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Trust Me

Page 1

by Romily Bernard


  For Natalie Richards—I wouldn’t be here without you



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  What Happened After


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  About the Author

  Books by Romily Bernard



  About the Publisher


  Is it still kidnapping if your mom lets them take you? Because it definitely feels like kidnapping—no matter how many times Agent Hart smiles at me.

  “C’mon, Wick,” he says, rebuttoning the front of his suit jacket because I won’t shake his hand. “I promise you’ll like where you’re going.”

  Doubtful. That smile snakes chills up my spine. “Bren?” I call, wincing when my voice cracks. My adoptive mom left me with Hart so we could “talk,” but I’m so done talking. “Bren?”

  Bren appears in our living room doorway, my duffel bag—already packed—in one hand. It kicks all the air right out of me.

  “How long have you been planning this?” I whisper.

  “It’s not like that, Wick.”

  It is like that or she’d be able to meet my eyes.

  “You’ll like it there,” Bren continues, her free hand going to her reddening neck. “Mr. Hart’s program is specifically designed for teenagers dealing with loss. He can keep you safe—keep you out of trouble.”

  “I’m not in trouble.”

  Yet. The word hangs between us and Bren takes a deep breath. “Your therapist thinks it’s for the best.”

  “We’ve been watching you together, Wick,” Hart adds.

  I flick my eyes to him, force myself to hold his gaze. The way Hart grins looks like a toothpaste ad, but I can hear the threat simmering underneath. He’s daring me to challenge him.

  What if I did?

  What if I told Bren everything? I could tell her how it all started when Hart gave me the videos of my mother informing on my father, how the informing led to my mother’s murder, how I found that murderer and made him pay.

  I could tell Bren that I used to track down cheaters for money and that Detective Carson blackmailed me into working for him. I could tell her that my nightmares are so bad I’m afraid to sleep.

  I could tell her I spent so much time being scared, I didn’t know what it felt like to be safe until it was too late.

  Hart steps closer. “We know how much you’ve been struggling. Your therapist thinks your PTSD stems from what happened with your foster father.”

  I stiffen. My foster father is better known as Bren’s husband, or ex-husband, Todd. He raped a childhood friend of mine. It drove her to suicide; then he switched his attention to my sister.

  And then to me.

  I caught him before he could hurt anyone else, but the way I did it wasn’t exactly legal and I attracted Detective Carson’s notice. He threatened to tell Bren everything if I didn’t work for him. I agreed. After the damage Todd’s crimes did to Lily and Bren . . . well, how could I not have agreed? He was going to ruin what was supposed to be the rest of our lives.

  I lift my chin a little higher. “Yeah, so?”

  “Looking Glass,” Hart says softly, “is a very special program. We can help you get back your control, your life. It’s designed specifically for teens with your computer talents. You’ll be safe there. I’m asking you to trust me—just for a little while.”

  I stay still.

  “We really need to get going, Mrs. Callaway,” Hart says, turning that full-watt smile on my adoptive mom. There’s something plastic about him. It’s the way his chestnut-colored hair doesn’t move, how his shoes are shined. Hart’s like a Ken doll come to life except for the bulge at the small of his back. Is that a pistol?

  Hart’s careful to always face Bren so she won’t see it, but I do. What kind of counselor needs a gun? This isn’t good, but if I tell Bren, what happens? Will he tell her everything he knows about me? That’s worse.

  “I want to get Wick settled before dinner,” Hart says. “She’ll need to meet the other teens, see the facilities—”

  “What about Lily?” Saying my little sister’s name conjures tears in my eyes and I force my chin higher. “How am I supposed to say good-bye?”

  Bren focuses on her feet. “I’ll tell her what happened.”

  She’s really going to give me up. I blink; blink again because now my eyes are stinging. I know how this works. I’ve been through enough foster homes to understand how to leave. I knew this wouldn’t last.

  But I didn’t know how much it would hurt. The pain is incandescent. I feel like I could walk around it, sling it across my shoulders, and carry it. Bren was supposed to be forever and I was stupid enough to believe her.

  “Please, Bren. Please don’t do this.” The words shoot from me before I’m even aware I’m saying them. “Please don’t send me away.”

  For the first time since Hart arrived, Bren looks at me. “It’s for your own good, Wick. It’s not just the . . . acting out.” Her voice drops into a whisper and she edges closer. “It’s not safe for you here.”

  My heart double thumps. “What are you talking about?”

  Bren’s eyes go past me and straight to him.

  I step in front of Bren, block her from seeing Hart. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Show her.” Hart again. He appears at my side, those shiny shoes quiet as cat feet on the carpet. “Be honest with her, Mrs. Callaway.”

  Bren does as she’s told, but not before I see her wince. Was that “honest” dig supposed to hurt her? Because it did. I glare at Hart and Bren touches my arm.

  “That boy you caught—the one who was trying to murder his father—he’s dead.” She passes me a police report. It’s pages and pages of tiny font, but two words stand out: Jason Baines. He was a rising star in my father’s drug ring and damn near killed me.

  I shrug. “That’s horrible, but it doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Good point,” Hart says. “I mean, people get shivved in jail all the time, right?”

  I don’t look at him. Can’t. He put the slightest emphasis on “shivved” and now I know he knows about another shivving—one I helped make happen. I’m not ashamed I helped my father kill Joe Bender. I know what Joe did to my sister and what he was going to do to me when he was released from jail.

  I am, however, scared for Bren to find this out.

  “It isn’t just Jason who’s gone,” Hart continues and there’s the flutter of paper as he takes the report from Bren. “It’s every single person who worked for your father. They’re disappearing and—”

  “Michael,” I say.

  Hart’s brows
twitch together. “I’m sorry?”

  “Michael. I would prefer you call him Michael, not my father.”

  Hart nods. “Fine. This is just the beginning. They will come for you, Wick.”

  I flinch and Hart sees it. I hate that. Now he knows his words just climbed under my skin to simmer.

  “‘They’?” I roll my eyes. “Could you be any more vague?”

  “Stop it.” Bren thrusts herself between us and braces both hands on my shoulders. “I know, Wick. I know what you did to catch Todd was illegal and dangerous and—” Her voices catches and she has to swallow twice. “Mr. Hart says you’ve attracted some attention because of it. When your father went to jail, he left a vacuum. There are others who are going to take his place and they’ll want you to help them do it. Mr. Hart says that’s why Detective Carson kept coming around. He says you will be a target. He’s very sure you’re in danger.”

  That’s because he’s lying. I’m not a target. I’m not in danger. No one knows what I did for Michael. And I start to say so, but Bren cuts me off.

  “I forgive you, Wick. I understand. When it came to Todd, it was my fault. I didn’t protect you. You had to save yourself, but this time, I’m saving you.”

  “Bren, I—”

  “Just try, okay?”

  I nod. Honestly, when it comes to Bren, it’s kind of automatic for me. I always agree because it’s easier than telling her the truth. She can’t even talk about the hacking I did to catch her husband, Todd, before he attacked another girl. And if she can’t say any of that, what would the rest of the truth do to her? Once you learn something about someone, you can’t unlearn it. And I’m not sure I want to find out what would happen. She’s giving me an opportunity here. We can cover this up, pretend it never happened. I’m good at that.

  “The point is,” Hart says, rubbing one palm against his jaw, “you’re prey now. You can’t stay here. It’s not safe for you and it’s not safe for them.”

  My stomach lurches sideways. Them. Bren and Lily.

  “If you come with me,” Hart continues, “I’ll make sure they’re protected.”

  “So I go away forever?”

  “No!” Bren tugs me closer, eyes glassy and bright. “Just for right now. Just until we decide what to do.”

  “Beyond the obvious benefits of keeping you alive, I’m offering you an opportunity.” Hart takes the duffel bag from Bren and slings it onto his shoulder. “You have so much potential. Let us help you reach it.”

  Chills again. They crawl all over my body. Hart’s acting like a friend, but he can’t be. There’s no way. Hart gave me the videos of my mom, said he wanted to see what I could do with “proper motivation.”

  Know what I did? In the course of six weeks, I brought down a pair of murderers, I discovered who my biological mother really was, and I saved my sister and myself.

  I also helped kill someone.

  Joe Bender was my father’s right hand and my once-upon-a-time handler. He would’ve killed me, my sister, maybe even Bren, but I got to him first. I used Michael to take him down and Hart knows it.

  Thing is . . . to blow Hart’s cover, I’d have to destroy my own.

  “Promise me you’ll try, Wick.” Bren’s eyes are huge and shining. Her fingers link in mine, squeeze. “Please? Just do what Mr. Hart says and then come home to us.”

  I open my mouth . . . close it. Bottom line, everything started when Hart brought me those videos and now he’s finishing it. If I go with him, I don’t know what will be waiting for me and that’s terrifying.

  But telling Bren the truth? That’s worse. Even if she didn’t haul me straight to the police, she’d hate me. I’d trade the truth of what I did for my hope that she’ll let me come home. If Bren doesn’t know and I play Hart’s game . . . maybe I could come back? Maybe we could be together again. I could be with my sister, my friends.

  “I’ll visit you soon,” Bren whispers and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I have to fight not to lean into her. If I do, I’ll fall apart. “I didn’t keep you safe enough before. I’m making up for it now.”

  “It wasn’t your fault—”

  She leans close, touches her forehead to mine. “Letting him take you is going to kill me. That’s how I know how lucky I am—because I’m losing so much right now.”

  “Mrs. Callaway?” Hart’s trying for polite and failing. His smile is gritted. “We really need to go.”

  Bren nods and follows us to the front door. She opens it, and briefly I’m blinded by sunshine. It’s a beautiful day. The neighbors are out; one of them waves to Bren, but she doesn’t notice.

  Hart’s hand goes to my shoulder. Like we’re good buddies. Like this is fun and I can’t feel the way his fingers tighten.

  I swallow and my throat click-clicks. We’re off the porch now. In the open. Panic flares in my chest. If I ran, could he catch me?

  I slide him a sideways glance. Hart’s considerably taller than I am. He looks fit too. If I ran, he would catch me.

  And if he didn’t catch me, where would I go?

  My entire life is tied up in the computer in my bedroom—my viruses, my customers, my bank accounts. How freaking ironic. I’ve prepared and prepared for the day I’d have to disappear, and now?

  My hands roll into fists.

  “Promise me, Wick,” Bren whispers.

  “I prom—” Hart jerks me forward, steering me down the sidewalk. There’s a town car waiting at the curb and beyond the town car . . . there’s a dark gray Ford headed my way.

  Milo. Panic makes me stumble. Our date. We were supposed to meet and now—oh, God. Milo.

  His car coasts closer and the hum in my ears grinds into a roar. I want to scream for him to gun it. To run.

  But then Hart will know there are others and he’ll come for Milo too.

  I force my eyes forward, focus on the house across the street, and one second . . . two seconds . . . Milo’s car rolls into my line of vision. I watch him.

  He pretends to watch the road.

  Our eyes only meet once.

  Once is enough. Milo drives on, dragging something from me as he passes. It limps behind his car and makes a left at the corner to follow him.

  “Is everything okay, Wick?” Hart asks. He’s watching me so closely. Did he see? Does he know? He isn’t saying anything. What does that mean?

  A driver in dark shades pops out of the car, takes my bag, and tosses it in the trunk.

  “Nice ride,” I say as Hart opens the rear door for me, our reflections stunted in the glass. “But I thought kidnappers preferred panel vans?”

  Hart laughs. It’s a buttery sound like something that belongs to talk show hosts and sitcom dads. “Smile, Wick. This is going to be fun.”


  It’s all so spy-mystery novel, I feel like I should be blindfolded or something. But Hart doesn’t move to touch me. He sits next to me, concentrating on his iPhone—scrolling through email from the looks of it and leaving me to watch the scenery pass.

  Or rather, pretend to watch the scenery pass.

  The only thing I can concentrate on now is Milo’s face, that twitch in his expression when he realized I’d been caught.

  And how we both knew we were over.

  In some ways, there are advantages to dating someone like Milo: He knows this stuff as well as I do. We are the same and we know how this goes. The fact that he drove on should not hurt. It does not hurt. One of us was always bound to be caught.

  But no matter how many times I repeat this, it still feels like I’m mumbling through a mouthful of glass.

  I start to count road signs. We’re heading north toward Atlanta, the driver weaving in and out of traffic. I can’t see anything through the tinted glass partition, but I’d have to guess we’re doing seventy—maybe eighty. Every time he switches lanes, my breath catches.

  “Are we going to the airport?” I ask as the car hurtles toward the interstate turnoff.

  Hart looks up. “No. We’re going to
midtown actually. We share a building with a few other companies.”

  “Is that where I’ll be staying?”

  “Precisely.” Hart pockets his phone and tugs a set of manila folders from the briefcase between us. After flipping through the pages, he pauses, finger pressed against something I can’t see.

  “Tell me about Joe Bender,” he says at last.

  “He worked for Michael.”


  “And he was shivved in jail.” I stare through the window, watch putty-gray office buildings fly past. We’re drawing farther and farther into the city. The streets are getting narrower, sidewalks clogged with men and women leaving work. Their eyes glide right past the town car. It’s like we’re invisible because we look like we belong. “I think Joe was waiting for a plea bargain or something.”

  “Did they ever find out who killed him?”


  “Did you kill him?”


  “Look at me. Wick? Look. At. Me.”

  I grit my teeth, turn to Hart. I’m careful to keep my face blank, but I can’t stop my fingers from digging into the smooth leather seats. If he looks down, he’ll see and he’ll know.

  “Let me ask it this way,” Hart says. “Were you involved in killing him?”

  “Of course not.”

  Hart twists to face me fully. “You lie beautifully.” He turns the folder around and pushes it toward me. “Here. Look. This is what we think happened.”

  My stomach tilts. The entire folder is dedicated to me. There are pictures—Lily with me; Bren with me; my best friend, Lauren, with me—and reports. Someone had been watching, cataloging everything: my visit to Joe, Lily’s attack by one of Joe’s men, how I went to see Michael the next day.

  That was sloppy of me, but I’d been too panicked to wait. One of Joe’s grunts had jumped my sister on her way home from school. She was terrified and I knew Joe was getting out. He’d struck some deal with the Feds and once he was free . . . well, it didn’t take much imagination to know what would happen next.

  Yes, it was noted by the police that I visited both men. Yes, until then, I had never visited either of them. But without anyone knowing about Lily’s attack, I was pretty safe. Lily covered for me, for us. And without anyone able to connect my visits . . . well, it was fairly easy to explain everything away.


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