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The Blue Cantina

Page 16

by Paul Blades

  She suppressed a sob when she heard the chain being drawn through a ring in the headboard and clipped above her. Yesterday, the callous butler had fastened her hands to the headboard first, but now he first drew the chain that terminated in the steel manacles between her knees and captured her ankles in them. He then untied her hands and ordered her to bring them in front of her. When she did, he pulled them down, one after the other, and locked her hands in place. Before leaving the room, he paused for a moment. Anna felt his hard, boney hand run over her proffered buttocks. His touch reminded her in a very direct way of the availability of her twin portals behind her. Apparently satisfied, he left the room.

  Anna was hungry and thirsty. She knew too well that he personal needs and desires were secondary to the whims of the men that controlled her. The ever present bonds on her body and the constant darkness that surrounded her filled her with an oppressive misery. The worst was the large, pliant, round ball in her mouth. It was a constant reminder that she no longer had the right to ownership of her bodily orifices. They belonged to her masters, Devlin and Vincent, and whomsoever they would give the right to violate them. She bit down on the rubber monstrosity in her mouth and pulled sharply at the bonds that held her wrists in place. She was poised for her masters’ use, and would remain so until they deemed otherwise. She was conscious of the fact that the camera above her mirror was capturing her demeaning pose and the awareness of the exposure of her proffered rear and sex shamed her. She bent her shrouded head to the mattress between her outstretched arms. She had only one option, to wait.

  When you can’t act, you think, and Anna’s mind swam with the recollections of her cruel abuse and the damage to her psyche they had inflicted. She never wanted to be beaten again the way she had been last night. Vincent had been right about letting her scream and plead for mercy. Nothing emphasized the implacable will of her controllers than the futility of her assertions of her humanity. Her supplicative entreaties for surcease of her torture echoed through her mind. She would have offered her soul to have the whipping end. Maybe she did. She couldn’t remember everything that she had said. She did know that she had been stripped of all pride, all self respect. It was devastating to know how easily your self image could be destroyed.

  Silence reigned on the fourth floor of Devlin’s mansion for a long time. She wondered if Devlin was having a luxurious breakfast. Had Elaine returned to join him? Were they laughing and joking at the elegant table in the beautifully appointed sun room downstairs while Devlin related to her how he had taken her anal virginity. And what had happened to the woman who she had heard walking in the hallway last night? Was she ensconced in a neighboring room, bound and deprived of all volitional rights as she was? Who was she? Was she young and pretty, like Elaine? Anna knew that she was at least attractive since she doubted Devlin would have deigned to even turn his head for her unless she was. Had she committed some crime that Devlin held over her? Or had she traded her soul for the achievement of some ambition like Elaine apparently had. Would she ever meet her, perhaps be forced to engage in a Sapphic tryst with her for Devlin’s amusement?

  The question as to where the woman was was answered when Anna heard the sharp sound of her high heeled footsteps on the stairs. Vincent’s heavy, deliberate steps preceded them. The footsteps passed her door without pause and then she heard a door opening and closing. About ten minutes later, the door opened and closed again and Vincent’s footsteps returned. He did not stop at her door as she hopefully expected. She would have gladly exchanged his use of her for the lonely, dark bondage she was subsumed in. But the steps continued to the stairs and Anna dolefully listened while they faded away.

  Knowing that another woman was a prisoner down the hall from her somehow assuaged her feeling of self hatred for how easily she had succumbed to Devlin’s mastery of her. If other women willingly subjected themselves to him as obsequiously and totally as she had, then her surrender seemed less despicable. On the other hand, it highlighted the impersonal, demeaning essence of her slavery to the callous millionaire. She was just another body to be used, another female existing only to titillate his passions. How could she hope for some moderation of his cruel indifference to her feelings and the remorse she felt at her self debasement if she was just one of a collection of female bodies that he owned?

  When she finally heard the distinctive tread of Devlin’s energetic steps on the stairs, Anna felt a chill run through her body. What would he do to her? Was he coming for her or the other one? Her heart skipped a beat when the footsteps stopped at her door and she heard the lock being turned.

  “Ahhhh, Anna,” Devlin’s deep, amiable voice pronounced after he entered the room and locked the door behind him. “I see that you’ve been waiting for me. You’re such a good little girl.” Anna felt the bed depress next to her and felt the warmth of Devlin’s body. His hand ran over her arched back and then over her well presented, round, firm buttocks. “I don’t have a lot of time to spend with you this morning, Anna. I’m going out for a while. But I did want to see how pretty your body was with all the marks Vincent put on it last night. I see your bottom is all black and blue. And there are long, dark bruises on your back. Vincent really knows his work.”

  Anna had been wondering dolefully what evidence of last night’s abuse would be displayed on her body. She was disturbed and ashamed at the news that they were so prominent. Devlin placed a hand in her short, black hair and pulled her head up. Kneel up, Anna,” he said. “I want to see your tits.”

  Anna obediently shuffled her knees forward so that she could raise her body. It chagrined her to hear Devlin’s amusement at the evidence of her torture, but she had learned a hard lesson on obedience the night before and she harbored no inclinations to do anything but what her callous master said.

  When her torso was raised, her hands still fastened below her at the base of the headboard, Devlin positioned his body towards her front so that he could get a good view of her breasts. She felt the soft cotton of the robe he had worn yesterday morning brush up against her skin.

  “Oh, they’re all black and blue too, Anna,” he said with feigned surprise. “I’ll bet that hurt.” He reached out his hand and took possession of first one breast and then the other. Anna suppressed a sob while the man rudely manipulated her flesh.

  “I watched the video this morning, Anna. You said some pretty nasty things to Vincent. I’m surprised he didn’t give you a few more strokes to teach you better manners. I hope for your sake that you never speak that way to me.”

  A chill ran through the distraught, bound woman. She couldn’t stand the thought of another trip to the punishment room. And the idea that Devlin had watched her torment on tape, his passions undoubtedly stirred by the visualization of her abuse, disturbed her deeply.

  “So, the $64,000 question is, Anna, did you learn your lesson? Did you, Anna?”

  “…es, ih-er e-in,” Anna moaned unhappily through her gagged mouth. She really did.

  “That’s good, Anna. I’m happy to hear it. Now, like I said, I have somewhere to go. Vincent will, I’m sure, keep you well entertained until I come back. So I’m just going to give you a quick ass fucking and I’ll be on my way.”

  Ann quailed at the idea that he was going to use her rear portal again. It had been painful to be penetrated there by his thick, hard cock. She felt Devlin’s hands on her thighs and she fretfully allowed herself to be brought back to her former position. She sensed him standing next to the bed and discarding his robe and slippers. The mattress gave a little shake as he climbed on it behind her.

  “I don’t have the time to get your pussy all wet, Anna, So I guess some spit will have to do,” Devlin informed her as he ran his hands over her proffered ass. Anna moaned with unhappiness at the thought. A second later, she felt a trail of warm liquid spill over her rear entrance. Devlin’s fingers rudely entered her there and spread it over her anal ring. The cracks and tears in her flesh had not fully healed and she experienced a fierce
burning as the membranes were stretched. “Ohhhhhh,” she groaned unhappily.

  Her master’s thighs pressed up against her rear haunches and she felt the tip of his cock press against the entrance to her bowels. It was one thing to be fucked there while in the midst of passion and after a night of consuming an ocean of alcohol. It was another to be used so without any chance to prepare herself for it. She moaned again as she felt the cock begin to slide home.

  “You’ll get used to it, Anna,” Devlin said. His hot hands had spread the cheeks of her rear. “Ohhhhhhhh, that’s nice and tight,” he exclaimed as his cock delved deeper and deeper into her. “I may just give up on your pussy until its better trained, Anna. Your ass is a real treat.”

  Anna hung her head in shame and sorrow as the man began to pump himself along the ring of her small, tender entrance. The cock filled her bowel and its presence was a hateful reminder of how slavish she had become. Her pussy felt abandoned and useless. She absorbed Devlin’s callous assessment of her fucking skills with despondency.

  Although Devlin had stated that he was in a rush, he took his time plowing Anna’s rear hole. He eased his cock out until the head popped free and then pushed it in again, as if seeking to re-experience the thrill of entering her tight ring. Each time the stiffened wand punctured her, Anna gave a little wail of dismay and pulled dismally at her cruelly bound hands. Gradually, though, the pain and burning of the tight little hole began to give way to a tingling that spread from her rear entrance down to her disused, ignored, crevasse. Despite her unhappiness at this use of her, her juices started to seep and she felt her needs begin to rise. She felt horrified that she could experience pleasure from a cock in her ass. She gripped her bound hands together tightly and she bit down hard on the offensive mass in her mouth. “No! No!” she thought in anguish at her sluttishness. She dreaded Devlin’s discovery of her lustful responses to his assault. If he found out that she liked being cornholed, he might never use her any other way again. But her mind was unable to fight off the pleasurable sensations that the thick, steel hard wand was giving her. She moaned again in frustration and despair.

  Devlin picked up his pace as his own passions began to envelope him. She could hear his heavy breath and felt the slap of his hips on her rear. His hands had hold of her hips and she felt them tighten as he gave out a great groan of pleasure. “Oh, yeah!” he called out. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” Anna felt the warmth of his discharge flood her bowel. Her lusts had been raised by the man’s callous use of her rear opening but she realized, unhappily, that they were not to be brought to fruition. Devlin slowed his thrusts as his orgasm waned. When his spasms finished, he slowly pulled his meat from her rear passage.

  “That was good, Anna,” he said, his voice reflecting his satisfaction. His hands wandered over her burning rear globes and along her hips. One hand drifted between her legs and Anna felt a thick finger trace the line of her labial lips. They were protruding from between her clamped together thighs.

  “You’re wet, Anna!” the man exclaimed. “I told you you’d get to like it. Don’t worry, Vincent will take care of your whorish pussy later. I’ve got to get going.”

  Devlin bounced off of the bed and stepped into the bathroom. Anna heard him washing himself off at the sink. He returned a few moments later and redonned his robe and slippers. Without saying more to her, he unlocked the door and let himself out.

  Anna hung her hooded head and cried. She had been afraid that the man would discover how her body had succumbed to his impassioned stuffing of her rear and it had become true. She yearned to crawl up into a little ball and hide under the covers of the bed, but the chains held her implacably in place.

  About an hour later, Vincent finally came and released her. He removed her hood and chains and let her use the bathroom. He had brought a tray with him containing a fresh fruit salad, a carafe of coffee and a crisp, light croissant with butter and raspberry jam on the side.

  “You have forty-five minutes to eat and bathe,” Vincent told her. “Be sure to trim your pussy. When you’re done, I want you to assume your position on the bed and wait. Do you understand?”

  She nodded her head dolefully. “Yes, sir,” she murmured. Vincent waited a moment, making sure for himself that she understood her duties and then left.

  Anna welcomed the sustenance even though her heart was filled with sadness at her treatment. It was glorious to be freed from her bonds. The morning light sparkled through the small window of her room. The tray had a stand at its bottom and she sat on the edge of the bed and quickly devoured the fruit salad and croissant. The coffee was hot and had a hearty, deep taste. It felt good going down her throat. Her belly welcomed ease from her hunger.

  It was Sunday and some time today she would be freed from Devlin’s clutches. She had but to endure the next few hours and she could go home. Tomorrow, all her troubles would be over, at least as far as the Center was concerned. The idea that she would be able soon to drive away and put her experiences here behind her brightened her mood. So what if she had been brutally and callously used. She would have the last laugh when the money went into the Center account. She would refuse to come back here. That’s what she would do. What would Devlin do about it anyway? There were laws and even he was subject to them. His threats did not mean anything to her.

  But then his words came back to her. He knew people who would do worse things to her. What did he mean by that? Would they kill her? Kidnap her? Torture her? She experienced a shiver through her body. Well, she didn’t have to decide today. She could put it off.

  Anna finished her meal and stood to go into the bathroom. As she did, her image appeared in the mirror opposite her bed. She saw on her body the bruises that Vincent had put there the night before. They were ugly and terrifying. She recalled the suffering she had gone through. It was one thing to be courageous and defiant when not confronted by the prospect of unbearable pain. It was another once you had gone through it and knew what it did to you. Tears fell down her face as she took in the sight of her disfigured body. Her breasts carried two long lines of deep purple bruises that had begun to suffuse over them. Her belly and thighs were marked too. Fear ran through her as she thought of Devlin’s threat. She did not want to suffer like last night ever again. Disconsolate at her dismal options, being Devlin’s slave or suffering the unknown, cruel torment that would be inflicted on her if she reneged on her deal, Anna trudged to the bathroom to take her shower.

  Anna finished her ablutions and then returned to the bed to perform the careful denuding of the short, raspy stubble of pubic hair that had grown up overnight on her loins. After returning the razor and small bowl of soapy water to the bathroom and casting a hateful glance at the camera on the wall, she mounted the bed and positioned herself on her knees with her hands behind her back. She leaned over and began to wait obediently for the return of the butler.

  He was not alone when he returned. Although Anna’s head was pointed away from the door and could not see who had entered, she distinctly had heard two sets of male steps come up the stairs and into her room. Who could it be? Devlin said he was going out!

  Her question was quickly answered. Vincent ordered her to kneel up and turn around. When she did, she saw the scarred face and taut, muscular body of the limo driver. He was already in the process of removing his clothes. Anna’s face collapsed into a dismal frown. A whine escaped her lips. Devlin had said that Vincent would make sure her pussy was taken care of. She had thought that he meant that Vincent would make use of her, much like he did last night when he put her to bed. But this is what he meant. The driver was going to fuck her!

  Vincent had moved towards the dresser and opened one of the drawers. He brought forth a band of leather with a large, circular hole in the middle. It was made of some kind of rubberized plastic. Anna knew what it was at once. It was a ring gag. She had seen pictures of women wearing them and getting their faces fucked by huge, domineering men. The very idea had appalled her at the time. Now she would be
wearing one. There could be only one reason for it and the knowledge that the Latino driver would soon be forcing his stiffened cock between her helpless lips horrified her.

  Vincent presented the infernal device to her mouth. Sorrowfully, her hands crossed slavishly behind her, Anna opened her lips and accepted it. Despite her revulsion, she had no thought of resistance. Her lips trembled as the plastic circle was pushed past them and lodged behind her teeth. The plastic circle distended her lips into a wide ‘O’. Her jaw was distended and the pernicious intrusion of the device in her mouth was immediately uncomfortable and distressing. Tears filled her eyes as the man buckled the leather straps behind her head.

  She knelt there dismally while Vincent returned to the dresser. He took out a wide leather belt. He stepped back to Anna and circled her waist with it, fastening it tightly behind her. It had loops on its sides and Vincent efficiently trapped each of her wrists in one so that they were held securely just above her hips.

  “Carlos is going to give you some instructions on how to take a cock down your throat,” Vincent said coldly.

  Anna looked up at the grinning face of the limo driver. It was heavily whiskered. His teeth gleamed in his mouth. He was naked and he was caressing his growing cock with one hand. “Oh, god!” Ann thought. She remembered the distress she had experienced when Devlin had shoved his long, thick member in her throat in the limo last night. She had felt like she was going to suffocate. And now the driver was going to do it to her again. She looked up unhappily at Vincent as if she could dissuade him from forcing this ordeal upon her by a dismal glance.


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