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Sweet Surrender (The Den Boys Book 4)

Page 13

by A. T Brennan

  I think I get it now. He picked up his phone and angled it down so I could see his matching tent in his pajama pants.

  “So, are you going to come over so we can do something about these?” he asked, using his voice as he angled the phone back at his face.

  “Leaving now. Be there as soon as humanly possible.”

  He laughed and blew me a kiss. “See you soon.”

  The screen went dark as I jumped up from the couch and ran to grab a sweater. I didn't know what had gotten into Caleb to unleash his coy and flirty side, but I liked it.

  Twenty minutes later, Caleb was buzzing me through his security door. I didn't bother with the elevator or safety as I raced up the stairs and straight to his apartment. He'd left the door unlocked, as promised, and I slipped inside the dark living room, making sure to lock the door as I kicked off my shoes.

  I made my way to the bedroom, pulling off my hoodie and T-shirt as I did. When I came into Caleb's room, I almost tripped.

  He was sprawled out on his bed in nothing but a pair of sexy green briefs. I'd casually mentioned that I had a fantasy of coming home to find a sexy man waiting for me on my bed wearing only a pair of briefs, and that green was my favorite color. It meant a lot that he'd remembered and fulfilled it for me.

  “Damn, Caleb. You're so fucking sexy right now.” I stayed hovering in the doorway, my hand finding its way to my dick almost unconsciously as I gave my shaft a few squeezes and tried not to moan.

  Caleb smiled and bit his lip enticingly. I knew he wasn't comfortable with sexy banter or dirty talk, and that was fine by me. His eyes were telling me everything I needed to know.

  I tossed my hoodie aside and pulled my phone and keys out of my sweats so I could put them on the bedside table. Before climbing into the bed, I stripped off my sweatpants so I was left in only my black boxer briefs.

  As I slid into bed beside him, he reached over and pulled me so I was blanketing his body. I'd noticed how he was so much more comfortable having my weight on him, and I took it as a high compliment that he seemed to trust me so much.

  Our lips met in a wet and hard kiss. We were both rock hard through our briefs, and thanks to being so close in height, our cocks pressed together as I settled between his legs.

  His hands gripped at my back and ass, pulling me closer as his hips rocked against mine. The stimulation was incredible, but I needed more.

  I reached between us and pulled us both free of our underwear so I could grip our cocks in my hand. Caleb gasped against my lips as I began stroking my hand up and down our shafts, using our pre-cum as lube.

  “I want you.” He broke away from the kiss and stared up at me with lust-filled eyes. “Please, Rhys. I need you.”

  “Tell me what you need, baby.”

  I was worried about offering to let him top again. I didn't want to put any added pressure on him or remind him of last time, but I desperately wanted to feel him inside me.

  It was true that I was versatile, but I didn't bottom for guys I didn't know. I had to have some level of trust with them before I'd let someone inside my body, and it had been a long time since I'd felt any sort of trust with anyone I'd been with.

  “Can you top?” he asked tentatively. “I need to feel you right now.”

  “Of course.” I gave him a sweet kiss and shifted so I could hold myself over his body a bit. “How do you want it?”

  “Missionary. I need to face you. I can't handle having you behind me, not right now.”

  “Okay. How about you take those off while I get the supplies?”

  Caleb blushed and nodded. I couldn't help giving him one more kiss before reaching over to pull a condom and the lube out of the drawer. We stripped off the last layer of clothes separating us, and I settled back over his body.

  “I don't need anything except prep,” he said quickly as I reached down to stroke him. “I'm so on edge I might come.”

  “That's fucking hot, and yeah, I'm right on that edge with you.”

  I ripped open the condom and rolled it over my shaft until it hugged the base. Using my knees, I nudged Caleb's legs apart and squirted some lube onto my fingers so I could slick up the condom. I pressed the excess over Caleb's hole and had to bite my lip when he shuddered and moaned.

  “Are you ready?” I asked, making sure to look at him so he'd see my question.

  Caleb pulled his legs up, pressing his knees against his chest as he nodded. God, he was so hot like that, all open and ready for me. I loved how he was able to let go, and I felt my desire ratchet up to a level that was dangerously high.

  I bit my lip as hard as I dared to try and distract myself with a little pain as I gently traced my fingers over Caleb's hole. He might not need a lot of prep, but there was no way I was rushing through it.

  He pulled in a sucking breath, his eyes squeezing closed as I toyed with him. I wanted to take my time, not only for his benefit but also for mine. It wasn't something that I advertised, but I loved foreplay almost as much as sex. There was something so incredible about being able to draw out pleasure for my partner, and I was a giver. Watching and knowing I was pleasing someone got me off, and Caleb's natural and unrestrained reactions were driving me crazy.

  “Please put it in me,” Caleb begged as I continued to push just the tip of my finger inside him before pulling out and rubbing his hole. “Please, Rhys.”

  That plea was too much for me, and I slipped my finger inside him, slowly pressing into him as he pushed back against me. It didn't take long for his body to accept me, and after only a few strokes, he was rocking his hips and crying out.

  I slipped a second finger in him and quickly scissored them to open him up. I was beyond ready. I needed to be inside him yesterday.

  I pulled my fingers free and reached up to grab one of the pillows from the head of his bed. “Keep your legs up like that,” I urged, slipping the pillow under his hips to help angle him. “Open up for me, baby. Let me inside you.”

  Caleb whimpered and nodded, pulling his legs right up so I could hook one of them under my arm as I leaned over him. I guided my cock to his hole and gently pressed into him.

  Fuck, he was tight. I could feel his outer ring of muscles resisting and paused. This wasn't how I wanted to enter him for the first time. I needed to kiss him. I leaned over and sealed our lips together in a deep kiss, still holding my cock at his entrance. It wasn't until I felt him begin to soften and open up on his own that I started to move.

  I let go of my shaft and hooked my arm under his other leg so his hands were free to reach down between us. As much as I wanted to jerk him off, I needed him to set the pace because I could already feel that I wasn't going to last long.

  I didn't know if it was the built-up anticipation of waiting to get to know each other before having sex, or if it was because I was making love to someone for the first time in my life, but this was unlike any other sexual encounter I'd ever had.

  Normally I'd be pulling out my best moves and concentrating on getting off, but at that moment, all I could focus on was Caleb. It was as though everything tightened in on us until we were the only things left. My entire world was us. The sound of our breaths and cries, the feel of his skin and body under mine. How we were so far gone we couldn't kiss, but neither of us moved our lips away from the other.

  One of Caleb's hands moved between our bodies so he could jerk himself off as his other reached up and gripped me by the back of the neck, holding me in place.

  My body cramped and tightened as my orgasm hovered just below the surface. I normally had great control and could edge like a champ, but feeling Caleb's tight body around me was just too much. I wasn't going to last.

  I desperately angled my cock so I would hit his prostate as my thrusts became erratic, almost frantic. I wasn't going harder, but I was definitely going faster, and my rhythm was faltering.

  “Fuck, yes, baby,” I grunted against Caleb's lips as he cried out in pleasure. His hand was working his dick, and I could feel him
beginning to tighten as his voice grew louder and his fingers dug into the skin on my neck.

  Our eyes locked, and I saw the moment he passed the plateau that separates pleasure from orgasm, and that look was enough to send me over the edge.

  We cried out, our voices mixing in the otherwise silent room. His hot seed splashed against my chest as I emptied into the condom. I'd never come at the same time as my partner before, and feeling his ass clench around my cock added layers of pleasure to my release that I'd never imagined were possible.

  My hips drove into him over and over again as aftershocks rocked my body. Our lips found their way back together so we could kiss through our orgasms, and it was the single most intimate experience of my life.

  When the last pulses of pleasure left my body, I stayed exactly where I was, only reaching down to pull myself free from Caleb's body as I continued to kiss him. I needed to prolong the moment and keep the intimacy between us.

  When I finally pulled away, we were both breathing heavily. As I stared down at Caleb, I couldn't help marveling at how breathtaking he was. His lips were wet and swollen from my kisses, his eyes were shining and wide. His face was flushed, and his curly hair was a wild mane. He was perfect.

  I felt his legs twitch over my arms and realized I was still bending him like a pretzel. I shifted so he could drop his legs to the bed, but instead, they found their way around my waist.


  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I was in love with him, but it was too soon. We'd only just started dating, and this was our first time having sex. Dropping that on him now would either scare him or make him think I was only saying it because of my orgasm. When I told him, I wanted it to be right. And this moment wasn't it.

  “Can I stay here tonight?” I asked, needing to say something.

  “Of course.”

  “What is it?” I asked as he bit his lip.

  “Can you hold me a little while longer? Just like this?”

  “I'll hold you for as long as you want, baby. I don't want to let you go yet either.”

  Caleb smiled and pulled me down so I was pressed against his chest. I used my arms and knees to keep most of my weight off of him, but he didn't seem to mind being close, not anymore.

  Chapter Fourteen


  THE NEXT MORNING I woke up to Rhys gently kissing me. It had been almost two in the morning before we fell asleep, and I hadn't bothered to set my alarm.

  “Morning,” I greeted, my throat a little dry and scratchy. “What time is it?”

  “Early. I have to get home so I can get ready for my meeting with Galen. I didn't want to leave without kissing you again.”

  I smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

  I have to go. Rhys signed as he sat up.

  I nodded and watched as he pulled on his clothes, my face flushing hot as I drank in the sight of him. It was still mind-boggling that someone like Rhys was interested in someone like me. He was built like a Greek god and looked like a model. I was a skinny nerd with curly hair and ears that didn't work.

  I'll see you later?

  When? I asked before I could stop myself.

  Rhys grinned and pulled his hoodie on. There's a get-together with my friends for Kai's birthday tomorrow night. Do you want to go with me?

  Kai, he's dating Zander, right?


  What are you all doing?

  I hoped it wasn't clubbing or something like that. Between my hearing loss and my anxiety, clubs weren't something I could handle.

  Kai's really into rock climbing so we're going to their gym for some climbing, then heading to work for a drink.

  That was low-key enough I could handle it, but I wasn't athletic in any shape or form.

  The last time I did a pull-up was in high school PE, and it took me all year to do one. I never even made it up the rope.

  Rhys laughed and came over to the bed to give me one last kiss. I've never been climbing either. We can figure it out together.

  You? You're built like a rock wall. I mean it. I could use your abs as handholds.

  You're so cute. Rhys gave me one last kiss and stood. I'll text you after my meeting?

  Please, let me know how it went.

  Have a good day and get some more sleep.

  I gave him a mock salute, causing him to laugh again before he turned and left the room. I settled back on my bed and rolled over so I could put my face into the pillow Rhys had used. It might be corny and a little silly, but I loved how his scent lingered on the fabric. It was almost as though he was still right there with me.

  Sex had never been all that great for me. I'd enjoyed sex with Lizzie and getting to know our bodies and how they worked together, but that's where the pleasant experiences ended. The first man I ever slept with had been in college. I'd needed a lot of liquid courage that night, and while it hadn't been great, it hadn't been bad. We'd ended up seeing each other for a few months, but the sex never really got better. Not for me at least.

  I'd been too shy to ask to top, and he hadn't been a very generous lover. Minimum foreplay and minimum prep had been his calling card, and he'd always come before me so I'd have to finish myself off while he enjoyed the postorgasm afterglow.

  Things with Michael had been different at first. The experience hadn't been life-altering, but it hadn't been bad. I'd always ended up giving him a lot more foreplay than he gave me, thanks to his aversion to cum and his refusal to anything other than hand jobs and fingering. He hadn't exactly had great stamina, so the sex had always been short and hard. The longer we'd been together, the rougher he'd gotten and the more selfish.

  Bottoming for Rhys had been so different. Like night and day different. He'd taken his time to prep me, even though I'd begged him to hurry up and fuck me, and he'd kissed me. That was definitely new to me, and it had made the experience so much more intimate and perfect. He'd also held off long enough for me to have my orgasm first, and there was seriously no other feeling like having someone inside me as I came.

  Then there was the after part. My first boyfriend wasn't a cuddler, but he'd at least lay in bed with me for a few minutes so we could bask. Michael usually rolled right out of bed and went to shower the moment he was done, even if I hadn't been. Rhys had held me for almost thirty minutes in silence because I hadn't wanted to let him go. He'd held me in his arms as we'd fallen asleep, and he'd kissed me awake so he could say goodbye.

  No one had ever treated me so well before, and I was pretty sure I was falling in love with him.

  I'd loved Lizzie, still did, but that love had moved from deep affection and attraction to her being like my sister and best friend all in one. I hadn't loved my first boyfriend, and while I'd thought I was in love with Michael, there had been no love in that relationship, on either side.

  Rhys was someone I could love. He accepted me for me, not seeing my disabilities but my strengths, and he was so sweet and caring. Falling in love with him was easy. It was happening, even though I hadn't decided to let it. What was going to be really hard was controlling my emotions around him.

  Lizzie had told me back when we were fifteen that my eyes couldn't lie. No matter what I was thinking or feeling, my eyes reflected that. She'd jokingly said I had resting bitch face and had made me promise to never play poker.

  I knew Rhys could read me. He had an almost eerie ability to know what I needed before I could voice it. Hiding my feelings was going to be impossible, but I wasn't ready to tell him I loved him. What if he didn't love me back but felt obligated to say the words? What if he didn't love me and told me so because I was moving too fast? What if he realized I was clingy and weird and too much trouble and decided that was too much and he was done with me.

  I shook my head and rolled over onto my back, trying to shake the negative thoughts out of me. When I got caught in one of these spirals, it was easier to stop the catastrophic thinking before it could pick up steam. If I didn't, then it could get ou
t of control.

  The best thing would be to try and get some more sleep before I got up to work. It seemed that sometimes sleep was the only time where my mind didn't actively work against me and I could be free from fear and anxiety.

  RHYS TEXTED ME LATER to tell me that his meeting with Galen had gone well. He was confident that the restraining order would be dropped in a few days, and Galen thought they had a strong case to get Violet's guardianship reversed back to him.

  I was happy for him and loved how excited he was, but a part of me worried that I would be pushed aside and I'd lose him. Violet was his family; she had to be his number one priority. With everything the poor girl was dealing with and going through, she would need Rhys's full attention. I knew it was only a matter of time before he realized it too.

  About an hour after Rhys's messages, there was an emergency at work that kept me up until almost six in the morning as my team worked to fix it. There had been a security breach on the new section of the game we were building, and the manufacturer wanted us to alter what we'd already done while they looked into the breach. It took all ten of us almost eight hours of solid work, but we managed to do what the manufacturer wanted in the time frame they'd given us.

  By the time I turned off my computer, I was seeing double and so exhausted I was seriously contemplating lying down on the floor of my office and sleeping there. I made it to my bed and crawled under the covers, barely remembering to plug my phone in before I closed my eyes.

  I WOKE UP TO A BRIGHT room with my stomach grumbling. I was a little disoriented but searched out my phone so I could see what time it was.

  It was almost four in the afternoon, and I had at least one new text message. I swung my legs out of bed and opened my messages as I made my way to the bathroom.

  Still good to go to Kai's birthday tonight?

  Text me when you get a chance.

  Babe? Is everything okay?

  Rhys had texted me every hour starting at noon. I usually didn't sleep later than that, so I could understand his worry.


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