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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 4

by LJ Andrews

  Suddenly, shuffling feet flew past his head and lifted the shears from the ground. He watched in disbelief as Mercedes gouged the thick shears deep into the back of the freakish animal's neck. The creature released his leg, whining like a small dog and abandoned its prey. Behind him, Killian saw the four other beasts attack the animal that had just released him—he watched them tear long gashes into its already scabbed head as if it was some twisted punishment for failing to capture the prey. Mercedes bent down to Killian's side and wrapped his arm around her own shoulders helping him up off the ground. The two once again began their desperate escape.

  “You should just leave me and get out of here,” he gasped. Mercedes ignored him and slowly dragged him along.

  Despite the circumstances, he couldn't help the annoying stomach twinge that filled his abdomen. He returned his focus to the distant sound of pounding feet on the ground and snapping fangs behind him.

  Stumbling into a tangle of trees they stumbled desperately through the woods nearby the college, Killian's injured leg dragging useless to his side. Killian looked behind him and saw the two creatures were closing the gap between him and Mercedes with every bounding stride. He heard a loud shriek come from Mercedes and soon felt himself falling. They slid down the hard ground, twigs scratching their skin, and rocks bruised their bodies until they landed with a loud crunch against the ravine floor.

  Gathering his wits, Killian quickly lifted his battered body, scanning his eyes up the hill to find the animals. His injured leg was throbbing after it had taken another beating falling down the ravine. He spotted the wretched pack off to his side, circling the drop off, trying to find a way down. While two of the disgusting beasts pawed the ground above them, finding their sure footing, he looked down and saw Mercedes on the ground. She had landed farther in front of him and was now crying out in pain. He saw her bare arm twisted and mangled in the sharp spikes of a barbed-wire fence that blocked off the edge of another steep drop.

  Immediately Killian scooted his body toward her and gently, but hastily tried to help pry her torn skin from the fence. She sucked in a breath as he untangled the wire from around her bare skin, some of the barbs pulled and tugged as they fought against her tissues. Finally, Killian removed the final rusted, barb. The two struggled, and grappled trying to help one another stand straight again. Killian leaned against Mercedes' good arm for support. He tore off the awful jacket he wore, and crudely wrapped it around her bleeding arm. She looked into his eyes and placed her uninjured hand gratefully on his arm. His palm covered hers, and he followed her eyes to the top of the ravine landing on the hideous creatures. Mercedes' breathing grew more rapid as shock overwhelmed her.

  "What...what...are those...things," she gasped. "What are...we going We're trap...trapped down here!" Tears fell from her eyes, exaggerating their stunning color, as she clutched her injured arm close to her body. Above them, the more daring of the two pacing creatures slowly moved itself off the ledge, digging its enormous claws into the side of hill. Its fangs dripped with saliva as it anticipated its kill. Killian took a deep breath, then wrapped Mercedes in his arms.

  "Hey, it's okay. We're going to be okay," he lied. Mercedes sobbed against his chest. His mind was muddled and focused on the strange beasts coming over the ledge. "Just think of the one place you would go if you could, picture yourself there."

  His voice cracked, as he heard the heavy breathing of the animal getting closer. Mercedes’ breath trembled against him, but she was no longer crying. She tensed her body and pulled him closer against her.

  "Mercedes just close your eyes and picture that for me okay. It's going to be okay." Emotion took over, he closed his eyes bracing himself for the pain of the massive paw pummeling his head, or maybe the creature would just use its awful fangs and tear right into him. He bent his head against Mercedes and squeezed her tighter.

  The low growl of the animal came close to his neck, the foul breath hit his skin. Killian tensed his body as he prepared for the fatal attack. His eyes burst open when he heard the loud howling of an injured animal followed by a sick thud next to him.

  A small silver arrow was lodged inside the ear of the animal; it thrashed and howled in pain before heaving a final breath. The lifeless creature lay bleeding at his feet. The cry came again, Killian raised his head and watched the second animal that had stayed on the ledge of the ditch roll down the hill—a similar arrow jutting out from the top of its hairless scabbed skull. Mercedes lifted her head, her eyes falling on the beast at their feet, then creeping their way over to the one that had fallen to its death a moment ago.

  "KILLIAN!" A familiar voice shouted above them. Killian looked up the ravine, he saw a man dressed in gray pants with a black shirt covered by a thin gray jacket. Killian could make out a thick leather strap crossing over his body holding what looked like a variety of weapons. The man quickly returned the small crossbow to the empty place on a strap behind his neck. Killian squinted, not believing what he was seeing he sputtered the name out in a shocked whisper.

  "Blake?" he gasped.

  Chapter 3

  The Ponderi

  Blake stood at the top of the hill, unraveling a spool of thin wire. Thrusting a three-pronged hook deep into the ground, he heaved the wire over the side of the hill, making sure it landed just above Killian's head. Killian eyed the thin piece of metal that was connected to the wire, it formed a makeshift seat that he wagered he would be asked to sit on

  Killian turned around his body trembling. “That’s Blake,” he said more to himself than Mercedes. “He has a crossbow. Why does he have a cross bow?” Shaking the questions from his mind he acted. Killian urged Mercedes to position herself on the metal seat through panicked protests.

  "No, no you have to stay with me, I can't go up that hill—what if they are up there?" Mercedes ranted hysterically, grappling for Killian's hand. He sensed her body was going into a state of shock.

  "Mercedes, I'm going to be right behind you okay. I promise. You have to hang on tight with your good arm, I know that guy up there, trust him," he tried to softly reassure her. Her emerald eyes glistened with tears, but she nodded her head. She clambered onto the thin metal rod attached to the wire, never breaking eye contact with him. The rope ascended slow and, oddly smooth up the ravine, carrying Mercedes to the top where Killian saw Blake help her over the ledge.

  "Blake! There's no way you can lift me out. My leg is torn up, I can't use it to help climb up. You have to go and get help!" Killian shouted up the side of the ravine as the wire rope came back down. Blake was not a large guy, and Killian knew there was no way he could get him to the top alone.

  "Don't worry about it Killian! Now get on as best you can and hang on tight!" Blake shouted back to him. Hesitating for a moment, Killian finally maneuvered himself onto the uncomfortable rod. He clutched the wire rope with all his strength, while his leg throbbed as it hung lifeless beneath him. He clenched his eyes shut anticipating the moment when Blake could no longer hold onto him and he plummeted back down the ravine.

  Killian was surprised at how quickly he found himself at the top of the ravine after a jerky ride from the wire rope. Blake was bending over the edge of the ravine holding his hand out. Grasping it tight, he pulled Killian safely onto the forest floor. The remaining creatures that had pursued them lay bleeding from their bald heads, dead.

  Killian's mouth hung open in disbelief as he glanced down at the wire rope. Blake had not pulled it at all, a soft motor hummed as it reeled in the remaining wire. The motor was so small, buried within the three-pronged hook, Killian would hardly know it was there had it not been for the noise. Killian turned to look at Blake, opening his mouth to inquire about the situation, but Blake put a hand up to silence him.

  "There isn't any time to explain," he said. "I need you to trust me Killian. You need to come with me now. These animals attacked for a reason and there could be more coming." Glancing over at Mercedes, Blake went on, "she needs to come too—
the shock of the attack will be too much for her. We can get her into the clinic to help her process all this."

  "Clinic? What is happening..." His voice drifted away. Blake had already moved toward a large tree growing near the steep cliff. Opening a small device, he pressed a button; the device emitted small barbs similar to the fence that had maimed Mercedes. Amazingly the device unfolded into a small square with a translucent screen. As Blake secured the barbs into the trunk of the tree, a number pad powered up on the screen—almost as if the tree was its energy source.

  As Blake typed in a numerical code, Killian made his way over to Mercedes, who was sitting on a jagged rock holding her arm. He wrapped an arm around her and she instantly hid her face against his chest and let out the emotion she’d kept bottled inside.

  "It's okay...hey look—" Killian started, but was interrupted by Blake calling to them.

  "Get ready Killian, get the girl...tell her to get it together... this will only stay open for ten seconds!" As he finished shouting at them the core of the tree turned brilliantly red, a slight windy force emanated from the ruby-colored trunk. The color slowly changed to a fiery orange, with an ever-increasing force pulling them toward the tree as the power magnified. Suddenly the trunk of the tree burst open in furious power, knocking Killian and Mercedes from the jagged boulder. Killian felt the pull of the powerful force tugging him toward the trunk of the tree.

  The tree pulsed in an electrifying white color. They both looked up from the ground, dumbfounded, at the gaping opening in the center of the tree. The tree itself seemed untouched. It didn't sway, the leaves didn't even rustle from the powerful wind that came from its core. It seemed as if only the three of them were in on the secret of the unknown portal that lit up their small area of the forest.

  "COME ON! WE HAVE ONE SHOT! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Blake shouted back to them against the noise of the windy portal. Killian reacted, wrapping his arm around Mercedes' shoulder once again. The two of them limped and staggered as quickly as they could, taking the leap of faith into the mysterious hole that challenged any law of physics he had ever understood.

  Instantly, as they passed through the opening, the air around them felt thick and humid. Killian could feel Mercedes' body move closer into his as the matter around them seemed to threaten their air supply. The unpleasant feeling was coming to a point that was hard to bear. Coming from behind them they heard the powerful force of the portal suctioning them back toward the opening.

  Suddenly the world around them fell silent. The powerful suction ceased and calm surrounded them. Killian and Mercedes seemed to stay airborne for a small moment before falling; their feet crunching onto a steel walkway. Killian groaned as his leg seared in pain. Mercedes cried out when the shining steel splattered with her blood from landing on her injured arm. The fall was only two feet at most, but Killian had been sure he was plummeting to his death. Releasing his breath, he’d held in the entire time through the portal, and the smell of damp, fresh air filled his lungs.

  The sky was different. It was full of brilliant blues, dazzling reds, and radiant greens. All the colors swirled together against a back drop of an ebony universe littered with stars. In the center of the magnificent sky was a glowing orb. It shone brightly and warmed their faces. The same hues of the sky swirled in beautiful patterns in the large, gaseous sun emitting a soft lavender hue. All around them were plants and bright foliage. The flowers that stood out amongst the green plants were tall and brilliant with rainbow patterns along their petals. The plants didn't seem to fit any botanical design he had ever imagined; they seemed to be a cross between tropical and woodland shrubs.

  The colorful sky reflected off an enormous building directly in front of them. Killian marveled at the unbelievable structure towering in the center of the magnificent garden. It was one of the strangest buildings he’d ever seen, made of glass and beautiful smooth steel. Huge beams jutted out at unique angles with enormous glass windows randomly scattered between the steel. The building reminded Killian of a block game he had played as a child with the objective to leave the tower standing as long as possible while removing blocks and re-stacking them on top. The large windows created translucent openings between the steel beams causing some concern inside whether the building would topple as the blocks had.

  Blake had landed softly behind them, a content smile painted on his face. "You guys okay? It's pretty intense the first time through." Blake smiled, ignoring the contemptuous glares from the other two. "Come on inside. You both should get to the clinic. I'll make sure you get there. We can take care of those nasty cuts for you." He stated the words simply.

  "We...who is we, Blake?" asked Killian fiercely, as he pushed himself off the ground with difficulty.

  Stopping, Blake slowly turned and looked Killian in the eye. "Killian, I know you have no idea what is happening right now, but I really need you to trust me. Everything is going to be explained to you." He smiled and punched his arm like he used to. "Have I ever given you cause to mistrust me?"

  Killian just stared back at him. “What about your grandparents, do they know about any of this?”

  Blake gave him a sympathetic look. “Kill, I’ll tell you about them later, I promise.” He then turned around and opened a numbered key pad that was next to a set of giant wooden doors with steel bars covering them. After the code had been entered the huge steel hinges groaned as the doors swung open letting them enter.

  "There better be some explaining," Mercedes' shaky voice broke with frustrated emotion. "You expect us just to follow you when we...we just...jumped through a tree!" Killian glanced over at her, the pitch of her voice increased as well as the color of her cheeks.

  Blake turned around again, a flash of annoyance was present in his eyes. "I promise, before you know it you'll be home and comfortable; this will all be a bad memory." He turned briskly, leading them into the odd building, silencing further protests.

  The room inside the door resembled a typical office entryway, with potted plants and a desk in the center of the room. A woman sat behind the desk. Killian stared at her; she was not the typical secretary he was used to seeing. Her hair was fire red, with the tips burning in bright orange. Her hair hung over her shoulders, blending in with the brilliant orange and fitted blue dress that revealed much of her legs. Her tan skin was covered in intricate, orange tattoos of fire. Both eyebrows had piercings that were connected by a gold chain, the glass charm from the chain dangled so it set in the center of her forehead. Her red lips curled into a big smile when she saw Blake.

  "Blake! Oh my, I wondered when I would ever see you again," She said in an airy voice and a slight hint of an accent Killian couldn't place. The woman gave a gentle kiss on Blake's sweat covered forehead. The sweet sign of affection was strange to see between Blake, who typically viewed women as a prize.

  "Fia my love! It has been so long since I've seen your beautiful face," Blake teased, stroking a strand of her bright hair. Killian almost smiled, that was the Blake he knew. Even in this strange place Blake still was a relentless flirt. The woman slapped him playfully, releasing all the sweet, soft affection she'd given earlier. "Fia, these friends of mine need to be taken to the clinic, would you mind calling Connor or Shannon to come and get them?" He pointed at Killian and Mercedes before bending in and nibbling her ear.

  Giving a squeal of delight, Fia pushed Blake away from her. Turning her attention to Killian, her eyes widened. Killian couldn't help but stare into them. Her brown eyes were beautiful yes, but he could have sworn there was a faint flicker of flames moving behind her pupils.

  "Blake...oh my I can't believe he's here." Her eyes looked worried as she kept staring at Killian, speaking as if he wasn't there. "Times can't be good if he has come home."

  Blake shook his head when her gaze shifted back to him. She picked up a phone on the desk, typing in an extension, she asked for someone named Shannon. Killian raised his eyebrows. Home? What was this woman talking about?

file two, eight, zero, eight. Yes...yes Shannon he's here. He was brought in with a young woman. They will both need some medical attention." That was all she said before she hung up the phone. Killian felt overwhelmed, this strange, eccentric woman seemed to know him. He was unnerved that she implied she knew something dangerous was happening that involved him, something he didn't know.

  Fia walked toward Killian, staring at him with her glowing fire eyes; the flames grew brighter as she stared deep into his blue eyes. Biting her lip, she took his free hand that wasn't around Mercedes' shoulders, and clasped it in her ring covered fingers, holding it close against her chest. Killian could hear Mercedes clear her throat loudly from the side of him. Fia ignored her, squeezing his hand tighter against her tan skin.

  "You are what we have been waiting for. We're so thankful you've come to help us with the search." She leaned in and kissed his cheek with the same softness she'd bestowed to Blake. Holding his face between her hands, she looked like she was about to kiss his lips when Blake interrupted.

  "Okay Fia, take it easy. Killian's been through a rough day. Why don't we let him unwind a bit?" Blake winked at Killian, as he grabbed Fia's hand and played with her hair again. Losing the intensity, she’d had moments before, she began teasing and flirting with Blake.

  Taking a deep breath, Killian glanced at Mercedes, whose eyes looked directly into his. She was looking at him with suspicious eyes.

  "What is this?" she whispered sounding flustered.


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