Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance)

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Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance) Page 14

by Cristina Grenier

  The pain was starting once more, “Stop looking at me like that, it'll all be fine, thousands of women do this on a daily basis and most of them do it more than once so it can't be that bad?” I was of course only trying to kid myself as I felt the familiar contraction coming back to visit me.

  Holding my hand Tommy sat with me through my next one and as I couldn't help but cry out with pain I was relieved to hear a knock on the door as I had at that particular time felt an overwhelming desire to start pushing. I knew the dangers of pushing when I shouldn't and so knowing the doctor was here was almost exhilarating, I couldn't be far off now if I wanted to push.

  Running downstairs I was overcome with pleasure to see him return almost immediately with the doctor immediately behind him. As he placed his bag on the foot of the bed he must have caught a glance of what was happening between my legs.

  “Ok Tommy, we have very little time now, I can see the crowning of the head,” he disappeared into the bathroom to wash his hands and as he started to put on his gloves I began again with another, much stronger contraction.

  “I need to push!” I wailed.

  “Wait one moment whilst I check that's possible Eva, I don't want you to tear.” Tommy went a lighter shade of pale as the doctor explained this and I prayed that he wasn't going to faint, I had a feeling that this baby was coming at any moment and I didn't want him to miss it. Remaining at the head of the bed as promised, Tommy bit down on his lip with trepidation.

  “Oh boy, I'm going to be a Daddy tonight,” he whispered, “and you're going to be a Mommy.” The words gave me a tingle of excitement, it was true, in an hour or so we would be responsible for a dependant, someone was going to be completely reliant on us keeping it alive.

  A quick examination told the doctor what he needed to know and he gave me the go ahead to push whenever I felt it necessary. I didn't need to be asked twice and as I worked with the contraction I suddenly felt a strange burning between my legs, screaming through the harrowing agony, I pushed, straining and bearing down as much as I possibly could. I thought that it was going to be the moment but not this time, apparently I'd crowned but I'd run out of steam. The doctor suggested that the next one could be the right moment.

  “Preserve your energy now, the next time you may just need that little bit extra to push the baby out, when you run out of breath it will just pop back inside again, you need to get it over the lip of your cervix.” It was all well and good explaining this to me but did he honestly realize how hard it was to find the lip, never mind getting over it?

  I'd opted for a drug free birth, how I wished I'd researched that a little more than I had, I was up for taking anything in the cupboards at that point but something told me that I wasn't really going to get much pain relief from indigestion tablets or headache pills, this was definitely more than indigestion and had I had a headache I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place!

  As the next contraction began I knew this was going to be the mother of all contractions as it was relatively painful at the beginning and not just in the middle and at the end, I worked with it again instead of against it and pushed with all my might.

  With no breath left in me and a distinct surge of energy I gave birth to our beautiful baby and the doctor immediately shouted out that it was a girl. From the moment she came into the world she let us know she'd arrived, bringing her straight up to my chest, she was laid on me so I could take a good look at her. Her miniature eyes struggled to deal with the sudden light she was met with and her focus was all over the place but as soon as she found my face she stopped searching anywhere else, it was like an instant bond.

  She was perfect.

  “Hello little one, pleased to meet you at last.” I smiled down at her tiny body and kissed her little fingers, all ten of them. Tommy was instantly by my side and as he bent down to kiss her forehead I felt a solitary tear leave my eye; this was all I'd ever wanted, my own little family.

  As the doctor cleaned her up, Tommy disappeared downstairs to phone the rest of the family, according to him, my Grandfather was already in the pub wetting the baby's head and Grandma was to join him as soon as she'd learnt some news. As she passed through the yard and down into the village she went over to the ranch and informed everyone in there, Grandma said the cheers could be heard from the village pub, everyone was so pleased for us but not half as pleased as us.

  The local betting shop had been running a book on the date she would be born, what the sex of the baby would be, the weight and what her name would be, it felt like we were giving birth to a member of royalty but it was nice to know that everyone was thinking about us and that the birth of our baby was met with such enthusiasm and happiness.

  Bringing her back, nice and clean, I fed her straight away with no problem at all. Was it all this easy? She suckled on my breast with fervent hunger, whilst I popped my little finger inside her minute digit, she clung on whilst making sweet little suckling sounds like a kitten on its mother.

  I'd been quite anxious about the whole breastfeeding situation and worried that I wouldn't be able to manage it at all but our baby took to it like a duck to water. Both Tommy and I were in hopeless love, she was gorgeous. During his first cuddle he couldn't stop telling her how beautiful she was, “Just like your Mommy,” he told her. He looked so natural with her, he was going to make an incredible Dad, she wouldn't be able to put a foot wrong, I could already see that she'd wrapped him around her little finger. Tommy wasn't the cheating kind but I was certainly going to have to share his heart with this little one, not that I minded in the slightest.

  “I'm sorry it wasn't a boy,” I whispered over to him. “I'd known his heart had been set on it, he had almost convinced himself that it was.” I wasn't sorry that it was a girl I was just sorry for his disappointment.

  Tommy didn't take his eyes off our baby for one second, it almost seemed unbearable for him to do so, “Are you kidding me? I couldn't care less, she'll do just fine.” He was dumbstruck.

  “Besides, we can always try again.” Clearly, not that dumbstruck.

  “Can I get over the pain of this one first please?” I laughed. He was so preoccupied I don't even think he heard me.

  “Oh Eva, you did an incredible job, you know that?” I did know that.

  “Do we have a name?” asked the doctor, interrupting our playful banter. He was now all clean hands and ready to fill in some paperwork.

  Tommy looked over proudly at me and then again at his brand new daughter, “Yes we certainly do, say hello to Faith.”


  Cristina Grenier has been writing stories for as long as she could remember. She's a hopeless romantic and her writing reflects it. She loves to write Romance and Erotic stories. Cristina draws from her past experiences and from others around her when writing. She enjoys giving readers characters they can relate to and storylines that feel real.

  Besides being an avid writer, Cristina is also a talented artist. She enjoys painting landscapes and figure drawing. In her spare time , she also likes to travel, shop, and enjoys music of all genres. She currently resides in Connecticut with her husband Steve and their daughter, Megan.

  If you wish to contact Cristina or keep up with her latest works, please visit her goodreads page at

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