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Sons of Justice 8_Lust to Love

Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Are you just about ready?” Lancaster asked.

  She looked around at her desk.

  “Yes, sir. I just need to hit the ladies room on the way out.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the restaurant, which was very crowded and there seemed to be multiple parties going on. Carmine Lockatti, along with Carlotta Buschette, joined them by the bar as they waited for their table to be ready.

  She felt the hand to her lower back, and then Carmine greeted her hello. He kissed each cheek and gave her a smile.

  “Stunning as always, Brazille.” He gave her a wink and immediately pulled back. He flirted a little but nothing that made her feel uncomfortable, and tonight was no different.

  “Here you go, Montepulciano cabernet.” Michelangelo handed her the glass of red wine the bartender placed down on the coaster. They each had a drink. Michelangelo and Carmine had red wine like her, Lancaster and Carlotta had vodka on the rocks.

  Michelangelo made a toast as Carlotta stepped closer, placing his hand on her waist.

  “To the best events coordinator and manager a company could ever have. Brazille,” he said, and they all cheered for her, then tapped their glasses with hers. She smiled, despite the intimated feeling she had standing alongside four very well known, wealthy businessmen like these four. But it wasn’t the first time, and considering she had been working with them the last two years, they had built a trust with her and her with them, even though her cousin tried to rip them off.

  She wondered where Chanelle was the last two days. She hadn’t heard from her again after the night at the Filling Station. With that thought, four specific soldiers popped into her head. God, she was starting to miss them. She needs to get real.

  “When will the table be ready?” Carlotta asked and stroked her hip. She started to step away, but then someone was walking by and he slightly bumped her. Both Carlotta and Carmone gipped her and pulled her closer toward the men. Now they were all super close and she was in the damn middle.

  Michelangelo and Lancaster looked over her body, and then into her eyes, gave small smiles and then took sips from their glasses. She did the same.

  “This still looks terrible,” Carlotta said, and took her hand that was bruised.

  “I was trying not to bring that up. The thought pisses me off,” Michelangelo said. He had mentioned the bruise in the morning when he and Lancaster first arrived to work. They came to check on her and make sure she was okay.

  “It’s very upsetting, but good that Carlotta was still around. I think for now on, Carlotta, one of us, or a member of the security team, should walk you out to your car. No more taking chances. Things are changing tonight,” Michelangelo said to her.

  She looked around her at the men.

  “Ahh, the table is ready,” Lancaster said as the maître approached. Both Lancaster and Carlotta reached for her hip, chuckled when their hands touched, and then Carlotta didn’t move away so he guided her through the crowd. Of course, people took notice to her and the four very attractive, older businessmen. Why wouldn’t they? The men were super rich.

  “Your beauty attracts so many men, I can’t help but to feel protective of you,” Carlotta whispered to her. She couldn’t respond as Michelangelo held out a chair for her to take a seat in, and then they all gathered around her with Michelangelo on her left and Lancaster on her right.

  Once they ordered their appetizers, Michelangelo faced her. “This is quite nice, like a family,” he said to her.

  “We’ve been working together for more than two years, and despite some bumps in the road—”

  “Not her fault, Chanelle’s,” Carlotta cut him off.

  “Yes, we all know Brazille had nothing to do with any of that situation. The two women are completely different and their names don’t belong in the same sentence, never mind in this conversation,” Michelangelo stated firmly, giving Carlotta a stern expression.

  “Agreed,” Carlotta said, and then stared at Brazille.

  “Brazille, we wanted to get together with you this evening because we feel that we haven’t maybe let you know how important you are to us, and what it means to have you in this position here at Lancasters,” Michelangelo told her.

  “We need to know why you were talking with Damian Lavonte? Are you not happy here? Are you not making enough money?” Lancaster now interrupted Michelangelo.

  She widened her eyes and felt that uneasy feeling now that all four men stared at her waiting for an answer.

  “Talk to us,” Carmine said to her, with his dark eyes squinted. All four men look like they could step out of a GQ magazine. Especially Michelangelo, with that dusting of gray hair he had going on with his sideburns.

  “I was honestly just weighing my options,” she replied.

  “Why? What don’t you like?” Lancaster pushed.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “I suppose I’m getting tired of being looked at like I’m part of the entertainment. For example, the beach party coming up, he wants me and all the workers wearing bathing suits. He even sent me a picture of a thong bikini he wants me to wear in red. Come on, really? Then the other night at the bachelor party, Fernando is trying to touch me, flirt with me and tell me how he is going to call me this week to set up a private meeting. I can tell he’s going to try something, and it really upsets me.”

  “You don’t need to deal with him, I will,” Carlotta stated.”

  “No, Carlotta,” she said a little firmly.

  She took a deep breath and then exhaled.

  “Really, it isn’t necessary. I’m just venting and telling you that I don’t want to feel like I’m losing my professional image. I love working on the bigger events, the classier ones like this concert Friday evening, and the party Mr. Burns is throwing his girlfriend Sally. I had to talk with professional people, the manager of the band, the manager and coordinator at Benzingers. The more upscale productions and people is what I really like. Damian has complimented me over the years, and his company tends to get more jobs like that than jobs like the big party I had to coordinate at that weird guy’s mansion in the woods.”

  Lancaster chuckled.

  “That was pretty crazy shit, but he paid so much money. You made fifteen grand on that party,” he added.

  “I know that. It’s not the money, it’s the type of parties. The back and forth between high class and low class with a lot of money to spend, but their disgusting and it’s tiresome. I mean, I had to order a hundred dildos in hot pink, and these weird ball sack vibrators in pink, pig patterns and polka dots, along with a dozen other sex toy items, lotions and stimulants, then make up party bags, and have the ceiling decorated in in all these additional sex toy items. It was a freak show. People in weird costumes, others having sex and even oral sex on the dance floor in the living room. No, I’m sorry, but that was like totally uncomfortable for me.”

  “But you did it,” Lancaster said as Carmine and Carlotta chuckled.

  She exhaled and gave them both aggravated expressions.

  “Sorry, Brazille but at the time it was funny when you were ordering the things, describing them to the consultant online,” Carmine added.

  “Well, things are changing. The company is expanding and we’re heading in the direction that is more upscale and profitable. We don’t want to lose you, Brazille, when it’s you that has helped to make this company a success,” Michelangelo told her.

  She stared at him.

  “I just don’t know what I’ll do. I was just researching my options,” she said, and lifted the glass of wine to her lips and took a sip.

  “Well, then we have good timing, and now is a better time than ever to explain to you our offer,” Michelangelo told her.

  “Offer?” she asked, setting down her wine glass.

  “Yes, Brazille. You see, we would like to offer you a partner position. A larger cut in all business dealings involved in Lancasters,” Michelangelo told h

  She was shocked. She placed her hand over her heart. “What?”

  Carmine chuckled.

  “She’s precious. I told you she would react like this. Love this woman,” Carmine said, and she felt her cheeks warm.

  “We bought out Damian’s company, and crazy thing was, we were in negotiations when you approached him about the job opportunity he offered you months ago,” Lancaster said.

  “The one you never mentioned to us,” Carlotta said in a scolding tone.

  “I get job offers often, Carlotta.”

  “Oh really? Perhaps you would like to share those with us?” Carlotta asked.

  She shook her head. “I’d rather not,” she said.

  “Smart move,” Lancaster teased and they chuckled.

  “Well, this is the deal, Brazille. We bought out Damian’s company, and he now works for us, well, and you too if you accept this offer. Which by the way, you would have to be insanely stupid to do that,” Michelangelo said to her and winked.

  “Uhm, details, this is shocking. I mean what does it actually mean? What are the benefits, the responsibilities?” she asked.

  “There’s a hell of a list, but basically what you’ve been doing now, but on a more professional, upscale level. Like a CEO, and Damien is kind of in your role. You’ll help him of course, and work side by side often. But in this position, you don’t need to wear those thong bikinis some clients try to persuade you into wearing,” Michelangelo said and smirked.

  “Although I can’t blame them. We’ve seen her in a two piece on the resorts in the Caribbean and Hawaii,” Carlotta pointed out, and took a sip from his drink as he eyed her over.

  “Very funny,” she countered. They laughed, and then Lancaster went over more specific details as she listened attentively and couldn’t help but be excited. It would be a dream job.

  “Oh, and you can expect that salary to triple, and then some, very quickly. We can go over everything tomorrow in the office, but tonight we celebrate you becoming a partner in the business.”

  Michelangelo raised his glass and so did the others. She was overwhelmed and so excited. She couldn’t wait to find out the details and to embrace this advancement. She clinked her glass with theirs, and they congratulated her and continued to celebrate.

  * * * *

  Carlotta kept his eyes on Brazille as the others explained a little more about her role in the business, and how it was solely a position in the entertainment industry. They hinted about their involvement in other industries, and she should definitely be aware of the multitude of hotels they owned and operated, as well as shipping companies and even small businesses like gyms and studios. As Lancaster told her about some of the other local businesses, she seemed surprised.

  “Wait, don’t tell me you’re the ones who helped financially back Phoenix James and his studio are you?” she asked.

  No one answered. “You enjoy working out with him. He gets results and offers a strong business that has been growing quickly,” Carmine said to her.

  “I love his workouts. He’s total military and is tough as nails. I’ve been going there for over a year, and Mercedes has been, and some of the other dancers.” She stopped talking and put it together.

  “Oh my God, that’s what the discounted price was about. He offers your employees discounted rates.”

  “One of the perks to helping him. He’s a great guy,” Carmine said to her.

  “He is,” she replied.

  “He likes you. A lot,” Carlotta said to her and stared at her lips.

  “He’s become a good friend. I wouldn’t leave his studio for anything. He really knows his stuff,” she said to him, but he often wondered if she were attracted to the guy, but he made a point of letting Phoenix know to keep his distance. He wasn’t good enough for her. She was special, and after years of hanging out with bimbos and just looking for non-commitment types of women, he found himself thinking more and more about Brazille. When he caught Pallen, that sick bastard hurting her, trying to force himself on her, he lost it. But she was super sweet, and he did get involved with a few criminal jobs over the years without his partners knowing. In fact, he was sure to make certain he covered his tracks, and especially on their latest job where he hoped to gain another business partner separate from these men here.

  Otis Ressling was a shrewd businessman, in oil and in the prostitution ring he ran and operated, and in underground clubs that made fantasies become reality. Sex was big business, and Carlotta got a taste of the action and was working his way inside. Brazille laughed at something Lancaster said and his partners all smiled. She lit up a room, was a grand prize to any man smart enough not to hurt her. He didn’t know if he had what it took, but he definitely wouldn’t mind a little taste of her. Maybe he could get that chance now that she was going to be a partner?

  * * * *

  Brazille felt amazing. As they finished their meal, and then started to get up from the table, she saw Michelangelo smile wide and then Lancaster, Carmine, and Carlotta, too. As she turned she was shocked to see two men, one she recognized as Vincenzo Castrione. She had yet to meet him in person, but saw his picture and read his business bio online. She instantly remembered Michelangelo’s words of advice at showing complete respect to the man.

  As he shook their hands hello, his eyes kept going back to her, and then Michelangelo introduced her.

  “This is Brazille. I believe you’ve been communicating over the phone, and your P.A. has been in contact with her.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Brazille. My God, you’re even more stunning than the pictures I had gotten of you. I kick myself now for not making it a personal responsibility to meet with you myself,” he said, and brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the top as he held her gaze and looked at her body. She smiled softly.

  “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, sir. And thank you for the compliment,” she said, and wondered what pictures he was talking about, and then figured that perhaps he looked up pictures of her as she looked up pictures of him.

  “We were heading over to the bar for some after dinner drinks, would you like to join us?”

  “I can stop for one. I have a prior commitment with some friends in the backroom shortly.”

  “Wonderful. Come on,” Michelangelo said, and waved his hand toward the bar. She felt Carlotta’s hand go to her hip, and then heard Mr. Castrione, who was older in his fifties, with black hair and a dusting of grey throughout, say something about Pallen screwing up, and if Michelangelo had heard. They whispered and she couldn’t hear between the crowds of people and the music, but then Mr. Castrione turned toward her. “Let me see your hand,” he ordered. She gulped and looked at Michelangelo and Lancaster, who both nodded.

  She immediately raised the bruised one up, assuming that was what he meant. He took it into his hand, and with a scowl on his face, he exhaled.

  “So sorry he did this to you. The man is out of control. I’ve just begun to sever ties with him, and I suggest that your bosses do the same.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the top before releasing it.

  “Keep watch over her, Michelangelo,” he said in warning, and Michelangelo nodded, a scowl on his face indicating that whatever specifically Castrione told him, it was serious.

  They talked about an upcoming event and then Vincenzo Castrione had to leave, but he made a point of telling her that he would set up a meeting for them to discuss his event in person. She thanked him and he walked away.

  As they headed out to the limo and got inside, she reached into her purse to check her cellphone. When she saw the number and then the text, she immediately felt her heart racing. J.T. had tried calling and texting hours ago, and probably just as they entered the restaurant. She felt the hand on her knee as she heard Carlotta’s voice as he leaned closer.

  “Missed an important call?” he asked.

  She turned to look at him, those chocolate dark eyes, that debonair expression, and then at her other bosses who watched, looki
ng interested.

  “Sort of.”

  “You look a little flushed, so who is he?” Michelangelo asked.

  “A guy? Since when?” Carmine added.

  “Oh boy, who is he? We want a name, and we’ll have people look into him,” Lancaster said.

  She felt her cheeks really heat and she started to panic as she pushed her hair from her cheek and over her shoulder. “It’s just a friend.”

  “Hmmm, doesn’t seem like that,” Carmine stated.

  “It’s just some men I met that are friends with my friends. We all hang out.”

  “A group of men? Like a ménage?” Carlotta asked, moving his hand off her knee.

  She looked up at him.

  “I’m friends with them, and a lot of my friends are involved in ménage relationships. And not for nothing, Carlotta, but just last May, you and your partners here were going hot and heavy with a little blonde bombshell you met in the Caribbean only weeks before that.”

  “Cassidy. Oh yeah, Cassidy was something else,” Lancaster said, but Michelangelo exhaled.

  “You seeing them, sleeping with them?” Michelangelo asked.

  She gulped.

  “I just met them, well I mean, I met them months ago, and we’ve crossed paths a few times, then Saturday night we hung out with our friends, and then spent Sunday together, and Monday hanging out and getting to know one another. So it’s new. I’m not sure if it’s anything, and you guys know about Brian.”

  “Brian was a dick. You should have let us take care of him,” Carlotta stated angrily.

  “That wasn’t necessary. I’ve been taking my time, and it’s been two years. No relationships, no dating, no fooling around, and it was just instant with them.”

  “How fucking many of them are there?” Carlotta asked, seemingly angry.

  “Four,” she replied.

  “That would be like us with you, if we made a move instead of giving you time,” Carlotta said.

  “Carlotta,” Michelangelo snapped at him.

  She was surprised and now felt really uncomfortable.

  Carlotta took her hand. “I’ve cared for you, didn’t make a move as I was giving you time, and hoping that you would feel the attraction,” he said to her.


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