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The Blue Cantina

Page 19

by Paul Blades

  Devlin broke their kiss. He gave her hard nipple a little pinch. “Vincent has all the dresses you bought yesterday down in the library. I want you to try them on for me so I can see how you look.”

  Anna, happy at being deigned worthy of more of her master’s time stood up from his lap. She put her hands behind her as he rose and she followed him from the room. He paused at the door and took one of her hands in his. Anna felt pleased at the affectionate gesture. Keeping her other hand in place, she walked with him down the wide, sumptuous hallway to the stairs to the ground floor. His hand was hot and firm in hers and she was comforted by its strength and force of will. As they descended the broad stairway, she felt like she was being given a treat by a kind uncle or, heaven forbid, her daddy. But her father had never been like Devlin. He was a drunken lout with a mean streak a mile long. She had never held hands with him in her life. She hadn’t had any contact with him or her drunken sot of a mother since she was sixteen. Devlin was what a family felt like, she thought as she looked at him.

  The dresses were spread out on a large rack in the study. Her lingerie was spread out over one of the sofas. Her shoes were lined up like obedient little soldiers. One by one, Anna modeled the outfits for Devlin. He sat in a large, overstuffed chair, the same one she had been bent over and fucked by him in front of the day before. Anna felt giddy and child like as she pranced in front of him. He commanded her to curtsey and laughed when she dipped her head and lifted the short skirt that she was wearing. She playfully edged it up until the lacy black panties were showing.

  Some of the dresses he liked, some he didn’t. He had poured himself another glass of scotch and presented one to Anna for her to drink. As was his custom, he urged her to drink it all down at once and her head was cloudy and suffused with the warmth of the alcohol as she stripped and redressed again and again.

  There was a long, dark green, satiny gown that he liked best. It had a low bodice and he told her to put it on again without a bra or panties. Her breasts quivered as she walked back and forth for him. The long slit in the gown’s side revealed her naked thigh all the way to her hip. It gaped open when she walked and anyone who saw her could observe that she had on no underpants. Her sex felt strange and free under the voluminous, soft, smooth fabric.

  “You look lovely, Anna,” he said. “I’ll have to give Elaine my complements on her taste. There’s a party I have to go to on Wednesday and I want you to come with me and wear that dress. And I have something special for you to go with it.”

  Anna stood silently, her hands poised behind her, as Devlin got up from his chair and opened a drawer on one of the little coffee tables. He took out a small, black jewelry box with cursive, gold lettering. He brought it over to Anna and opened it. Inside were a pair of glittering, diamond earrings.

  Anna gave a gasp when she saw them. The jewels sparkled in the light. They looked like they were worth a fortune.

  “Put them on,” he told her.

  Anna took the earrings from the box one at a time. They were more like studs than earrings. She cocked her head slightly, smiling as she slipped out the cheap, tawdry, gold plated rings that she had been wearing. Devlin took each one as she removed it and put it in his pocket. “You won’t be needing these,” he said. “I want you to wear your diamonds all of the time.”

  When the diamond studs were in place, Devlin ordered her to step back and display them for him. She smiled at him appreciatively. She wanted to thank him but knew better than to speak without permission.

  “You look wondrous in them. Say thank you, Anna,” he told her.

  “Thank you, Mr. Devlin,” she said beaming.

  “You’re welcome. Raise your skirt. I want to see how it will look when you’re naked.”

  Anna leaned over and took the hem of her long, dark green dress in her hands. She lifted it up, gathering it as she went until her loins were displayed. She looked back at her master proudly.

  “Very nice,” he said. “But we’ll have to get something down there to go with them. Maybe a stud in your belly button or something.”

  Anna had never gone the route of getting body piercings. She considered it paganistic and crass. But if Devlin wanted to give her more diamonds, that was okay with her.

  “Come here,” he told her.

  Keeping the folds of her dress in her hands, Anna stepped over to him. He took her head in his hands and kissed her passionately. Anna felt her knees weaken as his hot tongue explored her mouth. After a moment, he dropped one hand and seized her nether lips. He caressed and stroked them while they kissed until her cleft began to soften and dilate. When it had grown moist, he ran his fingers along the slit gathering her moisture. He spread it over her tingling clit, massaging it softly.

  Anna moaned with desire. Devlin broke their kiss. “Get down on the floor on your elbows and knees,” he told her. His voice carried evidence of his lust. She turned and dropped to her knees obediently. She heard his zipper opening and then he knelt down behind her. His hands lifted the hem of her dress and he pulled it up until her soft, round rear globes and the length of her lower back were exposed. He caressed her smooth haunches and then ran his hands over her bare back. Anna shivered with the pleasure of his hot touch. She lowered her head to the floor. She had wanted his cock and now she was going to get it. Her pussy was burning with the need for his penetration and she spread her legs wider in invitation. He passed his hand between her thighs behind her and captured the feverish slit. He stroked it and buried his fingers within, casing Anna to sigh with pleasure. She delighted in their hot presence and her lusts began to build as they coursed back and forth along her pussy’s walls.

  Anna was squirming with need when Devlin pulled his fingers back. A moment later she felt the head of his cock begging entrance to her womb. Devlin inserted the head just within her hot folds and then, taking hold of her hips, eased himself slowly in.

  Devlin commenced a steady, rhythmic stroke of his cock in her crevasse. Anna sighed and moaned with pleasure as it scoured the inner walls and rode over her enflamed clit. Her lust rose steadily. When her fevered cunt began to throb with delight, she felt it grip the thick, stiff, manhood hard. The rush of pleasure made her head dizzy. He body shook and she groaned. Devlin kept going past her first climax and through her second. She had just begun her third when he grunted and, solidified his grip on her hips. In her throes of passion she felt his cock come to life inside her. His spunk flooded her and she cried out, “Oh, god! Ohhhhhhhh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhh!”

  Devlin let his cock soften in her belly. He rubbed her back and ass while his cock detumesced. Anna felt a warm glow of sexual satisfaction flowing through her body. She was Devlin’s whore. All that she had suffered, the beatings, the bindings, the terrible isolation of being hooded and gagged in her little prison on the fourth floor faded away when compared with the satisfaction that she felt at that very moment. Little more than an hour ago, she had been planning how to escape from Devlin’s demonic domination of her. Now she wasn’t so sure. She knew that she should be rebelling against his callous use of her, but she had never experienced the sexual exhilarations that she had this weekend. What was she to do?

  Devlin rose to his feet once his cock finally slipped from Anna’s messy quim. She heard him zipper up his pants. She was still crouched on the floor, the bottom of her dress pulled up over her head. As she had been for many hours over the weekend, she was sightless.

  “I have some more calls to make before dinner, Anna. Just stay where you are until its ready,” he told her.

  Anna heard Devlin walk from the room. She was alone again and bound in a position that she had become intimately familiar with, not with leather or chains this time, but by Devlin’s words. She had shifted again in Devlin’s estimation from a person to tease and flatter to a thing to be left behind when he was done with it. It was strange to be half draped and half exposed, her bare back and naked rear and loins brazenly displayed for anyone who came in the room to see. But, after all
, it was what the men considered the important part of her, the part they could vent their lusts on. Her face, her mind, they were really of no value in her new life.

  After about a half hour, Anna heard the door opening. Someone, she assumed it was Vincent, had come in and begun to clean up the clothes that she had left strewn around the room. Although the emotionless butler had seen her naked many times by now, had forced her into similar lascivious poses, she felt self conscious now. Perhaps it was the slavishness with which she was obeying Devlin’s instructions. What self respecting woman would allow herself to be treated like this? All she had to do was stand up to cover herself. She could get up, demand her car keys, toss Devlin’s baubles back at him and walk out the door. But she knew she wouldn’t do that. There was still the issue of the money. It wouldn’t be paid until the morning. And did she want to leave? If Devlin had absolved her of her bargain and paid the money into the agency anyway, would she beg him to let her stay? She would not know for sure until she left. The confusion and conflict she felt about being Devlin’s slavish slut would be clearer when she was able to get out of here. Until then, her thinking would be suspect and any decision she came to would be provisional and indefinite.

  Vincent, or at least the person she hoped was Vincent, she dreaded the thought of being exposed as a slavish whore in front of any more people, completed the task of straightening out the room and left. There was so much mysterious about Devlin’s mansion. Where were the other servants? There must be more. And who was the woman in the room upstairs? The implements of her subjugation, the chains, the leather bindings, the gags, had all been readily available whenever her users had found a need for them. Her room seemed specially outfitted for its function: holding a female captive. If she continued on as Devlin’s whore, stayed the course instead of fleeing, would she learn more than she wanted to know about his activities? And once she knew, would he ever set her free?

  When Vincent came to call her for dinner, he first stood wordlessly over her, taking in her abject form. Humiliated at her slavish posture, she wanted to cover herself, but knew that she needed to await his signal. Her mind filled with a vision of how she must appear to him, her bare back and ass, her lavender garter belt stretched across it, her black encased, stockinged legs, her pretty high heels on her feet, the green dress spread over her upper half as if she was hiding herself, ostrich like. His signal, when it finally came, consisted of the curt, cold command to “Get up.”

  Anna raised herself from the floor and smoothed out her dress. Looking out of the tall, arching windows of the study, she saw that it was dark outside. Vincent led her to the hallway and the clacking of her heels on the stone floor reminded her of her when she had first arrived to become Devlin’s ‘guest’. If she knew then what she knew now, would she have run screaming out the door? She realized that so much of what had happened to her over the weekend, the long, boring hours of blind and silenced confinement, the deprivation of the use of her limbs, the chains, even Vincent’s infernal cane, had all be done with a calculation of inculcating in her the very slavish obedience she was exhibiting now.

  Devlin was not yet in the small dining room when she arrived. Vincent pointed out to her the same chair she had sat in on Friday night. She sat in it, carefully spreading her long, dark green skirt around her and crossed her arms behind her.

  Devlin arrived a few moments later. He had changed and was wearing a dark suit. She wondered if he always dressed for dinner or whether he had donned the finely tailored clothes so that he would be simpatico with her elegant gown.

  He sat in the chair opposite her and, a few moments later, Vincent emerged from the kitchen with a cart. Like Friday, the meal was sumptuous and refined. The salad consisted of mixed arugula and romaine lettuce with a tart vinaigrette dressing. There were small baked mushrooms stuffed with crabmeat and covered with a light, creamy sauce. Dinner was a large roast, cooked until its shell was dark brown but juicy and succulent on the inside. It was accompanied by fluffy, brown wild rice and crisp string beans mixed with slender slivers of almonds. The tall, obsequious butler kept Anna’s wine glass filled with a tangy California pinot noir.

  As on Friday, Devlin was loquacious. They talked more about the Center and the work that Anna did on a daily basis. There were several important issues she had to deal with soon. One was a replacement for Carol. It was funny, but Anna had hardly thought about her all weekend. She was the whole reason that she had become Devlin’s slave. Anna wondered where she was, if she would ever turn up. $225,000 was a lot of money to abscond with and even a junkie in the throes of her addiction could make it last a long time. Anna fretted about her friend in spite of the fact that she had done her so much harm. Would she turn up dead somewhere from a drug overdose? Would some other junkie, finding out how much money she had, murder her for it?

  “I have someone I’m going to send by on Monday for you to interview to replace your assistant,” Devlin said. “She has very good experience.”

  Anna assented to considering the woman but she had to wonder if it would be someone who, like her, had fallen into Devlin’s clutches. It would be hard to explain why she didn’t want to hire her. Devlin had supreme authority over her now and she realized that a suggestion from him was tantamount to an order.

  The dinner passed quickly. Anna was slightly inebriated from all of the wine. She drank a cup of black espresso to try and sober up for her drive home. Devlin insisted, however, that she have a small glass of anisette with it and the creamy, cherry covered cheese cake that Vincent served for dessert.

  When the dinner was over, Devlin pushed himself back from the table. His mood seemed to shift. “I want you to take off your dress and wait here. Vincent will take you upstairs. He will bring you your clothes and you can go. Before you do, we’ll have a little chat in my office.”

  Anna felt joy at the prospect of finally being freed. Devlin’s change of attitude reminded her of the cruelty that he was capable of. She was amazed at how swiftly and without warning his moods could change. The sooner she was out of there the better.

  The young woman rose from her chair and removed her dress. It zippered down the back and she had to reach her hands behind her to gain access to it. Disrobing before her owner, she recalled making the same motion on Friday night when he had ordered her to show him her breasts. Then, as now, the arching of her back caused them to swell out. It was strange to remember how ashamed she was to show off her naked breasts and how unhappy she had been at his rude order. Now she was almost inured to displaying her naked body to him and his servants. How much she had changed in three days.

  When the dress was off, Anna carefully folded it over the back of her chair. When she was stripped, Devlin tossed back his anisette and stepped from the room.

  Anna stood silently, her wrists crossed behind her, dressed only in her garter belt and stockings, while waiting for Vincent to arrive to escort her. In the silence of the dining room, alone and naked, or nearly so, she tried to push from her mind her feelings of helplessness. She was bound in position as firmly and decisively as if she had been chained in place. Devlin’s command was as unbreakable as the steel chains she had been adorned with earlier. The only noise in the room was the ticking of a small clock mounted on the wall. Its repeated, inexorable machinations became a drumbeat in her mind, driving home at each click her abject and utter servility

  About ten minutes later, the staid butler emerged from the kitchen and ordered her to follow him. She trailed dutifully behind him as the ascended the stairs. In her room, her clothes were laid out on the bed. There were no panties or bra.

  Dressing in front of the butler was oddly disconcerting. She kicked off the red pumps that she had been wearing and stepped into her brown skirt. She left on the garter belt and stockings since her former ones were not present. When she pulled her burgundy sweater blouse over her head and had redonned her high heels, she was ready to go.

  As they left the room that had been her prison cell, A
nna gave a passing thought to the anonymous woman down the hall. Was what to be her fate? Would she be permitted to leave tonight? Anna felt sad for her, whoever she was.

  When they arrived on the ground floor, Vincent led Anna into Devlin’s office. He was on the phone again and she waited patiently for him to finish, her hands crossed behind her. He concluded his call, put the phone down, and looked up at her. He had removed his jacket, which was draped over the back of his chair, and was in his shirtsleeves.

  “Tomorrow morning at 8:15, Carlos will pick you up at your apartment,” he told her. “He will have the cash and he will take you to the bank. You will see the manager there who will have full instructions. There will be no problem. Once the money is put in your account, you will give Carlos the receipt so that I have proof that the money was deposited. He will then drive you to the Center’s bank and you will deposit your check into its account. You will give him a copy of your check and the deposit ticket as well. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mr. Devlin,” Anna answered. It was true. It was really going to happen. The Center and her life’s work would be saved. She had been worried that all of this had been a ruse to obtain her sluttish, slavish services over the weekend. She was relieved that she had not gone through all of her humiliation and abuse for nothing.

  “As I told you on Friday, Anna,” Devlin continued. “Once the money is in your account, our deal is sealed. If you renege, you will wish you had never been born. Got it?”

  A tremor of fear passed through the young woman. “Yes, Mr. Devlin, I understand,” she returned.

  Devlin sat quietly for a moment. He was tapping the desk with a pen that he was holding in his hand. His eyes wandered over Anna’s form. After a few moments, he resumed his lecture.

  “On Friday nights, you will present yourself here at 7 p.m., sharp. Don’t be late like you were this time. I won’t tolerate any excuses. And if you come here again dressed like some whored up real estate agent I’ll whip you myself personally, understand?”


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