like he’d promised he would.

  She opened her eyes again, squinting until they adjusted to the light. He stood near the window, his back to her. The sight of his broad shoulders reminded her that she could trust him to be there for her and her children. Not just tonight. Not only tomorrow. Always.

  He turned and their eyes met. He didn’t move. Not a muscle, but the love he declared at the beach shone on his face. She needed to touch him to be sure he was real.

  “Mind coming a little closer?” she asked.

  His lips tipped in that cute lopsided grin, and her heart kicked into high gear as he slowly crossed the room.

  He gently sat on the side of the hospital bed and pulled her hands out from under the warming blanket. He sandwiched them between his. “I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me.”

  “You were there. Every moment. Not physically at first, but thoughts of you gave me the strength to fight the cold.”

  He let her hands go and smoothed her hair back to study her. “I’m not sure if you heard me at the beach or not, but I love you.” He declared his love so shyly that her heart melted.

  “I love you, too.”

  His smile returned, wide and brilliant. “Does this mean you’d consider going on a date with me when you get out of here?”

  “Just one date?”

  “I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

  “You’re not at all. I trust you, Cole. Completely and totally.”

  “Even with all of my issues from Iraq?”

  “Actually, that’s why I can trust you. You’ve been through so much and you still have a wonderful heart. If that experience didn’t make it die, nothing will.”

  He trailed a finger down her cheek and along her chin. She twined her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “I don’t normally kiss on the first date—or, in this case, before the first date—but I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

  His eyes caught fire before he closed them and settled his lips on hers. She returned his kiss with all the love she felt. She knew this was the perfect match for her. Only God could have taken two people with such baggage and made them whole enough to love again.

  She vaguely heard the door open and a woman clear her throat. Cole lifted his head, regret coloring his expression. “Has anyone told you your timing stinks, Dani?”

  “Nope,” she said feigning innocence as she approached. “Riley and Brianna are outside waiting to see you.”

  “Thanks for bringing them and for taking care of them all the time.”

  “No problem. I kinda like the little squirts.”

  But Alyssa couldn’t impose on her anymore. “Has the doctor mentioned when I can leave?”

  “They want to keep you overnight,” Cole answered.

  “If you’ll get my phone, I’ll call one of my friends to keep them tonight.”

  “I don’t mind watching them,” Dani said.

  Cole’s eyes clouded over, and he looked at his sister. “Can you excuse us for a minute?”

  Alyssa didn’t know what she’d said, but Cole clearly didn’t like it.

  “You said you trusted me, right?” Cole said the minute the door closed.


  “But not enough to take care of Riley and Bri?”

  “What? No. I’d be thrilled if you wanted to take care of them tonight. I just didn’t want to impose.”

  “Your children are not an imposition. They’re part of you.” He clutched her hands again. “I don’t want to scare you by rushing things, but I’ve really come to care for them and can’t imagine my future without them or you.”

  “You’re not scaring me.” She stroked the side of his face. “Far from it.”

  “Then it’s settled. I’ll take them home tonight and spoil them like crazy.”

  “Hey now,” she laughed. “No one said anything about spoiling.”

  He laughed with her and she felt her heart fill with happiness. Finally she had everything she’d wanted. Safety, tenderness and laughter with a wonderful man who loved her and her children as much as all three of them loved him.


  Cole straightened pillows on the new sectional sofa facing the window and stood back to appraise the room. After six months of planning and work, Kat and Dani claimed the space was decorated in just the way Alyssa would like best.

  He liked the warm brown tones accented with aqua highlights and the contemporary feel, but his tastes didn’t matter. This house was for Alyssa. He wanted her to have the house she’d said was her favorite house in Pacific Bay on their first day together.

  Cole heard the front door open, and he hurried to the entrance to meet her. Awed by her appearance, he stopped short of greeting her.

  Man she was something to look at. And he did, drinking in her sleeveless dress in a deep plum that hugged all of her curves and would make it hard for guests to keep their eye on Kat when she walked down the aisle today. Her hair was pulled up, and soft tendrils framed her face.

  She looked up from dropping her keys into her purse and shivery earrings caught the light. “Cole? What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “I don’t understand.” Her eyes narrowed and she studied him. “You’re not dressed for the wedding so I’m guessing you’re not here to drive me to the church after my showing.”

  “I’ll change in a minute. My things are in the bedroom.”

  “Here?” Her voice shot up, and he couldn’t stand not to tell her any longer.

  “I bought this house a few months ago.”

  “You what?”

  “You said this was your favorite house in town. I bought it and had my sisters furnish it.”

  He expected a radiant smile but got an even more confused look in return. “But I don’t understand. You live and work in Portland. Why would you want a house here?”

  Starting to wonder if he made the right decision, he took her hand and looked into her eyes. “After how I was able to work through my problems here at the beach, I thought it’d be nice to have a beach house in the family. You know, as a place for everyone to escape to when life gets too tough. And if I was going to buy a place, why not buy the house you love?”

  “I see,” she said. She still sounded disappointed and he hadn’t a clue why.

  He hadn’t planned to take the next step until the reception tonight, but maybe now was the time to spring his other surprise. “Hold that thought,” he said and ran down the hall to the master bedroom.

  He dug in the dresser drawer and pulled out the ring box that had been sitting there since he’d closed on the house. He wanted everything to be perfect for his proposal, and he’d planned and coordinated it all with Kat to take place at her reception, but sometimes life throws a curveball a
nd you have to act.

  He only hoped Alyssa was more amenable to this surprise than she’d been to the house.

  * * *

  Alyssa went to the window and looked at the surf gently rolling in and tickling the feet of tourists. She loved living near the ocean, but after all her discussions with Cole in the past few months, she felt certain he was going to propose. She’d imagined she and the children would move to Portland to live with him. But the purchase of this house could mean she’d read his signals wrong and he thought they needed more time in their long-distance relationship to get to know each other.

  She heard him come back into the room. “This house really does have the most incredible views.”

  “I agree. It’s an amazing view,” he said, his tone low and husky.

  She turned and caught an appreciative look directed at her—not at the waves crashing on the shore. Her breath caught and for a moment she couldn’t look away. He crossed toward her and her heart kicked into high gear, surprising her with the intensity of the beat. After two children and the loss of a husband, she hadn’t thought she’d ever experience such a feeling again, but she loved Cole with everything she had.

  He stopped in front of her and took her hand before going down on one knee. Shocked, her hand flew up to cover her open mouth and tears formed in her eyes.

  He smiled up at her, his grin infectious. “I was planning to wait until the reception today, but you looked so unsure when I told you about the house that I thought I’d better ask now.” Not taking his attention off her, he opened his hand. In the palm rested a black velvet ring box. He flipped it open. “Will you marry me, Alyssa, and make me the happiest man in the world?”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks and she could barely speak, but she managed to squeak out a yes.

  He slipped the ring on her finger, stood and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’d also like to adopt Riley and Brianna, if you’ll let me.”

  “Of course,” she said, her heart overflowing with love.

  “And then we can talk about giving them a few more siblings. And we’ll have that big family you’ve always dreamed of.”

  “I can’t wait to tell them.”

  “Me, either, but I think we can hold off long enough for a kiss, don’t you?”

  Instead of answering, she cupped the back of his head and drew it down. Their lips met and he hauled her against his body, not a breath of air between them. She twined her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  Cole’s phone rang and with a groan, he pulled back but kept one arm around her lower back. “Sorry, but that could be Kat trying to find out where I am.” He dug out his phone.

  “I’m on my way, Kit Kat,” he said in way of an answer.

  As he listened, Alyssa trailed a finger near his ear. He swatted at her hand, but she continued her movements.

  “Relax, Kat, I said I’m coming,” Cole said and then hung up. He stowed his phone and grabbed Alyssa’s finger. “You better stop that so I can get dressed, or you’ll have to deal with bridezilla when we get to the church.” He laughed and she loved the sound of the deep rumble. He planted a chaste kiss on her forehead then headed down the hall.

  Alyssa wandered the main floor of the home, running her finger over the smooth quartz countertop and admiring the furnishings. She couldn’t have done a better job of decorating a house to her tastes if she’d done it herself. Memories of endless decorating discussions with Dani and Kat popped into her head. The sneaks had both claimed they were planning to do some redecorating and wanted Alyssa’s input.

  Cole returned, wearing a black tux and white shirt. The jacket was cut to emphasize his broad shoulders and toned body.

  “Wow!” she said and searched for other words to add but couldn’t find any. “Just wow.”

  Grinning in that playful lopsided manner that got her heart rate going, he headed her way. She knew he planned to kiss her again.

  She held up a hand. “We have no time for a kiss. Remember bridezilla.”

  “Fine,” he said and snagged her hand. “But be prepared for lots of kissing later.”

  They hurried to the car and held hands for the short drive to the church. Riley and Brianna stood on the steps with Dani, all of them part of the large wedding party. Behind them stood Ethan, Derrick and the groom, wearing tuxedos that matched Cole’s. Ethan had his arm possessively around his wife, Jennie.

  “Where have you been?” Dani eyed them with suspicion.

  Alyssa held out her hand and Dani’s gaze flew to Cole’s. “I thought you were going to wait.”

  “Are you kidding? And give the single male wedding guests hope of a date with her?” Cole laughed.

  The others congratulated them, and after the hubbub died down, Alyssa sat on a stone planter and took her children’s hands.

  Cole joined them and lowered himself to one knee by Brianna. She immediately climbed onto his knee and wrapped her arm around his neck to snuggle close to him. Riley, however, looked at them with suspicion.

  She took a deep breath. “Remember how we talked about the fact that Cole and I love each other and that it was possible we could get married in the future?”

  “Yeah,” Riley said and Brianna nodded.

  She held out her hand. “He asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

  Brianna squealed with delight and threw both arms around Cole. Riley stood like a soldier, casting a wary look at Cole.

  “And,” Cole said, settling Brianna back on his knee. “Though I can never replace your real dad, I want to make our relationship official and adopt you.”

  Riley’s eyes widened. “Really? You mean it? Like we can play ball and stuff like Dad and I used to do?”

  “Yep,” Cole answered. “Just like that.”

  “Then I’m in.” Riley held out his hand for a fist bump.

  Cole connected then pulled Riley into his free arm and drew both of her children close. “Nothing could make me prouder than to be your dad.”

  Alyssa smiled over the twins at the man who would stand beside them in the good times and the bad. And just as Kat and Mitch would pledge their vows today, she knew this man would be next to her on life’s journey no matter what came their way.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Tracking Justice by Shirlee McCoy.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Cole and Alyssa’s story. The verse I chose for this book, Isaiah 26:3, comes from my own struggles in life. As I mentioned in my last book, I live with a chronic illness. On the days when pain is extreme, it’s hard not to focus on the illness and let it take over my life. The problem seems big and overwhelming. I get down and struggle to overcome it.

  But over the years of dealing with this issue in my life, I have learned that if I take a deep breath and turn my focus to God and on knowing that He has a plan for my life—including the pain and illness—I can overcome and find peace.

  I hope that if you have problem areas in your own life, that Alyssa and Cole’s story has helped you embrace Isaiah 26:3 and you can change your focus to find that perfect peace.

  I love to hear from readers. You can reach me through the contact page on my Web site: or in care of Love Inspired Books at 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279.

  Questions for Discussion

  Cole blames himself for something he failed to do when in reality his friend’s death was not his fault. Is there something in your life that you are blaming yourself for and need to let go? If so, how can you do it?

  Alyssa has been hurt by two men that she trusted. We’ve all been hurt by those we love, but has anyone ever seriously betrayed you? If so, what can you take away from this story to help you heal from that betray

  Why do you think it took Cole so long to let go of his guilt over losing his friend?

  After losing his friend, Cole turned away from God. He didn’t restore his relationship for a few years. Has anything ever made you turn away? Maybe not for years but just for a day or so. What caused you to step away, and how could it have been different if you hadn’t walked away?

  At one point in the book, Alyssa thinks that God has brought her and Cole together so they can heal emotionally. Has God ever placed someone in your life for the purpose of healing?

  When No Way Out opens, Cole hasn’t worked through his survivor’s guilt, but if he’d at least stopped focusing on the problem, his life could’ve been more peaceful. Is there a problem in your life that you’re focusing on? Can you see how changing your focus to God and not dwelling on the problem will help?

  When Alyssa’s husband, Todd, died, her son, Riley, took on the responsibility of his sister. Have you ever assumed a responsibility like this, and, if so, how has it changed your life?

  Alyssa is concerned that her children’s loss of their father and Nolan, who’d stepped in as a father figure, will have a long-lasting impact on their lives. How have past hurts or events shaped your life?

  Alyssa is faced with many obstacles in No Way Out that challenge her faith, but she always manages to hold on to it. Is there something in your life that is challenging your faith right now? If so, how can Alyssa’s struggles help you with your own challenge?

  No Way Out is book three in the Justice Agency series, and by now you have read about the dynamics of the five Justice siblings. Which of the brothers and sisters do you relate to most and why?

  Dani Justice is a cheerful, easygoing woman who is successful in living her faith each and every day. Are you or do you know someone who has the same peace and tranquility all the time? If you aren’t living like this, can you think of a way to change?


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