Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2

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Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2 Page 170

by Michael Burlingame

  259. Howard K. Beale, ed., The Diary of Edward Bates, 1859–1866 (Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1930, vol. IV; Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1933), 269 (entry for 19 Dec. 1862).

  260. Fessenden, manuscript account of the 1862 cabinet crisis, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College.

  261. Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 1:196 (entry for 20 Dec. 1802).

  262. Fessenden, manuscript account of the 1862 cabinet crisis, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College.

  263. Francis Fessenden, Life and Public Services of William Pitt Fessenden (2 vols.; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1907), 2:244; Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 1:196 (entry for 20 Dec. 1862).

  264. Washington correspondence, 21 Dec., New York Herald, 22 Dec. 1862; Fessenden, manuscript account of the 1862 cabinet crisis, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College; Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 197 (entry for 20 Dec. 1862).

  265. Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 1:196–198 (entry for 20 Dec. 1862); Fessenden, manuscript account of the 1862 cabinet crisis, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College.

  266. Fessenden, manuscript account of the 1862 cabinet crisis, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College.

  267. Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 1:201–202 (entry for 20 Dec. 1862).

  268. Fredrick W. Seward interviewed by Nicolay, 9 Jan. 1879, in Burlingame, ed., Oral History of Lincoln, 87.

  269. Washington correspondence by Agate [Whitelaw Reid], 22 Dec., Cincinnati Gazette, 25 Dec. 1862.

  270. Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren, Memoir of John A. Dahlgren, Rear-Admiral United States Navy (Boston: J. R. Osgood, 1882), 383 (diary entry for 22 Dec. 1862).

  271. Washington correspondence by Agate [Whitelaw Reid], 26 Mar. 1863, Cincinnati Gazette, scrapbook, Reid Family Papers, DLC.

  272. Washington correspondence, 22 Dec. 1862, Smart, ed., “Agate” Dispatches, 1:253.

  273. Lincoln to Seward and Chase, Washington, 20 Dec. 1862, CWL, 6:12.

  274. Washington correspondence, 21 Dec., New York Herald, 22 Dec. 1862.

  275. Fessenden to Elizabeth Warriner, Washington, 20–21 Dec. 1861; Fessenden to his father, Washington, 20 Dec. 1862, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College.

  276. Pease and Randall, eds., Browning Diary, 1:603 (entry for 22 Dec. 1862).

  277. Fessenden, manuscript account of the 1862 cabinet crisis, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College.

  278. Beale, ed., Bates Diary, 291 (entry for 10 May 1863).

  279. John Eaton, Grant, Lincoln, and the Freedmen (New York: Longmans, Green, 1907), 178.

  280. Hay to Nicolay, Washington, 7 Aug. 1863, in Michael Burlingame, ed., At Lincoln’s Side: John Hay’s Civil War Correspondence and Selected Writings (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000), 49.

  281. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 104 (entry for 30 Oct. 1863).

  282. Seward to Richard M. Blatchford, Washington, 22 Dec. [1862], Lincoln Collection, Yale University.

  283. Dahlgren, Memoir, 383–384.

  284. Column by “Occasional” (John W. Forney), Washington Sunday Chronicle, 3 Dec. 1865.

  285. Washington correspondence by Van [D. W. Bartlett], 23 Dec., Springfield, Massachusetts, Republican, 25 Dec. 1862.

  286. Hamlin to Israel Washburn, Washington, 24 Dec. 1862, Washburn Family Papers, Washburn Memorial Library, Norlands, Maine.

  287. William P. Fessenden to his son William, Washington, 21 Dec. 1862; Fessenden to his father, Washington, 20 Dec. 1862, Fessenden Papers, Bowdoin College; Fessenden to James Shepherd Pike, Portland, 5 Apr. 1863, Pike Papers, DLC.

  288. Chandler to Austin Blair, Washington, 22 Dec. 1862, Blair Papers, Detroit Public Library.

  289. Chandler to his wife, Washington, 10 Feb. 1863, Chandler Papers, DLC.

  290. Samuel Wilkeson to Sidney Howard Gay, [Washington, ca. 21 Feb. 1863], Gay Papers, Columbia University.

  291. New York Tribune, 27 Jan. 1863.

  292. Samuel Wilkeson to Sidney Howard Gay, [Washington, ca. 21 Feb. 1863], Gay Papers, Columbia University.

  293. Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee, Silver Spring, Maryland, 14 Jan. 1863, Laas, ed., Wartime Washington, 231.

  294. Chandler to his wife, Washington, 17 Feb. 1865, Chandler Papers, DLC.

  295. Col. John Wesley Turner to Adam Badeau, New York, 12 Mar. 1863, Schoff Civil War Collection, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan.

  296. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 105 (entry for 30 Oct. 1863).

  297. Washington correspondence, 18 Jan., New York Times, 19 Jan. 1863.

  298. Washington correspondence, 20 May, Sacramento Daily Union, 12 June 1863, in Burlingame, ed., Lincoln Observed, 53.

  299. Caleb B. Smith to Thurlow Weed, Washington, 29 Sept. 1862, Weed Papers, University of Rochester.

  300. Davis to Swett, 26 Nov. 1862 in King, Davis, 204.

  301. Usher to R. W. Thompson, Washington, 25 July 1862, Thompson Papers, Indiana State Library, Indianapolis.

  302. Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 1:191 (entry for 12 Dec. 1862).

  303. Washington correspondence, 18 Dec., New York Evening Post, 18 Dec. 1862.

  304. Waitman Willey and Jacob B. Blair to Francis H. Pierpont, telegram, Washington, 27 Dec. 1862, Pierpont Papers, West Virginia University.

  305. J. B. Blair to Pierpont, telegram, Washington, 29 Dec. 1862, ibid.

  306. Pierpont to Jacob B. Blair, Wheeling, 20 Dec. 1862, AL MSS DLC.

  307. From Pierpont’s reminiscences, Fairmont, West Virginia, correspondence, 17 Mar. [1876], Wheeling Intelligencer, clipping pasted into Pierpont’s scrapbook number 2, Pierpont Papers, West Virginia University.

  308. CWL, 6:27–28.

  309. Blair’s account given in the Washington correspondence by Lan, 26 Jan. [1876], Pittsburgh Dispatch, n.d., clipping in scrap-book number 1, Francis H. Pierpont Papers, West Virginia University; Blair’s account given to Granville Parker, paraphrased in Granville Parker, The Formation of the State of West Virginia (Wellsburg: Glass & Son, 1875), 185–186; Waitman T. Willey, “The Final Crisis in Our Struggle for Statehood,” West Virginia Historical Magazine 1 (1901):20–24.

  310. Pierpont’s reminiscences, Fairmont, West Virginia, correspondence, 17 Mar. [no year indicated], Wheeling Intelligencer, clipping pasted into scrapbook number 2, Pierpont Papers, West Virginia University.

  311. David Davis to Laura Swett, Washington, 21 Dec. 1862; Laura R. Swett to David Davis, Bloomington, 13 Dec. 1862, David Davis Papers, IHi.

  312. David Davis to Swett, Washington, 16 Dec. 1862, ibid; Lincoln to Fanny McCullough, Washington, 23 Dec. 1862, CWL, 6:16–17.

  313. W. W. Orme to David Davis, Bloomington, 2 Jan. 1863, David Davis Papers, IHi.

  314. Francis B. Carpenter, The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln: Six Months at the White House (New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1867), 84.

  315. Montgomery Blair, Memorandum on Draft of Final Emancipation Proclamation, 31 Dec. 1862, AL MSS DLC.

  316. Boston Commonwealth, 10 Jan. 1863.

  317. Sermon of 26 Sept. 1862, in Edward Everett Hale, ed., James Freeman Clarke: Autobiography, Diary and Correspondence (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1899), 243.

  318. Pease and Randall, eds., Browning Diary, 1:555 (entry for 1 July 1862). This was part of a hastily drafted paper Lincoln said he would read to the cabinet.

  319. Niven, ed., Chase Papers, 1:349, 360 (diary entries for 31 July, 2 Aug. 1862).

  320. Samuel R. Curtis to Lyman Trumbull, St. Louis, 19 Dec. 1861, Trumbull Papers, DLC.

  321. W. W. Orme to David Davis, Bloomington, 7 Feb. 1863, David Davis Papers, IHi.

  322. Representative Chilton A. White in V. Jacque Voegeli, Free but Not Equal: The Midwest and the Negro during the Civil War (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967), 99.

  323. John Mercer Langston, From the Virginia Plantation to the National Capitol; or, The First and Only Negro Representative in Congress from the Old Dominion (Hartford, CT: American Publishing, 1894), 206.

  324. U S. Statutes at Large, 12:599.

p; 325. Justin Hamilton to John Sherman, Mendon, Ohio, 24 May 1862, John Sherman Papers, DLC.

  326. Simeon Nash to Chase, Gallipolis, Ohio, 2 May 1862, Chase Papers, DLC.

  327. Samuel J. Kirkwood to [Halleck], Des Moines, 5 Aug. 1862, letterpress copy, Kirkwood Papers, State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City.

  328. Washington correspondence, 15 Sept., New York Tribune, 17 Sept. 1862.

  329. Washington correspondence, 5 Aug., Chicago Tribune, 6 Aug. 1862; Washington correspondence, 4 Aug., 15 Sept., New York Tribune, 5 Aug., 17 Sept. 1862; Washington correspondence, 4 Aug., New York Herald and Cincinnati Gazette, 5 Aug. 1862; Chicago Morning Post, 7 Aug. 1862, copy, Allan Nevins Papers, Columbia University.

  330. Swett to his wife Laura, New York, 10 Aug. 1862, David Davis Family Papers, IHi.

  331. Washington correspondence by Jane Grey Swisshelm, 10 Feb., St. Cloud Democrat, 26 Feb. 1863, in Arthur J. Larsen, ed., Crusader and Feminist: Letters of Jane Grey Swisshelm, 1858–1865 (Saint Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1934), 172.

  332. Browning to Lincoln, Quincy, Illinois, 11 Aug. 1862, AL MSS DLC.

  333. Washington correspondence by Agate [Whitelaw Reid], 25 July, Cincinnati Gazette, 29 July 1862.

  334. Ibid.

  335. Washington correspondence, 28 Jan., New York World, 29 Jan. 1862; Washington correspondence, 6 Feb., Philadelphia Inquirer, 7 Feb. 1862.

  336. Robert Harryman to S. S. Cox, Newark, Ohio, 26 Jan. 1862, Cox Papers, RPB.

  337. Israel Washburn to Hannibal Hamlin, Augusta, 17 and 20 Dec. 1862, Israel Washburn Papers, DLC.

  338. Kirkwood to [Halleck], Des Moines, 5 Aug. 1862, letterpress copy, Kirkwood Papers, State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City.

  339. Kirkwood to Mrs. Harriet N. Kellogg, [Des Moines], 28 Mar. [1863], letterpress copy, ibid.

  340. Pease and Randall, eds., Browning Diary, 1:562 (entry for 24 July 1862).

  341. Lincoln to John A. Dix, Washington, 14 Jan. 1863, CWL, 6:56.

  342. Lincoln to Andrew Johnson, Washington, 26 Mar. 1863, CWL, 149–150.

  343. Lincoln to Banks, Washington, 29 Mar. 1863, CWL, 6:154.

  344. Lincoln to Grant, Washington, 9 Aug. 1863, CWL, 6:374.

  345. Conversation with a committee from the Puritan Church of New York, headed by the Rev. Dr. George B. Cheever, 30 May 1863, New York World, 12 June 1863.

  346. Washington correspondence by Van [D. W. Bartlett], 22 Apr., Springfield, Massachusetts, Republican, 24 Apr. 1863.

  347. New York Evening Post, 7 Feb. 1863.

  348. George Alfred Townsend, Washington, Outside and Inside (Cincinnati: Betts, 1874), 715.

  349. Browning interviewed by Nicolay, Springfield, 17 June 1875, in Burlingame, ed., Oral History of Lincoln, 5.

  350. N. Worth Brown and Randolph C. Downes, eds., “A Conference with Abraham Lincoln: From the Diary of Reverend Nathan Brown,” Northwest Ohio Quarterly 22 (1949–1950):61–62.

  351. Principia, 8 Jan. 1863, in M. Leon Perkal, “William Goodell: A Life of Reform” (Ph.D. dissertation, City University of New York, 1972), 377.

  352. Mrs. Florence Weston Stanley to Dwight C. Sturges, [Needham, Massachusetts?], 7 Feb. 1935, Christian Science Monitor, 12 Feb. 1935.

  353. Washington correspondence, 3 Jan., Sacramento Daily Union, 29 Jan. 1863, in Burlingame, ed., Lincoln Observed, 15.

  354. Isaac N. Arnold, The History of Abraham Lincoln and the Overthrow of Slavery (Chicago: Clarke, 1866), 304.

  355. Seward, Seward, 2:151; W. R. Livermore, “The Emancipation Pen,” Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings 44(1911):595–596.

  356. “Emancipation Pen,” 595–596; Summer, Complete Works, 9:435.

  357. Schurz, Reminiscences, 2:317.

  358. Alexander K. McClure, Abraham Lincoln and Men of War-Times (Philadelphia: Times, 1892), 284.

  359. Speed to William H. Herndon, Louisville, 7 Feb. 1866, Douglas L. Wilson and Rodney O. Davis, eds., Herndon’s Informants: Letters, Interviews, and Statements about Abraham Lincoln (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998), 197.

  360. Wade to George W. Julian, Ashtabula, 29 Sept. 1862, Giddings-Julian Papers, DLC.

  361. Fawn M. Brodie, Thaddeus Stevens, Scourge of the South (New York: W. W. Norton, 1959), 159.

  362. The Liberator (Boston), 2 January 1863, in Wendell Garrison et al., William Lloyd Garrison, 1805–1879: The Story of His Life Told by His Children (4 vols.; New York: Century, 1885–1889), 4:70.

  363. Tyler to his wife, Boston, 1 Jan. 1863, Jessica T. Austen, ed., Moses Coit Tyler, 1835–1900: Selections from His Letters and Diaries (Garden City, NY.: Doubleday, Page, 1911), 19.

  364. Donald Yacovone, Samuel Joseph May and the Dilemmas of the Liberal Persuasion, 1797–1871 (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991), 173–174.

  365. Maria Weston Chapman to Abby Hopper Gibbons, n.p., 5 Jan. 1863, in Sarah Hopper Emerson, ed., Life of Abby Hopper Gibbons (2 vols.; New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1897), 1:384.

  366. Tilton to Susan B. Anthony, 11 Jan. 1863, in Ida Husted Harper, The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (2 vols.; Indianapolis, IN: Hollenbeck, 1898), 1:225–226; Tilton to Garrison, New York, 9 Jan. 1863, Garrison Papers, Boston Public Library.

  367. Weekly Anglo-African (New York), 10 Jan. 1863; Martin B. Pasternak, Rise Now and Fly to Arms: The Life of Henry Highland Garnet (New York: Garland, 1995), 107.

  368. Douglass, speech of 6 Feb. 1863, in John W. Blassingame et al., eds., The Frederick Douglass Papers, Series One: Speeches, Debates, and Interviews (5 vols.; New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1979–1992), 3:568.

  369. Ibid.

  370. H. Ford Douglas to Fredrick Douglass, Colliersville, Tennessee, 8 Jan. 1863, C. Peter Ripley, ed., The Black Abolitionist Papers (5 vols.; Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985–1992), 5:166.

  371. Benjamin Rush Plumly to Lincoln, Philadelphia, 1 Jan. 1863, AL MSS DLC.

  372. Lucy N. Colman, letter of 1 Nov., Rochester Express, 10 Nov. 1864; Sojourner Truth to Oliver Johnson, 17 Nov. 1864, National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York), 17 Dec. 1864.

  373. New York Tribune, 3 Jan. 1863.

  374. Child to William Lloyd Garrison Haskins, Wayland, Massachusetts, 28 Dec. 1862, Child Letters, ed. Meltzer and Holland, 423.

  375. Parker, speech of 7 May 1856, in Mason Lowance, ed., Against Slavery: An Abolitionist Reader (New York: Penguin Books, 2000), 288.

  376. Diary of Archbishop Martin J. Spalding, 1 Jan. 1863, in Kenneth J. Zanca, “Baltimore’s Catholics and the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln,” Maryland Historical Magazine 98 (2003): 94.

  377. Cincinnati Enquirer, 4 Jan. 1863.

  378. Chicago Times, 3 Jan. 1863; Columbus Crisis, 14 Jan. 1863.

  379. New York Metropolitan Record, n.d., copied in the New York Evening Express, 9 Jan. 1863.

  380. New York Journal of Commerce, n.d., copied ibid., 3 Jan. 1863.

  381. New York Evening Express, 9 Jan. 1863.

  382. OR, II, 5:807–808.

  383. Richmond Enquirer, n.d,, copied in the New York Evening Post, 7 Jan. 1863.

  384. Caleb Cushing to Edward Everett, Newburyport, 26 Sept. 1862, draft, Cushing Papers, DLC.

  385. Curtis, Executive Power (Boston: Little, Brown, 1862), 13.

  386. Lincoln to Kirkland, Washington, 7 Dec. 1862, CWL, 5:544.

  387. Charles P. Kirkland, A Letter to the Hon. Benjamin R. Curtis (New York: Latimer Bros. & Seymour, 1862), 13.

  388. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 25 Oct. 1862.

  389. Benjamin Moran diary, 11 Dec. 1869, DLC.

  390. Washington correspondence, 3 Oct., Cincinnati Commercial, 4 Oct. 1862.

  391. Carpenter, Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln, 87.

  392. Edward Everett Hale, Memories of a Hundred Years (2 vols.; New York: Macmillan, 1904), 2:193; Carpenter, Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln, 90.

  393. Moncure D. Conway, Autobiography: Memories and Experiences (2 vols.; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1904), 1:381.

  Chapter 30. �
��Go Forward, and Give Us Victories”

  1. Benjamin Brown French, Witness to the Young Republic: A Yankee’s Journal, 1828–1870, ed. Donald B. Cole and John J. McDonough (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1989), 417 (entry for 18 Feb. 1863).

  2. George William Curtis to Charles Eliot Norton [North Shore, New York], 28 Dec. 1862, George William Curtis Papers, Harvard University; Washington correspondence, 31 Dec. 1862, Boston Evening Journal, 2 Jan. 1863.

  3. Montgomery Meigs to Ambrose E. Burnside, Washington, 30 Dec. 1862, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (128 vols.; Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880–1901) [hereafter OR], I, 21:917.

  4. Frederick Pike to J. S. Pike, Machias, 11 Oct. 1863, Pike Papers, University of Maine.

  5. Henry B. Stanton to Gerrit Smith, New York, 23 Jan. 1863, May Anti-Slavery Manuscript Collection, Cornell University; Stanton to Susan B. Anthony, 16 Jan. 1863, in Ida Husted Harper, The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (2 vols.; Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill, 1899), 1:226.

  6. Washington correspondence, 16 Feb., New York Examiner, 19 Feb. 1863, in Michael Burlingame, ed., Dispatches from Lincoln’s White House: The Anonymous Civil War Journalism of Presidential Secretary William O. Stoddard (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2002), 137.

  7. William O. Stoddard, “White House Sketches No. 12,” New York Citizen, 3 November 1866, in Stoddard, Inside the White House in War Times: Memoirs and Reports of Lincoln’s Secretary, ed. Michael Burlingame (1890; Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), 194.

  8. Washington correspondence by Van [D. W. Bartlett], 11 Mar., Springfield, Massachusetts, Republican, 16 Mar. 1863.

  9. David Davis to W. W. Orme, Washington, 16 Feb. 1863, Orme Papers, IHi.

  10. Dana to [J. K. Schubert?], Washington, 23 Feb. 1863, Dana Papers, MHi.

  11. John Pendleton Kennedy to Robert C. Winthrop, Baltimore, 4 Jan. 1863, Winthrop Family Papers, IHi.

  12. Hawkins Taylor to Lyman Trumbull, Washington, 26 Jan. 1863, Trumbull Papers, DLC.

  13. Daniel Hamilton to Sherman, Milan, Ohio, 25 Dec. 1862, and S. S. L’Hommedieu to Sherman, Cincinnati, 18 Jan. 1863, John Sherman Papers, DLC.


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