Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2

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Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2 Page 5

by Jenny Foshia

  Dani closed her eyes tightly and when she opened them again Adrian saw they were filled with unshed tears. He cupped her tiny face in his large hands using his thumbs to wipe her tears when they began to fall down her cheeks. “Sweetheart, please do not cry. It hurts me to see you hurting.”

  “These are happy tears Adrian. My whole life I knew there was something different about me and then finally Brielle met Cole and Max and eventually we were finally told about our history. When I saw Brielle so happy I wanted that too. When I met you guys I was overwhelmed with these emotions and feelings in my soul. They were so strong and they scared me. I had this plan for my life and those feelings did not play into it for a long time. Hearing you guys explain everything to me the way you just did helped a lot. Now they don’t feel so scary and I don’t feel so alone with the senses rushing through me.”

  “You will never be alone again Dani. Ryan and I will always be here for you in any capacity you will allow. We will protect you, defend you and love you, always.” He kissed her forehead and then sat back in his chair to give her some space. He looked at Ryan and then back to Dani to see her thinking over everything they had just told her. Hopefully she welcomes them soon because he wasn’t sure how long he could hold off on making love to her. There was something about her that called to him, seeking him on a level that he didn’t know existed. He now understood what Max and Cole felt like when they first met Brielle and were waiting for her to heal so they could begin their lives together.

  “How about we change the subject and give you some time to mull over what we discussed. How much longer do you think it will be before Cassie arrives?” Ryan asked.

  “I know that she was planning on leaving this morning so she should be here soon. I hope nothing happens to her. I can take it but I don’t think I would be ok if I knew she was in danger too. It was terrible seeing Brielle go through what she did, I do not want another person I care for to be tortured in any way.” Dani was beginning to get a little anxious, he could sense it. He reached out for her hand again at the same time Ryan did. They each had one in their hand and he felt her instant relief.

  “If we have our way then the person responsible will be eliminated and nothing further will happen to any of you.” Adrian was adamant. He knew that as soon as he told all the guys tonight what he had heard then there would be no stopping any of them from killing Jax. He just wished he knew why. What made him turn against them? He was brought out of his woolgathering when the door opened.

  “Yoo-hoo! Hey Dani! How are you?” Cassie glided into the room and went straight for Dani, engulfing her in a gentle hug. “Brielle told me that happened. I am so sorry that happened! I wish I was here so I could have helped take care of you. Are you feeling better? You look beautiful, as always.” Cassie looked startled when she realized that he and Ryan were in the room with them.

  “Hey Cass, how are you?” He asked her, laughing at her shocked face.

  “I am doing well. The drive here was relaxing. I could live here.” She sighed wistfully.

  “I feel the same way. The scenery is gorgeous!” Dani exclaimed.

  “Yes, it is. There is nothing in the world as wonderful as being surrounded by so much nature! You don’t get that in the city, that’s for sure.” Cassie replied.

  He decided he would head out and let the girls chat and catch up. “Dani, sweetheart, I am going to head to my room and clean up before dinner time. Maybe catch a little rest after my workout I had earlier.” He saw that Ryan was getting ready to leave as well so he kissed her cheek and stepped back to wait for Ryan.

  “Adrian and I will be back to walk with you to dinner. See you soon, sweetheart.” He kissed her cheek before speaking to Cassie. “Take care of her and we will see you two in just a little while.

  When they were in the hall Adrian stopped Ryan. “Hey Ry, listen up.” He motioned for him to step closer, and in a hushed voice he added, “I overheard Jax on the phone earlier. I am not sure who he was speaking with since he never mentioned a name, but he admitted that he was the cause of the poisoning and he confirmed plans for something more to happen soon. We need to fill the others in, and preferably before dinner.”

  “Meet me downstairs as soon as you are done with your shower. I am going to call Max from my phone in my room and have him and Cole meet us before we collect the women.”

  “Ok, I’ll rush as much as possible. Meet you down there soon.”

  He walked into his room and quickly headed to the bathroom so he could shower. He hoped they could come up with a good plan, one that would prevent anything further from happening. The sooner they put a stop to this shit the sooner he, Ryan and Dani could start their life together.

  Chapter 13: Dani

  “So, Dani, what is up with you and those two hotties?” Cassie asked her excitedly.

  “They are my mates. Well, they will be, they want to be and I know in my heart they are mine. It is just that I am, or was scared, of the commitment mating them would require. I don’t want to give up a part of myself in order to be with them.”

  “Oh honey, I don’t think they would even let you do that. You can see it in their eyes that those two worship you. And I have known them long enough to know they would never ask you to give up any part of yourself.”

  “They explained that to me right before you walked in. I know that in my heart but my head was not listening. When I met them back in the fall I felt an instant draw, an instant connection that was so strong that it scared me. I think that fear is what caused me to believe that I couldn’t give in to the pull otherwise I would lose myself.”

  “Dani, look at your mom. Do you think she had to give up any part of herself to be with Joe and Mark? Do you think they asked her to? What about Brielle, Max and Cole? The answer would be no, to all of that. When you love someone then you encourage them. You don’t ask them to change and you sure as hell do not force it upon them. Now, that is not to say that loving someone doesn’t cause you to want to change. But any change that is made should be done for the better and because of love, not force.”

  “Since when did my best friend get so wise?” Dani laughed through the tears that were falling from her eyes.

  “I have always been wise, I just have never had the chance to show it until now.” Cassie giggled.

  “Well, I am glad you are finally here. I have missed my family and friends so much. I am sorry I have not been there for you. How have you been?”

  “I have been ok. Jake is as bossy and controlling as ever.”

  “Cassie, when are you going to get rid of him? He is not good for you, he doesn’t treat you right. If your brother, Max or even Adrian or Ryan knew how he treated you then he would be a dead man.” Dani tried pleading with Cassie but knew she would get nowhere. It was the same argument time and again. She hoped one day her friend would find someone who truly cared for and loved her as much as she deserved.

  “I know they would kill him, but I love him. I just wished he was not so controlling.”

  “Cassie, did you hear any of the words you spoke to me about love? Because if you did then you would know that even though you love him he cannot love you back! If he did then he wouldn’t be treating you like that. He would treat you with far more respect than he has been if he cared for you. You deserve a whole hell of a lot more than you are settling for!”

  “I know, I know. It is just so hard to give up that part of my life. I have been with him for 6 years! That is a long time to be with someone, to have them a part of your growing up, and then to just let them go. I am scared of what my life would be like without him. I do not know who I am without him. Where will I go?” Cassie was sounding scared and it worried Dani. Her friend was so beautiful and so smart. She was so much better than that asshole she was settling for. Dani was going to talk to Brielle and see what they could come up with to help Cassie. They were only a few years apart in age but in many ways Cassie seemed so young.

  “You always have a place with one of
us. You are family and we love you. If you ever decide to make the decision to leave Jake then you can always come stay with me and I am sure Brielle would love to have you stay with her too. But enough about that, let’s get ourselves ready because I am sure that Adrian and Ryan will be here soon to walk us to dinner. Did you know that Jax and Wes are here for the mini vaca too?”

  “I don’t think I have ever met them. Are they nice?”

  “They remind me of Max, Cole, Adrian and Ryan. They are very manly, in my opinion. Definitely great looking guys that is for sure.”

  “Well then, I am sure I will enjoy meeting them. But let’s go get you ready.”


  Twenty minutes later Dani was just putting on her sandals to go with the wrap around dress she was wearing. Cassie had braided her hair and she put on some moisturizer, red lip gloss and mascara. She pinched her cheeks to add some color but decided against applying blush. She took one last glance in the bathroom mirror and was just stepping into her room when there was a knock on the door. Cassie opened the door and Ryan and Adrian were standing there. God! They were gorgeous! Her defenses were definitely down. All it took was one look from them and her panties were wet. She had absolutely no control over her body when they were near. She waved to them and saw a little mischievous look in Ryan’s eyes. She walked over to them and Adrian leaned in and kissed her cheek. Ryan did the same but whispered in her ear, “You smelled heavenly” he said and stepped back with a wicked smile across his face. Oooh, she felt like smacking him!

  “Well thank you, Ryan! It is a special scent that I wear just for you and Adrian.” She couldn’t help getting back at him but began laughing when she saw the look that spread across Ryan and Adrian’s faces.

  “Well, shall we go? I am hungry.” Cassie skipped past them and started down the stairs. The guys each held out an arm like a 19th century aristocrat and she slid one hand into the crook of each elbow and allowed the guys to lead her down the stairs and into the dining room. As soon as they got there she was rushed by her mom and Brielle, each of whom engulfed her in a warm hug and led her to her seat. She was flanked on each side by Ryan and Adrian. Ryan pulled out her chair and slid it toward the table for her. She glanced at Cassie who went suddenly pale when Wes and Jax walked in. She had no problem saying hello when she was greeted by Jax, but when Wes took her hand and kissed above her knuckles she turned a nice shade of red. Dani smiled and looked across at Brielle who was wearing a huge grin. Uh-oh! It may be possible that Cassie has met her destined mate. But, only the one man? She wasn’t bothered by Jax one bit it seemed, it was only Wes that got to her. Interesting. She was going to have to have a little chat with Cassie soon. From what she heard Wes is a great guy and since he was friends with Cole, Max, Adrian and Ryan, she knew that he would treat her well.

  “So, Brielle, what do you have planned for us girls tomorrow?” Dani asked as she cut into her grilled chicken breast.

  “Well, we are going to have some ladies come over to give us manis and pedis. Then we are going to have our hair wash and styled and we will finish our treatments with a relaxing massage.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  “I know. My guys spoil me rotten!”

  “Well, I am definitely looking forward to tomorrow.” Cassie said.

  “Me too. I know that each of us women could really use a relaxing day.” Dani agreed. “But if we are getting spoiled with those treatments then what are the guys going to be doing?” She asked.

  “Well, we planned on playing some basketball downstairs and then maybe we could do some target practicing out back afterward.” Max suggested.

  “I think that sounds great. Man, how long has it been since we were all together and able to play a game of basketball? I don’t think we have been able to do that since we were all in our teens.” Ryan laughed.

  “Has it really been that long?” Cole asked.

  Ryan and Adrian both nodded before Adrian added “At least. After we graduated high school we all went on to college and worked full time jobs. We have all been pretty busy ever since. This is the first time that we have all six had the chance to hang out together.”

  “It is such a shame that you guys don’t make more time to hang out. You guys grew up together.” Dani was surprised that they didn’t spend more time together with as close as they were. They must have really formed a tight bond growing up together if they were still this close even without seeing each other more often.

  “Well, we may not see each other that often, at least not until recently, but we are always in contact with one another. We see each other, just not all 6 at one time.” Cole said.

  “That explains how you have all remained so close to one another.” She stated. “I do not think I could go years without hanging out with Brielle or Cassie. I love them to death!”

  “And we love you.” Brielle said as Cassie nodded her head in agreement.

  The men continued reminiscing about the past and making plans to hang out more often in the future. Dani, her mom, Brielle and Cassie talked excitedly about their day tomorrow and before anyone knew it three hours had gone by.

  “I think I would like to head to bed and get some rest for tomorrow. Adrian, Ryan, would you guys care to escort me to my room?” She winked at them as she stood up. “Goodnight everyone. Mom, Cassie, Brielle, I will see you ladies in the morning.”

  After everyone said their goodnights and the guys made plans to chat in an hour or so the three of them went upstairs to Dani’s room.

  By the time they reached her door Dani had made her decision. Tonight was going to be the night. These men were her destined mates and there really was no sense in prolonging everyone’s torture. She turned to them and asked “Are you guys ready to claim me?”

  They looked at each other with merriment and turned to her and she could see the answer in their lust filled eyes.

  “Hell yeah!” Ryan answered before picking her up and carrying her to her bed.

  Chapter 14: Ryan

  Ryan couldn’t believe their luck. This beautiful, intelligent and independent woman was ready to accept their future together and mate with them. “Dani, honey. Are you sure you are ready for this?” He had to make sure she knew what she was doing. He didn’t want her to wake up in the morning with any regrets. He knew that once they began there would be no way he, nor Adrian, would be able to stop themselves. Their inner wolf would take over and he wanted to make sure she understood. “I want to make sure you understand that once we start it will be extremely difficult for us to stop. We have been waiting, it seems like since the beginning of time, for this night. I do not want you to do this because you think you have to. I know I speak for Adrian, as well as myself, when I say that we will wait as long as it takes for you to truly be ready.”

  She looked up at him and a seductive smile lit her face. “Will you shut up already and get to work? I talked to Brielle already so I know exactly what to expect and I can sense my inner wolf screaming for you guys. Please, Ryan and Adrian, make me yours.” She pulled him down for a heated kiss before turning to Adrian and kissing him with just as much fever. As she was devouring Adrian’s mouth, for there was no other way to describe it, Ryan began to undress her. He untied her dress and slid it off her shoulders and followed the dress’s trail with lingering kisses. When he looked up he realized that she was wearing nothing underneath. Holy shit! Dani was perfect. It was as if she was his every wet fantasy come to life. She put every single woman he had ever met to shame. She was definitely made for him and Adrian. He began exploring the soft curves of her body with his hands, starting at her neck and gliding his way down. He paid special attention to her pert breasts. He fondled them, massaged them and then circled his finger over the top of a taught nipple, drawing a gasp from Dani and causing her to arch into his hand. He leaned over and took the other one into his mouth, nipped at it and then smoothed his tongue back and forth over the tip. He glanced up and saw that Adrian was trailing
kisses down her neck, making his way past her breasts and onto her stomach. He continued the journey to her center and began laying gentle kisses on Dani’s inner thighs. Dani was panting and pulled their heads closer to her body. “God yes. Oh my God that feels so good…” She stopped as Adrian finally placed his mouth over her wet pussy, lapping her juices from between her lips and rubbing her clit with his thumb. Ryan couldn’t help it. He had to join in and taste her. He went down and flicked his tongue over her clit and laughed when he heard her say “Fuck yessss!”. She was truly enjoying this. He and Adrian continued their assault, eating her pussy and toying with her tits for only a few more minutes when her orgasm hit her. “Oh my God, I’m coming! They didn’t let up as her body convulsed and shuttered. They let her come down before they stepped away and removed their clothing. His long, thick cock was ready to enter her tight channel and he could see that Adrian’s was ready and waiting.

  “Dani, sweetheart. We know you aren’t a virgin but we are going to take you, together, and we are going to take our time treasuring you. Are you ready?” He had to ask one last time.

  She nodded and reached for them. He lied down next to her on the bed and pulled her in for another fierce kiss as Adrian took the space behind her. Adrian reached around Dani and cupped his hand over her breast and kissed her neck and shoulders before sliding his hand down to her core. Ryan watched as Adrian used her juices to lubricate his dick and knew that he was as ready as Ryan was.

  “Ok Dani, I am going to let Ryan start off in your pussy before I enter you anally. I will try to be as gentle as I can. Are you ready?”


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