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Parallel Desire

Page 31

by Deidre Knight

  Miracles were like that, he thought, nuzzling Erica closer. They were indelible, leaving a birthmark on time itself.

  Kelsey lay sleeping beside him, down for the count, and he kept himself propped against the pillows, watching over his family. All the horror and blood of his past twenty years faded to nothing as he rested beside them, watching over them as they slept.

  He couldn't stop kissing Erica's downy hair or sniffing the sweet newborn smell of her little body. Her scent was pristine, perfect, as if All himself had plucked her right from the heavens, delivering her into his arms. She slept with the deep slumber of the giants even though she was only slightly more than seven pounds.

  Shifting on the bed, he held her tight against his shoulder, feeling uncertain and awkward. Surely someone so tiny would be irreparably damaged if you didn't handle her just right. Nonsense, of course, but he felt so inadequate, so unprepared to care for her—or even hold her—like she needed and deserved. She let out a soft gurgle as he adjusted himself against the pillows, but continued sleeping. After a moment, Jared released the breath he'd been holding tight inside his lungs.

  "Erica Arianna B'net D'Aravni," he whispered against her head. "You are heir to the throne of your people. An awfully big job for such a tiny person."

  Tears swam in his eyes, blurring his vision. After all the years of fighting, such a happy, joyful day seemed almost too much to believe. Why had he waited so long to hope for it?

  A quiet knock sounded on their chamber door. He smiled. Although they weren't yet receiving visitors, he had summoned two particular people he wanted to be part of this moment.

  "Come in," he called quietly, and after a moment, the knob turned. "It's all right—come on in," he repeated.

  Marco's dark head appeared in the half-opened door, and Jared grinned, waving him in. Thea followed right behind, beaming as she practically knocked Marco out of the way.

  As he moved so that Thea and Marco could get a better look, Jared was amazed that Erica didn't even stir.

  "There she is," Thea whispered softly, bending close. "Oh, Jared, she's so incredibly beautiful."

  Jared wanted to answer but found that he could do no more than smile and stare down at his gorgeous miracle.

  "Can I touch her?" Thea asked, reaching a few tentative fingers toward the top of Erica's head. He smiled up at her. For all of Thea's soldier-hardened ways, he could see the yearning in her eyes that she, too, would one day a hold a baby of her own.

  "Here," he said, easing sideways on the bed. "I'll give her to you."

  Thea took a backward step. "Oh, no. I can't hold her. She might break."

  Jared burst into quiet laughter. "I've been thinking the same thing, but so far, no damage done. Surely you can do at least as well as I, cousin."

  Then he glanced past her at Marco, at his … brother. Still such a strange thought, but one that filled him with a rush of tenderness. "And, uncle, you may hold her next."

  "Uncle," Marco repeated wondrously, blushing as he stared down at the bundle within Jared's arms. "Yes, I … I like that."

  "It's who you are," Jared told him. "Just as you are my brother."

  Marco swallowed visibly, nodding, but said nothing more.

  After gently easing Erica into Thea's arms, Jared rose to his feet and extended a hand to Marco, a handshake that quickly melded into an embrace.

  In an instant they pulled away from each other, clearly feeling awkward. "I'm proud to be your brother," Marco told him hoarsely. "And proud to be little Erica's uncle."

  Jared smiled. "And you will always be my Madjin."

  Relief filled Marco's eyes. "I'm counting on it, sir."

  "No, I'm the one who's counting on it. I've come to rely on you far too much to have you back away now."

  "I would never shirk my duties. You must know that, my lord." Marco stared at his boots, shifting from foot to foot, saying nothing for a long moment.

  "I never had any doubt."

  Jared eased a hand onto Marco's shoulder. "Look at me, brother," he whispered. Marco hesitated, then finally lifted his eyes. "You will be my Madjin, always, but you will also become much more. You are a prince, a D'Aravnian in your own right. I will expect much from you, as well. So it's time that you expanded your view of yourself."

  Marco shook his head vigorously. "I don't know that I can."

  Jared tightened his grip on his brother's shoulder. "You will, because you are marked as a D'Aravni, same as I. Are you not?"

  "I am, my lord."

  "Show me your mark."

  With a sigh, Marco extended his wrist and unfurled the vibrant, glowing tattoo that revealed his true heritage. This holographic brand was the one true proof that the man before him shared blood with him, that they were bound by far more than vows or tradition. They were family.

  Without a word, Jared also revealed his royal mark, allowing it to spin out between them until their two swirling brands touched, joined, became one. "The blood that runs between us is the same, Marco," he said quietly. "You see it, right now. And now, my dear brother and Madjin … you will live it."

  Marco nodded, whispering, "Thank you."

  Behind them, Erica began to make soft sounds as if she were waking. "You two," Thea chided, "are making too much noise. Just hug each other again and come back over here. Marco, you need to meet your new niece."

  And so they did embrace one more time, sealing their new relationship without words. Then Jared turned once more to gaze upon the beautiful faces of his wife and daughter.

  Two hours later, and Jake had Shelby back in front of his fireplace. They'd made love again—several times—and he'd marveled at the way his body stayed on permanent red alert for her. Tangled as one, they were resting together in front of a roaring fire, propped up on several throw pillows, still and thoughtful. Outside the large windows of his living room, Jake could see heavy snowflakes swirling close to the panes, illuminated by the dim light filtering out through the glass.

  Neither said a word, and for once the energy between them wasn't a sexual one. It was just the warm, humming comfort of knowing you were loved. Completely, front to back, up and down. Jake nestled her closer in the crook of his arm; she was lying right in front of him on her side, their two bodies a tangle of warmth and tenderness.

  "I love you, Shell," he whispered against the top of her head. "With all my heart, I love you."

  She said nothing, just gave a little bob of her head. Concerned, he leaned over her shoulder, wanting to see the expression on her face, and was shocked to see tears rolling down her cheeks.

  "Sweetheart, why are you crying?" He reached with the pad of his thumb and stroked one of the big tears away.

  She shook her head, leaning back into him, and he got the idea that she couldn't find her voice.

  "You upset with me?" That couldn't be right. Couldn't even be close to accurate. He desperately ran through possible reasons for her tears. "Was it delivering the baby? What?" His voice rose in slight alarm.

  "No," she finally croaked, exploding into sobs.

  Damn it all, this wasn't the reaction he wanted or had anticipated. He'd thought they were blissfully happy here by the fire. Terror shot through him: What if she was having second thoughts? "Then what the hell's wrong?" He knew he sounded angry, but he could hardly help himself. "Tell me now."

  She waved her hand back and forth in the air, shaking her head some more, then rolled onto her back. "Happy," she finally managed to gasp.

  "You're happy?"He cursed low in Refarian, leaning over her. "Shelby … you scared the living shit out of me."

  "I'm so, so happy," she repeated, gazing up into his eyes. "And I love you. I love you so much that my heart hurts with it."

  He leaned down, brushing a loose strand of blonde hair away from her mouth, and kissed her slowly, teasing his tongue back and forth across her lips. "Will you bond with me?" he asked, surprised to realize he'd begun to tremble. This was terrifying terrain, especially knowing her personal his
tory with Nate.

  But she beamed, her blue eyes widening to the size of saucers, her eyebrows shooting up to her hairline. "Yes! Yes, yes."

  He grinned, rubbing his fingertips lightly over her lips. "Cause if you're not sure …"

  He was about to rib her some more, but she took hold of his face, yanked him down for a kiss, and murmured, "I'm completely yours … for life." With that promise, she silenced him totally by thrusting her tongue deep inside his mouth.

  Yours for life, he thought, rolling her beneath him. Yes, he could live forever off that promise of hers.

  "But there's something we need to do," she told him, pushing him off of her and sitting up.

  "Anything you ask of me." He drew her hand to his lips, kissing her softly in the center of her palm. "I'm a fool for you, baby."

  "I want to call Hope." She eyed him uncertainly, as if she expected him to buck against her request. "Is that okay? She's my friend, you know, and … well, I just want to share the news with her first."

  He smiled, holding her palm against his cheek. "You know what? I like that plan a lot. With only one change."

  Her eyebrows lowered slightly. "Okay."

  "I want to call Scott first; then, we'll get Hope on the line."

  Her eyes grew wide. "Are you shitting me?"

  "Your pal actually gave me some great advice earlier today."

  She sat up on her knees, a look of incredulity on her face. "You are so not about to tell me that you—"

  "I called him about you."

  "No freaking way." She tossed a pillow at him.

  He actually felt a little proud of himself. "See, I'm not a total clod when it comes to dealing with my past Or my future. There was no way I was letting you walk out on me like you did."

  She bowed her head. "I'm sorry I hurt you. And I know that I did."

  "I wasn't about to give up on you—especially not after talking to Scott."

  "What did he say?"

  Jake grinned, knowing how she'd love his next words. "He reminded me of who I am. Who I truly am."

  "I always did like that Scott Dillon." She laughed, wrapping her arms about his neck and kissing him on the lips. "Such a wise man, too."

  He growled, despite himself. "Careful, Shell, or I'm gonna get all jealous on you."

  She narrowed her eyes. "Maybe I like that."

  "Save it for the bedroom," he told her hoarsely.

  "I'll meet you there anytime." She slid halfway onto his lap, running her fingertips down his chest suggestively. His cock reacted with an enthusiastic salute, trying to pitch a serious tent right beneath her thigh.

  Opening his cell phone, he muttered, "Let's get this call over with."

  She pressed her mouth against his ear, and her scent rushed all over him, electrifying him. Awakening him. "The sooner the better." She slid a hand along his hard length, lingering at the thick tip of it as she added in a husky whisper, "Big boy. My very big boy."

  He uttered a few curses, ready to get the call over with in about ten seconds flat. After he dialed out via the series of relays, his younger self answered on the first ring. "Shelby come back?" Scott barked into the phone.

  Jake chuckled, adjusting Shelby on his lap. "Yeah, hey to you, too, buddy."

  "I already talked to you earlier," the other man told him with a sarcastic laugh. "Who needs more of you? I just want to know if you got our girl back."

  "My girl," Jake announced with a low, possessive growl. Shelby giggled, listening in. Jake tilted the phone slightly outward so she could hear better.

  Low, husky laughter crackled over the line. "Interesting. I'll take that as a yes."

  "Look, this is a fast call," Jake said. "I've got some news for you."

  "I'm listening."

  Jake paused, staring deep into Shelby's eyes. She was so close up in his face, he could see all the tiny facets of color, the dark purple around her irises. "Beautiful," he murmured without meaning to.

  "Whoa, Jakob. You're not really my type."

  "That would be Shelby, not your hybrid ass." Jake cleared his throat. "So here's the big news. Shell and I are going to get married. She's agreed to be my bondmate."

  The other end of the line exploded with a whooping noise that was so loud, he had to hold the phone away from his ear. Yeah, his younger self definitely liked this turn of events. He wasn't such a bad guy after all, he thought, with a strange laugh.

  "Congratulations, man," Dillon told him once he'd stopped carrying on. "To both of you. Shelby's a great match for you."

  "Just our type," Jake added, reaching to cup one of Shelby's fabulously large breasts.

  Having Scott in his life was like having an identical twin, one you didn't remotely resemble, yet who had the entire universe in common with you.

  Scott laughed low across the line. "Agreed completely. Possessing all the right attributes."

  Jake squeezed Shelby's breast to underscore the point.

  "I heard that, Dillon," Shelby said, leaning close to the phone.

  "I meant for you to, Tyler," Scott replied.

  Jake shook his head. "Whatever. Put Hope on the line, stat. Shelby wants to talk to her."

  After some shuffling around, both couples had engaged their speakerphones, and Hope had shrieked joyously for both of them. Then, never taking her eyes off him, Shelby said, "So Hope, doll, I need a little advice since I'm marrying this guy."


  Shelby cleared her throat. "You might want to take it off speakerphone for just a hot second. Girl talk, you know?"

  "Uh-oh," Jake said as Shelby walked to the far side of the room. He heightened his hearing, determined not to be left out of this particular conversation.

  As it turned out, he didn't need to enhance his senses at all because in an overly loud, overly exaggerated voice Shelby asked, "Well, if there's one thing—any one particular thing—that drives him crazy in bed, what would it be? You know, the sort of thing that you can use as bribery when you need it or to level the playing field if he's just too damned sexy to handle at any point."

  Shelby's pale eyes grew wide and round. "Really? Now that I'd never have guessed. Uh-huh. Oh, trust me, I already know. I know! Yeah, it's insanely high. Just off the charts, but that's a great thing … yep. Got it. We'll let you know when the ceremony's going to be … not that Scott can actually attend, but we'll work out something."

  They clicked off the phone, and Jake stared up at Shelby, his face burning hot. "Did you just tell her I have an insanely high libido? I swear to gods, if you did, I'm going to extract punishment from you in the bedroom."

  "No, I didn't say that."

  He lifted an eyebrow. "Sounded like it. …"

  "Hope was the one who said it. I just agreed with her—and she gave me the Kama Sutra 411 that I was after."

  He had a pretty good idea of what Hope had told her, but he braced himself nonetheless. "What did she say?"

  "I think it's more a matter of demonstration, Jakob."

  He groaned, hiding his face. Oh, gods. Hope had told her, he thought, his cock doing an urgent lift-and-jump maneuver inside his jeans. Which meant she'd just given his future wife the one sure way to keep him whipped for the rest of their natural lives.

  With a roaring growl of anticipation, he leapt to his feet and almost knocked her fiat in his eagerness to get at her. "To. The. Bedroom!" he roared, swinging her up into his arms. "Now!"

  Shelby slid her thighs about his waist, locking tight around him with her calves. She was light and easy, both arms wrapped about his neck, her curvy little hips flat up against him. She even began a crazy rocking motion as he tightened his grip on her ass.

  "She gave me another hint, too," Shelby murmured in his ear as he backed her toward his room. "A sort of runner-up."

  He swallowed hard, pausing to kiss her throat, her collarbone, her ear. "Yeah?"

  "Well, let's just put it this way. … Your wall or mine, cowboy?"

  Oh, eternity wasn't going to be nearly
enough time, not with this wild girl of his, he thought, pushing her up against his bedroom wall. That was okay, because they'd already defied time itself in finding each other.

  Surely All would help them a little bit more along the way.

  Thank you for purchasing Parallel Desire. Keep reading to get more info on Deidre’s books!

  Get lost in the Parallel Series and connect with Deidre!


  Parallel Attraction (Book One)

  Finding a mate is the last thing on Jared Bennett’s mind. But the exiled alien king can’t deny the primal desire to claim Kelsey Wells as his own, even as a war rages around them.

  Parallel Heat (Book Two)

  Lieutenant Thea Haven was meant to be queen, but her would-be king chose another. While still reeling from the loss, she meets a man that promises to cure her heartbreak – but at what cost?

  Parallel Seduction (Book Three)

  Time traveler Jake Tierny must keep his true identity a secret. But he can't deny the urge to reveal all to Hope Harper, the woman who is both his greatest joy and most dangerous weakness.

  Parallel Fire (A Novella)

  Soldier Anna Draekus firmly believes in business before pleasure. But when an accident leaves her stranded with superior Nevin Daniels, keeping her hands to herself proves to be her biggest challenge yet.

  GODS OF MIDNIGHT SERIES (Immortal Spartan Warriors):

  Red Fire (Book One)

  Red Kiss (Book Two)

  Red Demon (Book Three)

  Red Mortal (Book Four)

  Red Blooded: A Gods of Midnight Novella

  “Red Angel,” short story in the On the Hunt anthology

  Want to gab about all things Parallel with Deidre? Like her Facebook page, follow her on Twitter @DeidreKnight, opt in to her newsletter for exclusive content and contests, or visit her online home!


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