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Sons of Justice 8_Lust to Love

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I can’t. I’m working,” she told him, not even mentioning that her friends were here. She wouldn’t expose Merica and Talia to a man like him. He was nothing like his brother, Vincenzo, that was for sure.

  Then suddenly he smiled at someone behind her. She turned and saw a man with three others standing there. Very attractive with dark brown hair and blue eyes, older, a mustache, and the two men who were with him were definitely guards. She swallowed hard but his eyes didn’t leave hers.

  “Ah, Otis, you made it,” Fernando said and shook his hand.

  “Is this her?” he asked.

  “Oh, no, no, no, this is Brazille. She works with Lancaster Entertainment Industries as their events coordinator,” he said, and the man eyed her over and so did his guards.

  The man Otis, raised both eyebrows up at Fernando as if reprimanding Fernando for not truly introducing them.

  “So sorry. Brazille, this is Otis Ressling,” Fernando said, and Otis reached his hand out for her to shake. She did and he squeezed her hand and eyed over her breasts.

  “You’ll join us for a drink?” he said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry I can’t. I’m working. But please, enjoy the evening and the band. It was nice meeting you. See you later, Fernando,” she said, and the man Otis didn’t release her hand until she raised one eyebrow up at him and pulled back. He grinned, slightly.

  She quickly walked away, her eyes then landing on J.T. and Luke, but then they looked away. Her heart ached until she plowed right into Bently, one of the male strippers who was looking for her to find out where he needed to go to set up for the little dance for Mr. Burns’s girlfriends’ friends. The female stripper, Mercedes, was due here any time now, too. It was a chaotic time as she organized the last series of extra activities before she would be able to join Merica and Talia. As she glanced back at the bar and saw all four of her lovers, well, ex-lovers, she reacted and this time when Bently hugged her tight, she took advantage of it and squeezed him back. He kissed her neck and whispered into her ear, “What’s wrong?” he asked, knowing that this wasn’t her normal behavior.

  “I saw a guy who broke my heart. Just hold me a second longer.”

  “I’ll kick the fucker’s ass,” he whispered, and then ran his palm along her back nearly to her ass.

  “Not necessary. Thanks,” she whispered back, and as he released her and she stepped back, he let his palm glide along her ass and she gave him a stern expression. “Brazille, you asked for it. I only get to see that ass in the gym and at work, and always wanted to cop a feel. How about up top? If I feel you up that should piss him off. Or maybe a kiss,” he said and winked.

  She shook her head and gave his arm a slap. “I think you overdid it. Have you seen Mercedes?”

  “Oh yeah, and she is looking hot. We have everything set, so don’t even worry about a thing,” he said.

  She couldn’t help but look back toward the bar, and what she hadn’t expected were daggers from all four men. She felt guilty and that was stupid, they were the ones cheating. She took a deep breath and then felt the hand on her shoulder. “Hey, are you sure that you’re okay?”

  “Yes, I’m good. I appreciate your hard work and I know you’ll both do great. Let’s head back there now.”

  “You can stick around here and I’ll take care of things.”

  She grabbed his arm and hugged it. “No way, I need to vacate this area. There are jerks all over the place,” she said and walked away with him.

  * * * *

  “You do whatever you need to do to ensure that Otis Ressling gets what he wants. You make him want you tonight,” Turner whispered to Chanelle as he squeezed her hip. The last person she expected to see walk by them right as Fernando was walking with Ottis Ressling, and two men, was Pallen. He wasn’t alone either. He had a tall, glamorous looking blonde on his arm. Anger filled her to her core.

  “Smile,” Turner whispered, and stroked a finger up under her dress, right there. Right where anyone could have seen. She felt cheap, like used goods all because Pallen went after her cousin Brazille, and then sold her to these men. She had been forced to learn things, ways to please this man Otis, who was into some sick sexual fantasies. She was promised money though, and freedom once Otis was done with her. She could live off of what she had now, and the money they promised her. Perhaps she could be so good that Otis would keep her. He was supposedly filthy rich and in the oil business. Fernando did say it was a possibility. She smiled, licked her lower lip, and as Fernando approached with Otis, she couldn’t help but find the man sexy and attractive, then Otis gazed over her body and back toward the crowd. Fernando leaned closer and asked if everything was okay. Whatever he said, Fernando shook his head and said no, and that she was off limits. That this one, meaning Chanelle, was prepped and ready once the deal was complete. He looked annoyed, and then glanced back at her and gave her a fake smile as he ate her up with his eyes.

  As they shook hands hello, and he came closer. He then ran his hand along her waist to her ass and squeezed, as if he were at a super market checking the ripeness of melons. Then he gave her ass a tap.

  “Let’s enjoy the evening, then plan to talk business later.” He reached out and stroked her jaw to her lips. He was checking out her skin, her bone structure, and it was odd.

  He released her and then looked at Turner.

  “I have associates interested in placing orders for upcoming private affairs at the club. I’m going to need some handpicked special requests. Are you able to handle an order like that in a timely manner? I can get the date to you.”

  “Yes, of course we can. As we explained, we’ve been doing this business for years now, and are very careful, and do our best to come as close as possible to the request. Anything you need; however, you need them to be trained or not trained at all.”

  “Very good, Turner. These individuals are regulars, and if you proved the finest quality, and they perform accordingly, these men will pay big time. Of course, I get a cut. A finders’ fee, let’s say,” Otis said, and waved his hand, and gave a smug expression. He then looked her over before he raised his drink to them and made a toast. “To making money together,” he said, and they clinked glasses and then his hand went to her ass, and squeezed. She put on her smile as Turner nodded with that firm expression of his.

  As the night went on, she had a few breathers going to the ladies’ room, and then waiting until Fernando, Otis, and Turner talked business. So when Turner walked away from them and came closer, he grabbed her arm tight and whispered into her ear.

  “You make him very happy. You do whatever he says and no resisting unless he wants you to resist.”

  “I know, you both already explained everything to me.”

  “No, you don’t understand. He caught sight of your cousin, Brazille. He’s interested.”

  Her eyes widened, and her heart dropped to her stomach. No, No, he couldn’t. This couldn’t be happening to her. Not after what she allowed Turner and Fernando to do to her to train her for this man. The ropes, the sex toys, the multiple people with masks. She shivered and tears filled her eyes. Men always went after Brazille and not Chanelle. Even Pallen, did and then sold her to these men.

  “Don’t you cry. You do whatever he asks when he takes you wherever he takes you,” he said to her, and she clenched her teeth and got angry.

  “I’ll make him never want to let me go,” she said to him and Turner smirked.

  “Good. You do your damndest, or this deal is squashed, and you don’t get that fifty grand,” he said and she nodded, then straightened out her shoulders and headed toward the men. She slid her hand along Otis’s waist, and then over his crotch then back to his waist. He squinted at her and she held his gaze.

  “Do you need anything, sir?” she asked in a seductive, sexy tone.” He looked her over and then let his tongue peek out at her lower lip.

  “Shortly, Chanelle, and I promise, you’ll be begging for mercy.”

  Chapter Four

nbsp; Brazille wanted to burst into tears she was so hurt, but she didn’t. She couldn’t. Instead she focused on her job, and on her friends who enjoyed the band and were having fun talking to several guys. She said goodnight to them earlier, and now was working on making sure the finishing details were set for the afterparty. As if a freaking afterparty was even necessary after this bash Mr. Burns threw? It was ridiculous, but she was being paid to make it all a success.

  As she walked down the hallway to the next private room she was paused at the sight. Pallen had a blonde pressed up against the wall, his mouth to her neck and her arms raised above her head. Then she looked away, and to the right was Chanelle standing by that man Otis, as well as Fernando, and three other men. Chanelle was in a dead stare at Pallen and what he was doing in public with the blonde. She knew her cousin was feeling hurt. Under normal circumstances, Brazille would just leave it alone because now she understood what it was like. To let go and allow herself to be seduced by men, have them use her for her body and then dismiss her like garbage. She felt like shit, and so did Chanelle. Brazille didn’t know what was going on or who that Otis guy was, but she didn’t think twice as she walked over.

  “Excuse me. So sorry to interrupt, but I need Chanelle a moment. Thank you.” Brazille said and grabbed Chanelle’s hand and pulled her along and down through the crowd to the wall. She was still in sight of the men, and Fernando who had a scowl on his face, but the other man, Otis, turned and his eyes were on Brazille and Chanelle.

  “What are you doing? I have to stay over there,” Chanelle said to her.

  “What do you mean have to stay there? What is going on? I know you’re probably feeling hurt right now.”

  “Hurt, Brazille? Why would you say that? Because another man chose you over me once again?”

  Brazille stepped back and squinted at her. “What are you talking about?”

  Chanelle exhaled and then looked her over.

  “You’re not better than I am. I won’t let you take this away from me, too.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Nothing. You don’t get it, and you don’t care. You think you’re better than me. You wait around and hold out for the right man instead of taking what you want, what you need from one. Stop being such a prude and stop expecting perfection. No one is perfect. You sure aren’t. Leave me alone and stay away from those men. Otis is mine,” she said and straightened out her shoulders and walked away.

  Brazille didn’t know what was going on, and she walked away thinking tonight turned out to be the worst night of her life, ever.

  * * * *

  “Cousins?” Otis asked Fernando.

  “Yes. Two completely different women.”

  “I’d say so. The brunette is a keeper. Very beautiful, exotic, and that body, men would kill to possess her.”

  “I know what you mean, Otis, I truly do. Every man who sees her finds her attractive, but she wouldn’t be right for the business. She wouldn’t comply at all. It would be a fight, and then some.”

  Otis looked at Fernando, and he understood what he meant, but Otis knew women well. They were all trainable. Even those who needed to be manipulated and fooled first. He could see himself with a woman like Brazille. Actually have her by his side. He needed more information on her, but perhaps getting it from Fernando wouldn’t be wise. After all, Fernando couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of Brazille either, except to look toward the bar at a set of men sitting there. Did he think they were interested in Brazille, as well? Otis felt the tightness in his chest. It was getting stronger, and if he kept staring at Brazille, he knew what would come of this. He would get his mind so wrapped around having her that he would have to do just that. Have her. In his bed, underneath him, begging for mercy. If she was a fighter, resistant to his power and control, then it would take time to beat her down and train her accordingly. Could be worth it in the long run. Her eyes alone would bring in a pretty penny indeed.

  He looked back toward Brazille, who seemed upset with Chanelle, then shocked. Chanelle gave her cousin an attitude then turned around and headed back toward Otis and the others. Chanelle was a whore, even if she was an expensive one. A woman who spread her legs for money from wealthy men like him. She was going to truly earn her money tonight, and a position in the party coming up. As she approached, she eyed him over, licked her lips and then bowed her head.

  “So sorry about the interruption. Is there anything you need?” she asked him.

  He glanced at Fernando.

  “We’ll talk more later in the week. I’ll have that list of what I want, of what will be needed for that private gathering,” he said to him, and then looked at Chanelle and his guards. Remain here with her. I need to take care of something first.”

  Chanelle remained with one of his guards, and Otis walked away a minute. He knew he needed to strike while he could. To make a plan, a connection immediately. He whispered to Fernando. “Before I leave, I need you to arrange something for me.”

  * * * *

  “Get all those pictures to Spartan and the guys. Have them look into who they are,” J.T. told Cole as they exited the club and headed toward their vehicles.

  The men were all quiet, angry and more than ready to leave.

  “Could she be involved with those men?” Luke asked.

  “I hope the fuck not, but now Brazille is part of the investigation. There’s nothing we can do about it. She was keeping company with those men. She had conversations with Turner and the other men he was with. We need the guys to dig, and find out who the blonde is,” J.T. said.

  Cole cleared his throat. “She could just be an innocent bystander in this. Any of those men could be clients who had parties for the company she works for. It looked like she was in charge of aspects of this event. I think we need to confront her,” Cole said.

  “Confront her? She saw us with two other women. You told her to take a hike. The look in her eyes was pretty fucking clear we hurt her,” Luke said to them.

  “We had no choice. If Turner or anyone else identified us as Sons of Justice, or even military, it could have cost us this investigation. The ones in charge would be pissed and things would be set back farther. Our position was to monitor him, to see if any other military personally were involved or coming around. There were numerous dead soldiers and Turner is responsible. That’s our focus,” J.T. said to them.

  “So we’re going to just let Brazille think we were cheating on her, out at a bar picking up other women?” Farrow asked, all pissed off.

  “No, we’re going to wait for her at her place and interrogate her as Spartan has men look into everything they can get on her so we’re prepared. If it turns out she is involved, then we’ll take it from there and discuss options.”

  “God damn it, J.T., you’re talking about her like she doesn’t mean the fucking world to us,” Luke stated in anger.

  J.T. pointed at him and raised his voice. “I’m talking about her like a man, a soldier involved in an investigation where fellow soldiers were killed or left for dead. Marines first and foremost. If she is innocent, then we’ll know. Tonight. Because I’m not going to let her out of her house, and perhaps her bed until we clear the fucking air and confirm her involvement with these men. Now let’s get the fuck out of here and gather our shit. While I drive, Farrow you call Rossi and Romani. They’ll be able to get everything on Brazille that we need to know, and I mean everything. Cole, while Luke drives, you call Quantico. I want everything on Brazille’s bosses and the company. We need to start eliminating the players in this game and fast,” J.T. said, and then they parted ways and would head to Brazille’s place to wait for her.

  * * * *

  Brazille, rubbed the back of her neck as she watched the crowds of people slowly disperse. She said goodnight to Mr. Burns and his girlfriend, who had an amazing time. Another successful event over, but instead of feeling happy, successful, and like she achieved her job, visions of the men with those women, and how they told her
to take a hike and acted like they didn’t know her, consumed her mind. Tears filled her eyes once again. Then she got angry, and told herself at least she hadn’t let them break her down so much that she let them take her together. She would feel worse. Ten times worse than she did right now. It made her wonder why her luck with men was so bad.

  “It’s one hell of a party,” she heard the deep voice, and turned and saw Pallen standing there, and with that man she met earlier. Otis Ressling. The man ate her up with his eyes, but nonchalantly, as he gave a small smile and moved closer to her and to the balcony she was looking over.

  “I’m not in the mood, Pallen,” she said and turned to leave, but Pallen stepped in her way. As not to let him touch her, she stepped back, her rear hitting the railing.

  “Brazille, I’m sorry about that night. Let’s put it behind us. I was in a state, and as you can tell, I decided to part ways with Chanelle.”

  “Oh, I saw that, with the blonde you brought with you. Where is she anyway?” she asked and looked around.

  “She’s waiting for me and standing with some friends. That’s not why I’m here now, though. I was drunk and stupid, and I apologize for that. Now please, can we stop talking about that night? Otis here, wanted to speak with you about a potential event he needs to plan. It’s a private affair, something that would involve indiscretion on your part.”

  She eyed over Otis and then looked back at Pallen. “Indiscretion, huh? Is it illegal? My bosses won’t allow anything illegal,” she said.

  “No, and besides, it’s at a private venue, and we can discuss the details for approval with Carlotta.” He looked at Otis. “Perhaps you would like to explain what you’re looking for to Brazille?” he asked, and Otis nodded and smiled, then looked at her.

  The man was about six feet tall, that dark hair with the dusting of grey made him appear distinguished, older, then add in the mustache and it gave him a European look, and she wondered what line of business he was in exactly. He was attractive, she couldn’t lie to herself, and she supposed since she was so angry at the men she couldn’t really think straight or get a gut reaction about this guy Otis. It was all business anyway, so what did it matter? She needed to be cordial. She wouldn’t ruin her professional career because she was hurt and jealous at seeing the men with those two women, and then telling her to take a hike. The pain in her heart and her gut was instant at the thought. She cleared her mind. Focus.


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