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Page 17

by Gavin Magson

  A last flight of steps lead to the roof, its walls were plastered in faded warning posters that backed up Steiner's claims of high winds. The posters covered every inch of the wall either side of the staircase, covered with yet more graffiti and worn from years of abuse. Ajax had to heave hard on the door, the strong winds proved a tough force to overcome; the door finally opened enough to let them step outside.

  Ajax was not surprised that the rooftop was deserted, it might have been accessible to anyone but it was not somewhere you could grow a rooftop garden. The winds whipped at them, kicking grit into their eyes and trying to strip both of their open jackets. All around the perimeter was a high fence that had certainly see its day; the thick wires were coated in rust and posts bent by the battering they had taken from gale force winds.

  “Where is he?” shouted Ajax, trying to make himself heard over the howling winds.

  “He should be here already.” bellowed Steiner, pulling out the tablet. Ajax watched him tap away on the screen and left him to it, using the old fashion method of searching the clear skies for a sign of their ride.

  Ajax turned on his heel, even over the drowning noise of the wind he had heard the door being forced opened and slam against the wall as the wind took it. Three men had managed to get out onto the rooftop, one had enough sense to dive out of the way. As the man hit the floor his gun came loose from his grip, just as Ajax's pumped rounds into the other two men.

  Ajax swung his gun to where the survivor had dove, only to find he was not there. The man rolled to his feet, drew a throwing blade and sent it spinning through the air. It struck Ajax in the shoulder and sunk deep into his flesh.

  Ajax yelled out in pain and dropped his gun, he spun on his heels, trying to find the man. His attacker was already moving and leapt two footed into Ajax as he struggled to pull the blade free. The man careened into Ajax and Steiner, knocking both to the ground.

  Steiner's skull bounced off the concrete roof, he tried to push himself up but slumped back to the floor unconscious. Ajax was up to one knee when a second kick nearly connected with his jaw, at the last moment he tilted his head clear of the strike and felt the boot scrape his chin.

  He grabbed the attacker’s foot with both hands and pulled, bringing the man crashing down heavily on the rooftop. Ajax stood up just as the quick footed man kicked off from the floor, driving a shoulder into Ajax's gut and knocking the air out of his lungs.

  Ajax brought his elbow down into the base of the man's neck and followed it up with a swift knee to his face. The man reared up, blood gushing from his ruined nose and shredded lips, bellowing his rage. He swung wild punches at Ajax, who blocked the frenzied blows with ease, his wounded shoulder already healed up. Ajax stepped in and took a glancing blow to his cheek, before connecting a savage head-butt that stunned the berserker, allowing Ajax to throw in a haymaker punch. The man rocked on the spot, dazed by the heavy blows that had pulverised his body.

  Ajax drew his knife and went in for the kill, sliding the knife under the man's ribcage and straight into the heart. Ajax showed him some compassion and lowered the man to the floor, watching the light fade from his eyes. He closed the man's eyes, wiped the blood from his blade on the decease’s jacket and stowed it away.

  Steiner was still sprawled across the ground, though at least he was showing signs of waking; Ajax shook him gently and waited for the reassuring curse words to follow. It was difficult to not smile at the short man, his hat had long since blown away, leaving his wispy comb over to dance in the wind and whip at his face.

  The loud pulses of an engine cut through Ajax's thoughts, he looked up to see a long, sleek craft lowering itself towards the roof. Its rear door opened as the aircraft touched down and Ajax quickly gathered his gun, which was wedged under a bleeding corpse. Both he and Steiner gladly entered the safety of the craft, neither took a second glance at the carnage below.

  Ajax collapsed onto a seat, disregarding the straps and letting out a sigh of relief. Steiner dropped off the cases on a seat and moved towards the pilot’s cabin, crouching to avoid hitting the low ceiling. Ajax did not hear the exchange going on, he was far too focused at enjoying his first comfortable seat. They had already taken off when Steiner came back, sitting down opposite Ajax in the cramped aircraft.

  “We survived the day at least.” said Steiner, flashing Ajax a broad smile and opening the smaller briefcase on his lap. “Here is your pay, as promised fifty five thousand credits from the ones who did not make it and I've thrown in an extra fifteen for saving my skin; it would have been more if I had anything else on myself right now. Have you had time to think about working for me again? I obviously have a few vacant positions I shall need to fill, and soon.”

  Ajax was thinking hard about the question Steiner posed. So far under Steiner's employ he had been shot, stabbed, almost blown up and had countless attempts on his life, all within the same afternoon. To work alongside Steiner was to look death in the eye and stick a middle finger up to him. But he had, strangely, enjoyed the threat, danger all around him as these strangers tried to kill them. His wounds were nearly all healed, a strange mechanical aid now coursed through his veins and repaired any damage. He felt renewed again; surely he was near invincible?

  “I think I could see myself working for you again, Steiner.” came his reply, returning the grin.

  “Where is he?” asked Ilya, making no attempt to hide her annoyance. She paced along the platform impatiently, constantly flashing glances towards the transport hubs entrance and scowling.

  The crew had waited at the Haven Inn for as long as possible, Ajax had not shown up, or sent word, before they had to leave. It had taken Duke a long time to reassure Ilya that Ajax was probably held up in rush-hour commuting and was not lying in pool of his own blood in the slums. Doubt had crept into the captain’s mind, but he remembered the look in that man's eyes and knew he would still be alive, hoping he was right. Ajax would prove a tough man to kill.

  They had already bought tickets in the transport hub, for once showing up with plenty of time to spare before departure; Ilya convinced the men to wait a few more minutes before they departed. She was adamant that Ajax would show up to see them off.

  “Ilya, it's been half an hour; he isn't going to show up.” said Greg. “We will see him when we return, you need to stop worrying about him. He might not know Konar but he definitely knows how to stay alive in a hostile environment; Duke being alive is a testament to that.”

  “Fine, you guys are probably right. It's just you know what Steiner is like, of course I'm going to worry about him. When we leave there is no way to communicate with him, no way to know he is okay.”

  The group picked up their bags and joined the queue for transporters. With the sun setting behind the transport hub vivid orange light streamed through its open roof, supplying the only light for the multitude of commuters. Ilya looked back forlornly at the hubs entrance, hoping above all else for Ajax to show up. The line moved forwards and they were now at the front. A silver ship pulled up at the platforms edge for the crew to board, its gull wing opening automatically.

  The three men stepped on board and were surprised to find seats that were almost passable as being in good condition. Ilya stopped in the doorway and turned one final time, scanning the small queue behind her. There he was! Ajax came thundering through the crowd, not slowing to avoid those blocking his path, and careened to a stop in front of Ilya. His ragged breathing made him sound like a wild horse and left Ilya grinning at the thought.

  Sweat was dripping down his flustered face as Ajax came to a halt, sucking down deep breaths as he tried to recover from the exertion. “I didn't think you would make it,” Ilya said, throwing her arms around his broad and bony shoulders.

  “Yeah, you and me both.” he replied through laboured breaths. “But I said I would see you all off, and I always keep my word.”

  “Come on, Ilya, say goodbye and get your ass in here.” came Duke's voice from behind, though he
at least had a smirk on his face.

  “Sorry, Ajax, seems some wise ass can't wait two seconds.” she said, giving him one last hug. As Ilya released him she left a gentle kiss on his cheek.

  “You guys go find a monster haul; I'll see you all when you get back.” he said.

  Ilya stepped through the threshold, giving him one last wave as the door closed behind her. She was out of sight before he could see the tears begin, but the crew had prime seats to see her sorrow.

  “A few days ago you wanted to jettison his ass into space, what has come over you, Ilya?” asked Greg.

  “I don't know, he just feels like one of us now. Did you see the state of him? There was dried blood all over his clothes; Steiner is going to get Ajax killed.” she let out another sob and dabbed at her eyes with the sleeve of her jacket.

  “Don't worry so much about him, Ajax can clearly take care of himself. I just hope no one else took too much notice of his appearance. He will be fine, you need to trust in him.” said Duke.

  “You are right, if anything I feel sorrier for anyone who crosses his path. It's going to be a long trip.” she replied with a faint smile.

  Ajax stood on the platform, watching as the transport powered up its engines and slowly rose away, gathering momentum until it fast turned into just a vapour trail in the sky. He kept on staring for some time, almost willing Zero to come into view. He missed its beauty, Sector Six had been a wakeup call that motivated him to aim for the sky, literally.

  Ajax stood still on the platforms edge, running his fingers over the lipstick on his cheek absent-mindedly. His body shivered as Ajax realised that he was all alone, no friends, no family, just work.

  Chapter 14

  The sleeping figure stirred, rolling over on the hard mattress and stretching out their curled up limbs. Ajax opened his eyes, soft light streamed into the room from the low sun and warmed his face, indicating it was still early in the day. He reached over and ran his fingers over the soft skin of the dozing woman’s back, causing her to stir awake. The warmth of her body radiated onto his fingertips. He moved to prop himself up on one arm and gazed down on swollen breasts and pink, puffy nipples with lust in his eyes. She smiled at his hungry expression and let out a long yawn.

  Ajax moved closer so that his naked body pressed against hers, his hand reached over her shoulder and turned Sarah's chin towards his open mouth; he enjoyed the warmth of her tongue against his. She let out a groan of pleasure as they kissed, moving her hips to press against his bulging erection.

  This was all the invitation Ajax needed, he gently pushed Sarah by the shoulder until she lay on her back and smiled at her quiet giggle. He tossed the covers off both of them and manoeuvred on top of her. He always stared hungrily at her naked body, it was something she had long gotten used to; the soft face, large breasts and pert bottom constantly the object of his desires. She moved her legs to wrap around his back, pulling him closer until he entered her. Both of them let out lustful groans, staring hungrily into each other’s eyes.

  Their lovemaking was animalistic, Sarah raked her sharp fingernails across his back and bit down hard on his shoulder, drawing a thin trickle of blood as his deeper and deeper thrusts built up momentum. All she could do was cling on as her orgasm built up, causing her to shake uncontrollably and scream out in ecstasy as it exploded from within.

  The only noise left in the room was their heavy breathing, both were left staring into each other’s eyes as Ajax stayed in position. He let out a half smile before kissing her hard, their teeth clashing with the passionate kiss. At last he pulled away from her when neither had any breath left, laying back on the mattress and panting hard.

  Ajax turned to look at her grinning face, “Again?” came his only word.

  Sarah looked over her shoulder at the sunlight streaming in, biting her lip as she considered his proposition. “I really want to, but I have to start work ten minutes ago, otherwise I would in a heartbeat.”

  Ajax did nothing to hide his disappointment, reluctantly he rolled out of the bed and allowed her to struggle off the mattress too. They usually awoke with enough time to go another round or two, but last night had seen them stay up late to wander the city and sample several bars.

  “Will you be joining us today for breakfast, Mr Frost?” asked Sarah mockingly, putting on her sweet voice reserved solely for customers with a tendency to tip.

  Ajax, already sat back on the bed, reached over and slapped her on the rump, taking some delight in her high pitched squeal. “I think you already know the answer to that, now get a move on so that Sal doesn't get suspicious.” he said.

  Sarah gave him a cheeky smile and bent down to passionately kiss Ajax. She managed at last to slip into her comfortable shoes and opened his bedroom door. Just before the door closed she turned around and blew him a kiss.

  Ajax lay back on the bed for a few moments, letting his blood settle from the morning’s activities. He was sure the girl did it only to tease him, always leaving him wanting even more. Once his excitement had subsided he climbed out of bed, cursing the old mattress for its lack of comfort and entered his minimalistic bathroom.

  He ran murky water into the sink, shaving away the previous day’s stubble. After the radical haircut when he first entered the city Ajax had decided not to keep shaving his hair short; the days were getting colder and winter was not long around the corner. His hair had grown in the past several weeks, a couple inches of brown hair kept his scalp warm and appearance unruly, as Sarah put it.

  The shower ran hot today, it was just as unpredictable as Sarah and did a fine job of washing off the smell of sex from his body. He stayed in the shower for a while, enjoying the hot water as it purged grime from his skin and hair.

  A few minutes later he was dried, clothed and ready for the day. He had bought some harder wearing clothes to endure his active lifestyle and had tried his best not to explain all the rips, tears and bloodstains when Sarah revealed she was the one who washed his clothes. It was no great secret as to what his new profession entailed, as far as he could tell Sarah simply didn't want her fears confirmed. Hunger caught up with him and Ajax grabbed his room key, knife and tablet, then headed downstairs for breakfast.

  By now Ajax had a usual table, he sat opposite the taverns door, underneath one of the few windows, and kept an eye out for any more trouble; thankfully no more had come, yet. Sarah had once asked him why he sat there every day, which he had gruffly brushed off and she had not broached the subject with him again. There were two other tables with guests sat at, Sarah was taking orders from one and the new girl, Ajax thought her name was Maria, carried food out to the other.

  Maria was the only other person Ajax knew of that Sarah had entrusted her secret relationship with. She had explicitly expressed that Maria does not, under even threat of torture, tell Sarah's father, Sal, about their secret. Ajax was not convinced the man was clueless as to what was going on, he just hoped that his own actions two weeks ago would stop the man overreacting, should the truth ever come out.

  He was lost in his own thoughts when Maria appeared at his side, she always seemed hesitant and a little uncomfortable in his presence and was struggling to keep the shake out of the hand that held a notepad.

  “Good morning, Ajax, do you know what you would like for breakfast today?” she asked, staring intently at the notepad and avoiding his gaze.

  Ajax chose to ignore the nervous glance she cast towards the doorway, her eyes lingered on a spot of darkened carpet for just a second too long.

  “A full breakfast with no mushrooms, and some orange juice if you have it, please.”

  A forced smile flashed across her lips and she disappeared, heading for the safety of the kitchen. At times she reminded him of Ilya, they shared the same uneasy smile. Ilya had a lot more bark to her, when needs be; Maria was far too subdued in his opinion. Sarah, seeing that the other tables were all taken care of, walked over to Ajax and took the place vacated by Maria.

  “I don
't understand why she is so awkward around me.” he said to Sarah as she stopped next to his table. “I haven't seen her like that with any of the other customers; some of them look rough as assholes.” Ajax tried not to laugh at the disgusted look on her face, Sarah never approved of his more colourful language.

  “It's what you've done and what you are, Ajax. All she ever talks about is what happened with Sal; she is my cousin after all. Dad and I are all she has left, I don't think she could cope if any more of her family died.”

  Ajax rubbed at the vicious scar on his shoulder, it had chosen that moment to flare up. He understood what Sarah had said, Maria had come so close to losing another member of her family; it had undoubtedly left her shaken.

  “It would make sense if she thanked me, but all I see is fear in her eyes, terror even.” he paused for thought. “Fuck it, I don't care; there are enough people out there who I don't count as being my fans. Are you working this evening as well?”

  Sarah's expression changed, biting her lip once again. “Sorry, Maria has the night off, I have to work. Sal is expecting it to be very busy, it is the weekend after all. It's your big night tonight, right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, that is tonight. Don't worry about it, I'll give you a blow by blow account when I get back. Now go scrub some tables, your dad is coming over and I want to at least try and maintain this façade.”

  Sarah, her back to her approaching father, poked a tongue out at Ajax and quickly disappeared at his request. Sal bared down on his table, the expression on his face giving nothing away about his intentions.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Sal demanded, slamming a huge hand down on the table before Ajax.

  Fear briefly sparked inside of Ajax, an almost primeval tremor ran down his spine at the look of barely concealed rage on Sal's face. He fought to suppress his urge to react and kept his expression blank. “I don't know what you are talking about, Sal.”


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