Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2

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Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2 Page 4

by Jenny Foshia

  She heard Ryan speaking now. “Even though we hate to admit it we believe either Wes or Jax are responsible, not only for what is happening with Dani but we also believe they may be in on what happened with Brielle. The four of us men have been talking and we are going to try to draw them out while we are all here under one roof. I think with all of us so close together it would have to be harder to target the women.”

  “Just like I did with Cole and Max, I have every confidence that you will help my Dani.” Her mom said.

  “I will do everything in my power to find out who did this and make them pay. We all thought this was finished when Max and Cole were able to save Brielle but we were obviously wrong. I haven’t known Dani long but as soon as I set my eyes on her she became my whole life. My every waking moments contain thoughts of her and a future that I can have with her, and Ryan. When she was lying in bed last night, I don’t know, I just felt like if I just touched her hand that it would make it ok. Knowing she had poison causing her to be sick literally made me sick! But when I held her hand and felt her pulse, saw her breathing, it soothed my inner being.”

  What? That was the first she had heard him sound so sincere. He and Ryan had come on so strongly that it ended up pushing her away. She felt such a magnetic force drawing her to them and it scared her because she wasn’t truly ready for the commitment that Brielle made with her men, not yet. But the more she heard them talk like they are now the more she felt like taking that leap. If only she could get a guarantee that they wouldn’t shelter her or prevent her from being the person she had worked so hard to become.

  “I agree. When I first saw her it was as if she was a part of me. As if my next breath was dependant on hers. It sounds crazy, I know. But it is true.” Ryan spoke earnestly.

  The guys were describing her feelings with such accuracy. Whenever they walked into a room it was as if a piece of her that she didn’t know was missing was back. Funny, she never felt that way about a person before now.

  “Let’s concentrate on finding out which of our dear brothers took part in the events and then we can work on helping you guys get Dani.”

  That sounded like Max. Leave it to him to be the serious one and want to get right down to business.

  She flexed her hands and got excited when she was able to move one of her fingers. She tested her eyelids and found she was able to flutter them a bit. She blinked a few times to try to clear the blurriness away and took in the occupants of the room. She was right, they were all here.

  “Oh, Dani, thank God you are awake!” Brielle rushed over to the bed and reached for her hand.

  “How do you feel, sweetheart?” Her mom asked.

  “My throat is dry, my head is pounding, my stomach is cramping but otherwise I feel fine.” She answered, trying a little humor to lighten the mood in the room. Everyone was so tense. “What happened?”

  “Well, you collapsed on the floor when you reached the top of the stairs with Brielle. Ryan was able to determine that you were poisoned and we concluded that it had to have been something added to your salad. Unfortunately by the time we were able to make it downstairs to investigate, the catering company had already cleared away the plates. We were able to flush your system with an injection and with more rest you should be fine within a few hours.” Ryan answered.

  “So, do you know who did it?”

  “We do not know conclusively who it was, but we have our suspicions. We need to you be careful the next few days while we work on uncovering who is behind this. Never allow yourself to be alone. Make your own plate or drinks and be wary of the vegetables until we are able to clear them.” Adrian was so matter of fact in his response she almost laughed. She would have if the situation wasn’t so serious.

  “Is everyone here yet?”

  “We are waiting on Wes and Jax, but everyone else we were expecting has made it safely.” Max replied.

  “So, we still have to watch our backs. When will this all truly be over?” She asked, more for herself and something to say than anything else.

  “If we have our way it will be over tonight.” Ryan answered determinedly.

  “Besides making sure I have company at all times, what else should I do? Am I allowed to leave the house? Do you have any restrictions for me?”

  “It would make our worries a lot less if you were to stay inside, but we are not going to tell you what to do. As long as you are with someone we will be happy.” Adrian smiled reassuringly at her.

  She nodded, “Ok. I think I can manage to have a bodyguard around at all times.” She joked with them and was relieved when they all laughed.

  “Leave it to my Dani to make a joke like that at a time like this.” Her mom spoke softly. Dani tried to smother a yawn but her mom caught her. “Sweetheart, why don’t you get some more rest. Your body needs it in order to fully recover. One of us will be here when you wake up.”

  “I think I will do that mom.” She answered as she drifted off.

  Chapter 11: Ryan

  “Adrian and I can head downstairs. I think we should be there with Cole and Max to greet the other guys when they get here. I wonder if either one of them will give themselves away?”

  “Ok, tell Max and Cole that I love them. I will stay here with mom and watch over Dani.”

  “Will do!” Ryan walked over to Dani and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. If there were to be any benefit of her sleeping it would be this, being able to kiss her. Her skin was so smooth and silky to the touch. He stood up and waited for Adrian to join him and they made their way downstairs. They heard voices coming from the living room so they walked directly toward the doorway.

  Before he opened the door Adrian stopped him. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to hold off on my anger. You need to keep me in check to prevent me from lashing out because I don’t want to direct it toward the wrong man.”

  He nodded to Adrian, “I will not let you do that, man. I promise you I will keep you in check. Let’s go see what they are all talking about.” Ryan opened the door and saw that both Wes and Jax had already arrived. He greeted them with the same handshake and half hug that they always did. “Glad you guys made it safely. Hopefully the ride went well.”

  Jax looked at Wes, who was unusually quiet, before answering. “Yeah, spring in this area lingers making the scenery beautiful and relaxing.”

  “What about you, Wes? Did you two ride up together or did you bring your own ride?” Ryan asked. What was Wes’s problem? He looked like he was trying to hide something and it was making Ryan very suspicious. Normally Wes is high energy and had no problem keeping the party alive but something was off about him and Ryan was going to get to the bottom of it.

  “I brought my bike. There is nothing like hitting the open road and feeling that freedom.” Wes answered with a smile which did not reach his eyes. Oh yeah, there was something bothering him.

  “Listen guys, I was going to go for a jog and Adrian was going to hang out in the gym. Wes, why don’t you go get changed and head out with me.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. I know Cole was talking about wanting to hit the gym for a while and I was going to go check on Brielle before returning some phone calls. Just because we are taking the time off of leaving doesn’t mean I can stop making contact with clients.” Max gave Ryan a look that told him he understood what he was up to.

  “I think a nice long jog is exactly what I need. I’ll meet you here in ten minutes.” Wes picked up his bag and left the room.

  “Well, Jax. I am going to go change into my gym gear. Meet you down there in about fifteen?” Adrian asked as he was walking toward the door.

  “Make it twenty. I have a few calls to make and then I will head down.”

  Ryan watched as Wes, Adrian, Max and Jax all left to get ready. He turned to face Cole. “Any idea as to which one of them is involved?” He asked.

  “Not a clue. I do know that there is definitely something up with Wes. He doesn’t seem to be his usual self and I am
worried about him. You’ll find out on the jog?”

  “I’ll try my best to see what is bothering him. I don’t like seeing my friend like that, then again, I don’t like knowing he may also be the cause for what happened to Brielle and what is happening with Dani. I am torn between wanting to hate them and in being in denial that they would be doing this.”

  “I understand the feeling. I wish there were some other explanation but there isn’t. Neither one may have been involved in Brielle’s attacks but one of them sure as hell is involved with Dani’s poisoning. We need to stop any more danger from occurring.”

  “After my jog I will meet you in Dani’s room and fill you in on whatever I find out, if I find out anything.”

  “Sounds like a good plan. I’ll see you later then.”

  Ryan nodded at Cole and then went to his room to change into his sweats and met Wes on the back porch. The view surrounding the home was amazing. Max and Cole were lucky to have found this place and grab it up when they did. Maybe they would sell some of the property to him and Adrian so they could build a place for them and Dani to live. That would be a wonderful thing to do and Brielle would jump all over that, he knew that for sure. To have her sister close to her would thrill her and they could be close to Max and Cole just like when they were cubs. He would have to speak with Adrian to see if he was game and then they could talk to Max and Cole about it.

  He was interrupted from his thoughts when Wes came through the sliding doors and onto the porch. “Ready to hit the pavement?” He asked as they began stretching.

  “Sure am, I need a good run. My body has been stressed a lot lately and my mind has been under a lot of pressure. You wouldn’t believe how many people are in need of security detail recently. My men and I have really been busting our asses to cover everyone.”

  “Is that what’s bugging you? You don’t seem like yourself and you had the rest of us worried.”

  Wes took a while to answer him, which caused more concern.

  “Well, yes, I guess so. I just have this sense that something is off and it has been bothering me. You remember everything that happened last fall with Brielle?” He looked at Ryan, waiting for his answer. At his nod he continued. “Well, for the last week or so I have had this feeling that it is not over. That something else is about to happen and it is killing me that I do not know what it is so that I can prevent it from happening. I have no idea how to keep my family and friends safe and I am in the fucking security business!”

  Ryan laid a calming hand on Wes’s shoulder. After what Wes just admitted to him he was certain that he was not in on it, which could only mean one thing, Jax. “Listen Wes, we know you love and care for us but you are not responsible for what happened. And, if for some reason something were to happen again, it will not be your fault. But, for what it is worth, we have all been feeling the same lately. If you have the feeling then maybe we could all come up with a plan to protect us and hopefully catch whoever is behind these attacks.”

  Wes nodded his agreement. “I hear what you are saying but it is just so damn hard to not feel guilty.”

  “I know how you feel. But listen, let us go for our run and then you can meet with me, Adrian, Max and Cole when we get back. There is something that came up right before you and Jax arrived and we need to fill you in on it.”

  “Ok, can do. Let’s get going.”

  Chapter 12: Adrian (In Max’s office, meeting with him, Ryan, Cole and Wes)

  “So you guys are telling me that you think that Jax is the one who is helping our rival pack?” Wes asked in disbelief. Adrian understood, it was hard to accept that someone you grew up with was capable of doing something so barbaric.

  “That is exactly what we are saying. Dani was poisoned, damn it! She was the only one too. I don’t think we have to explain to you the coincidence. The only people who knew that Max and Cole were catering while they had company, besides those who were already here, were you and Jax.” Adrian explained. He was beyond frustrated and extremely pissed that it even happened in the first place.

  “Then what is it we can do about it? If I know you guys, and I do, then I know you have a plan. What is it? And what can I do?”

  “Well, for one, we have already explained to Janice, Brielle and Dani that none of them are to be left alone. They should always have company wherever they are. And we also suggested they not leave the house, but we are leaving that to their discretion because we know Dani enough to know that if we tell her what to do then she will most assuredly do the opposite.” Ryan replied.

  Adrian was tired. He barely slept last night and had a nice, exhausting workout before they holed up in here about 2 hours ago to discuss what happened. He was craving Dani, just the sight of her. He knew that if he could just see her, touch her hand, then it would give him the strength to continue on with what needed to be done to protect everyone that was in this house. Besides, the longer they left Jax unattended the better the chances of him being able to do more damage or cause more harm. They needed to end this discussion and end it quickly.

  “Ok, so, here is what I am thinking. Wes, you are closer to Jax than the four of us. Try to get in his confidence. Since Brielle put your rooms close together, see if there is any way you could listen when he is making phone calls. See if you can gather any information about his plans. Ryan, you and I are expected to mate with Dani so it would only be fitting if we couldn’t stand to be away from her for very long. So you and I could take shifts watching her, maybe start with every 3-4 hours? Max and Cole, you can entertain Janie, Joe and Mark. It is mid afternoon, so we can all meet for dinner at say 8:00 tonight.” Adrian issued commands like a general and everyone seemed to accept them.

  “Those are great ideas. We can then meet back here tonight at midnight to share details and make a plan for tomorrow.” Max added.

  Everyone nodded their approval and left to perform their tasks. He and Ryan went upstairs, he needed to shower before checking in on Dani. “Hey Ry, I am going to head into the shower and wash up before I meet you in Dani’s room. Would you like to fill Brielle and Janice in on what our plans are until tonight?”

  “I can definitely do that. I am going to change real quick and then I will see you in her room.”

  Ryan headed toward his room and as soon as Adrian was close to his door he heard Jax’s voice. It sounded like he was talking to someone but since there was no response Adrian realized that he must be on the phone. He quietly snuck into his room and left his light off and door open a crack. He listened intently for Jax’s voice again and didn’t have to wait long.

  “No man! I am telling you, I haven’t seen her all day. It must have worked. They gave some lame excuse that she was relaxing with Brielle but I know that bitch enough to know she doesn’t relax. She has to be with Dani, which means that there is something wrong with Dani. Did you talk to the caterers?” Jax stopped talking so Adrian gathered he was waiting for a response from the person on the other end of the line. “Ok, I will see what I can do. I grew up with these guys and I am pretty sure there is no way they suspect that it is me. We have always been close and they are all too trusting. Causing another accident will not be too difficult. I will call you when the next one happens and fill you in on the result.” Adrian waited for his next reply. “Ok, so you do not want her dead, just out of commission enough for you to take her. I got it, no problem. Talk to you soon.” As soon as Adrian hear the beep he knew the conversation was over.

  Fuck! How could Jax be a part of something like this? They loved him and trusted him and this was how he was going to pay them back? It wasn’t going to be easy but he knew they had to put an end to his plans. He was so upset that his body was shaking all over. He didn’t even bother with a shower. He changed into a set of clean cloths and put on fresh deodorant and then headed to Dani’s room. He walked straight to Dani and reached for her hand. He was instantly calmed.

  “Hello Dani, how are you feeling?” He asked her quietly.

  “I a
m actually feeling much better. I think I will be well enough to go down for dinner tonight, but I think I’ll stay away from the salad.” She joked.

  “I don’t blame you.” He laughed at her humor. “I think I will avoid it as well. Did you enjoy your visit with your mom? I see that Brielle took her down for lunch since Ryan was here with you.”

  “I did have a great time visiting with her. I feel so bad working so much and not spending time with her, but you guys just wouldn’t leave me alone. No matter what I did you and Ryan were in my thoughts. I worked harder and harder just to try to clear my mind, which only succeeded in draining my body of its energy.”

  “Dear, sweet Dani. Don’t you understand by now that we will never leave you alone?” Ryan asked her.

  “I think I am starting to get the point. But you have to understand something. I have always been sheltered, my entire life. I was the baby of the family, although not by much, and was babied a lot. I never had to do anything for myself, so when I finally got the chance I took it. I worked my way through veterinary school and opened up my clinic. It is something that I am proud of and I know that mating with you guys is going to be a huge commitment and I was just not ready for that step.” She tried to explain to them something that they already understood.

  “Dani, sweetheart, we understand. We know that you are your own person and we would never change you for one minute. You are perfect that way you are. We love your strong, independent streak. We love your witty sense of humor and your ability to heal and comfort those who need it. I think I can speak for Ryan as well when I say that we are extremely proud of you for everything you have accomplished and would not ever dream of asking you to give that up. All we are asking, and waiting for, is for you to let us in your life. Accept us as a part of your world. Let us be there for you for all the good and the bad times. Let us help you make your future dreams come true. All we want is the chance to help you lighten your load. You may not realize this but whenever I am stressed, nervous, tired out or not feeling well all I do is think about you and I am better. Ever since meeting you, you have had a healing and calming effect on me, which is something that only happens when you have found your destined mate.” Adrian looked over to Ryan and saw that he was nodding his head in agreement before he too, added, “Dani, ever since meeting you, you have been our entire world. All we are asking is to be allowed to become a part of yours.”


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