Confessions Of A Klutz: Confessions Series #1

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Confessions Of A Klutz: Confessions Series #1 Page 8

by Davies, Abigail

  “Who drew the dicks?”

  I point at him. “Exactly! I need to know. I don’t think it’s Dylan. I mean sure, he draws them everywhere else, but—”


  “The guy they suspended! They didn’t even have enough evidence!” I’m outraged! They didn’t even consider the fact it may be someone else.

  Axel’s lip quirks. Doesn’t he get this is serious? “So, these dicks? How do you know it’s not… Dylan?”

  I look around the room, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip. I spot the whiteboard on the far wall and head toward it. “I’ll show you.”

  He doesn’t say anything as he follows me around the large table, leaning against it and watching me. His shirt sleeves are rolled up to his elbows again and it takes great inner strength not to keep focused on them.

  Wait… what was I doing? Dicks.

  I pick up a black pen, turning around as I say, “So, these are the dicks Dylan draws around the school.” I place the tip of the pen on the board, filling up half of it with the same kind of dick. I place some hairs on the balls, making sure the head is the same as he’d draw. “Now.” I turn around. “The dicks drawn on the teachers’ cars looked like this.” I turn around, drawing the same kind of dick before placing the lid on the pen and stepping to the side.


  “Can you see the difference? The heads? The ball hairs?”

  He chokes on a laugh. “Ball hairs?”


  He tilts his head to the side, studying them intently. “I never thought I’d be studying dicks today.”

  I wait for nearly a minute before I ask, “Can you see it?”

  He stands up, moving a step closer to me. “Yeah, I can.”

  “See! Dylan didn’t do it!” I throw my arm out to the side, letting it slap off my thigh.

  Axel raises a brow. “He may not have, but why are you watching that while you should be working?”

  I swallow. “Erm… I was bored?”

  His expression shutters, blocking everything out, but his eyes don’t lose the way he looks at me. There’s something there I can’t quite place.

  “Whether you’re bored or not, you should be paying attention.”

  I walk around him, collecting my cell that’s still recording. “It’s okay, I record all your meetings so I can just listen back to it.”

  He stares at me like I have two giant heads before smiling. “That’s actually a good idea.”

  “I know.” I smirk, placing the cell down on the table next to the tablet before I grab the small block to rub the dicks off the whiteboard. “I’m a genius.”

  “Well… I wouldn’t go that far.”

  I gasp, my hand flying to my chest. “You wound me.” I pull a face like I’m dying before laughing at myself and turning back around.

  “You’re one of a kind, Vi.” His deep laugh echoes around us and I want to bathe in it, strip it from him and listen to it over and over again.

  I wipe the block on the board, scrubbing harder when it doesn’t seem to budge. I frown, wondering what I’m doing wrong. Picking the pen up off the little ledge, my eyes widen. Shit!

  “Erm… Axel?”

  “Yeah?” comes his gruff reply from a couple of feet behind me. “What would you say if I told you I accidently drew these dicks with a Sharpie?”

  “I’d say you better be joking.”

  I stare at the two giant dicks in horror. He has a meeting in this room in ten minutes, and these dicks are not moving in the slightest.


  “Tell me you didn’t, Vi.”

  I clear my throat and push a smile onto my face as I turn around. “I didn’t.” His body relaxes as he pulls a chair out and is about to sit down. “But I did.” I look anywhere but at him. The chairs, the pitcher sitting in the middle of the table filled with water, out of the windows at the stupid skyline I hate but simultaneously love.

  He steps over to me, grabbing the block out of my hand before scrubbing the board over and over again, but it still won’t budge.

  “Fuck!” He slams the palm of his hand against the board. “Shit. Fuck!”

  “It’s okay!” I rush forward, picking up the Sharpie. “I can disguise it.”

  I put the tip to the… tip of the penis. Drawing lines and wiggles, not stopping until I think they’re unrecognizable.

  Stepping back, I continue to the back of the room, taking a good long look. Axel stares at it for a beat before he thunders, “Now it looks like a pussy and two dicks. They’re double teaming her!”

  Crapola. He’s right, I just made a bad drawing even worse. Maybe I should black the whole board out? That way no one—

  “Mr. Taylor? Your next client is here.”

  My eyes widen to epic proportions, so much so I’m sure my eyeballs are going to pop out of my head any second.

  We both stare at each other as three guys are lead into the room, their gazes landing on the board right away.

  “I’ll just erm…” I hook my thumb over my shoulder, sliding across the floor in my fluffy socks. Since the first day I wore them, Axel hasn’t said a thing about them so I took it as permission to wear them all the time. It’s his fault anyway for wanting his office to resemble a freezer.

  “Oh no, you don’t.” He grabs my right arm, pulling me beside him as he pastes on a smile and holds his hand out to the guys in front of him.

  They all exchange pleasantries until the youngest one—considering the other two are at least sixty it isn’t saying much—says, “Hey, that looks like one of them American Vandal dicks.”

  I gasp. “Have you watched it?”

  “Yeah.” He nods as he pulls his chair out. “Funny as shit.”

  I pull out the chair opposite him, my eyes not leaving his. “It wasn’t Dylan, right? Wait!” I hold my palm up. “Don’t tell me. You’ll spoil it.”

  He laughs, leaning back in his seat. “Taylor, you didn’t tell me your new PA was—”

  “Don’t finish that sentence, Jared,” Axel warns.

  I frown, sure I’ve heard the name before.

  “She’s your plus one?”

  Axel turns to face me, a brow raised. “If she survives that long.”

  “Ouch. You gonna fire her?”

  Axel watches me for a beat. “Nah. She’s entertaining, I think I’ll keep her.”

  I swallow, wanting to shoot some kind of come back, but my vagina is screaming, “Keep me, too!”

  * * *

  I place the champagne flute down, picking up another one from a server who has a tray full of them. I can’t remember how many I’ve had, but I have a nice buzz going on.

  I’ve been on my own for the last hour while Axel has been talking to some new business partners or something or other. I have no idea who they are exactly, just that they could be important.

  Spending the whole day having my hair and makeup done before pulling on my trusty little black dress, I didn’t expect to be abandoned as soon as we got here. I know a total of one person and he’s currently talking to a woman with legs as long as the stupid skyscrapers in this city. Ugh.

  Downing this glass, I reach for another before maneuvering through the crowd and over to Axel. Her hand is on his chest and any other person wouldn’t see how uncomfortable he is, but I see the way his eyes crinkle at the corners and the way he tries to step back from her when she leans toward him. She follows. Of course the crackwhore follows.

  Maybe I’ve had one too many drinks because the jealous monster is coming forth and there’s nothing I can do to stop her. That’s the stage she puts a plan into motion; I have no control over her when she rears her ugly head.

  I step up beside Axel, looking crackwhore right in the eyes before turning to face him, resting my hand on his bicep and saying, “Hey, baby,” way too loudly. He frowns down at me, questions in his eyes. Lifting up onto my tiptoes, I whisper, “Go with it if you want to get rid of her.”

  He turns his head, his
lips centimeters from mine as his eyes flash. “Hey,” he whispers back, his arm coming around my waist as he pulls me closer to him. My glass topples between us but neither of us look away. “Where have you been?”

  “I…” I flick my gaze over to crackwhore, seeing the sneer on her face. Yeah, bitch, you wish you were in these arms. “I had to freshen up.” I bite my bottom lip. “I forgot to wear panties.”

  Why. The. Hell. Did. I. Just. Say. That?

  His breath quickens, his hand whispering down my back as he splays his palm across my ass.

  “Well, I guess I’ll go and…” I block out crackwhore, basking in the feel of him. I hear her footsteps as she walks away, but Axel doesn’t let go.

  “You’re playing with fire.”

  “I’m a pyromaniac.”

  He pulls me closer, his fingertips digging into my ass. “Careful, Vi. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you wanted me.”

  Leaning my head back, I look up at him as I go onto my tiptoes. “Who said I didn’t?”

  Great, now horny Vi has made an appearance.

  We both stare at each other, promises being made that shouldn’t be considered. But would it really be so bad? In a week’s time, I’ll be back in L.A. and he’ll be here. We won’t see each other again, so one night of him ripping my clothes off won’t hurt, right?

  He buries his face in my neck, taking a deep breath before running his nose up to my ear where he whispers, “You have one chance to say you don’t want this. Say it now, because if you don’t I won’t be able to hold myself back.”

  I moan as he trails kisses along my neck. “I want this. I want you and your arm veins.”

  “My arm veins?” he asks, chuckling but still planting soft kisses on my skin. Can you die from kisses?

  “Mmmhmm.” I trace my fingers along his arm, though I can’t see them through his jacket. “I want them.” He pulls back, his dark-blue eyes nearly black. “I want you.” I look around the room, wondering if we can leave right now.

  Axel’s nostrils flare when I step back and out of his arms, giving him a coy smile before sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. I saunter back another step, loving the sexy vibe I’m giving off. That is until my foot wobbles. My eyes widen as I see a repeat of the bar happening, but I don’t fall this time, instead I’m pulled into a pair of strong arms.

  “You’re a danger to yourself.”

  I laugh. “I know. But you wanna have sex with this danger.”

  He chuckles along with me, shaking his head. “What will I do with you?”

  I look up at him, placing my drink down on the table I nearly tripped over. “I can think of many things you can do.” I waggle my brows up and down. “They involve my lady garden and your member.”

  He chokes out a sound I’ve never heard before. “Don’t ever refer to them as that again.” He pulls back, taking my hand and leading me out of the room.

  “Channel and rod?” I ask.

  His head reels back as we get our coats. “Definitely not.”

  “How about meat flaps and—”

  The man standing at the door stares at me like I’ve just escaped a mental hospital as Axel places his hand over my mouth, muffling me.

  “That’s enough of that. If you want my dick in your pussy then you’ll stop referring to them in that manner.” He raises his brows, asking silently if I’m going to stop. When I nod, he lets go and pulls me toward the waiting car.

  “It’s okay,” I start. “I know you want to put your money in my coin purse.”

  He groans, opening the door. “Get your ass in this car otherwise my disco stick won’t be doing any dancing.”

  I stare at him, my mouth hanging open in shock. “You did not just call your dick a disco stick.”

  He grins. “I did. And it felt really good.”

  * * *

  All the bravado I felt at the charity event slowly fades away the closer we get to the hotel. The atmosphere is intense in the back of the car, the air fizzling and crackling around us.

  When we pull up, Axel gets out, holding his hand for me to take. I pull in a breath, putting my small hand in his large one and stepping out of the car. Neither of us say anything as we make our way to the elevators, stepping inside before Axel pushes the key in the small hole next to the P button to take us up to the top floor.

  Leaning back against the mirrored wall, my gaze connects with his, his eyes burning with need as he trails his gaze over my body.

  He steps forward, causing the breath to stall in my chest. My skin is on fire, feeling his gaze everywhere before he comes to a stop in front of me. No part of him is touching me and yet I’m panting like I’m about to erupt from his presence.

  “Vi.” His voice is like a plea to my soul, my body hearing it loud and clear. “This is your last chance. When those doors open, nothing will stop me from taking you the way I wanted to when you first turned up at my office.”

  “You…” My voice cracks so I clear it before trying again. “You wanted me then?”

  He nods slowly, gauging my reaction, and when the doors slide open, I push up off the wall, closing the distance between us.

  I let my fingers float over his arm as I quirk my lip. “What are you waiting for then?” I give myself a mental high five at the way my voice sounds. I’m totally working this seduction right now. Tomorrow I might—most definitely—cringe at myself, but right now, I want him with every fiber of my being.

  I give him one last look before I walk past him out of the elevator and into the penthouse. I’m about to turn to look around and take it all in, but his arm banding around my waist from behind has my eyes fluttering closed.

  He growls down my ear, the sound such a turn on that I let my head fall back against his shoulder. He grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it up to my waist, exposing me. His hand runs over my hip causing a moan to escape.

  “You really aren’t wearing panties.”

  I grab his forearm when his finger slides through me, rubbing my clit in the most delicious way. Shit, what if he doesn’t like the way I am down there?

  There’s so many different ways to present yourself, how’s a girl to know which one men prefer?

  Do they like it completely bare? I pull a face, I hate feeling like I never went through puberty.

  Do they like a landing strip? A signal to say: Here! I’m here! Put your airplane—dick—right here. Or do they want a giant bush? No, they wouldn’t want to have to battle through the pubes to find the clit, right?

  His finger entering me brings me out of my head and when I open my eyes, I see our reflection in the window in front of us.

  “You like that?” he asks, his tongue coming out to lick my neck before he blows on it.

  “Hell yeah, I do.”

  He adds another finger before murmuring, “So wet. All for me.”

  My hips move of their own accord, riding his hand like a seasoned pro, but he’s pulling away all too soon.

  “What—” I turn around, seeing him take his jacket off and throwing it onto the floor. His attention doesn’t move off me as he undoes each button on his shirt, slowly revealing his tan chest; a smattering of hair on his pecs has me salivating even more than I already am.

  His eyes flash as I take a wobbly step forward, planting my hand on his chest and relishing in the feel of the tensed muscles.

  He pulls his shirt off and I dive for his forearms, running the pads of my fingers over the arm veins.

  “These drive me crazy,” I tell him, moving my hands up to his shoulder as our gazes lock.

  There’s a beat. Then two. Then three. And then he’s diving for me, lifting me up off the floor and bringing me flush against him. His fingers bite into my ass as he lifts me higher and I wrap my legs around his waist.

  I moan at the feel of his hard, pants-covered dick rubbing against me. “Yesss.”

  He’s moving all of a sudden and everything's a blur until he’s placing me on the edge of his giant bed. Reaching down, he grabs
my dress, pulling it over my head, only it gets stuck when I can’t quite lift my left arm.

  He struggles for a few seconds before he murmurs something under his breath, but I can’t see him because the dress is covering my face.

  “Let me.” I try to stand up, squealing when my forehead smacks off something hard.

  “Fuck,” he spits.

  “Shit!” I squeak, standing with my dress still covering my face as I ask, “What just happened?”

  “You head-butted me.” He groans, but not the sexual kind, more of the I’m in pain, kind.

  I finally manage to get the dress over my head, my wide eyes meeting his where he’s standing a few feet away, holding his nose.

  “I… I’m sorry.” My voice is small, and I start to feel like maybe we shouldn’t do this. He’s right: I am a danger.

  I can’t even have sex without trying to knock the other willing party out.

  He groans again before shaking his head, stepping forward and ripping the dress out of my hands, grasping my waist and pulling me closer to him.

  He looks down at me as I look up, the intense atmosphere swirling around us as he lowers his head, his lips coming closer to mine.

  I’m naked in front of him and I realize we haven’t even kissed. How the hell did that happen?

  His lips meet mine, fast, urgent, needing. I grab onto his biceps as he leans forward, pushing me back on the bed and following me down, catching himself on his forearms over the top of me.

  His tongue runs across my lips, demanding I open up. Who am I to deny my boss?

  Moaning when his tongue touches mine, I start to rock my hips, needing his touch. But he doesn’t give it to me, instead he lets go of my mouth, trailing his lips down my body until he’s kneeling at the side of the bed in front of me.

  His palms land on my inner thighs and he pushes them apart, his dark-blue eyes seeking me out as he drops his mouth to my pussy.

  “I erm… I…” I bite my bottom lip. “I don’t know what you like, but I hate being bare—


  “I don’t want to feel like I didn’t go through puberty, that shit is just weird, but I don’t want a giant bush escaping every time I take my panties off—”


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