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Sons of Justice 8_Lust to Love

Page 16

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Wait, there’s no need to stop everything. We’ll answer their questions, but we still need to figure out what Turner is up to. He’s still part of SOJ, and has access to shit. If he’s up to no good and is connected to the murders of the judge and his son, then we need to stay ahead of the feds and Rangers and be prepared to protect our own.”

  “You seriously think this might turn into more than just drugs and money? That Turner killed the judge and his son to shut them up before we made a deal with them?”

  “Hell yeah. It makes sense, but when the feds find out you were negotiating a plea deal with the judge’s son for information, it is not going to go over well. We lost our opportunity to question them. Maybe the feds and rangers could find some other information on the judge that proves he was involved, too, and working with the son and Turner? Wouldn’t that be perfect?” J.T asked.

  “Sure as shit would be, but I doubt it’s going down this way. Just plan on going to get interrogated.”

  “Not a problem. My team and I have nothing to hide.”

  Spartan raised one eyebrow up at him.

  “Hello, Brazille.”

  J.T. squinted. “Fuck.”


  * * * *

  Luke kept his arm wrapped around Brazille’s waist, and held his palm under her blouse against her belly as he took a sip from his bottle of beer and spoke with Eddie and Panther. He didn’t want her out of his sight. Not for a moment. In fact, they were all taking turns holding her as she spoke with friends, or just listened to the band play at the Filling Station.

  He was already used to the teasing comments their friends gave them about commitment and having a girlfriend. They asked when they were going to officially claim guardianship of Brazille, and he wanted to do that right now. Cesar and Spartan were here, as most of her friends were. They didn’t need any crazy announcement, just a confirmation that they all wanted to be her guardians and that she accepted them, and wanted them as hers.

  She stopped talking and stepped forward to pull her cellphone from her pocket.

  “I need to answer this. It’s Carlotta.”

  He nodded at her and she put the phone to her ear after excusing herself from the conversation, and then walked toward the hallway Spartan and J.T. just came from. J.T remained near the doorway as she spoke.

  “Don’t worry, looks like J.T. is watching over her,” Eddie said to him. Panther and Mink chuckled.

  “You guys got it bad. So fucking funny to watch,” Panther said, then took a slug from his beer.

  “Why is that?” Luke asked.

  “The four of you are so fucking wild, you’ve never settled down until now, until SOJ and living in Repose, and it’s been like a fucking month,” Mink stated.

  They laughed.

  “Seems to me that you guys weren’t here too long either when you set eyes on Lauren,” he countered.

  “He has a point,” Mink said.

  “We were way calmer going after Lauren. Your brother basically went all barbaric on her and needed to abduct the poor woman to get her to give you four the time of day.”

  “We didn’t abduct her,” Luke said as they laughed.

  “We saw the pictures,” Panther said. “And the video.”

  “Fucking Big John and Tiny, they have nerve,” Luke said, and then they laughed some more.

  “Hey, we’re just fucking with you. We’re happy for you, actually. She’s a gorgeous woman, very likable. Still don’t know why she’s with the four of you, but hey, it’s all good,” Panther teased some more, and Luke laughed as he looked over toward the hallway and no longer saw J.T. He must have joined Brazille in the hallway.

  * * * *

  “I suppose that will work out fine to meet him at the club with you in the morning. I’ll be in regular time.”

  “Great. That should work because I have an appointment at eleven. Do you think you could maybe check out the schedules and see what dancers are available for that event Friday?”

  “Of course I can do that. Do you want the list right away?”

  “No, just have it organized for the morning. Once you get an understanding of what Fernando is looking for, it will work out fine. So, I’ll see you at nine?”

  “Yes, I will be there.”

  “Great, also the party supplies, those favors you ordered for the event Wednesday at Lancasters, arrived. I took a peek.”

  “Really, and?”

  “And they look exceptional. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will love them.”

  “Fantastic, I can’t wait to see them in person. Hopefully they’ll be thrilled.”

  “I’m sure. Talk tomorrow. Bye.”

  “Bye,” she said and ended the call. She took a deep breath and exhaled, relieved that the favors arrived in time, then she felt the arm go around her waist. She gasped, and tightened up.

  “All good, baby?” J.T. asked and she leaned back, and squeezed his forearm and smiled.

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  He turned her in his arms and slid his hand along her waist to her ass, giving it a slap. “Yes, sir, huh? Liking the sound of that,” he said and then cupped her cheek and kissed her. They started really making out and he had her pressed against the wall, and just as his palm began to move up under her shirt, they heard the deep voice.

  “Get a room.” J.T. didn’t pull completely away, instead he suckled against her neck as he looked right at Stack.

  “This here is the new make-out spot. I’m pretty sure I saw you here last week with Thylane, pressed up against the wall and your hand up her—”

  “J.T,” she scolded and slapped his arm.

  Stack chuckled.

  “Damn straight it was. That’s my woman, and I can’t get enough of her. I’d welcome you to the club, but you ain’t made nothing official,” Stack said, and winked then walked past them.

  He gripped her hips. She held onto his shoulders.

  “He’s right,” he said, and kissed her hard on the mouth, then slid his hand down her arm, and took her hand and practically drag her from the hallway. He went right over to Cesar and Spartan, who happened to be talking to Farrow, and Cole. J.T. whispered and Luke heard him despite the loud music and he approached. J.T. kept his arm around her waist and brought her between his team.

  “Cesar, Spartan, we’d like to make it official tonight that Brazille is our woman, and we’re claiming guardianship of her. She’s off the market and so are we,” he said, and she felt her cheeks warm as her men each touched her, held her hands, and caressed her.

  “It’s about fucking time!” Big John yelled out, and that sent a serious of commotion through their crowd of friends.

  “And Brazille, you accept them as your guardians?” Cesar asked.

  “Yes, I accept them.”

  Cesar and Spartan smiled.

  “Congratulations. Let’s celebrate,” Spartan said, and they all cheered, and drinks were passed around and each of her men kissed her, and then their friends congratulated them. It was the perfect ending to a wonderful evening, and she knew in that moment, that life was only going to get better with her four soldiers in her life.

  Chapter Seven

  “Listen, I think you pretty much have figured out that we aren’t the bad guys here, but the good guys. Obviously, something else is going on with this guy Turner,” Spartan said to the agents.

  “We have to question anyone of interest. You know how this works. Your alibis will be checked soon enough, and then you’re done. Might I suggest you halt any further investigation and let us handle it from here. The Rangers who have been assigned are friends of yours, so you know we’ll handle this with respect and keep you informed,” the agent said to them as they all stood up and were about to leave.

  “We appreciate that. We don’t want any negativity being spread to our organization, and if Turner is responsible, then he needs to be handled accordingly,” Spartan stated.

  “Of course,” the agent said to them, and then shook their hands

  What none of them had expected was to see Turner walking down the hallway with another agent. Cole, Luke, Farrow, and J.T. didn’t know what to do, but since they were no longer working this case on him, it didn’t matter if they were identified. Turner looked right at them, squinted and then passed by.

  “Asshole. I hope they bust his ass good and we can all be rid of him so SOJ isn’t connected to anything,” Spartan stated.

  “Agree with that. So, looks like we’re back to working in the training facility,” J.T. said, and then he got a text message. He glanced at it.

  “Shit. Looks like they sent an agent to confirm we were with her Friday and Saturday night.”

  “Oh crap. What did she say?” Luke asked.

  “She asked if this was a good enough response to their questions,” he said and showed them his phone. They started laughing as they saw the Gif of a woman with her hand on her hip, opening the front door with the words ‘booty call, seriously?’

  “She didn’t?” Spartan asked.

  “No, she wouldn’t, but that is pretty much her response to probably not being warned about the agent showing up at work,” J.T. said.

  “Who was there?” Spartan asked.

  “Don’t know. It’s her regular scheduled time and I know she was meeting Carlotta, though,” J.T. said.

  “Well, hopefully no one was around. We don’t know who is connected to all this crap. Maybe call her and ask just to be certain,” Spartan said.

  “Will do. Talk to you later,” J.T. said, and as they parted ways and got into their truck, Cole called Brazille.

  * * * *

  Fernando texted Pallen as he waited for some federal agents to question Brazille. She looked shocked and kind of gave Fernando a funny expression. Carlotta was surprised, too, and seemed very concerned.

  “I should go check on her. I don’t know why two agents would come here to ask her questions,” he said and excused himself.

  Fernando looked at his cellphone, and when Pallen texted back, he called him instead.

  “What do you know?” he asked him and kept eyes on the door.

  “The judge and his son are dead. Throats slit. Turner is being questioned by feds and Texas Rangers about his potential involvement.”

  “What? Did he fucking do it?”

  “Probably not by his own hands. He isn’t stupid, but I think that guy he killed was one of the soldiers that were beaten and left for dead a few weeks back. Friends of Turner’s.”

  “Find out more. Turner isn’t calling back yet. What would this have to do with Brazille?”

  “Got no idea.”

  “Well, Otis is going to be pissed. You heard him. He wants her.”

  “He has Chanelle to keep him and his team of sick fucks busy. She’s still with them. Doubt they’ll let Chanelle leave the dungeon anytime soon.”

  “The guy’s a psycho. Let me know when you find out more.” He ended the call, and he had a really bad feeling about this. Something wasn’t right.

  His phone rang and he saw it was Turner. He quickly answered it.

  “Feds are here questioning Brazille.”

  “Brazille? Why?”

  “That’s why I’m calling you. Did you off that judge and his kid? Did something get fucked up and you hid it from me?”

  “No, no Fernando. It’s nothing.”

  “Fuck that shit it’s nothing. You fucking killed them, why?”

  “They knew about the plan. We’re making a deal with the feds and Sons of Justice because the judge’s kid, Yorn, wanted into that organization.”

  “What the fuck is Sons of Justice, and what does this have to do with us and our business?”

  “A lot it seems. As I was walking in, a group of military guys were walking out. I recognized two of them from the other night at Benzingers. I think Brazille knows them, and I have a feeling they were following me.”

  “Fuck. This is really bad. How would she know them?

  “I don’t know yet, but maybe she’s sleeping with them. I don’t know.”

  “This is going to get fucked up. Otis will freak and pull out completely if he can’t get Brazille like he shared with us.”

  “That’s a hundred grand a piece,” Turner said.

  “Yes, it is, and you might have just fucked the whole thing up.”

  “No, I’ll fix it. Where are you now?”

  “Here at Lancasters. Carlotta is talking with Brazille right outside the door. I think the feds left, but they saw me here.”

  “Not good. Stay calm and I’ll handle this,” Turner said, and then ended the call.

  Brazille and Carlotta walked back into the room.

  “So sorry about that, Fernando,” Carlotta said, and held out a chair for Brazille.

  “Yes, that was so strange. Anyway, where were we?” she asked, and pushed her hair behind her ear.

  “I’m more interested in knowing why federal agents would want to question you. Is there something you’d like to share? I mean, if there’s some sort of illegal business going on, I don’t know if I want to involve my friends and have you conduct this party.”

  “Oh no, no, Fernando. I’m not involved in anything.”

  “Yes, she’s fine. It was friends of hers. They needed an alibi,” Carlotta stated, and Brazille looked annoyed that Carlotta said something. Who needed an alibi and why? Did she think that Fernando was involved with something and maybe was helping the men she needed to give and alibi for? He was paranoid and tried not to show he was concerned.

  “Who are these friends? I hope not criminals?” he asked.

  “No, they’re men she is seeing,” Carlotta said, and he looked jealous and pissed off.

  “Carlota. They’re friends, and I was with them hanging out with other friends. Now is not the time to talk about this. It was a simple confirmation that they were with me. Now, back to business. So, we would need to finalize the times of the event for this Friday’s party. I understand it’s a private club of some sort. Is it the same one Otis mentioned?” she asked.

  “No, this is different. I know he wanted to get together with you this week. Perhaps Friday when you’re at my event, you could take time to talk more with him? It would be a great opportunity for you.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be time. I need to see if we can handle an event an hour from here still.”

  “That won’t be a problem. I believe Mr. Ressling will pay top dollar for the best, and if he wants Brazille to plan the event then she can handle it,” Carlotta said, and Fedarro smiled.

  “Perfect, I’ll make sure you and Otis meet and discuss things.”

  Fernando’s phone began to go off numerous times.

  “I’m sorry. I think I ought to get going. Seems the earlier interruption with the agents took away valuable time. I have to go. I’ll see you at six on Friday, Brazille. Thanks again for everything.” He stood up and shook their hands, then left the club.

  * * * *

  Otis walked into the bedroom to find Chanelle still sleeping. He had taken a shower, was fully dressed, and already spoke to the men in the club. They were all looking forward to the special annual event next week, and wondered who the surprise center stage woman would be. Chanelle performed accordingly, satisfying all fifteen members, and making not only money in tips, but also dates for private gatherings. She was tough, and he had his doubts that she would survive, but she did, and with only some marks on her skin, specifically her ankles and wrists from being restrained so tightly.

  He reached out and caressed her ass and thigh. She moaned. If he had known she was so good, he would have saved Chanelle for the event and placed her center stage. Now he needed to find the final woman. There were five of them.

  His cellphone rang and he saw that it was Fernando calling. “Hello?” he asked as he continued to stroke Chanelle’s ass and thigh.

  “We have a major fucking problem, thanks to that asshole Turner.”

  As Fernando explained what was going on, and what
he found out, Otis lost his cool.

  “What? We’ll get destroyed. I’ll lose everything. Are you fucking kidding me?” Otis asked, standing up and pacing.

  “No. The feds are involved and apparently the other night these men who want to fuck Brazille, or are currently fucking her, were there and they are part of the investigation. I think they were planted here to see who Turner hung out with. The feds will be looking into all of us.”

  “And that asshole killed two people like that?”

  “Yes. What do you want me to do? Cancel everything, get out of town?”

  “Keep Friday’s event. These feds can’t have much, or we would already be arrested. Perhaps they are waiting for next week. Maybe that asshole judge I said not to trust ratted us out.”

  “Maybe, but I think if he did we’d be done. Someone killed them.”

  “I will make a plan. Make sure we’re covered and they get nothing on us. Take care of Turner. These men and feds know nothing about the prostitution ring or anything we’re doing. We have nothing to worry about, and it will give me time to make arrangements.”

  “Arrangements for what?”

  “To leave the country for a little while,” he said, and then ended the call. Chanelle blinked her eyes open.

  “Otis?” she whispered. He smiled softly at her, stroked her cheek, and looked at her body.

  “You did well, Chanelle. Your money is already transferred into the account.”

  She squinted at him, and as she went to sit up, she cringed.

  “Just rest. You did wonderful, and your body needs to recoup.”

  “Am I going with you?” she asked. He stared at her not knowing what she meant.


  “Wherever you said you were going. It sounded like you were leaving, will you take me with you?” she asked.

  His mind began to formulate a plan.

  “I’m not sure you can. You’ve made quite the impression on some of my friends,” he said to her.

  “I want to go with you. I want to please you, Otis. What can I do? What?” she begged and slid along to his lap and lay her head on his thigh. He stroked her skin. She was so weak, controllable, and used.


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