Rescue Warriors
Page 48
Long View Project, 322–23
Lorans (long-range aids to navigation), 135, 213, 310–11
Louisiana, 62
Louisiana National Guard, 5
Love, 96
Love, Steve, 332–33
Lowry, Scott, 155
Loy, James, xx–xxi, 79, 136, 137, 308, 322
Deepwater and, 248, 249, 259, 262
Lyle, David, 65
Lyle gun, 65, 70
Maas, Mike, 141–42
McAllister Hall (Coast Guard Academy), 49
McCarthy, Kelly, 191–94
McCoy, Bill, 103
MacDiarmid, Donald B., 180–81
Mace, Ralph, 158
McEntire, Jim, 261
McFarland, Barry, 232–33, 234
McGinty, Jamie, 197–200
McGranachan, Jim, 81, 95–96
Mackey, Scott, 166–68
Mackinaw, 290
McKinley, William, 69
McLaughlin, Brian, 215, 304
McMahon, Vince, 111
McMurdo Station, 291
McPherson, Brendan, 309–10, 312, 318
MacVeagh, Franklin, 74
Madeena, 146–47
Magnuson Fisheries and Conservation Act of 1976, 244–45
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 73
Mallard, Adam, 149
Manning, Eli, 283
Mansharamani, Vikram, 260–61
Marciano, Dave, 245
Marfil, Keola, 17–18
Marine Electric, 184
Marine environmental protection, 225–48
after 9/11 terrorist attacks, 82–84
living marine resources, 244–48
oil spills, 225–44
Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 328
Marine Safety and Operations (M&O), 5, 308, 323
Marine Sanctuary Act of 1972, 328
Marin Headlands, 232–33
Maritime accidents. See Oil spills
Maritime Inspection and Law Enforcement, 88
Maritime law enforcement, 101–5, 113–14, 120, 203–4. See also Tactical Law Enforcement Teams
Maritime Law Enforcement Academy, 331
Maritime Safety and Security Teams (MSSTs), 85, 88–89, 94–95
Maritime safety standards, 63
Maritime Security Response Team (MSRT), 102
Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, 85
Marquesas Keys Refuge, 111
Marsh, Travis, 115–17
Martin, Rich, 192–93
Martinez, Marty, 23
Mary Lynn, 1–3
Massachusetts Humane Society, 60, 64, 160–61
Massello, Craig, 2–3
Mayaguez, 311
Mayfield, Max, 7
Medium Endurance Cutters, 297–306
Mellon, 52, 209–10
Melnick, Bruce, 331
Mendez, Dan, 285, 287–88
Mermaid, 158
Merrick, Dann, 138, 139
Meshki, Steve, 158–59
Mesquite, 257
Metropolis, 70
Metruck, Steve, 91–92
Mexican-American War, 62, 266
Midgett, John Allen, 162
Midgett, Rasmus, 161–62
Migrant interdiction, 109–14
Miki Hana, 87–88
Milam, Wil, 10–11, 208–11
Militarization of the Coast Guard, 117–22
Military Academy, U.S. (West Point), 44
Miller, Anita, 2, 3
Miller, John, 46
Miller, Ken, 287
Miller, Tom, 243
Mirlo, 162
Mississippi Queen, 4
Mitica, Nate, 138–39
Modoc, 134
Mohawk, 160
Molthen, Dan, 173, 195
Mona Passage, 111
Monitor, 67
Monomoy, 138–39, 140–42
Monomoy Point Life-Saving Station, 161
Monsoon, 104
Montague, Bob, 273
Monterey, California, 169, 192
Moore, Mike, 182, 254
Moore, Shane, 186–90
Morgan, J.(ohn) P.(ierpont), 74
Morgan, Kevin, 165–66, 169–72, 231
Morgenthau, 247, 248, 303
Morrison, Stephanie, 282
Most Dangerous Catch, The (TV show), 207
Motto of Coast Guard (Semper Paratus—Always Ready), 135
Mouritsen, Greg, 108
Movies about Coast Guard, 176
Moyer, Dennis, 191
Moyers, Matt, 143–44, 151–52
MSSTs (Maritime Safety and Security Teams), 85, 88–89, 94–95
Mullen, Mike, 312–14
Multi-Unit Law Enforcement Patrols (MULEPATs), 203–4
Munro, 215, 297–306
Munro, Douglas, 132
Murray, Colleen, 239–41
Mutto, Rob, 80
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), 294
Myers, George, 164
Nagin, Ray, 6
Nantucket, 318–19
Nash, Doug, 21
Nashville, 67
National Hurricane Center, 4, 7
National Liberation Front (Vietcong), 136
National Maritime Strategy, 312, 323
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 246, 247, 280, 328
National Research Council, 296
National Science Foundation (NSF), 291
National Security Agency (NSA), 49
National Vessel Movement Center, 85–86
Naval Academy, U.S. (Annapolis), 44
Naval Task Force 150, 122–25
Naval War College, 312–14
Navigational buoys, 4, 280–88
Navigation and Steamship Inspection Bureau, 63
Navy, U.S., 60, 61, 113–14, 131, 134–35
Navy Command Center (Pentagon), 79
Navy Times, 250
Neel, Dave, 220–22
Nelson, Aldomoro, 238
Nelson, Bill, 251
Nelson, Thomas, xi
Nethercutt, Amber, 40
Newark Port, post-9/11 security, 95–98
New Dawn, 217
Newell, William, 64–65
New England Fisheries Council, 245
New England Patriots, 282–83
New London, Connecticut, 43, 57–58
New Orleans. See also Hurricane Katrina mandatory evacuation orders, 6, 7
New Orleans Air Station, 5, 6, 8–9, 11–16
New Orleans Days Inn, 25
New Orleans International Airport, 26
New Orleans Morial Convention Center, 26
New Orleans Small Boat Station, 21
New Orleans Times-Picayune, 7
New York, 81
New York Giants, 282–83
New York Harbor, post-9/11 port security, 92–95
New York Sun, 68
New York Times, 250, 255, 261
Nexus (Buchanan), 322
Nichols, Joshua, xii
Nighttime missions, 10–11, 105–7
Night-vision goggles (NVG), 116, 198
Nina, 254
9/11 terrorist attacks (2001), xxi, 77–84
Coast Guard’s surge response to, 77–80
environmental response, 82–84
port security after, 84–98
waterborne evacuations, 81–82
Nixon, Richard M.(ilhous), 137, 328
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 246, 247, 280, 328
Noble, Dennis, 69, 164
Normandy, 122–25
North, Oliver, 258
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), 109
North Arabian Gulf (NAG), 138–52
Northern Sea Route, 295
North Pacific Coast Guard Forum, 310
North Pacific Regional Fisheries Training Center, 216
Northrop Grumman, 250, 255–56, 259–62
Northwest Passage, xxi, 295
Nuclear Emergency Support Team
(NEST), 229–30
Obenchain, Jeremy, 122–25
Objee (bear mascot), 50–51, 310
O’Briens Group, 232–33, 234
Ocean Crusader, 175–76
Ocean Sentry, 254
Ocean Warwick, 28
Ochs, John, 50
Ochsner Hospital, 20
Officer Candidate School (OCS), 53–55
Officer Snook (fish mascot), 331
Ogle, Mark, 101, 105, 118–19
Oil platform (opat) sector defense, 138–52
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, 239
Oil Spill Prevention Act of 1990, 228, 231, 239
Oil Spill Prevention and Response, 229, 234, 235
Oil spills, 225–44
Exxon Valdez, 222–23
Port of Boston, 239–44
San Francisco Bay, 225–29, 231–37
Olson, Melissa, 317
Olympic, 63
Omaha Beach, 131
Onionhead (movie), 176
Onondaga, 177
Operational Dress Uniform (ODU), 314, 315
Operation Deep Freeze, 291
Operation Drydock, 85
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 137, 142
Operation Market Time, 136
Operation Short Walk, 143
Operation Triple Play, 112–13
Origins of the Coast Guard, 59–75
Ostebo, Tom, 6
O Un Chong Nyon Ho, 138
Our Nation and the Sea (report), 328
Overland Relief Expedition (1898), 69–70
Overseas Long Beach, xv
Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. (OSG), 240
Ozolins, Jason, 149
PACCSHIP (shipping company), 240
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, 245–46
Pacific Strike Team, 89, 165
Pacific Tactical Law Enforcement Team (PACTACLET), 103, 105
Palermo Senator, 229–30
Pamlico, 4–5, 18–19, 21, 26
Panetta, Leon, 329
Papineau, Greg, 299–300
Parent, Wayne, 279
Parker, Dan, 319
Parker, Eric, 243–44
Parker, William, 40–41
Parks, Louis, 197–200
Paskewich, Frank, 5
Passic, Andy, 52–53
Patterson, Richard, 136
Peacock, 154
Peacock Spit, 154, 158
Pea Island, North Carolina, 71
Pearl Harbor, 178–81
Peary, Robert, 73
Pecora, Krystyn, 275
Peelman, Joshua, 281–82, 286–88
Pekoske, Dave, 309, 310
Pelagic (open ocean) drift-net fishing, 246–48
Pelican helicopters, 181–82
Pelosi, Nancy, 232, 267
Pendleton, 162–65
Pentagon, 9/11 attack on, 79
Perez, Carlos, 78
Perfect Storm, The (Junger), 297
Pernaselli, Michael, 129–30
Peters, Eugene, 145
Petrie, John, 197
Petrin, Joe, 158
Pew Oceans Commission, 328–29
Pfeiffer, Henry, 181
Philadelphia Convention (1787), 60
Phillips, Kyra, 264–65
Phillips, Meredith, 279–81, 286
Physical standards for Coast Guard recruits, 34
Piccola, Dan, 288
Pickering, 61
Pietraszewski, Dave, 93–94
Pike, 280–81
Piracy, 62, 280
Point Allerton Life-Saving Station, 161
Point Caution, 136
Point Montara, 167
Point Sal, 57–59
Point Welcome, 136
Polar Icebreakers in a Changing World (study), 296
Polar Operations, 291
Polar Sea, 39–40, 290–91, 294–95
Polar Star, 290–91
Pollution response. See Environmental protection
Popular Science (magazine), 84
Port Clarence, Alaska, 213, 272
Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security (PWCS), 96
Port security, 84–98
Port Security Units (PSUs), 85
Port Sulphur, Louisiana, 9, 27–28
Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 113–14
Poulsen, Andreas, 241
Preble, Edward, 61
Princess One, 94
Prince William Sound, and Exxon Valdez oil spill, 222–23
Prinsendam, 176
Priscilla, 161–62
Progressive Era, 71, 72–74
Prohibition, 61, 119–20
Puget Sound, post-9/11 port security, 91–92
Puget Sound Joint Harbor Operations Center, 91–92
Pull funding, 260–61
Push funding, 260–61
Putnam, George, 73
Quinlan, Mark, 105–6, 120, 124
Quinn, Jason, 207–8
Quonset Point Naval Air Station, 312
Racial issues, 46–47, 69, 71, 134–35
Reagan, Ronald, 244–45, 258, 328
Reagan National Airport, 109
Recruit qualification standards, 33–34
Redeployment Assistance Inspection Detachment (RAID), 117
Red Fin, 247
Red-hulled icebreakers, 288–96
Reed, Jack, 314
Regal Stone, 231–32
Renaud, Phil, 284
Rescue baskets, 179
Rescue swimmers, 157, 184–95
training, 184–90
Revenue Cutter Service, 43–44, 59–66, 68–75
Revenue Marine Bureau, 70
Revere, Paul, 60
Richardson Bay, 235–37
Ricin, 84
Rio Puelo, 230
Rittichier, Jack, 136
Rivera, Melissa, 207–8
Roadhouse, the (New London), 58
Rocklage, Eric, 292
Roebuck, Sheridan, 150, 151
Rogers, Allie, 216–17
Rogue Wave (report), 83
Roland, Edwin, 135
Rollovers, 155
Romine, Harl, 174–75