Amethyst of the Gods
Page 36
"You have done well, Lattimer," the Dark One shouted over the man's screams. "Now you will see to my defenses. You are to organize the defense of this castle and particularly me. You will stay by my side until the Ancient Prophecy is defeated."
Lattimer closed his eyes and nodded, a feeling of total failure washed over him as he knew his life was now tied tightly to the Dark One.
* * *
Laman, the village leader of Lavinda, stood at the edge of the town square. He nodded approvingly as the citizens scurried around preparing for the king's visit. Only once before in the history of Lavinda had a monarch come to visit. Laman remembered that day well and smiled.
"Jo," Laman called as he saw the woman passing through the square, "have you arranged a fitting honor guard for the king's arrival?"
"Of course," smiled Jo as she sauntered over to Laman. "Twenty-four of the youngest able bowmen the village has to offer, half of them female."
"Excellent," grinned Laman. "We wouldn't want this king to forget what Lavinda stands for."
"Are you sure that is wise?" frowned Kyle as he joined the group. "Alex did that to King Eugene to impress upon him the need for the kingdom's protection of the frontier. It worked, but barely. Why offend this new king with what is sure to be seen as a slight to the monarch?"
"A slight?' laughed Laman. "I think not. Lavinda is the symbol of the frontier of Targa."
"Alcea," interrupted Jo. "It isn't called Targa anymore."
"Whatever," Laman continued. "We are the frontier. They may not use young warriors in Tagaret, but we are not Tagaret. Let this new king know that we are different and that we have different needs. Our reception of the king will be warm and friendly, but we can still let him know that he cannot take our loyalty for granted. If we are to be Alceans, then he must consider our needs when a crisis develops. That is only fair."
"Perhaps," grumbled Kyle, "but you could also isolate Lavinda with your games. The fairy did say that Rangers would also be coming from Tagaret. I don't want them to exact punishment on the villagers because you want to have fun."
"Nobody is going to punish the people of Lavinda," Jo declared adamantly. "If that is a concern, we will refuse to allow the Rangers into the village."
"What are you all talking about?" asked Marga as she heard the conversation while passing by. "Why would we refuse to allow Rangers into the village?"
"They will be allowed in," chuckled Laman. "Kyle is afraid that we will offend the new king with our traditional honor guard. I truly don't see that happening."
"Young ones again?" giggled Marga. "I think it would be a good measure of the nature of this new king. I hear that he is not too old himself."
"Where did you hear this?" asked Jo.
"From the fairy, Button," answered Marga. "She spent some time with me up on the mountain yesterday. She is a beautiful creature."
"I wasn't able to get anything out of her at all," frowned Laman, "except the king and his party were coming here to meet the Rangers out of Tagaret. What else did you learn?"
"She is rather quiet," admitted Marga, "but I think that is because she does not know us, so she just delivered the message that was given to her. I got her to talk a little bit about things, but I can tell that she fears divulging information that should not be talked about. I gather that the king is used to doing things in secrecy."
"Maybe we should loosen her tongue with some liquid spirits," chuckled Laman. "I bet she has some great stories to tell."
"Only you would think of getting a fairy drunk," quipped Kyle. "That little fairy is more serious about all of this than our village leader is."
"Tell us about this young king," prompted Jo.
"Well," smiled Marga, "he was born in the year of the Collapse, so I know he is young. He is a mighty warrior and has slain a dragon by himself. She says that everyone admires him. The fairy people adore him and call him the Bringer. She talks almost reverently about him."
"What is his name?" asked Jo.
"Arik," answered Marga. "He is the one responsible for banishing the Darkness."
"Any idea why this king is coming to Lavinda?" asked Kyle. "Surely, he could meet the Rangers almost anywhere he wanted to. Why here? Most people in the world do not even remember that Lavinda exists."
"Because Lavinda is a famous place," grinned Laman. "He probably has heard that we have a fearless village leader."
"I am sure," laughed Marga. "Actually, I didn't think to ask that question. It is a good question, though. Lavinda is so isolated that merchants don't even come here. So why would the king?"
"And with Rangers," added Jo. "The only thing that I can think of is Mount Kalas. Remember the stories about the Dark One dying after a new king of Alcea was crowned?"
"The Ancient Prophecy," nodded Kyle. "There was supposed to be some special sword that could kill the Dark One. I think that is just a tall tale."
"Maybe," shrugged Jo, "but the Darkness is no longer over Lavinda. Something or someone had to have caused that. Maybe we should not keep ourselves so shut off from the rest of the world?"
"That is part of our defense," Kyle shook his head. "How long do you think we would have survived in the shadow of Mount Kalas if we kept reminding people that we are here? There is nothing of the outside world that we need. Let them all forget that we exist. It is safer that way."
"Well," countered Jo, "someone reminded this new king that Lavinda is here. It is clear that the world has not entirely forgotten about us. Where is Button now?"
"She flies off every night," answered Marga. "Who knows where fairies live? I had never seen one before her."
"Can we even trust her?" asked Kyle. "Suppose she doesn't really work for this king? What if she is trying to get us to lower our defenses in expectation of a royal visit, when really an army of goblins is coming to destroy us?"
"Not possible," Marga shook her head. "She is much too adorable for such deceit."
"Still," pushed Kyle, "you have to admit that it is strange that this new king all of a sudden decides to visit Lavinda. It has been decades since King Eugene came here, and he was the only monarch to ever set foot in this village. I think it is time to demand answers from this fairy, and unless we are guaranteed of her truthfulness, we should remove the bridge and prepare to defend ourselves."
"You are paranoid," laughed Laman.
"I see both sides of this issue," declared Jo. "I agree with Marga that the fairy is unlikely to be working with goblins, but we do have a right to ascertain the truth of Button's words. It bothers me that she leaves the village each night. I mean, where could she possibly be going around here?"
"Well, we shall soon have the opportunity to ask her," pointed Marga as Button flitted overhead.
Marga called to Button, and the tiny blue fairy fluttered down and landed on Marga's shoulder.
"Good morning," chirped Button. "I see that the people of Lavinda are busy this morning."
"We are preparing for the king's visit," smiled Marga, "but some complications have arisen."
"Complications?" frowned the fairy. "There can be no complications. What is wrong?"
"You are hiding information from us," stated Kyle. "That means that you do not trust us. That makes me suspect your motives."
"I am not hiding anything," answered the fairy. "Why would I want to deceive you?"
"Where do you go each night?" asked Jo.
"I do not go far," the fairy answered hesitantly. "I come back every morning."
"But where do you go?" asked Kyle. "If you are not meeting with goblins, why would you not tell us where you go?"
"Goblins?" gasped Button. "Never would I associate with the likes of goblins. They are enemies of the king."
"Button," Marga said sympathetically, "you must try to understand us. Lavinda is not a place that anyone just happens to come to. We haven't had a visitor here in years. All of a sudden, you show up and say this new king is coming to meet his Rangers here. There are some in this village t
hat do not believe that we cannot afford to lower our defenses on your word alone. If you do not trust us enough to explain what is going on, how can you expect us to trust you?"
"We will have to prepare to defend Lavinda if you cannot convince us that you speak the truth," pushed Kyle. "That means that when the king arrives, there will be no bridge for him to cross."
"No," Button cried alarmingly. "You must not do that. Everyone would scorn me. Why would you keep your own king from coming to honor you?"
"Honor us?" asked Laman. "Why would this king want to honor us? We don't even know him."
"Where do you go at night?" questioned Jo.
Button looked worried as she gazed at the humans. For several long moments, she said nothing as if she were weighing some internal decision carefully. Finally, she blushed a brilliant blue and shrugged.
"I go to visit Shrimp," admitted Button. "He is another fairy. I like him."
"Where does Shrimp live?" prompted Jo.
"He is on a mission like me," explained Button. "He is to keep watch on Mount Kalas. I should not say more."
"I thought so," nodded Jo. "I knew Mount Kalas was involved in this somehow."
"Button," sighed Laman. "Do you think we mean to harm the king when he arrives?"
"Oh no," Button shook her head vigorously. "Why would you do that?"
"We would not," answered Laman. "If we mean the king no harm, then why do you think you should keep his reasons for coming here secret from us?"
"I just saw no reason to divulge more than I was told to," shrugged Button. "I thought you would be thrilled to be given a visit by the Bringer. Are you not thrilled?"
"We are concerned," answered Marga. "We do not know this king, or anyone who does know him."
"Yes you do," replied Button. "Is not this the village of Alexander Tork?"
"What does Alex have to do with this king?" Marga asked excitedly.
"Alex is the one who discovered the Bringer," responded Button. "Did you not know this? I thought everyone knew that."
"Is Alex alive?" Jo asked hesitantly.
"Alive?" frowned Button. "Of course, he is alive. He is the one bringing the king here."
"Yes!" Laman shouted so loud that the nearby citizens stopped what they were doing and stared across the square.
Laman leaped into the air and jumped up on one of the tables in the square. He shouted at the top of his lungs and citizens began running towards the square from all directions. He paced impatiently on the table as the people crowded around him. Eventually, he could wait no longer to spread the good news.
"Alexander Tork is returning to Lavinda," he shouted. "I want this entire village prepared for his return. We are to have a feast like none other that has ever graced our tables. Spread the word."
The crowd grew noisy and excited. While there were some citizens who had never met Alexander Tork, everyone knew about him, and knew that Lavinda was named after his mother who had died fleeing the yaki. The entire village erupted in a frenzy to prepare for the return of the village's founder. Laman jumped off the table and returned to his small group.
"Tell us more, Button," pleaded Laman. "Tell us of everyone who is coming with Alex."
"There are twelve coming besides the king," replied Button, "not counting fairies and unicorns."
"Unicorns?" echoed Marga. "How exciting."
"There is Prince Darok, a dwarf prince," continued Button, "and Prince Garong of the elves. Tedi and Natia who are gypsies, and Wylan and Sheri from Tagaret are among the party. Fredrik and Niki are coming, plus Bin-lu and Tanya, and of course, Alex and Jenneva."
"Elves and dwarves?" mused Laman. "That is a very strange group. Are they members of the king's court?"
"They are known as the Knights of Alcea," explained the fairy. "They are coming here before going to kill the Dark One. Word must not spread about their purpose. You have asked me to trust you. Now I ask that you vow that the king will not be threatened by my telling you these things."
"Threatened?" Marga shook her head. "Far from it, my little friend. This village adores Alexander Tork, and we will fight by his side for whatever he wants. Your Bringer will be safe in Lavinda."
"Just who are these Knights of Alcea?" asked Kyle. "It seems a rather strange group to be coming after the Dark One."
"The Knights of Alcea are those who traveled the world restoring the Sword of Heavens," answered Button. "They banished the Darkness in each place they went. They are the ones chosen by the Bringer."
"You keep calling this king the Bringer," asked Marga. "What does this mean?"
"The fairies call King Arik the Bringer because that is what our prophecy called him," answered Button. "To the unicorns, he is known as the Deliverer, Garala to the dwarves, Valon to the elves, and Dragon Heart to the dragons. He is the leader of all good peoples. Each of these peoples had a prophecy predicting his coming. Even the gods have blessed him with their amethyst. You will like him."
"This is no ordinary king like King Eugene," whistled Marga. "This is the stuff that legends are made of. You must tell us all about these Knights of Alcea, Button, so we do not appear so backward to the king."
"King Arik will not see you as backward," smiled Button. "He is not the type of king who places himself above other people. In fact, he places the people above himself. I will not spoil the surprise for you. I have told you enough that you now realize that you have nothing to fear from his arrival. Make your village ready. If I can help with the preparations, I would be most happy to do so."
Chapter 30
Jenneva looked over at Alex as they rode through the woods south of the pass through the Boulder Mountains.
"What are you grinning about?" she asked.
"It feels good to be going home," shrugged Alex. "It has been a long time since I wandered through these woods. At times I thought I would never have the chance to come back here."
"Why don't you take the lead from Prince Garong?" Jenneva suggested with a smile. "You could lead the procession into Lavinda. I am sure that he would not mind."
"No," Alex shook his head amusingly. "It might be humorous to see how the elf reacts. If I am not mistaken, the people of Lavinda will have a strange welcome ready for the king. Let's just watch and see what happens."
"That is really what put the smile on your face, isn't it?" giggled Jenneva. "You frontier types never miss an opportunity to express your independence. What do you think the villagers will do?"
"I really don't know," admitted Alex as the sound of a horn rent the air.
Prince Garong halted and raised his hand in the air. His head swiveled around looking for any sign of an enemy. He gazed for a moment at Alex as if to ask if the horn sound was to be expected. Alex stared impassively at the trail ahead and ignored the elven prince. Tanya rode through the column and halted alongside Prince Garong.
"I will ride with you," offered Tanya. "Four eyes are better than two."
Prince Garong nodded silently and began to lead the way forward again. After a few minutes of riding, the smell of the fires became evident. Distant voices drifted upon the winds, and the top of a large wooden tower appeared through the trees. Moments later the forest ended, and the elven prince gazed over an open area before the river that was studded with sharpened sticks set into the ground to prevent approaching riders. A narrow trail wound through the sharpened sticks to a wooden bridge spanning the river.
"They take their security seriously," Prince Garong nodded approvingly. "Riders would be easy prey for village bowmen as they raced towards the bridge. Are we sure these people are friendly?"
"We shall see," declared Tanya as she raised the banner of Alcea and rode past the elven prince.
Show your horn, Frea. This is not a village that we need to sneak into. Let the villagers know who we are.
With pleasure, Frea snorted as her horn appeared.
Gasps and cries of wonder spread forth from the village across the river. A dozen youn
g boys and a dozen young girls moved swiftly onto the long bridge and formed two long lines for the visitors to pass through. Tanya smiled as she remembered the story of King Eugene's welcome to Lavinda. Frea halted before the bridge, and Tanya held the banner of Alcea high as the rest of the Knights of Alcea filed out of the forest. King Arik moved to the front of the line and stopped alongside Tanya.
"We shall cross together," King Arik smiled at Tanya. "Call it a practice run for when you are queen."
Tanya smiled in return and nodded. As soon as the king's unicorn stepped onto the bridge, the honor guard saluted. Each of the young villagers bowed as the king passed by. At the far end of the bridge stood Laman, the village leader. The citizens of Lavinda crowded around to hear the welcome.
"Lavinda welcomes King Arik of Alcea," Laman smiled. "Our home is your home. I hope our honor guard is satisfactory for your highness?"
King Arik also knew the story of King Eugene's visit and the scorn some of his officers had shown for the youth of the honor guard. He was prepared for such a test.
"Your village honors me with your preparations," smiled the king. "We could have used such warriors in the battle of Tagaret not long ago. You are wise to ensure that your people are well prepared to defend your homeland. Thank you for your welcome."
Laman's eyebrows rose in surprise at the king's reply, but he smiled and waved entrance to the village as the people cheered. King Arik and Tanya dismounted as people gathered around to stare at the unicorns as well as the royal visitors. The King and Tanya turned to watch the rest of the Knights of Alcea file across the bridge.
When Alex and Jenneva started across the bridge on their unicorns, the villagers went wild. Shouts and cheers rang through the valley. People banged loudly on tables and stamped their feet as they started to chant Alex's name. Alex blushed brightly and tried to dismiss the chants with a wave of his hand, but the villagers did not stop until he had crossed the bridge. The cheering was so loud that Laman's voice could not be heard when he welcomed Alex home. Alex and Jenneva dismounted alongside the king and Tanya and let the unicorns run free.