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The Emerald Lily

Page 5

by Juliette Cross

  Silence permeated the room. Mina sensed emotions beyond rage from the other men at the table—admiration and high esteem for the man fuming across from her. For their captain. She couldn’t blame them. She yearned to know more of his strength and power, to feel it in his hands on her body. “Brother, you have a gift for spoiling the mood of a party faster than anyone I know.” Dmitri raised a hand to the footman behind him. “More wine, please. I’m afraid I’ll need it.”

  Gregoravich bellowed out a throaty laugh. Mikhail broke his fixed stare from her, arching a brow at Dmitri before returning to his plate without comment.

  His warrior’s hands, rough and lined with masculine veins, were now the center of her attention as he cut into his meat. When he brought a bite to his lips, he froze at the sight of her intent gaze, before bringing the fork to his mouth, a fresh scowl marring his brow.

  “That’s our fearless leader,” said Aleksei. “Ever thinking of the cause.”

  “Hear, hear,” said Gavril, the first words Mina had heard him speak at all. He raised his glass in salute, “Captain.” Then he knocked back the remainder of his wine.

  Mikhail gave him an approving nod.

  “More for Gavril,” ordered Dmitri. “I say we deserve a celebration. Irena, do you dance?”

  “Of course, I dance. What kind of lady do you think I am?”

  “Marvelous. It’s been too long since I’ve had the pleasure of a dance partner as lovely as you.”

  “Dmitri,” growled Aleksei, “are you flirting with my sister?”

  “Of course, I am.”

  “Then stop. Immediately.”

  Dmitri whispered something low to Irena, which made her giggle. Before Aleksei launched his knife through the air down the table, Mina said, “I do have another question.”

  “Oh, no,” said Aleksei. “Your Highness, please tell me this one is harmless.”

  “It is,” she assured him. “How on Earth do you all have perfectly tailored suits at the ready here at Wentworth? I am sure I saw none of you carrying packs that would fit formal evening attire.”

  “Good planning,” answered Aleksei, flashing his charming smile. “My tailor in nearby Crowley is the finest in the southern provinces. When I knew we’d be resting our midway point here, I sent ahead to have suits waiting for us upon our stop from Briar Rose.” He forked his last piece of roast pork and leaned back in his chair.

  Mina shook her head. “You were so sure you’d make it away from Briar Rose…unscathed?” She was careful not to use graphic language that might upset Lady Galena, but the mistress of the house was preoccupied, prattling on to Gregoravich about the fineries of fermenting southern wine.

  Aleksei didn’t answer. Mikhail did. “There was no doubt.”

  Mina found her gaze locked to his once more. The footmen entered with trays of lemon tarts, and the captain finally let her go. After dessert, they retired to the parlor for an after-dinner glass of blood.

  Aleksei offered her his arm, and she gladly rose to take it, enjoying the view of Captain Mikhail strolling ahead of them. Entranced by the broad set of his shoulders, his shining black hair under the candlelight, the graceful way he moved like a patient predator who knew he’d catch his prey eventually, Mina exhaled a heavy breath.

  “Are you all right, Your Highness?” Aleksei whispered down to her.

  “Never better.”

  A lie. She’d tasted the virile man stalking ahead of them and heading straight for the liquor decanter, but it wasn’t nearly enough. This afternoon, one taste of his sensuality sparked a flickering flame into a burning inferno. She wanted more than his blood. She wanted the captain as a lover. Her first lover. She’d never even entertained the idea of a lover outside marriage before he awoke her from the long dark. As if it was designed in the stars that he should be the man to awaken her, that he should ignite her primal urges, calling her vampire to the forefront to meet his as an equal.

  The captain knocked back a tumbler of amber liquor. Mina smiled, for she sensed his internal struggle after their earlier encounter. A man of duty and honor simply didn’t topple his moral code to seduce royal virgins. It seemed she had her work cut out for her. Time to put the sweet princess to sleep for good and let the passionate woman take the lead.


  While the others gathered around the piano—Aleksei charming them with his deep baritone voice, singing a lullaby about home and hearth—Mikhail filled his glass and took it out to the balcony. His blood was up after dinner.

  Who was he fooling? His blood had been up since this afternoon, when he’d allowed the princess to sink her fangs into his throat and drive him to the brink of madness with lust. Staring up at the near-full moon, he tossed back a large swallow, thankful for the liquid burn and numbing effect of good strong whisky and the biting winter air.

  “Do you mind a little company?”

  Her dulcet voice stiffened every part of him. How a creature so soft could make him hard as adamant, he had no idea.

  “Of course not,” he answered, though he was well-aware his tone said otherwise.

  She sidled closer but not too close, setting her gloved hands on the stone banister. “I wanted to speak to you about this afternoon.” She dropped her chin, staring at the snow-dusted garden, the stone path silvery white under the moonlight.

  Mikhail cleared his throat. “Yes. I wanted to apologize for my behavior.”

  “Apologize?” She looked up, her fairy-like visage luminous. “Please don’t.”

  Stunned for a moment, he tore his gaze away and stared at the humped moon hanging between two peaks of the Novak Mountains in the far distance. The tension between them would only tighten if he didn’t explain himself, and why there could be no repeat of what had happened that afternoon.

  He blew out a heavy breath, the frosty air curling upward. “Fine. I won’t apologize. I am pleased to have been of service to you.”

  She angled her body toward him as he kept his grip on the bannister. “I was pleased as well.” Her tone held a teasing lilt.

  Hardening his expression, he faced her finally. Her smile faded at once.

  “It can never happen again.”

  Her lashes dropped. She swallowed hard before lifting her chin, a defiant glint in her eyes. “Was I so distasteful to you?”

  He almost choked on air as he inhaled deeply with one hard shake of his head. “No, Your Highness. That isn’t it.”

  “Then why must it never happen again?”

  Shock didn’t cover his reaction to this innocent beauty asking why they couldn’t explore each other’s bodies. Her primal nature had truly taken hold, her vampire playing the predator behind glass-blue eyes. Hell and damnation, if he didn’t long to break every code to show her other pleasures. Deeper, darker, carnal pleasures. But his men depended on him.

  “You are Vilhelmina Dragomir, heir to the throne of Arkadia. You are destined to lead the southern kingdom. And I am the Captain of the Bloodguard, who has sworn an oath, promised with blood, to lead my men toward victory.”

  “I see. Even so, you are a vampire…with needs. Are you not?”

  Her pulse quickened as she waited patiently for an answer. He refrained from leaning closer to stroke his thumb along porcelain skin.

  “Yes. I have needs. Ones that are fed quickly and without complication in a blood brothel.”

  She flinched. He hated himself for speaking the truth so harshly, but there it was. She must understand. Acid churning in his gut, he went on.

  “Every member of the Bloodguard has taken a sacred vow of fealty to the Guard itself. Forsaking marriage or family or any kind of relationship with a lover. His loyalty, his focus must not be divided.”

  As she snapped her gaze away from him, he felt it like the cold slap of northern wind. “I see,” she whispered. “You spoke of victory. What does victory look like for you?”

  The need for revenge for his father, for his ancestors, for his men’s families, burned hot in his chest, especial
ly now that it was in his reach.

  “It means the defeat of Queen Morgrid and King Dominik’s army. It means the overthrowing of her reign altogether, preferably with her death and that of her brutal son. It means starting over for the land of Varis with just and benevolent rulers in place.”

  “And when you’ve achieved this victory? What then? The Bloodguard will continue on being mercenaries for hire?” She bit her bottom lip as if she regretted saying the last, but he knew he’d sparked her anger.

  “The Bloodguard will always be needed, Your Highness,” he said gently. “To maintain order for the new realm. To help those rulers who come into power to enforce a new way of life for the people.” He softened his tone. “I have a duty.”

  “I understand.” She faced him again, straightening her shoulders, gaze direct, mouth tilted in almost a smile. “Once upon a time, I would’ve swallowed my own desires and wishes, bowed gratefully, and taken my leave to do my duty as the obedient princess.” She waved a flippant hand in the air as if shooing away a vision of her past. “But I am not that girl anymore.”

  She eased so close, her bodice brushed his waistcoat and his heart seized.

  “Something happened when you awoke me in that tower. I can feel it as easily as I can feel your breath on my cheek or the winter chill at my back. It’s real. It feels wrong to turn away.”

  She placed a gloved hand upon his chest, her feathery touch summoning his desire as if she cast a spell upon him, able to control his every thought. As if that wasn’t enough, she slid her hand up his chest to cup his nape while he remained a block of marble. Her fingers brushed the short hairs, the sensation sending blood rushing to his cock.

  “I know you feel it, too.”

  She smiled wider, kicking his heartbeat into a thunderous roar. Sweat beaded along his brow, but he said not a word. He couldn’t, wouldn’t confirm that she was right. He was the goddamn Captain of the Bloodguard. He had more control than that.

  “Did you know I’m an empath, Captain?”

  Closer still. Her perfect pink lips so near, all he’d have to do was dip his head a few inches and he could kiss her, drink from that sweet mouth. Slip his tongue inside and taste heaven. Or was it hell? He wasn’t sure.

  “My whole life, I’ve remained quiet in my little cage that Steward Thorwald kept me in at Briar Rose. I was forced into an agonizing bloodless sleep by that witch, Queen Morgrid. And apparently, I’ve been sold into marriage without my consent.” Anger rode her words. “But you woke me up. In so many ways.” She sucked in a shivering breath. “I know you want me,” she whispered, her gaze roaming down to his mouth. “Like I want you. There’s more here between us. And I won’t ignore it.”

  Then she left him on the balcony. And heaven help him, as he watched her walk away, he knew he was doomed.

  Chapter Six

  “Thank you for your kindness and generosity, Lady Galena.” Mina clasped hands with her.

  “You honor us, Your Highness.” Lady Galena stepped back.

  Mina then embraced Irena warmly. “Thank you for everything. I hope we’ll meet again.”

  “Oh, I hope so, too.” She leaned in and whispered, “Perhaps a royal ball where my brother isn’t invited.”

  Mina laughed. “He only wants to protect you.”

  “Smother me, you mean.”

  A sad pang swept over Mina. Other than her friend Kathleen, she’d never had anyone to love as Irena did. She held her at arm’s length, clasping both her hands. “Count yourself lucky.” Then she winked, “But I’ll definitely invite you to the first royal ball I host.”

  “What’s that?” asked Aleksei, stepping up behind them.

  “Nothing,” they said in unison, then laughed.

  “We’d best move on,” urged Mikhail.

  Mina pressed her cheek to Irena’s one more time. “We shall see each other again soon. I am sure of it.”

  When Mina stepped aside, Dmitri took her place and swept a kiss over Irena’s hand. “Until we meet again, my lady.”

  Irena flushed.

  “Not if I can help it,” grumbled Aleksei, shoving Dmitri onward. “Let’s go, lover boy.”

  Gregoravich and Gavril were already halfway down the paved road to the gate.

  “Snows will be here soon, Mother,” Aleksei called. “Take care with the cold coming.” He blew her a kiss.

  “You take care of yourself,” she shouted back.

  Mikhail walked silently beside Mina, as alert and professional as ever. As if the intimate conversation and encounter they shared yesterday hadn’t occurred. As if the heated tension wasn’t strung taut like a bowstring between them.

  “You look well enough to run and keep up,” said Mikhail, observing her with a side glance. “Are you?”

  “Yes. I am feeling quite strong now. Thanks to the refreshment you gave me in my bedchamber.”

  He winced. Mina smiled. She’d never been aggressive by nature, but something about this man made her beast want to come out to play. She wanted to bait him. To see what he would do. Hoping he would play with her right back.

  “I am glad to hear it.” His voice remained tight and controlled.

  “And I see that you and your men have fed well. There’s a ruddy flush to your cheeks, Captain.”

  He narrowed his gaze but kept his aim forward as they marched on down the tree-lined road. Mina was constantly aware of this new primal need swirling inside her bosom, a desire that seemed solely focused on the captain. However, beyond that, she longed to know more of the man himself. Power emanated from his tall, broad figure as he moved with agile grace. Every step, every glance of his wary gaze appeared purposeful, deliberate. A misstep was not in this man’s nature. And yet, she knew she’d made him misstep. Hence, the grave lines drawing his face tight.

  “Tell me, when you feed, is it a manner of replenishing your body, or do you gain pleasure from the experience?”

  His brow pinched together. “Why do you ask?”

  “I’m curious. You seem a man of, how shall I put it, efficiency.”

  “That I am.”

  “Then you do not experience that extraordinary sensation of pleasure when you feed?”

  He pulled her to a stop with a firm but gentle grip. “What exactly are you getting on about?”

  “Well, seeing as my experience with you in the cave and yesterday afternoon were my first times feeding in the traditional or, um, natural way a vampire feeds, I was wondering if you felt that with other women. When you feed.”

  Envy twisted in her gut at the thought of his mouth on another woman, and yet she couldn’t help but follow this line of questioning to see what he would say. And after the way he leaned imperceptibly closer, his vibrating intensity bristling along her skin, she was glad she’d followed her instincts.

  “And what exactly did you feel when you fed from me?”

  She adored the way his melodious voice dropped to a rough timbre, like shallow waters scraping the river rocks across a sandy bed.

  “I felt a euphoric sense of belonging in that moment,” she answered honestly and stepped closer, tipping her head back. “As if my whole life catapulted me to that sliver of time when my lips touched your skin, when my fangs sank into your flesh, when your blood rushed fast and hot into my body. It was ecstasy.”

  His eyes had dilated, covering his multihued irises mostly black. His nostrils flared, but he didn’t move. Not a splinter-thin fraction.

  “It’s time to run, Your Highness.”

  “I think you’re running already, Captain.”

  He narrowed his gaze, ignoring her gibe. She was certain he wasn’t the sort of man who retreated. Ever. And yet he seemed eager to get away from this conversation. Away from her. The pulsating ripple of desire waving against her empathic senses told her she was right in this pursuit. Whether he knew it or not. The knowledge gave her comfort, even as he bristled at her nearness.

  Most her life, she’d felt out of step with the world, with other people. Su
re, she could sense their emotions and therefore knew how to react toward them, how to offer them sage advice, as she once did to Prince Marius, knowing he was in love with the peasant revolutionary, Arabelle. But knowing people’s emotions and connecting to people were two entirely different things. She’d often felt isolated, because her steward kept her safe from too many visitors and because her empathic senses could be overwhelming and often made her long for solitude. But the bond between her and Captain Mikhail was as tangible as a silken thread wound about her body and encircling his, squeezing tighter every moment they were together.

  It was like the cosmos had divined her to be a lone planet among fields of stars, until a dark moon finally found her, where he was meant to circle without end.

  With a tilt of his square chin, he said, “Best keep up.”

  “Oh, I’ll keep up.” She smiled. “Lead on.”

  He flashed away, swirling the wind around her with the scent of mulled spice and wood smoke. That scent would be easy for her to follow. She ran in vampire speed, blurring past Dmitri and Aleksei, who were still bickering about Irena. Then they were all flying together, following Mikhail. Mina laughed at the rush of moving with such strength, such speed, such power. She’d never had occasion to run as the dainty princess. Not like this.

  The dormant beast in her body, in her blood, yawned and stretched, sniffing the air as if for the first time. And on the wind was the scent of her prey, calling her to follow faster, to catch him if she could.

  Her heartbeat throbbing in her ears, she didn’t simply follow the pack but chased the leader. The one whose beast called to her own, demanding that she take note, and that she finally awaken from her long slumber to take what was meant to be hers.


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