Confessions Of A Klutz: Confessions Series #1

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Confessions Of A Klutz: Confessions Series #1 Page 9

by Davies, Abigail


  “If you don’t like my land of dinosaurs then I can—”

  One slow lick and I’m snapping my mouth shut, practically vibrating with need. Flicking his tongue like an expert, he brings me so close to the edge but leaves me hanging, not letting me jump as he stands up.

  He loses his pants before he brings his body back over mine, reaching his arm out and bringing a foil packet back with him. He holds it up between us, ripping it open with his teeth.

  Sheathing it over himself, he groans when the head of his dick touches my wetness.

  “Give it to me,” I beg, feeling like I’m going out of my mind.

  “How badly do you want it?” he asks, raising a brow, a smirk on his lips.

  “As bad as I want chocolate when Aunt Flow is in town.”

  His head reels back. “I don’t think now is the time to be talking about your aunt.”

  I snort, shaking my head as I grip his shoulders, pushing my hips toward him. “My period, you fruit cake.”

  Understanding flashes over his face before he throws his head back laughing, every muscle in his body shaking with the force. He looks so sexy when he’s open like this, and all it’s wanting to make me do is stroke him like he’s a new pair of fluffy socks.

  Once he’s got himself under control, he scrubs his hand down his face. “I knew sex with you wouldn’t be normal.”

  “Did you expect anything less?” I ask before throwing my hand up in the air. “Would you just fuck me already? Jeez, you like to take your time.” I roll my eyes, grinning up at him.

  “Maybe I want to make you wait?”

  Raising a brow, I tilt my head to the side. “I can always head downstairs and grab Lucas.”

  “Lucas?” His brows furrow, something shining in the depths of his eyes.

  “Yep,” I answer, popping the P. “My vibrator; I named him after Lucas from One Tree Hill.”

  He chuckles under his breath before he pulls back and pistons his hips forward, entering me in one swift move. “Jesus Fucking Christ!”

  I hold on to him tightly, scared if I let go I’ll float away like a feather escaping from a pillow.

  His thrusts become erratic, his rhythm completely off as he lets himself go. I follow him right into whatever place he’s taken himself to, not feeling anything but his dick and his hands as they grab my boobs, squeezing before his thumbs rub over my nipples.

  “Yes, right there, Axel. Right. There.” The slow burn starts at the bottom of my stomach, signaling I’m close… so close. “Don’t stop…” My back bows as his hand comes back to my clit, rubbing it and bringing me even closer. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”

  “That’s it, Vi. Lose yourself to me… come—”

  I open my eyes, connecting them with his. “Don’t say it,” I warn, knowing from the look in his eyes what he’s about to say. “Don’t try and make me come on command, that shit doesn’t ever work.”

  “You sure about that?” His lips quirk with arrogance as he continues to fuck me, his hand rubbing so fast against my clit I’m sure he could make actual fire with the force and speed.

  “Damn sure,” I tell him, ending it on a moan when I feel the sparks start to fly.

  “Come for me, Vi.”

  I cringe, pouting and shaking my head at the laughter shining in his eyes. “Why? Why did you say it? Now my lady garden isn’t going to get watered!”

  He shrugs, still pushing his dick in and out to his own rhythm. “Always wanted to say it and thought you were the perfect person to say it to.”

  I lift my hand, pointing at him and jabbing my finger in his chest. “I’m not… now make me feel like I’m partying with unicorns.”

  He stops all his ministrations for a brief second before something flashes in his eyes and he’s moving again, this time faster, more methodical than before as he brings us both to the brink. The sparks start again and I know he’s feeling it too when he slams his lips against mine and groans.

  My toes curl as my orgasm rushes through me, the feeling like crack to an addict.

  “Fuck yes!” I grab his hair in my hands, thrusting my hips up to his to eek my climax out even more, and when I feel him pulsing inside me and his growl of approval, I can’t stop the smug smile attaching itself to my lips.

  I totally just bossed my boss.

  Chapter 9

  Confession #19: I broke my foot standing still.

  So, it turns out having sex with your boss makes your work day easier. Who knew?

  In the three days following us having sex, we did it a total of eleven and a half times. The half was when we nearly got caught in the bathroom in the office. If dick is entered but neither get off then it’s definitely considered a half, right?

  I don’t allow my thoughts to come to the front of my mind as they scream it’ll only be six days before I’m heading back to my boring life in L.A. with orgasms only from Lucas. Nope, I don’t listen to them one bit.

  Who am I kidding? It’s all I freaking think about! Especially now as I stare from my desk into his office, my chin resting on my hand my gaze tracking the line of his jaw and his lips that have been on every part of my body.

  Oh, God, those lips.

  “Ahh!” My hand flies to my chest, my heart thumping loudly when the phone on my desk rings. Calming myself down, I tear my gaze away from Axel and all his godlike sexiness, before picking it up.

  “Hello, Mr. Taylor’s office. Violet Scott speaking.”

  “Hello there, Violet. I was wondering if you could help me? I’m calling from one of the companies Taylor Industries owns—Shards and Co. We’re having trouble trying to work out which department we need to contact so have been put through to you.”

  I straighten up in my seat, moving the mouse to the side to bring the computer screen to life.

  “Of course I can try to help. What’s the problem you’re having?”

  “None of our phone lines are working and—”

  “Wait,” I interrupt. “How are you calling me then?


  I smack myself on the forehead. “Of course, sorry, carry on.”

  She goes on to tell me everything she and her small team have tried but I have no idea what to suggest for them to do.

  “I think I’m going to put you through to our communications department.”

  “Please don’t put me on hold again.”

  “I…” I turn my head to look at Axel. He’s still busy on his conference call. “Maybe I can give you their number?”

  “That would be great,” she responds. I reel off the number to her, saying goodbye and pressing the phone back into the cradle.

  I’m about to lean back against the chair when the phone rings again. I don’t look down as I pull it off its cradle, my eyes still connected to Axel’s biceps.

  “Hello, Mr—”

  “Violet.” My eyes widen at the sound of Della’s voice, a squeak escaping my throat.

  “Della… I…” I spin the chair around so I’m not facing Axel, the phone wire curling around me as I do. “How…” I clear my throat. “What can I do for you?”

  There’s a click on her end before she says, “I wanted to see how you were getting on and to make sure you’d be back here next Wednesday after Christmas break.”

  I twirl around in the chair, bringing my face back to Axel who is now sitting at his desk with his gaze trained on me. My eyes widen even more, almost as if Della can see me through the phone, so I spin around again, looking away from him.

  “Yeah, I’ll be back.” I pause, waiting to see what she says, but when she’s silent, I ask, “Was there anything—”

  “When you come back, I need to see you in my office. We need to talk.”

  Talk? “Talk? Can I ask what about?” I move my feet, spinning back around to face his office again, only this time he’s not in there.

  I continue to spin, searching for him, but as I try to turn again, the phone wire completely wraps around me, the han
dset crashing to the floor with a bang.

  “Ahhh.” The phone falls out of my hand, tangling with the wire as I bat at it. “I’m stuck! It’s tightening. Get it off! Get it—”

  Axel’s head dips close to mine from out of nowhere, causing my heartbeat to speed up and my nerves to rattle.

  He picks up the phone, bending to talk into the speaker. “We’re having technical difficulties right now…” His gaze bats back up to mine, widening slightly at the voice he recognizes on the other line. “You’ll have to call back later, byyyeee.”

  I bite my lip to hold in my laughter at his extended bye, my arms attached to my side by the phone wire as he picks the handset up and ends the call.

  “How did you get trapped?” I open my mouth but he puts his hand up, shaking his head as he says, “Never mind.” He leans down, untangling me.

  “My hero,” I whisper.

  He finishes getting the wire from around me, placing the handset back on the table. “I’ll be the Hulk to your Black Widow anyday.”

  I raise a brow. “I much prefer Thor and Jane, but okay.” I shrug.

  “Thor?” he asks.

  “Mmmhmm.” I hold my hands apart, giving him a coy look. “He has a very big… hammer.”

  * * *

  I wrap the scarf around my neck, pulling on my pink mittens that match my woolen cat hat. If I say so myself: I look cool as shit. It’s cold and dark when I step out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk, looking left and then right, spotting Axel.

  He’s wearing a big winter coat, a scarf tucked into it but no cat hat—shame, he could totally work a hat with ears.

  Walking over to him, I stop a couple of feet away, waiting until he ends the call he’s on. When he spots me, a grin spreads across his lips.


  “Hey yourself,” I answer, moving closer to him as the wind whips around us. “What was the big rush?”

  “It’s Christmas Eve,” he tells me, like that will answer my question. “It’s tradition to go and see the Rockerfeller Christmas Tree.”

  I gasp, backing away a step. “Noooo.”

  “Yesss,” he mimics, mocking me.

  I give him a mock glare before jumping up and down, my right arm flapping beside me. At least I remembered not to do it with both arms and look like a dancing chicken. The impact of my Converse hitting the ground vibrates through me, licking pain into my collarbone so I stop.

  “Are we going now? Right now?”

  “Uh-huh.” He holds his hand out to me and I don’t hesitate to put mine into it as he leads me from the front of the hotel and down the street.

  We walk for about fifteen minutes, conversation flowing freely before he turns the corner, and there in all its glory is the tree I’ve wanted to see my entire life.

  It’s huge. Bigger than anything I’ve ever seen, and when I tell Axel this, he raises his brow and points down to his junk in question.

  “Yep.” I nod, chuckling under my breath as I let his hand go and walk closer to it. “Way bigger than that.”

  “Hey!” I ignore him as his footsteps get closer and when he grabs for me, I squeal loud and run through the gathered people.

  “You can’t run from me, Vi!”

  I turn back to face him, grinning as I say, “Like Leonardo said: Catch me if you can!”

  There’s a beat where neither of us moves, and then he’s diving for me, causing me to spin around and run away. I weave in and out of the people staring up at the tree, backing myself up into the corner in front of it.

  When the lights flash, I stop, staring at it like a baby who’s just been handed his first piece of candy.

  “Wow,” I whisper, in total awe. The different-colored lights flash on and off, the decorations in proportion to the gigantic tree. I want a tree like this in my apartment.


  Arms band around my waist and I scream, “Duck!”

  He ducks his head, looking around with wide eyes. What the hell is he doing? “What, Vi? What is it?”

  “What the frack are you doing, Axel?”

  “You told me to duck.”

  “Nu-uh, I said…” I lower my voice so the kids standing next to us can’t hear us. “I said fuck.”

  “No, you said duck.”

  “Nooo… I said—”

  “You said duck,” an old lady standing next to us interrupts. “My cell always corrects fuck to duck.” She doesn’t lower her voice so it gains the attention of all the kids.


  “Thing drives me crazy! If I want to say fuck, then let me say fuck!” She meets my eyes. “Am I right?”

  “Erm… sure?”

  “Damn straight I’m right.” She turns away from us and I look up at Axel, seeing him hold in his laughter.

  “And don’t get me started on it changing bitch to birch! And what’s with kids using an eggplant as a penis? It’s a goddamn eggplant!”

  Axel comes closer to me, his front against my back, hiding his face in my neck as the woman goes on a rampage about autocorrect and emojis.

  “I sent one to my friend when she asked me for a recipe and she messaged back saying, ‘Doris, if you want a dick then head downstairs, I’m sure the ninety-year-old man will give you a good seeing to.’”

  “Oh my God,” I whisper, my hand covering my mouth.

  “That was my reaction, too!” She shakes her head, her lip pulling up into a sneer. “I’m seventy-nine for God’s sake, I don’t want no old fart to be putting his wrinkled balls next to my jewelry box.”

  “Jewelry box?” I ask, cringing as soon as it comes out of my mouth. I should—

  “My vagina, dear.” She pats my hand as if I’m a pre-teen who doesn’t know what it is.

  “Grandma! There you are!” A surfer-looking guy walks up to her, taking her arm gently. “Have you been causing trouble?” he asks knowingly.

  “Me?” Her voice is all innocent now. “I would never cause trouble. I’m an upstanding member of the community.” She winks at me as he pulls her along with him. “You make sure you get some of that eggplant tonight.” Her head tilts toward Axel before she’s lost in the crowd, leaving me completely speechless.

  “Did she just…”

  “You know, I quite fancy a moussaka right now.”

  “You can’t be serious.” I spin around in Axel’s arms.

  He shrugs. “All the talk of food has made me hungry.” His gaze bats around the area. “Let’s go grab some food and then we can head to the ice rink.”

  His arms come from around me after he places a gentle kiss on my lips, his hand finding mine.

  “No way.” I shake my head emphatically. “I can barely walk on two feet, ain’t no way you’re getting me in a pair of skates.”

  “Don’t be a scaredy cat, Vi,” he says as he pulls me through the crowd.

  “And I have a broken bone, I don’t need another!”

  Chapter 10

  Confession #70: I tripped on a sock, smacked my head off the kitchen door and fell into the laundry basket full of dirty clothes. This is my life.

  “I’m sore in places I didn’t know I could be sore,” I groan when I get out of the car, El following me with Chad and Axel.

  “Here she goes again.” El rolls her eyes. “I’ve told you: I don’t want to hear about my nearly-brother-in-law’s penis.”

  “Hardy-har.” I grimace when I move a step away from the car Axel drove us in. I don’t know why I had this notion he couldn’t drive, but apparently he can, and he owns an awesome sports car to boot.

  “Was she like Bambi?” El asks Axel, sliding up next to Chad.

  “Worse.” Even he grimaces. I think he thought I was joking about me and skates, but we weren’t on the rink for five minutes before I’d fallen into him a total of thirteen times. At that number, he promptly got me off the ice, telling me it was a bad omen. At least he didn’t let me go and kept his arm around me so I didn’t fall.

  Thank you, broken collarbone.

  I take a step toward him, wishing we were still in the warmth of his bed, naked and tangled in the sheets while eating pizza and watching a movie. A girl can dream. Instead, I’m standing in front of a house in the Hamptons complete with a tree in the front yard that could put the one from last night to shame.

  “Wow, so your parents are into Christmas, huh?”

  “Bigtime,” Axel answers, putting his arm around my shoulders, being careful of my left one. “Be prepared to not be able to move after this feast and to have gained five pounds.”

  “It’s all good,” I tell him as we walk up the staircase on the left—yes, the left—side of the front door. “Does your mom know I’m—”

  “Children!” a loud voice rings out as the door is thrown open, revealing a woman shorter than me with big puffy hair and a Christmas apron on. “You brought guests!”

  “Miriam, I’m shocked.” El’s hand goes to her chest. “I’m not a guest—”

  “Yeah yeah.” She waves her away, heading right for me. “I’m talking about this delicious piece of meat.”

  “Me?” I ask, pointing at my chest and looking up at Axel who is running his hand down his face.

  “Don’t, Ma…”

  “Don’t you ‘Ma’ me,” she reprimands, stopping a pace in front of me. “Don’t just stand there,” she goads, opening her arms wide. “Give me some love.”

  I hesitate which causes her to grab me around the shoulders, yanking me to her. I bite my bottom lip to counteract the pain, but it doesn’t work and a pained groan escaped my lips.

  “Ma, she has a broken collarbone, I told you this.” Axel steps behind me, pulling me from his mom’s embrace.

  “Oh, shucks, of course you did, I must have…” She pauses. “I must’ve forgotten.”

  The mood seems to dampen as she says those words, all their expressions becoming sad and pain-filled. What am I missing?

  “It’s okay,” I tell her. “I’d forget my panties if they weren’t—”

  “Don’t finish that sentence,” Axel groans, walking past us and into the house.

  “What?” I ask, looking around. “Was it something I said?”


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