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Findley's Lass

Page 38

by Suzan Tisdale

  God’s teeth! What was taking them so long? He exchanged a look of concern with the two men who sat on horses beside him. Something was wrong. He could feel it in his bones.

  After what seemed like hours, his men appeared from the barn and looked across the yard. They held up empty hands as they shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads. Damnation! This was not good, not good at all. He let out a heavy sigh and hung his head.

  ’Twasn’t exactly how he had planned it, but at least now he had the opportunity to bash in the skulls of the three men inside the cottage. The idea of giving the sons of whores their due brought a pleasant tingling sensation to his belly. The night would not be wasted, treasures or no.

  About The Author

  Suzan lives in Illinois with her verra handsome carpenter husband and the last of their children, a 6’3”, built-like-A-line-backer, 14 year old son. They accept monetary donations to offset the cost of feeding him and keeping him in shoes.

  Visit Suzan at:

  Her Facebook page at:

  At Twitter @suzantisdale

  Other Books By Suzan Tisdale

  Laiden’s Daughter, Book One of The Clan MacDougall Series

  Betrayed by lies told before her birth, she believes that men are not honourable, nor are they kind…until she meets one who changes her heart and mind forever.

  She’s everything he never knew he needed in a woman, and he’ll do anything he can to keep her as his own.

  Wee William’s Woman, Book Three of The Clan MacDougall Series, set for release in Summer, 2013.


  [JT1]This a little complicated, but I’ll try to explain why I deleted the commas. If Maggy had only one son and his name was Ian, you would write “her son, Ian, …” Because she has several sons, you write “her son Ian”

  When you set the name off with commas, it indicates she has only one son and his name is Ian. When you do not set the name off with commas, it indicates she has more than one son and the one of which your are speaking is Ian. Clear as mud?

  [ST2]Clear as mud.




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