The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)

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The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) Page 16

by Ashley Drake

  "Just hearing that helps. But I do have something I was wondering if you could help me with. Is there any way you could find out if there is like an amulet or something to help keep the shadow demon away or at least to keep it away from my thoughts?"

  He thought about it for a moment. "I’m not sure. But I do know a few people that I can ask and will do my best to find out."

  I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Thanks Dad."

  "Hannah, promise me that you will let me know if you feel like you are in danger."

  "I promise."

  After doing my homework and getting ready for bed, I tried to clear my mind. I wanted to talk to Samantha. I pictured her face, her blue eyes and her golden blonde hair. Once I had her in my mind, I called out to her. "Samantha, if you can hear me, I really need to talk to you." I sat there waiting for fifteen minutes before giving up. I stood, pulled my covers back and bent over to turn my lamp light off. It was time to call it a day.

  Hearing my name made me stiffel a yelp. Samantha was standing at the foot of my bed. Why does she do that? I should know by now that she sneaks up on me.

  "Samantha, I didn't think you heard me. I’m so happy to see you, but unfortunately, you can't stay here long. You were right, that shadow demon is after you. It has been hanging around here waiting for you and for any information I might have on you. So we have to hurry before it decides shows up."

  "Did you find out what happened to me?" She asked, full of hope.

  "Almost. Samantha I have friends helping me, and they have found out some things about you. But they can't tell me yet because we can't let the shadow demon find out. I just wanted you to know we are very close and I think if you could give me just a little bit more information, we will be able to help you pass over."

  "Thank you Hannah, but I must go now. It's looking for me, I can feel it getting close. I will try my best to give you what you asked." And then she was gone.

  Chapter 15

  "We are going to line up and walk out to the bus parking lot. Then we will wait until the other sophomore classes join us before loading the bus. Whichever bus you choose to ride will be the same bus you will ride on the way back. Mrs. Hoyle will be taking each student's name who loads bus A. Mrs. Reed will take those loading bus B. And I will be doing the same for bus C. We will check your name off as you load back onto the buses. This is so we can do a head count before leaving Grandfather Mountain. Are there any questions?" Mrs. Bumgarner stood in front of the class and asked.

  I have so been looking forward to today. I've had my outfit planned out for a week now; a white t-shirt, jeans, a brown jacket, in case it gets chilly up there, tied around my waist and a pair of cute brown hiking boots. I felt very outdoorsy. I got in line behind Jaycee. I knew who was behind me from the energy I felt tingling my back. It was Daniel. I looked over my shoulder at him but he was turned talking to Luke.

  "Chief needs a haircut." Jaycee observed.

  "He does not. I like it kinda long." Oops, I think Chief, I mean Daniel, heard me because he lifted his hand up to smooth down his hair in the back.

  "Oh hey, my mom printed off the party invitations. We can pass them out soon."

  "Yay! I can't wait." I just hope Daniel shows up to this party.

  We chose bus C and picked the seats in the back. I had text Kayla to let her know which bus we were on. I thought it might be a good sign when I saw Phebs get on behind her. My hopes were short lived when I saw her sit in the middle with Brittany. She is so strong headed. It's ironic that the one thing I admired most about her is what's keeping her away from us. Mike and Jaycee sat in the very last seat and I sat down in the one in front of them. I tried to act all casual when Daniel sat with me but inside I was doing cart wheels. Kayla and Jacob sat across from us and Chase and Nick sat behind them. It took forever for the buses to start moving, but we passed the time by taking pictures of each other with our phones. Once we were on the road everyone seemed to calm down. Some talked while others listened to music with their earphones. Some just slept the entire way up the mountain. Our core group, minus Phebs, talked.

  I didn't notice, until she stood up, that Megan was on our bus. She was three seats ahead of me. She cleared her throat to purposely get everyone’s attention. "Phoebe why are you sitting up here when your so called friends are sitting in the back?"

  Phebs glanced back at us. I could tell she didn't know how to respond. It wasn't Megan she was afraid of, she just didn't want to cause any more embarrassment for the four of us.

  So I answered for her. "We drew straws to see who had to sit close to you, and Phebs lost."

  Megan stubbed her nose in the air. "And here I thought it was over a fight you had at your pool party."

  Phoebe wasn't caught off guard this time and had a quicker comeback than I did. "How would you know anything about a party that you weren't even invited to? I think you need to sit down before you make yourself look worse than you already do."

  Megan rolled her eyes, then turned back around and sat down.

  I looked over at Daniel. "Why that girl hasn't won a Nobel peace prize yet is beyond me."

  "Why Hannah Price, sarcasm is a good look on you." He laughed.

  “Back at’cha Daniel Carver.” I tried to give just a hint of a flirtatious response.

  Time flew by and before I knew it we were at the gates of Grandfather Mountain. We stopped at the lower parking lot. For which I was grateful, because the drive to the upper lot was curvy and steep. As we got off the bus we were handed a worksheet with a list if things we have to do while here.

  "You can pair off in couples or groups but you are not allowed to go off by yourself. We will meet at the picnic tables at 11:45 for lunch. Have fun and go learn something." Mrs. Bumgarner dismissed us. She looked our way just in time to see Jaycee jump on Mike's back for a ride. "Miss Mitchell! That is not appropriate behavior for school. You should try acting like a proper lady."

  Jaycee hopped down off his back. "I'll give it a try Mrs. Bumgarner. But I'm gonna go ahead and tell ya, I don't think the proper ones have near as much fun as the improper ones does." Mrs. Bumgarner shook her head trying to hide her amusement, but I'm sure I saw her smile before she turned away.

  We made our way through the small museum with displays of arrowheads, different type of rocks, crystals and other artifacts. Then we headed for the animals. They ranged from eagles and bobcats to cougars and deer.

  I put my jacket on. It was kinda chilly up here this morning. "Come on." I grabbed Daniel by his shirt tail. "I can't wait to show you the bears. They are my favorite. They will sit there and stick out their tongues and be all cute, hoping you will buy a bag of peanuts and throw it to them." We made our way through the pathway that lead us to each animal habitat. We filled out our worksheet as we went. The otters were fun. They could be watched from below to see some of them swimming under water or from the above deck to watch the rest sunbath. They seemed to enjoy putting on a show. I don't think I have ever seen Daniel smile so much. We made it to the bears and I went straight to the railing and looked over. There were two bears playing with an oversized ball. "See, I told you they were cute."

  Daniel stood beside me and studied the bears. "I would love to work here, this would be my dream job." I knew he would love it here since he wants to be a veterinarian. Watching him enjoy this place was the main reason I had been looking forward to this field trip.

  "I bet you could volunteer here during the summer. That would look good on your college application." I encouraged. "Hey," I showed Daniel the sign that was posted, "we can't feed the bears anymore. And that was the best part."

  Still watching the bears Daniel said, "It's for the best. It's not good for the bears. Their daily food intake needs to be monitored, and they shouldn't be taught to have to beg for food from humans."

  Aren't you just a party pooper. "I never thought of it that way. I just thought it was sweet the way they would interact and do tricks. But I guess you're right." But it was sti
ll a disappointment.

  "Hey you two," Jaycee walked over to us, "you have an audience." She was motioning toward the bears. I was so busy pouting that I didn't notice that the bears were just sitting and staring at Daniel and me. I know they are dangerous and all, but they were so adorable.

  "I guess they heard us talking about them." I said as a joke to Daniel.

  "Don't be silly. I'm hungry. Isn't it time to eat?" He said and started walking away. I was just kidding. He can be so moody sometimes.

  We got our bagged lunch from Mrs. Bumgarner and sat down with Jaycee and the rest at the picnic tables. Kayla and Jacob sat down across from us. We all sat quietly eating our sandwiches.

  "How's Phoebe doing?" I finally broke the silence and asked Kayla.

  She took in a deep breath and blew her hair out of her face. "I wouldn't know. She barely talks to me at school and never returns my texts or calls anymore. Jacob keeps telling me to stop worrying about her but it's hard not to."

  Jacob swallowed a bite of peanut butter and jelly sandwich before speaking. "I just don't like seeing you get your feelings hurt. And Phoebe doesn't seem to care that she is the one doing it." The sensation of love overwhelmed me almost taking my breath away. I grabbed Daniel's arm to steady myself.

  "Are you ok?" Were the first words Daniel had said since we left the bears.

  "Yeah, I'll tell you later." I whispered. Right now all I could think about is that Jacob is head over heels in love with Kayla and has appointed himself as her protector. She doesn't know it yet, but she will, soon. He has plans on telling her today when he finds the perfect moment. How romantic.

  Mrs. Bumgarner stood up. "We need to start getting back on the buses so we can drive up to the swinging bridge. Remember to throw your bags away into the trash cans. Nothing should be left on the tables or on the ground." Crap, I was hoping we could walk up.

  "I am not walking across that thing! It's moving!" Jaycee said while hanging onto Mike for dear life.

  "Come on Jay, don't be afraid. I'll hold your hand." Mike's new nickname for Jaycee is Jay. I think it's kinda cute. She does too, she just won't admit it though, because she claims it makes her sound like a guy.

  I knew how to get her on that thing. "It's supposed to move. It's called a swinging bridge for a reason. Don't be a wuss."

  That did it. "Fine, I'll go as long as we all go together and I get to be in the middle. But, so help me God, if anyone makes it move, I'm pushing them over." She huffed.

  From anyone's point of view I looked like I was walking across the bridge with confidence and ease but on the inside I was praying to make it across and back safely. One fact that I left out for Jaycee was that it's actually called the Mile High Swinging Bridge. So I kept my head up so I wouldn't be tempted to look down. Once across, some students went to sit on the huge rocks to enjoy the view of all the leaves changing color from green to red and gold. Not Jaycee and me, we waited until the bridge was clear then walked back. This time I held her hand and talked to her as a distraction for us both. "Don't say anything but Jacob is gonna tell Kayla he loves her while they are here. He is waiting for the right time. So when we start walking the trail, let's give them some space."

  "Did he tell you or did you look?" Her tone was a little accusing.

  "Neither thank you very much. I felt it while minding my own business."

  "Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a bitch. I just want off this thing." I thought she was going to kiss the ground once we made it back. "Thank God. I can't watch the others get back on that thing, so tell me when they're here." She turned her back to the bridge. "I think Mike and I will leave you and Chief alone too. You need some time by yourself with him."

  "With the way he has been acting today, I don't know if he would like that idea."

  "Oh please. Regardless of how he's acting, he is so into you. He watches your every move. But not in a stalker kind of way."

  Hearing that got my hopes up again. I decided right then and there that I was going to do something about my stagnant relationship with Daniel today. Either for the better or worse, it was going to change.

  "Here, let me help you." Daniel held out his hand, and I took it. The zap between us is a comfort, reminding me of the connection we have. He helped me walk up the hill without slipping on the rocks. I was out of breath by the time we made it to flat land. I had shed my jacket before the hike. I’m glad that I did because it has warmed up quite a bit since this morning.

  "Thanks." I couldn't think of anything else to say. When I was talking with Jaycee I had these big plans to move our relationship forward. Now that I'm with him, I'm not so brave. We walked in silence for the next few minutes. He was still holding my hand, he never let it go after he helped me up the hill. So that has to be a good sign. Right? I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. I wonder what he is in such deep thought about, should I say something or wait for him to? And I called Jaycee a wuss. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing's wrong. Why?"

  "You haven't been acting yourself today. Are you mad at me or something?" Oh please don't let that have sounded clingy or worse, needy.

  "No. I'm sorry. I have some things on my mind."

  Ok, this is like pulling teeth. "Anything you would like to share?"

  "Yes. You don't know how much I would like that." Up ahead I saw a bench. I guess it's for hikers to take a break. I didn't say anything else until we got to it and I pulled him over and sat down.

  "If you want to tell me, then why don't you?"

  It was his turn to sigh. "It's not that easy. There is so much I need, want, to tell you. I just can't seem to find the right time or place. I'm so confused." About what? About his feelings for me? "Hannah," he squeezed my hand and put it against his chest, "I can't put into words how much you mean to me. Or how much I catch myself thinking about your beautiful smile and how I want to be the guy who puts that smile on your face at every chance possible. I want more than anything to ask you to be my girlfriend. I worry every day that you are going to give up on me and date one of the many guys who would love to be here with you right now."

  "Then why haven't you?" I whispered. I felt very vulnerable asking, because even though I like the things he is saying, I feel a 'but' coming on.

  "There are things you don't know about me, so it wouldn't be fair to ask you to commit to me without knowing. But I'm not ready to tell you yet. Well, I'm ready, it's just not time yet. I know I sound like I'm talking in circles."

  I didn't understand a word he said, but he looked like he was sad and in pain. I wanted to lighten the mood so I leaned in closer to him. "Are you gonna tell me that you're a werewolf?"

  That put a smile on his face. "No, nothing that cool." He kissed the back of my hand! "If I promise to tell you soon, will you wait on me?"

  It was a question that I needed no time to think about. "Yes. But remember Daniel, you know all about me, and you accepted me. I can do the same."

  "We all have our secrets Hannah."

  Talk about deja vu. Where have dream! "You said that in my dream."

  I didn't realize I said that out loud until Daniel's grip on my hand tightened. "What? You dreamt this? What else happened in your dream?" He threw the questions at me all at once.

  "Yes, I dreamt that we were on a trail and you said that to me." I didn't want to tell him that in my dream he was about to kiss me. "The only thing else I remember is walking by Jaycee and Mike after you said that to me."

  As if waiting off stage for their cue, Jaycee and Mike came walking up the trail. Daniel and I simultaneously turned to see them arrive and then turned back to each other in amazement. In any other circumstance we would have been a funny sight to witness. "Hannah, Daniel, will you give us a hand?" Mike asked.

  It was his question that made me notice that Jaycee was limping. "What happened?" I ran over to them.

  "I twisted my ankle on a stupid rock. I'm fine, really. I just need to sit for a minute." She plopped down on the ground.
r />   And oh my gosh, that was in my dream too! I remember thinking Jaycee would never do that in real life cause she would be afraid of getting her clothes dirty. I looked over at Daniel and caught him watching me. "This too?" He asked. I guess he could read my expression.

  I nodded a yes while sitting down beside Jaycee. "Let me see your foot." I examined her ankle. "Well, it's not swollen, so that's a good sign. Why don't you let Mike and Daniel help you back to the bus and we will put some ice on it? That should help with the pain." Helping Jaycee up, I couldn't help but wonder if Daniel was relieved that our conversation was interrupted. I have no idea what secret he could have that would stress him out like he is. But I planned on finding out.

  It took us fifteen minutes longer walking down the trail than it did walking up it, which wasn't bad timing seeing as how Jaycee couldn't put weight on her left foot. But once we got to the bus, I found a zip lock bag and some ice while the guys went to the gift shop to buy us some sodas. I quickly filled her in on what had happened between Daniel and me on the trail.

  "Hey, Maybe he's a werewolf!" She laughed.

  "Nope, I already asked. It's pretty sad that we think that much alike."


  "Hello, he walks around in the daytime. Plus he eats garlic on his veggie pizza, duh."

  "Well crap. I'm out of theories." Jokingly, she threw her hands in the air, faking frustration.

  "You're so funny. And that was sarcasm just in case you missed it. How's your ankle?"

  She took the ice off so she could wiggle her foot. "The ice is helping. The pain is almost gone. Hey," She pulled my hair, "whatever his secret is, it's gonna be ok. Don't worry. Like I've told you before, he is crazy over you. And this big secret is probably nothing more than he doesn't know how to kiss or he can't grow a mustache or something."


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